I do not own Harry Potter. I do not own The Lord of the Rings.

Elenion really liked his twin swords. His daggers were amazing, but his swords gave him a better reach. As he had done with his arrows, each of the blades had one curse on it, and he watched as he made his own way through the unprepared forces of Mordor that thought the ships of the Corsairs would save them. How foolish.

He dodged several attacks, mostly from that weird blade all orcs seemed to carry, but also a couple of arrows. Legolas single-handedly got rid of the men on an Oliphaunt, and then of the Oliphaunt itself. He saw the disaster that was the battlefield, men and orcs alike fallen, but he also saw they were winning before they had arrived with the dead. That would explain why there had been an orc protesting about the Corsairs' delay.

Legolas and Gimli were having a competition in the middle of it all, of who would kill more enemies. Though Legolas had a bit of an advantage, being so quick with his arrows.

There was a pulse of dark magic, and Elenion turned to see Éowyn with bodies around her, and the Witch King of Angmar disintegrating with what Elenion assumed was Éowyn's sword on where his face would be. Glorfindel had mentioned something about the Wraith not dying by the hand of a man. Elenion had to give it to Éowyn: she was both amazingly reckless and incredibly strong. At least she would get out alive. Sure, he had been jealous, but he didn't want her dead.

He was taken out of his musings as a silvery eagle flew to him.

"Faramir's health is declining quickly. I need your help" Gandalf's voice came from the eagle. Elenion had been glad that he had been able to teach that to the Maia, because most of his magic did not seem to work completely as his whenever he tried teaching him something. But Gandalf did not like the idea of the parchment, and this was the next best thing.

Elenion pictured Faramir, and popped out of the fields.

"Tell me"

"His fever is not breaking, and I think there is poison in his blood" Gandalf said quickly.

"You will save him, right?" Pippin looked at him, hopeful.

"I will try my best, Pippin. Now, I need both of you to stand back" he did not have time, or the patience, really, to do it without letting his magic loose. He ignored the gasps coming from a few guards and Pippin, and Gandalf did take a deep breath. Closing his eyes, he guided his magic into Faramir's body, just as he had done with Théodred. Finding the poison wasn't hard, but this was slightly different than before, and it had extended to more parts of his body. Fighting poisoned hardly helped, and he guessed Faramir would not have stopped.

Carefully, his magic started making little capsules at every piece of poison he could find. Unfortunately, that also meant quite a bit of blood was there, infected. He was able to take bit by bit out of the wound where the poison had entered, and he watched the orb full of a pitch black substance, just this was more liquid than the one Théodred had had.

He guided it to a bowl lying by, and he noticed Faramir was still pale, and he transformed his bracelet back into his trunk, and summoned a small vial with a deep red potion. He smelled it for confirmation, and made Faramir drink it. The effect was almost instant. Color started returning to Faramir's face, his breath evened, and it was fine for Elenion to guide his magic into stitching his wounds back together, after checking there wasn't any leftovers of poison or a piece of arrow.

He pulled his magic back into himself, and he gave a shudder at the feeling. Since his arrival to Middle Earth, he barely used his magic, even if he sometimes trained with it. He had used more magic in the past nearly five months than in his more than thousand years here. Part of it had been Elrond's insistence at first, to not draw any unwanted attention to Elenion. After Elenion grew up, he had felt the darkness, the orcs, and he had understood that if his magic became common knowledge it could be a beacon for danger. Knowing Sauron and his quest for power, and the fact that he was not really gone, he would have seized him at the first chance. An elf, with magic that could be easily used in combat? Elenion didn't fancy becoming the new Witch-King of Angmar, thank you very much.

However, his magic was still something so tied to his very being, and it was almost like a part of his soul. Losing it would probably mean his end at this point.

Lucky him, the risk of that happening had lessened now that Sauron was about to be defeated. Frodo had yet to destroy the ring, after all.

"He has passed my sight" Gandalf sighed. They were all bathed, clean, and with new clothes. Gimli was sitting on the steward's seat, and Boromir was sitting between Faramir and Legolas, while Elenion was walking around the room watching the statues that depicted some of Aragorn's ancestors. He could see handsomeness ran in the family.

"How could we give him a fighting chance? He has yet to cross the fields full of orcs to reach Mount Doom" Boromir frowned. Aragorn blinked.

"We draw them out. As a distraction"

"As bait, you mean" Elenion looked at Aragorn, an eyebrow cocked. Éomer frowned, and he did murmur something about not being able to beat Sauron's armies. They were still more numerous than theirs at the moment.

"It is the only thing we can do. At least we did not lose as many men as we had feared we would. Perhaps… yes, just to keep Sauron's eyes upon us, and let him be blind to all else that moves, even in his own lands" Elenion cocked his head to the side as he heard Aragorn continue his idea.

"Give him safe passage" he summarized, and then frowned a bit, "Faramir can't go" he added, and the younger son of Denethor opened his mouth to protest, "You are barely healing now, and we do need a steward should we die, Faramir"

"As it is, you cannot go either, Elenion" Aragorn added, and Elenion glared hard, "You are to be my husband, and if I die, you will rule in my stead"

"Are you insane?"

"Elenion, please, be reasonable. You are the only one everyone else will follow when Aragorn is not here. You think we came up here without announcing you are his future consort?" Legolas said.

"If any of your beads turn cold, I'll kill you. And I am the Master of Death, so I can torture you in your afterlife" Elenion growled, and left the throne room with a frustrated huff. Part of him understood, but he also hated being left behind for this. He stayed cooped up in one of the balconies, staring at the fire behind those black mountains, and it was only hours later that Faramir joined him.

"I hate it as much as you do, Elenion, but you will be our king-consort" Faramir said, "Did Gandalf tell you how I came to be so sick?"

"No" Elenion looked at him, confused, "What happened? You wrote, and it was… when you did not write again…"

"I came back poisoned and wounded, with a fever. My father thought me dead. Pippin tried to stop him from burning both of us alive, and Gandalf did stop him, but he did catch fire, and burned as he fell from the courtyard" Faramir said, "I… he was my father, and perhaps he loved me in a way, and I loved him, in another way… but I still feel like something had been taken off of my shoulders. Is that wrong?"

"Considering how he treated you? No. He left much to be desired in the father department, Faramir, and even if Boromir was his obvious favorite, he still inflicted too many burdens on him. It is quite telling, how bad it was, that Boromir has been relaxed and flourishing while fighting a war, only because he was away from Denethor. Aragorn, when I told him… he was furious that a father would dare to do something like that. He was insane, but it was because of his own poor choices regarding the usage of the Palantír. You suffered his idiocy and its consequences" Elenion sighed, "So… I saw you and Éowyn making a bit of loving eyes to each other"

"She is so beautiful, and so strong. She did kill the Witch-King" Faramir blushed.

"I just wish more men were like you, Aragorn, and Boromir. Like, you like someone that is beautiful, but somehow you sound so reverent when talking of the strength and the fierceness of your chosen partners… I mean, Aragorn has never fully told me anything, but do you have any idea of how much Elladan and Elrohir teased me about how much Estel did talk to them about me?"

Faramir laughed, "I can picture that, even if I have yet to meet your brothers. I heard your sister, Arwen, and her husband… Rúmil, right? Haldir's brother? Left for the Undying Lands"

"Yes. They are happy together, and I hope they one day have elflings of their own"

"What about Haldir and your brothers? Will they stay?"

"Perhaps for a bit longer, but I do think they will eventually sail as well" he watched as Faramir opened his mouth, and then closed it, "Just ask, Faramir"

"You will die? And Legolas?"

"I chose a mortal life when I chose Aragorn, Faramir. I will die with him. Unless my Master of Death title grants me immortality and then gives it to him. I just know I do not wish to part from him, even in death. Legolas has not made the choice yet, but… it is just a matter of time, based on what I have seen. Are you… okay, with that thought?"

"You barely need my permission to marry. I can just say that all of you chose well when you chose each other"

"The same I can say of you and Éowyn. I like her better when she does not flirt with Aragorn, after all" Elenion chuckled, and Faramir snorted at that. Boromir had told him how badly Elenion had taken that little development, though the part about the doubt wasn't a happy thought.

Elenion kept both Faramir and himself busy by starting to rebuild the city. Some people bowed to him or were in awe, and he was really not used to that, but Faramir had told him he had to grow accustomed to that. He helped with his magic, and it looked like nothing had happened. Faramir and he had done a little trip to Osgiliath, with a guard and several merchants that were willing to go to the now unoccupied fortress to gather the fallen bodies of their men into carts to take them back so their families could bury them properly, and mourn them. The first two trips were just Elenion and Faramir, because Elenion used his magic to match the heads to the proper bodies. It was a bit morbid to watch, but that would help their families better, instead of having to wonder if the body was actually their dead son or husband.

Many people had sobbed out a thank you, and others were close to tears when their soldiers were returned. However, they also found some orphans that way. Their mothers were gone, and now their fathers were too, and Elenion remembered his own life as an orphan.

"Faramir, do you have any place here that takes in orphans? Or do you send them to their living relatives?"

"If the relatives are willing to take them in, they do. Some don't have, or their relatives are unable to care for them, so we search for families that want children and cannot have their own. We do not have a place to care for them while they are settled" Faramir explained, and Elenion nodded. A lot of the children seemed dirty, and lost, and the amount of orphans was… nothing like they were used to, apparently. War did that, however. The elf asked some workers to fix a wing in the visitor's halls, and Elenion started taking care of the kids as best as he could. Faramir and Éowyn had gladly helped him, and there were some ladies that had lost their children coming in to offer their homes to the children.

Faramir was impressed. Elves did not really have any idea, usually, on how to act with orphans, as far as he knew. Elenion and Haldir had both told he and Boromir that any child was precious to them, which meant that if an elfling was unfortunate to lose both parents, all elves volunteered to take them in, not only their direct family. No one hesitated to take a child in and treat them as their own. But he also knew Elenion was more of an exception in a lot of ways. He held the same regard for children as any other elf, but it was not only due to his race, but due to his past life.

Regardless, he was impressed with how much like a king-consort he already acted. Elenion kept saying Aragorn was a born king, a natural leader, but he had never said anything like that of himself, and yet… he was the same.