i've edited this chapter. so, spelling and grammar as well as cut off sentences should be fixed. if you spot anything, please let me know. also, there's a bit of a bonus scene that wasn't originally there. my gift to y'all for giving you an unedited chapter lol. remember, there are mentions of both emotional and physical abuse in this story, so if that's a touche topic for you, please proceed with caution. anyways, enjoy my loves!

Why Did I Get Married?

By: Xhibit B

Chapter One

.i do not own yu-gi-oh!.

Her eyes shinned brightly as the car pulled to a stop in front of the large, twelve-bedroom cabin herself, her husband and their friends had rented for the week. Blue eyes then turned to her husband who cut the ignition of the car, sitting back in the leather seat. Her left hand reached for his right, the pad of her thumb rubbing over the skin of his hand. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"It's beautiful, but it's also freezing out here," her husband responded as he un-clipped his seat-belt. He grinned at her when she slapped his shoulder with the back of her hand. "I'm sure they've got an exceptional heating system inside, Mana. You know I'm a summer child, I can't stand the cold. Next time, we're going somewhere tropical… like Jamaica. That's a lovely, warm place. Especially this time of year."

"Let's just go inside, Atem," Mana said rolling her eyes before smirking at the man as she opened the door to the black Range Rover Sport her husband drove. "Since we're here first, we get first pick of the rooms, which means we can get the best one. I'll go inside and start looking around while you get the bags. I'm so excited for this vacation, I definitely needed it. Especially with work and everything."

"Of course, of course," Atem said as he followed his wife out of the SUV. He shook his head as he watched her head inside, using the key they'd picked up from the rental office before going to get their bags. "Hopefully, this week isn't drama filled like the last time. The last thing I need in more issues."

"You know, if you keep talking to yourself like that, someone's going to think that you're crazy someday," he heard a male voice say. "Someone that doesn't know you, at least."

Atem's head popped up, bumping against the hatch of his SUV as he turned to look at his brother who had just arrived as he laughed. If it hadn't been for the three-year age difference, one would have thought Atem and his brother to be twins. They looked exactly alike and sounded very much like one another. So much so, that if either had picked up the other's phone, no one would realize who they were speaking with until they told them. He could remember in their college days when they would switch places with one another to confuse people. It had brought the Sennen brothers much amusement. "Yami, I didn't know you were actually coming this year. How was the trip?"

"That seven-hour drive seems even longer when you're on your own," the other man, Yami, answered with a laugh as he reached to grab one of the bags from the trunk of his brother's vehicle in his free hand. "Has anyone else made it here yet? Or is it just me, you and Mana for now?"

"For now, it's just the three of us," Atem answered, grasping the last bag before closing the hatch. "Everyone else should be showing up within the next few hours, though."

"Who all is supposed to be coming," Yami asked as the two brothers carefully made their way up the steps that led to the entrance of the house. "Besides us, of course."

"Joey, Seto, Ishizu, Mahad, Ryo, Bakura, Marik, Malik, Honda, Anzu, Ryuji, Mai, Yūgi and Tomi from what I know," Atem answered as he opened the door and they slipped inside. The elder Sennen didn't miss the way Yami's eyes lit up at the mention of Yūgi's name. He'd always had the biggest crush on that woman since they were in college and it seemed that nothing had changed, even though he'd claimed to be over her many times before. Atem sighed when he felt the warm air filtering through the house. Mana must have come inside and turned it on while he was grabbing the bags. "We're going to have a full house. I just hope no drama pops off while we're here this week. I don't want a repeat of last year."

"Well, I am now happily divorced, thanks to Ishizu. I thought it was going to be a lot more difficult to separate myself from her, but we don't have to worry about Nami starting anything this year," Yami hummed, shivering at the thought of the previous year. "Last year was a complete disaster, I still owe everyone an apology for ruining their vacation with my family drama."

Out of nowhere, his ex-wife, Nami, had decided to drop the bomb on him that she had been cheating on him for the past year and a half with her co-worker. It had been the end of the trip, the very last day when they told their "Why did I get married" stories. And as he was getting ready to tell her why he'd married her, she blurted out that she'd been cheating on him for quite some time. Mana, Joey and Mai had been ready to kick her ass the second she said it. And would have if it hadn't been for their husbands catching them, especially Seto with Joey. They would have pummeled her if they'd gotten their hands on the woman. Ishizu, thankfully, had kept her composure and assured him that she would handle his divorce personally. And when she did, she got Nami for everything she owned and secured sole custody of their daughter, Hikari for Yami. Ryo had also offered her services for psychological counseling after the fact. She had known that he and Hikari would need it, given everything they went through.

"Thank the Gods. However, none of that was your fault, and none of us blamed you for it. We blamed Nami. She ruined our vacation, not you," Atem assured his brother before placing the bags he held down and cupping his hands around his mouth to yell, "Mana, where are you?"

"Right here," Mana said as she crept down the stairs. Her lips parted in a wide grin when she saw her brother-in-law standing there. Opening her arms, she hugged him tightly. "I didn't know that you were going to be coming this year. You didn't RSVP when we sent the invitation."

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Yami answered, offering a one-armed hug. "Good thing you guys rented a house big enough to fit everyone. And I really needed this break. Kar is staying with Mom and Dad for the week to give me some peace of mind." He passed Atem the bag that belonged to himself and his wife before turning to head up the stairs. "I'm going to go find a room and take a nap for a bit. That drive took a lot out of me. Wake me up when everyone else gets here."

"Of course, little brother," Atem said, taking his bag from his brother before the younger man began to make his way up the stairs. When he was sure Yami was out of earshot, he turned to his wife. "It's a blessing he's no longer tied to that woman. You know how much I didn't like her. And Yami seems to be doing a lot better since the divorce. I'll have to thank Ishizu for getting him out of such a messy situation when she gets here."

"Yes, I know how much you didn't like her," Mana assured her husband. "No one liked her, to be completely honest. But, just like I was worried about Yami and Nami last year, I'm worried about Yūgi and Tomi this year. They've been having a lot of issues lately. Do you know Yūgi's gained over 80 pounds from how depressed she's been with him?"

"What," Atem asked, baffled. "She didn't even gain that much when she was pregnant with the twins. And she lost that weight easily. What the hell's going on with them?"

"They weren't meant to be together, that's what's wrong," Mana answered, wiping away dust she noticed on the back of the couch. "He's been talking down on her lately, making her overly depressed to the point where all she does is eat. The twins told me about the fights they get into every day when Tomi even bothers to come home. Not to mention he's taken to trying to abuse the twins, but Yūgi usually steps in and takes the hits for them. There's been several times we've all gotten together for lunch and she's come in with sunglasses on and refused to take them off because she's been hit in her eye. I don't like it Atem. Do you think you can try to talk to him?"

"I can try," Atem assured her. While he wasn't exactly close to Tomi, they were still somewhat friends. And Atem loved Yūgi like a little sister. And hearing about the abuse her husband was dealing her and trying to inflict on their children, pissed him off more than he could express. "I can't make any guarantees that he'll actually listen to me, however. But if I even think he's about to try and put his hands on her, he's going to have to deal with me." He glanced up the stairs where his brother had disappeared to a little while ago. "Not to mention the way Yami's going to react when he finds out. And we all know how Yami gets when it comes to her."

"Just try, that's all I ask," Mana pleaded.

"Of course," Atem said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Now, how about we find the wine and have a drink or two while we wait for everyone else to arrive?"

"You are definitely starting to sound like the old man that you're turning into," Mana laughed as her husband led her into the kitchen.

"If I'm turning into an old man, you're turning into an old woman, dear wife," Atem teased, glancing lovingly down at his wife of seventeen years. "You are but a year younger than I am. Need I remind you of that little fact?"

"At least I don't act like I'm fifty," Mana teased in return, earning a baffled sputter from the tri-colour haired man before bursting into a full-on fit of laughter.

Several Hours Later

Mahad sighed as he stepped out of the cab, brushing shoulder length strands of brown hair out of his face. His wife, Ishizu, followed shortly after, paying the cab driver as Mahad collected their bags. He thanked them before returning to the car and driving away. Ishizu glanced up at Mahad, a small smile on her lips as she gazed at the beauty of their location. It was cold, which she wasn't too fond of, but beautiful nonetheless. It was just what she needed after all the stress her work had put on her recently.

"It's going to be great having everyone under the same roof again for a week," Ishizu noted as they made their way up the steps. "It's been so long since everyone got together for some good, wholesome fun. And since Yami isn't married to that tramp anymore, there shouldn't be an issue this year."

Mahad couldn't help but chuckle at his wife. Just like himself and every one of their friends, she absolutely despised Yami's ex-wife. The woman had been a snake from the moment they'd met her. And poor Yami had been so hopelessly in love with her he'd been oblivious to how much of a snake she was. And then he'd married her, against everyone's better judgement. Mahad didn't fault the man for it. He was stupid in love. Everyone had been there a time or two in their lives. He certainly had before he'd met Ishizu. He just hated that his brother had been hurt the way that he was by that woman.

"You're still not over it, are you," Mahad asked her, wrapping his free arm around her waist, their bags in the other hand. The look Ishizu blessed him with told him everything before he kissed the crown of her head. "You did your job, Ishizu. You got him out of that messy situation, and she didn't get a dime of his money and you made sure that Hikari grew up in Yami's care. That was the best possible thing you could have done for him and his daughter. Besides, we never have to see that woman again, therefore you don't need to worry. Everything will be fine. So, let's not bring it up just in case he actually shows up for the retreat."

"You're right," Ishizu hummed as they headed up the porch steps to the front door. "Besides, this is a week for us to relax and enjoy one another with no distractions. So, let's make the best of it."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Mahad hummed, reaching forward to ring the doorbell.

They both took several steps back when they heard someone heading rapidly for the door. Every instinct told Mahad it was his younger sister on the way to let them into the cabin. She'd always been just a bit too hyper for her own good her whole life, unable to sit still for more than ten minutes. Turning 40 hadn't changed that in the least.

"Mana," Ishizu asked as the door opened to reveal the brown haired, blue eyed woman who looked like the female version of her brother.

"Definitely Mana," Mahad answered as his sister launched herself at him, gripping his waist in a tight hug.

"You guys finally made it," Mana chirped happily as her brother awkwardly hugged her back. "You're the second to last to arrive. We're still waiting on Yūgi and Tomi to show up."

"Hello Mana," Ishizu greeted with a laugh as her sister-in-law detached herself from her husband before moving to hug her as well. "You're as bubbly as ever."

"She's been that way since we were children," Atem said, suddenly appearing. He pried his wife away, ushering her back into the house before offering a hand with the bags, which Mahad gratefully accepted. "Glad you two made it. You've got your pick of the last five rooms."

"Last five," Mahad asked, irking a brow. There were only going to be eight couples on this trip. There should have been six rooms left if Yūgi and Tomi had yet to arrive. "Don't you mean last six? It's a twelve-bedroom cabin, is it not?"

"It is," Mana laughed, peeking her head out again. "But Yami decided to show up. So, there's only five rooms left to choose from. I suggest you guys get upstairs and choose quickly. Yūgi and Tomi should be getting here any minute. The room with the balcony that overlooks the southern side of the mountain is still open, and you know Yūgi will want that one if she sees it."

"Then I will take the bags upstairs," Mahad said, gesturing for Atem to follow as he took his wife's coat when she offered it to him. "We'll be back momentarily."

"C'mon in the kitchen, Ishizu," Mana said pulling her sister-in-law along. "Us ladies were just getting ready to start dinner while we wait for Yūgi to show up. Plus, there's something that I need to talk to you about. I've had some real concerns about a few of our friends and I need a second opinion about it."

"Concerns about whom," Ishizu asked quietly as they made their way into the kitchen.

"I'll tell you in the kitchen," Mana answered as they walked away.

"Are you ready to see everyone," Yūgi asked, glancing over at her husband who silently stared at his phone in the passenger's seat of the SUV. Her expression went from elated to crestfallen when he didn't bother to glance or even answer her. "Tomi, you're doing it again. I asked you a question and you completely ignored me. I thought we decided to drive up here so that we could spend some time with one another before we were around all our friends?"

"You're starting to irritate me, Yūgi," Tomi said, glaring at her. "You were the one that wanted to come out here, remember? We do this every year, I would have preferred to stay at home. I have too much work to do and I'd rather not be around you all day long. You disgust me."

Yūgi had to keep herself from driving off the road right then. Sure, they'd been having problems lately. And she had gained quite a bit of weight. Not to mention the sudden abuse he'd been dealing her. But she thought that by bringing him here to this retreat would save her marriage. And then he rips her heart out like that. She had to will herself not to cry.

The remainder of the car ride was silent, Yūgi focusing on the road and trying to keep her emotions in check while Tomi continued to gaze at his phone. She hated this and wanted to make it work. But he seemed even more distant than before. And it broke her heart a little more every day.

She sighed when she pulled into the driveway of the cabin home they were renting for the week. Cutting the ignition, Yūgi un-clipped her seat-belt before opening the door. Before she could even step out, Tomi was out of the car, leaving her to take their bags inside. She blew a heavy breath, closing the door behind her before heading to the trunk to open the hatch and take everything out.

Meanwhile, Tomi walked into the house and was greeted by the men that sat in the living room.

"Tomi, you made it," Marik said grinning at the shorter man, only for it to fall a second later. Something was very wrong with this picture. "Uh, Tomi, where are your bags, and your wife?"

"In the car," Tomi answered nonchalantly as he sat down in an open armchair. "Yūgi's bringing everything in. Her chunky ass needs the exercise."

"Yūgi is what?! Have you lost your damn mind," Yami demanded, glaring at the other man as he stood from his seat.

"What, I'm trying to get her to lose weight any way that I can," Tomi said, rolling his eyes at the younger Sennen brother, who made a beeline for the front door. "You know she's gotten fat as hell. Carrying a couple bags won't do much but at least it's something."

"Have you lost your mind," Mahad asked, completely bewildered by Tomi's behaviour.

"Look, Yūgi can handle herself," Tomi pointed out. "I don't need to hold her hand through everything. Carrying a few bags isn't going to kill her. Like I said, she needs to lose some weight. She's gotten fat."

"You're one to talk, have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately," Marik asked, earning a middle finger from Tomi which he all too happily returned.

"You're wrong on so many levels," Bakura said, shaking his head disapprovingly at the other man. "One day, karma is going to bite you right in the ass and you're going to regret the way you've been treating her. That is the mother of your children. She deserves respect."

"Do I look like I care," Tomi asked, earning shocked gasps from everyone.

Atem was quick to stand from his seat and follow his brother after shooting a nasty glare at Tomi. He was glad Mana and the other women weren't in the living room when he'd said what he said. It was sure to be a brawl if they had heard even a fraction of the conversation. And honestly couldn't stomach being in Tomi's presence any longer after what he'd said. Half walking, half running, he quickly caught up with a very pissed off Yami, bumping his fuming brother's shoulder. "Calm down, I know you. You're pissed off about what he said."

"How can I calm down when he disrespected her like that," Yami asked, hard crimson eyes turning to look at his brother. "There was no need for him to be as rude as he was. And it's absolutely unacceptable that he would leave his wife to carry both their bags. The hell kind of man does that?"

"I know, I know. He was wrong, very wrong for everything that came out of his mouth," Atem assured his brother. "But we promised that there would be no drama this week. And I would actually like to enjoy my vacation instead of having it ruined within the first ten hours of us being here because of one idiot."

Yami sighed. His brother was right. Starting drama with the man, no matter how much he wanted to punch his lights out for disrespecting Yūgi like that, wasn't the best course of action. Yami had learned after his relationship with his ex-wife fell through, that karma would always come back and bite the person who had done so much wrong in the ass. Tomi would get what was coming to him. And Yami hoped that he would be there to see it happen.

By the time they reached Yūgi, Yami had calmed down considerably. The anger that had painted his features had dissipated into sympathy. He could tell she was struggling to get the bags out, they were much too heavy for her. She had no business trying to carry them.

"Here, let us help," Yami said, reaching for one of the bags, startling the tri-colour haired woman. He smiled slightly when she jumped and spun around to look at the two brothers, "Sorry, we didn't meant to startle you. We just came to give you a hand since Tomi's hands seem to be broken all of a sudden."

"Why don't you let us carry those bags for you," Atem offered, reaching for the other bag.

"Thank you," Yūgi said smiling as she stepped to the side to allow the Sennen brothers access to the bags. "I was having a really hard time with these bags. Tomi went inside without bothering to help take them out at least. Thank you both for coming out here."

"You're our friend, Yūgi," Atem assured her as he gestured for her to walk ahead of them. "You can always count on us no matter what. Now, it's pretty cold and you know I'm a summer child who can't stand these freezing temperatures. So, let's get inside, where it's warm."

"You're such a wimp," Yami chuckled, shaking his head at his elder brother.

"Same old Atem," Yūgi giggled as they made their way to the front door. "You could never stand the cold."

"And I never will," Atem assured her as they walked up the porch steps to the front door before walking inside.

so, what do y'all think? i'm looking forward to y'all reading the next chapter. updates should come soon-ish, but i can't make any guarantees on how fast it'll be updated since i have other stories that need my attention, too. but anyways, let me know what you think if you want and i'll see you all next time.