12:00 am
Surry, United Kingdom
Earth, Sol System

On a quiet street in Surry. A lone house with a lone room holds an interesting individual. He is thrashing, twisting, and turning presumably from a nightmare. But should one go into his mind you would see something else entirely. That person would see alien species with shapes and size that the mind could barely process. Tall blue skinned beings with advanced armor and weapons. They would see humans with armor and abilities that should be impossible for the human body to perform. Huge metal vessels the size of cities that can travel from one place to the other in less than a second.

However attached to this all was a man with black armor. He was taken as a kid and trust into advanced military training as an experiment for the curiosity of a few scientists. Later this man still a boy would be assigned to an officer that would use him as his own personal assassin. Wiping out dozens if not hundreds of humans simply because they disagreed with the ruling government. Then came the turning point. When it went from humans fighting for petty things to humans fighting for survival from a group of beings that would see them wiped out. This man just reaching adult hood would be assigned to a team of those like himself. Those taken as children to fight a war that was not theirs but in the end a war that would define them.

As one theses instruments of destruction would come together to deal out major damage the enemy but even with their massive skill one by one they would fall. It would start with the wises of them. Then the cleverest. To their leader. To their bravest and most hardheaded. To finally the man himself while saving a vessel full of people and a military asset. He like his fellows wouldn't go down easily. He took on endless hoards of the enemy with no fear until it came down to three enemy commanders together getting the better of him even then he killed one of them before being put down.

This all happen in a matter of seconds. Years of experience, training, skill, and battle hardened reflexes ingrain into this one individual. When it was all over this person sat up turned to their bedside table grabbing their glasses and shaking the sluggishness away. He looked at his banged up alarm clock with cracked glass and saw the time. As he sat there, he contemplated the events that went on in his head and those that have happened in his life currently. And no matter which way you put it he didn't like how either life added up. In his previous life he died before he reached the age of twenty. In this life he was being set up as a martyr. He was not going to let that come to pass. So with that in mind he grabbed a stick and put it in his pocket before looking out the window to watch his minder. Another thing he found strange, before he hadn't noticed them but when he looked back he should have seeing they were taking making a joke about being stealthy. Sure they were using an invisibility cloak but what use was it if that person could hear your foot steps. Anyone who knew even half of what they were doing would figure this out.

He caught a glimpse of a shimmer as the person took the cloak off and handed it to another person. Good, he thought I caught them at change of shift. With that he proceeded to walk out of "his room" and head out the back door out the backyard gate to the side walk. Upon getting their he took the stick he put in his pocket out and stuck it in the air. A moment later a bus appeared out of no where.

"Welcome to the night bus where.. Oh hey Neville where to this evening?" Stan asked while his counter part was thanking his lucky stars he wasn't recognized.

"The Leaky Cauldron if you would Stan." He responded

"Right O' then. The Leaky Cauldron Ern Take her away." Stan told the driver. With that our hero went and took a seat and waited for the bus to get to his destination. When they got their he paid the fee and went inside and out to the back alley. When he was through went to the big marble building known as Gringotts. He then went to approach a teller.

"Excuse me Master Teller would it be possible to speak to my account manager regarding my finances." The teller looked with a look of minute shock before schooling his features and asking.

"For what account sir" To which the man replied.

"The account for house Potter." At this response the teller looked at him and nodded.

"Very well who should I say is wishing to speak to him?"

"That would be Harry James Potter son of James and Lillian Potter." At this the Goblin promptly got up and went to the back offices when he came back he brought back a slightly more regal looking Goblin who spoke to him.

"Mister Potter, my name is Steelclaw and I have been waiting for your visit seeing as we should have met the moment you reentered the magical world." To which Harry responded with.

"Yes, that is unfortunate, but at the time nothing could be done seeing as my life was not in my control. But that has changed starting now." The Goblin smiled a wicked smile and said.

"Quite, well let us adjourn to my office so that we can talk business." At this Harry nodded. They walked deeper into the bank. When they got a door of solid mahogany with the name Potter burned into it they entered the office and sat.

"Well Mister Potter what bring you here today. From what my subordinate told it was about finances but I have a feeling that it is about much more than that." To which Harry responded with.

"Yes one is to get a proper look at my finances as well as to get an inheritance test to see what else I got."

"Well we can get the lineage test done now and after we can go over your accounts with us today is that fine with you?"

"That sounds good to me lets get to it I don't have much time before my minders notice I'm gone." With that Steelclaw pulled out an ornate bowl with a matching knife with runes carved into them and handed the knife to harry and before he could get a word out Harry to the knife and sliced his palm open and held it over the bowl with out even flinching in pain.

"My, my Mister Potter you are just full of surprises aren't you. Never matter lets see your results." At this he took out a sheet of parchment and proceeded to poor some of the blood on to it. When the blood touched the parchment, it started to form into words.

Name: Harry James Potter, Harry - B312, Noble 6, Lone Wolf of Beta Company
Species: Human – Spartan Augmented
Age: Physical – 15, Mental – 19
Houses: Potter (Lord), Pervell (Lord), Black (Heir), Gryffindor (Lord), NOBLE (NO LORDSHIP)
Vaults: 687 (Potter Trust Vault), 044 (Potter Family Vault), 009 (Pervell Vault), 153 (Black Family Vault Parshall Access), 004 (Gryffindor Family Vault), 117 (NOBLE VAULT)
Total Net Worth: 100,000,000 G, 4,207 S, 10,000 K
Services Available: Call To Arms, Black Smithing

Upon looking at the Parchment both Goblin and Human were shocked but both got over it relatively quickly.

"Well as surprising as that was what would you like to do next Lord Potter?"

"Well seeing as I am financially stable I would like my accounts to be locked down and re-keyed and access denied to all unless I give them specific permission with you their in person."

"Under stood I should warn you that the fee for this is quite steep given how many vaults you have. Around 5,000 G if I'm not mistaken."

"Do it I don't care how. And I would like to be take to the Noble and Potter Family Vaults."

"Very well then lets get going time is money after all." With this both Spartan and Goblin walked out of the office and to the mine cart that took them to the vaults. They got in and speed off. When they finally reached their destination Steelclaw spoke.

"I'm not able to follow you into the vaults Lord Potter you are on your own from here." To which Harry nodded and entered the vault. When he got into the vault it was nothing like he expected. Instead of stone and torches it looked like the command deck of a star-ship. With lights flowing like rivers through metal giving off an eerie ambient light. As he approached what looked like equipment case full of armor he heard.

"Its about time you got here. You know its rude to keep a lady waiting right?"

BUM, BUM,BUM and so ends the first chapter. And yes that is right I am not dead I am just getting over a very severe case of writers block. So expect more for the time being. That being said a huge credit and shout out to HOKUTO ULRIK for inspiring this story go check him out if you haven't already. Thanks all, stay safe and healthy in these trying times.

-Marious Pluton