A/N - Yep, it's another new story! Sorry, but this idea just came to me and I couldn't resist writing it! I liked the idea and I think it's fairly original and interesting.

Anywho, as you can see, this is a Naruto x The Future Diary crossover. I'm only including a few characters and mechanics of The Future Diary into this story. These characters are:

Yuno Gasai

Tsubaki Kasugano

Minene Uryu

Deus Ex Machina

Muru Muru

As you can see, there aren't many characters from The Future Diary included in this fic. However, I think those five characters will keep things interesting. All-in-all, I think this will turn out to be a pretty good fic.

Now, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 1 – The Gift of Sight

"Do tell me Muru, how fares the young boy?" A great entity could be heard questioning his small companion. This man, or rather God, was a being known as Deus Ex Machina. He was an enormous being with a head that appeared skeletal in nature, but was in fact his actual head. He wore a rather large cloak that covered his form, leaving barely anything beneath it visible for others to see.

Machina's companion was a short girl by the name of Muru Muru, though it was easier to simply refer to her as Muru or Muru-chan. She has dark skin, long, lavender hair, and bright purple eyes that shone with a strange mixture of innocence and mischief. Currently she was eating from a bowl full of popcorn as she watched a figure on a screen before them. "Wellllll, I'd say he's doing all right. It's his birthday again, so maybe you should bring him here where it's safe? He still seems to think you're his imaginary friend. While cute, it would proooobably be better to set him straight sooner rather than later, Master. After all, it's almost time for you to bestow upon him your gift. Then there's those girls…"

Deus nodded as he watched Naruto try to outrun a mob of what appeared to be normal civilians wielding a vast array of armaments ranging from shovels to pickaxes. "Very well then. I do believe it's time he learns the truth. Not just about the two of us, but about his parents, what the village has been keeping from him, and about the dangers he will soon be faced with. Muru, be a dear and deal with that pesky mob while I bring young Naruto-kun here."

Muru gave a salute and vanished from her spot after setting her popcorn down on the ground. Once she was gone, Deus looked at the bowl of popcorn for a moment as if he were pondering something. After a moment, he grabbed a small handful (for a normal-sized being anyways) and tossed some into his mouth. Chewing and allowing his tongue to taste the delicious treat, his eyes widened slightly before he swallowed and let out a chuckle. "Such a fine snack. I'll have to instruct her to make me a bowl."


An 8 year-old Naruto shivered in fear as he backed up against the wall of the alley he was in. He had attempted to outrun and hide from the mob that had started chasing him, but unfortunately, he had hit a dead end and had no place he could hide. Sadly, this was not unusual, especially on his birthday. Whereas a normal child would have their birthday celebrated, Naruto was beaten and left to die almost every year without fail. Ever since he was kicked out of the orphanage at the age of 4, this had been happening to him constantly, with the worst beatings being on the day of his birth.

Now that he was trapped between the dead-end he found himself in and the mob of what he considered to be terrorists, Naruto collapsed to his knees and hugged himself tight. Closing his eyes, he whimpered out, "Please…don't. Please…"

"You're resorting to begging now, boy? Demons like you don't get to plead for mercy! Get him!" a man wielding a pitchfork shouted as they began to converge on the cowering child. However, before they could take more than a couple of steps towards him, the sound of one of their own screaming could be heard.

Spinning on their heels, the crowd looked at their downed comrade in horror. There was a big hole in his chest where his heart should be. What made them shiver in horror was the fact that, standing atop his dead body was a young girl, or rather what appeared to be a young girl. She had a devilish smirk on her face as she tossed the man's heart up and down in her left hand. "Awww, and here I thought I could play a bit more. Too bad." She said before clenching her fist tight, crushing the heart and letting its blood splatter everywhere. "Now for you jerks."

Unnoticed by the mob, Naruto had vanished shortly after they turned their backs on him. Also unnoticed by anyone was a young girl with pink hair tied up in a ponytail that went down to her rear end with pink eyes, watching everything that went down. Upon seeing the carnage that the young-looking girl was unleashing upon the wretches that dared to hurt her Naru-kun, the girl grinned a malicious grin and decided that she would one day grow strong enough to unleash such horrors upon her, and more importantly Naruto's enemies.

This young girl was named Yuno Gasai, and she was in Naruto's class at the shinobi academy. Every day, she'd watch Naruto in class, during spars, and generally everything he did while in class. Sure, she focused enough on the lessons to understand the material and even got perfect grades, but her main focus was and always will be on her precious Naruto-kun. Her obsession, or rather what she'd call love, had even led her to scaring off young Hinata Hyuga from stalking her future boyfriend.

Why was this young girl so smitten with Naruto Uzumaki? For one thing, he was a social outcast, very much like her. She was always alone and the abuse she had to suffer from her parents was toxic. She was so depressed and wanted nothing more than to just die, but she refused to take her own life. Then, as she observed young Naruto Uzumaki, she realized something: he was just as lonely as she was. They were both sorely misunderstood and, where Yuno was isolated because of how she looked and the depressing aura she gave off, Naruto was treated as if he was the scum of the Earth. However, he still smiled despite everything and chose to act like a happy-go-lucky kid without a care in the world. How she wished she could be so strong!

The more she watched Naruto, the more she began to fall for him. Was it a little young to be so smitten with a person? Perhaps, but she didn't care. Yuno knew what she was feeling was love and she wouldn't let anyone tell her otherwise. She watched as Naruto saved Hinata Hyuga from bullies, despite the fact that, after scaring them off, Hinata's bodyguard, a Branch member of the Hyuga clan began to beat him senseless for daring to spread his taint to the young Hinata-sama. Yuno had so badly wanted to end that man's life, but she knew she lacked the power and the means to do so.

It was shortly after this event that she realized a certain someone, one Hinata Hyuga, began to stalk her beloved as well. Seeing this triggered something within Yuno's mind and she proceeded to traumatize poor Hinata in an effort to make her leave Naruto-kun alone. After said event, Hinata proceeded to avoid both Naruto and Yuno like the plague. Of course, this particular problem caused Naruto to feel more lonely than ever, but Yuno knew that he would one day be happy with her as his bride and they would live happily ever after, away from all the violence aimed towards the two of them. She could just imagine it now: a happy family life with her beloved. They'd have so many kids and they'd raise them to be terrors that would haunt the village of Konoha. Nobody would dare to hurt either of them ever again!

As she watched the petite girl finish slaughtering the last of the mob, a rather aged woman with grey hair and a wrinkled face, Yuno couldn't help but grin to herself. I need that kind of power. I could use it to kill my parents and be free of their abuse. Then I can be with Naru-kun. Oh Naru, nothing will keep us apart.

As Yuno went to turn around and walk off, the girl she had just watched destroy the mob appeared in front of her, floating upside-down and staring into her eyes curiously. "Well hello there. You're that Yuno girl that's always following Naru-Naru around, aren't you? Tell me something: why are you so interested in Naruto Uzumaki?"

Yuno's eyes went wide before she glanced over her shoulder for a moment before looking back into the girl's eyes. "Um, it's because he's like me. We're both lonely and have suffered far too much. I want to be with him forever. His own guardian angel."

"Uh-huh. I see. Well then, I've got a proposition for ya! How's about you come with me to see Mr. Deus and we can go about giving you what you want: the power to protect little Naru-Naru."

Yuno's eyes widened a fraction more before she grinned wickedly and nodded her head eagerly. "That sounds great. First though, I'm hoping you can do something for me. You see…"


Naruto blinked a couple of times as he tried to figure out what had just happened to him. One moment he was about to be lynched by the usual mob, and then the next he was here in the familiar room Deus resided in. Looking up at the giant god, he saw that Deus' eyes were focused on the screen in front of him. So, curious about what he might be watching, Naruto turned his gaze towards the screen as well. As he took in the sight before him, Naruto turned green and looked like he was about ready to vomit the contents of his stomach onto the floor. However, he managed to hold it in and eventually calmed himself down. Looking back up at Deus, he asked, "Deus-sama? What's going on?"

The giant looked down at his companion and smiled kindly at him. "I'm tired of seeing you hurt by these monsters in human skin. So, for the time being, I have brought you to me. I figured it's about time that you receive my gift, as well as some information that has been kept from you. I also wished to inform you that I am not your imaginary friend. I am a being that transcends humankind. I am, in fact, a god and I have taken a particular interest in you, my young friend."

Blinking again, Naruto slowly nodded his head a few times. "Uh-huh. Can't say I was expecting that. Sooo, why get in contact with me at all? Surely I'm not that important."

The god chuckled at that and said, "You're a very special boy, Naruto-kun. You see, I've had my eye on you from the moment you were born. Call it a whim, or curiosity, if you will. You've been touched by my brother, the Shinigami. You also have the Kyuubi no Yoko sealed within you and its power is slowly being absorbed by you and the seal that was placed upon you. Once enough time has passed, the Kyuubi will be no more and you will possess all of its power to wield as your own. Your parents were quite clever that way."

Naruto furrowed his brows and ruffled up his hair as he tried to make sense of everything his best friend had been saying. After a moment though, everything Deus had just said sank in and began to make sense. Eyes widening in horror, he looked up at Deus and exclaimed, "So that's why everyone hates me so much! They must think that I'm the Kyuubi! And my parents…if you're implying what I think you're implying, then the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, is my father! And he and my mom chose to seal that fuzzball into me?! The hell were they thinking?! Why me dammit?!"

Deus quirked a non-existent eyebrow and chuckled ruefully. And people treat him like he's nothing more than an idiot. If people would only give him a chance, they'd see how bright the boy is.

Shrugging his shoulders, Deus Ex Machina looked his friend over curiously for a moment before placing a single finger upon his head and patting it gently. "Calm yourself young one. I'll tell you everything you want to know and more. You might want to take a seat and enjoy some of this delectable snack while we talk. I have much to tell you before it's time to send you back home. If you can even call a cesspool of hate and perversity such a place."

As Naruto accepted the bowl of popcorn from his friend, he took a seat at the foot of his throne and looked up at him expectantly. Nodding his head once, Deus pointed towards the screen and said, "Watch. I'll explain everything you see and hear. Everything will be made clear." And with that, the events of Naruto's birth, leading up until the present time, began to play on the screen, revealing to Naruto everything he could ever want to know about his life and more.

There were a few instances that really captured his attention, and more importantly, his ire. The first of which was shortly after he was born. He recognized the intruder immediately as an Uchiha. They were already on his shit list because of the numerous attempts on his life by those bastards, but now he had even more of a reason to hate that blasted clan!

The second instance is when Minato, his idiotic father, chose the village over his own son! He believed wholeheartedly that the village would see him as a hero! He was a blind, naïve fool for thinking such a stupid thing! After all, they were grieving, they were angry, and they were scared after what had just happened. What the hell did he think was going to happen?!

The third was the council meeting that happened after the attack was over and done with. Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third and newly reinstated Hokage, decided to reveal to everyone in the council chambers that he was the new jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko. Naturally, the civilian council called for his death immediately. However, the clan heads, minus one Fugaku Uchiha, opposed such a measure and tried to explain that Naruto was simply the container, or prison, keeping the Kyuubi at bay. That he was just an innocent child that had no say in what happened. The civilians didn't give a shit though and insisted that Naruto was a demon and had to be killed for 'the good of the world'.

Hiruzen decided to make it a law forbidding anyone from speaking of Naruto being the jinchuriki, but it was obvious by the glint in that Danzo guy's eye that he had other plans. Shortly after the meeting, it became known to everyone that Naruto was the new jinchuriki and, through some subtle manipulations, made people believe that he was the Kyuubi in human form. However, despite what one might expect, Hiruzen Sarutobi chose to ignore this with a smirk on his face as he watched time and time again as Naruto was beaten, humiliated, and damn near killed! It was obvious what he was doing and Naruto was not pleased in the slightest!

Another scene that caused him to scowl was the fact that clan heads such as Tsume Inuzuka, Inoichi Yamanaka, and even Shikaku Nara went to the Third Hokage saying that they wanted to adopt young Naruto into their clans and give him a happy home with themselves and their families. However, Hiruzen turned them all down, citing some bullshit about not giving any one clan such power. He claimed he wanted Naruto to have a normal life, but, after everything he had seen, Naruto knew that Hiruzen was just spouting bullshit.

Naruto watched as Hiruzen would watch him and the attacks through his crystal ball, only sending his Anbu to rescue him after the mob had started their beating of the 'demon boy'. After all, he was trying to manipulate Naruto into being a loyal weapon for not just the village, but for him as well. Play the role of the kindly grandfather figure and manipulate the boy into practically worshipping him and the position of Hokage. Give him false hope that he can one day be Hokage and gain the respect of the masses, when in truth he had no intention of ever letting Naruto become the Hokage.

Naruto realized that Hiruzen knew the truth all this time and that the old bastard had absolutely no intention of allowing Naruto access to his inheritance. If he wanted to gain such a thing, the young boy realized he'd have to steal it all from under Hiruzen's nose. After all, confronting the old bastard would only lead to more chaos and he couldn't have that.

Aside from that, Naruto really didn't see too much of note. When it was all over, he looked up at Deus and said, "I'm going to need some help."

Nodding his head in agreement, Deus waved his hand and the screen disappeared. Looking back down at his small companion, he said, "I won't let you do this alone, Naruto-kun. No, I'll be giving you some help. Muru-chan will deal with the old man and get you what belongs to you. I have a different plan for you to carry out."

Blinking at this, Naruto absentmindedly shoveled some popcorn into his mouth and idly noted how good it tasted. After a moment though, he asked aloud, "What did you have in mind, Deus-sama? And are you sure Muru-chan can handle that?"

Chuckling softly at this, Deus patted Naruto's head again and said, "You remember the scene I allowed you to see before we began our conversation? That was Muru Muru's handiwork. She can get you your inheritance, I assure you of that. No, I have something different I want you to do for me. I'm going to bestow upon you a gift: the gift of future sight. From now on, you will be able to predict the future. Images will flash before your eyes, showing you everything you could ever need to know about what lies in store. You'll see things in your immediate future, and sometimes you'll see things that will take place in the distant future. They'll come to you in your mind's eye, whether you're asleep or awake. It will not affect your vision of the here and now, do not worry. I also plan to bestow similar gifts to a few younglings around you. You will meet them in time and I hope that you will become dear friends with each of them. Perhaps you'll even become something more given time."

Naruto blushed at the implication before quickly shaking it off. Instead, he looked up into Deus' eyes and asked, "Are you sure about this? I mean, what if it all backfires and things go bad?"

Chuckling some more, Deus smiled down at the young boy and said, "Do not worry. You will be under our protection. Should that old fool or anyone else try anything, they will be dealt with. Just to be safe, I'll ensure that Muru Muru stays with you as much as possible. She is more than strong enough to keep you and your companions safe from harm. Though, I might just have to send her to deal with that crippled fool Danzo Shimura. He has plans for you that are not the pleasant kind. I refuse to let him and his soldiers harm you in any way."

Nodding in thanks, the young blonde soon had a thought and looked up into Deus' eyes again. "Deus-sama? Is there any way you and Muru-chan can train me so I'm prepared for anything that might happen?"

Scratching his bony chin for a moment, the mighty god looked down at Naruto and placed a finger to his forehead. "This may hurt a bit." He warned before pouring some of his power into the young boy. As he did this, Naruto screamed out in agony as it felt like his whole body was set ablaze.

When it was finally over, Naruto collapsed to his knees and gasped for breath. After a moment, he looked back up at Deus and asked, "What the hell was that, dattebayo?!"

Smirking at the youngling, Deus said, "I just bequeathed unto you some of my power. Muru-chan will train you in the usage of such a thing, and I will always be available to give you some pointers should you need any. And, just as I promised, I have given you the ability of future sight. Use it well and keep yourself safe."

Nodding in acceptance of this, Naruto gave Deus Ex Machina a bright smile and said, "Thanks Deus-sama! I promise I won't let you down."

"I believe in you, young Naruto-kun. I'm going to send you back now, as that old fool will be coming soon to investigate what happened. Do be careful."

Naruto nodded before he was sent out of Deus' realm. Turning his gaze back to the screen, he decided to watch what would happen next. However, at the same time, he found himself curious about something and created a second screen that showed him what Muru Muru was up to.

"How curious." He mumbled to himself as he watched Muru kill two people: Yuno Gasai's parents. "She will prove to be quite useful for young Naruto-kun. I will have to speak with her as well."


When Naruto reappeared in the alley, he was assaulted by a flurry of images. He could see so many different possible futures and immediately realized that such a thing might prove to be both a blessing and a curse. However, he chose to look on the bright side and figured that he could use this power to shape the future how he wanted, rather than allowing fate to control him and his destiny.

Shortly after reappearing in the alley, Hiruzen appeared with a small squad of Anbu. Looking into the old man's eyes, Naruto scowled momentarily before he started to smile again. "Hello Hokage-sama. It's about time you showed up. Do tell me, what kept you this time? Paperwork? Pure laziness? Or was it perhaps something else? I'm all ears."

Frowning at Naruto's sudden change in demeanor, Hiruzen tried to figure out what could have gone wrong this time. Chancing a glance at all the dead bodies littering the alleyway, he soon turned his attention back towards Naruto. "Did you do this, Naruto-kun?"

Scoffing, Naruto waved his hand dismissively and said, "I seem to have my own guardian angel. Whoever it was, this angel of mine protected me from these jerks. Seems like this person's doing a better job than you ever did."

Scowling slightly, Hiruzen said, "Be that as it may, the people will demand answers for what happened here. I can't protect you should they decide to punish you for this."

"Tch." Naruto scoffed again before saying, "If Sasuke was behind this, you'd give him special treatment and brush this incident under the rug. Face it Hokage-sama, you have no intention of looking out for my best interests. Now, if that's all, I think I'd very much like to return home and get some rest. Do take care old man."

As Naruto made to walk past him, the aged Hokage placed a hand firmly upon Naruto's shoulder and said, "You've done a bad thing today, Naruto-kun. It is well within the council's right to punish you for what you've done."

Glaring up into Hiruzen's eyes, Naruto said, "Self-defense isn't a crime, the last time I checked. You're just going to spin this in a way that paints me in a bad light and leave me at their mercy. Don't worry, I'll make sure they get the message loud and clear." And with that, Naruto shrugged off the Hokage's hand and walked away, leaving the old man to scowl after him.

Something's changed, and I don't like it. Hiruzen thought to himself angrily.

Frowning behind her mask, Anbu Cat shook her head before she disappeared from sight, following after young Naruto. By the time he noticed she was gone, the female Anbu was already long gone. Dammit. My plan's coming undone! I never expected him to fight back like this!


Yuno smirked viciously as she looked at her parents' dead bodies. She had wanted to do this for so long, and despite the fact that she was unable to kill them herself, she was still highly pleased with the turnout.

Looking at the girl known as Muru Muru, she bowed her head and said, "Thank you Muru-san. Can you please train me so I can stand beside Naru-kun and protect him from harm now?"

Muru tapped a finger against her chin for a moment as if in thought. After a few moments of silence, she giggled a bit and placed a hand on Yuno's shoulder. Without a word, she vanished with the pink-haired youth, leaving Yuno's parents' bodies to rot in the sanctity of their home.

When they reappeared again in an unfamiliar room, at least to Yuno, they looked up at the giant before them. While Yuno's mouth hung open in shock and her eyes practically bulged from their sockets, Muru gave Deus a salute and shouted out, "Mission successful! And I've even brought a friend to see you! Meet Yuno Gasai!"

Smiling down at the young girl, Deus said, "Welcome Yuno Gasai. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. The two of us have much to discuss. Before we begin though, I must warn you that things will never be the same should you accept my gifts. You may feel some pain should you accept, but I guarantee that everything will change for the better. I understand you have deep feelings for one Naruto Uzumaki. You want to protect him, and I have the power to grant your wish."

Yuno grinned at him and said, "I'll take whatever power and training you can give me Sir. Naruto-kun is mine and I'll keep him safe from anything and everything that might try to hurt him, including that Hokage of the village. I know he's trying to manipulate my darling, and I plan to hurt him for it. So I'll take whatever power you can give me if it means I can keep him safe."

"Good. And you may call me Deus Ex Machina, or Deus for short. You see, I am one of the many gods of this world and I've taken a special interest in young Uzumaki-kun. I'm entrusting you with my power so you may keep him safe. If you two end up in a relationship together, then all the better. He needs to feel what actual love is like, and I am looking forward to the day you get together. Make him happy."

Nodding her head once in acceptance of this, Yuno said, "I promise I'll do whatever it takes to keep my darling safe from harm. Nobody will ever hurt him again. If they try…" here, Yuno began to cackle madly as she imagined all the ways she would utterly destroy her future husband's many enemies.

Chuckling softly, Deus placed a finger atop her head and said, "This may hurt a bit, but it will be worth it in the end. You will protect Naruto-kun from the shadows, if need be. Muru Muru will train you in the use of your new abilities, and I will always be here to provide advice if you so wish it. I have promised the same thing to young Naruto-kun. Now, be still." And with that, he bestowed upon Yuno Gasai the power she would need to keep her beloved safe from harm.

Once she had calmed down and started to breathe normally again, Deus nodded his head once before saying, "Just as with Naruto-kun, I have given you some of my power and abilities. I have also given you the gift of future sight. From now on, you will see the future that awaits your beloved Naruto-kun. Should he be in danger, you will be able to see it ahead of time and work to circumvent such an instance. From now on, you are a protector and I expect you to look out for him as a friend and loved one. Take care of him and try to befriend him before another girl swoops in and tries to steal him from you. Do you understand?"

Yuno smiled brightly as she realized that she was now connected to her darling in quite the intimate way. Nodding in acceptance of this, Yuno looked up into Deus' eyes before grinning sadistically. "No one will take him from me. I've already chased that Hyuga skank off, and I refuse to let anyone else get close to him like that. He. Is. MINE."

Chuckling softly, Deus said, "Good girl. Muru-chan, return Yuno-chan to Konoha and then bring me the other two. I will give them the power and abilities to help Naruto-kun in the future."

The small girl nodded and saluted him before vanishing with Yuno a moment later. When she returned a short while later with two more girls, Deus grinned down at them and began to explain why they were brought before him.

As her master did this, Muru giggled to herself and thought, Naruto-kun, your life's about to get a lot more interesting.

The Next Day – Hokage's Office

Hiruzen frowned as he peered into his crystal ball. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the damn thing to show him Naruto and what he was up to AT ALL. It was just a grey fog and nothing else. As he pondered what this could mean, he was startled by a young girl hopping up on his desk and staring down at him. Looking up into the girl's eyes, he frowned for a moment before asking, "How did you get in here? And for that matter, who are you?"

The girl, one Muru Muru, smirked as she reached down and poked the crystal ball. As soon as she did, the item shattered into damn near 100 pieces, much to Hiruzen Sarutobi's shock and horror! Glaring into the girl's eyes, the Third Hokage was prepared to lash out at her, but something seemed to freeze him in place.

Looking at his body, he saw golden chains had wrapped around him and pinned him to his chair. Glaring into the girl's eyes again, he asked, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! Do you realize what you're doing?! What you've done?!"

It was at this point that Hiruzen came to the horrifying realization that his Anbu were gone. They weren't responding to this threat at all, nor could he sense their presence within the room. What frightened him even more was that nobody outside his office could hear him. Eyes widening in horror, he stared at the little girl intently before saying, "You're the one who killed the villagers yesterday…"

"Got it in one old man! The name's Muru Muru, or Muru-chan for short. You've been a very naughty boy, Hiruzen Sarutobi. You and that Danzo guy you're friends with. You're both bad, bad men. For shame old man." She said, shaking her head in mock pity.

"Release me this instant! If you don't, I'll have you declared an enemy of Konohagakure and you will be dealt with accordingly!" Hiruzen shouted angrily.

"I don't think you're in any position to do anything, Hiruzen Sarutobi. No, you're going to sit right there and listen to me. You see, I've taken an interest in little Naruto and I think it's high time he got what was his. Something you've kept from him, alllll because you're a greedy little man. You can't figure out how to get your hands on his parents' belongings, and you've kept his inheritance from his parents from Naruto-kun. You desire what is his by right. Wellll, now I'm here to take from you what belongs to little Naru and you can't do a thing about it. And should you try to act against him in any way, we'll know. You won't like the consequences Hiruzen. You can easily be replaced by someone more cooperative. Someone that will look out for Naruto's best interests whereas you have most certainly not. Naruto-kun is under our protection now, so do be a good boy and leave him alone from now on. Nod your head if you understand." Muru said, a sinister grin appearing on her face.

Hiruzen scowled at her and went to say something before he was struck in the face, knocking out a few teeth and causing him to wince from the sheer pain he was now in. Glaring at the girl, he went to say something again, only for her to press two fingers to his forehead and quietly say, "Resistance is futile old man. I can and will replace you if you don't cooperate."

Feeling his body break out in a cold sweat, Hiruzen slowly nodded his head to show he understood both her threat and her demands. "Good boy! See? You can learn if you really try. And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Muru said as she clapped her hands and began to giggle. "Now, I'm going to release you and you're going to give me everything that's owed to Naruto Uzumaki. Try to resist and you won't like what happens to you. There's plenty of ways I can force you to cooperate, not the least of which is crippling you from the waist on down. Or perhaps you'd like to wear adult diapers for the rest of your miserable existence? Decisions, decisions."

The aged Hokage watched as she released him, and despite his desire to rip her apart, he realized that he likely wouldn't win in a straight-up fight against her. Trusting his instincts on this matter, he released a heavy sigh and proceeded to collect the scrolls, keys, and whatever else belonged to Naruto and placed them on his desk. "There. Now begone."

Muru Muru frowned at Hiruzen and pointed two her right index and middle finger at him before saying, "Ka-POW!" The next thing the Hokage knew, a hole had appeared in his leg and he released a scream of sheer agony at what had just happened to him. "I thought I told you to hand over everything. I know for a fact that you're still trying to keep things from him and me. Now, be a dear and gather the rest of what belongs to him or I'll have to do worse to MAKE you cooperate."

Scowling angrily at the young girl, he slowly stood up and began hobbling his way towards Minato's portrait before removing it and gathering what remained of Naruto's inheritance. Slamming it down on his desk, he collapsed into his chair and glared heatedly at Muru Muru. "Happy now?!"

Muru smiled sinisterly at him and nodded her head. "Very. See how much easier it is to just cooperate with me when I demand something from you? However, I can tell you still don't quite understand. Sooo…" Pointing her fingers at his shoulder this time, she said, "Bang!" and watched as a hole appeared in his shoulder, eliciting yet another scream from him. "And now I'm good. Farewell you naughty old man."

Hiruzen could feel tears stinging at his eyes as everything seemed to go back to normal. His Anbu had returned to their positions, he could hear his secretary working and humming a tune to herself, and all seemed well again. The only problem? The wounds that girl had inflicted upon him were still there and he still felt tremendous pain as his wounds continued to bleed.

Upon seeing the state their leader was in, the Anbu appeared before him and immediately asked what happened to him. All he did was demand they take him to the hospital. So, despite wondering what could have happened, the Anbu obeyed their leader's order and disappeared with him to get him the medical aid he so desperately needed. Damn you Naruto! I know this is somehow your fault!


Naruto couldn't help but grin to himself as he entered the classroom. His new future sight ability had already proven to be quite useful. He had managed to avoid running into a group of ninja that meant him harm and he had also managed to avoid getting run over by a runaway cart full of cabbages, strangely enough. Now, here he was, making his way up the stairs to take his seat next to Hinata and that strange girl Yuno Gasai.

As he climbed the stairs, his future sight warned him of one of his usual bullies attempting to trip him. Before he could do anything about it, however, Yuno approached him and proceeded to draw a kunai that she kept hidden on her person and proceeded to stab the boy in the leg repeatedly. "Leave him alone or I'll do even worse to you."

The other students were horrified, or rather, most of them were. Naruto couldn't help but look at the one girl that wasn't horrified and found her smiling a cruel smile instead. I think her name's Tsubaki Kasugano. Why's she look so happy about this?

Tsubaki was a beautiful young woman with long, dark blue hair that cascaded down her back, nearly reaching her calves. Her hair also covered her right eye, though he could see that her other, visible eye was red. He had to admit to himself that she was rather attractive. However, almost as if she knew he was watching her, Tsubaki turned her gaze towards him and waved shyly at him with a grin on her face.

Blushing slightly, Naruto waved back before turning back to Yuno. "Umm, Yuno-san? It's okay now. Thank you. Umm, maybe we should get him some help…?" he questioned unsurely.

When it registered that the object of her affection was talking to her, Yuno blushed a deep shade of red and looked into his eyes. Blushing deeper, she shook her head and said, "I-It's fine, Naruto-kun. And he doesn't need the help. He tried to hurt you."

Frowning slightly, Naruto looked down at the boy's leg and realized that, if he didn't get medical attention soon, it was likely he might just die. Before he could say or do anything, however, both Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei entered the room and froze in horror at the sight before them. "Naruto! What the hell did you do?!" Iruka shouted in anger.

Before either Yuno or Naruto could say anything, Tsubaki turned to smile at them and said, "Why do you immediately assume it was Naruto-kun who did that to him? If I were you, I wouldn't question it and I'd get that foolish boy to the hospital before he bleeds to death."

Iruka and Mizuki both scowled up at the girl before Iruka released a sigh and said, "You're right. Naruto, Yuno, take your seats. Mizuki, I'll leave it to you to start their lessons properly. I'll take Kiro to the hospital and be back as soon as I can."

Naruto and Yuno both shrugged before they took their seats in the top row beside Hinata, who was feeling quite nervous and horrified at the moment. After all, she had never witnessed such an act of brutality as Yuno had just shown. Before Naruto could even say anything to either of the girls on each side of him, Mizuki spoke up, glaring hatefully at Naruto Uzumaki. "We'll be having words about this later, Naruto Uzumaki. You're in big trouble for what you've done."

Yuno glared hatefully at Mizuki and said, "Stop assuming Naruto-kun did it! That boy deserved what he got! He tried to hurt my Naru-kun again!"

Mizuki wasn't the only one with a quirked eyebrow as they looked between Yuno and Naruto, who was blushing up a storm at what his classmate had just said. It was made worse when Yuno smirked evilly at Mizuki and held up her bloody kunai. "I…I see. We're going to need to talk to your parents about this, Yuno-chan. And don't go thinking you're off the hook, Naruto."

Tsubaki and Yuno both scowled at Mizuki, anger taking hold as they realized he was just out to get Naruto and screw everything else. He must DIE! They thought as one. Almost as if realizing what they were thinking, Tsubaki and Yuno both looked into each other's eyes and slowly nodded in acceptance of one another. At least for the time being. Once Mizuki had been dealt with, then they'd deal with each other.

Naruto felt a cold shiver shoot down his spine and he chanced a glance first at Yuno and then at Tsubaki, realizing that he was caught in the middle of some kind of territorial dispute between the two of them. Choosing to ignore that, he looked into Mizuki's eyes and said, "I don't see why you feel the need to punish me when I did nothing wrong. Unless you're just like all the other bigots out there that have some kind of problem with me? Do tell me, Mizuki-sensei, just what is your problem with me?"

Looking into Naruto's eyes, Mizuki scowled and was about to say something, but the look in Naruto's eyes was a knowing one and the smirk on his face didn't help him feel any better. He knows! Mizuki realized. Dammit! If he knows, then…

Meanwhile, Naruto saw a series of images flash through his mind, almost like a video was playing that only he could see. In this video, he saw Mizuki attempting to trick him into stealing an item of great importance. He saw Mizuki sabotaging the various tests he would undergo in the academy and even Iruka working towards sabotaging him in various ways. But worse than that, he saw how all the blame for the item's theft would fall on him and the people would begin calling for his execution for stealing such an important item. Scowling at this, he closed his eyes and shook his head. I won't take the fall for you assholes! He thought angrily.

Yuno frowned as she noticed Naruto's frustration. Building up her courage, she reached towards his left hand and slowly took it into hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. When he looked into her eyes, she smiled kindly at him and whispered, "Everything will be okay sweetheart. I promise."

Blushing, Naruto was about to ask her something, but froze when he heard Iruka's voice. "Pay attention Naruto. You're still in trouble for what you did." The scarred teacher said as he reentered the room. "Once school is done with for the day, I'm taking you straight to the Hokage so he can punish you accordingly."

Clenching his fists angrily, Naruto glared at him and shouted, "I didn't fucking do anything! He attempted to trip me, but I didn't do a damn thing to him!"

"Don't feed me those lies, Naruto! Now, shut up and pay attention. You're lucky I don't kick you out of class for being a nuisance!" Iruka shouted before he took his position at the front of the classroom beside Mizuki.

Without saying a word, Naruto got up from his seat and proceeded towards the door. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to look up into Mizuki's eyes. "Release me you bastard."

Scowling at the boy, Mizuki gripped his shoulder tighter and said, "That's it. You're coming with me. Hokage-sama will deal with you for your behavior." And with that, he disappeared with Naruto in a Body Flicker Technique.

Yuno and Tsubaki both scowled angrily at this before turning to face Iruka. "What the hell is your problem?! Naruto-kun didn't do a damn thing to that boy and you insist on punishing him for it?!" Tsubaki shouted angrily.

Iruka scoffed and waved off her concern. "That 'boy' has done nothing but cause trouble from the moment he was born. It's about time he got what was coming to him." He said before he ordered everyone to sit down, shut up, and pay attention before he resumed the class' lesson for the day.

Yuno and Tsubaki both glanced into each other's eyes again and nodded as one. They'll all get what's coming to them.


Naruto shoved Mizuki off of him before glaring into his eyes and slamming his fist into the older man's crotch. "Damn you Mizuki-teme! How many times do I have to repeat that I didn't fucking do anything before you assholes listen to me?!"

As Mizuki collapsed to the floor clutching his genitalia, Hiruzen coughed to get Naruto's attention. When the young boy turned to look at him, the Hokage motioned for him to take a seat. "Tell me Naruto-kun, what have you been accused of doing this time?"

Taking a seat, Naruto stared as calmly as he could into the Hokage's eyes. "Iruka-teme and Mizuki-teme seem to think I assaulted Kiro. I never even touched him! Yes, he tried to trip me so I'd fall and hurt myself, but I didn't do anything to him. Those two are bigots and hate me because of what's sealed inside of me. And yes old man, I know about the Kyuubi. Thanks a lot for not telling me. I truly appreciate it." Naruto said sarcastically at the end.

Hiruzen sighed and shook his head in exasperation. "I'll admit that I should have told you about that and your parents before, but you have to understand…"

Before Hiruzen could say anymore, Naruto held up a hand and shook his head. "Uh-uh, I'm not falling for your shit anymore old man. You were only looking out for yourself and the village. You don't give a shit about me. And before you ask me who's really responsible for the attack on Kiro, I'm not going to tell you. If you really want to know, then ask the other students in the class. I'm sure at least one of them will tell you the truth behind the attack. Now, if that's all, I'm going to go back home. I can't deal with those assholes you put in charge of my class anymore. I'll just have to go to the library and study or something, because I'm obviously not welcome in the academy."

Frowning slightly at this, Hiruzen shook his head and released another heavy sigh. "For what it's worth, I apologize for their behavior in regards to you and your status. Tell me, have you moved into your parents' home yet?"

Naruto frowned at Hiruzen, but slowly nodded his head. "Yes, I have. Why?"

Smiling at the young boy, Hiruzen said, "They had a veritable library full of various kinds of books and scrolls. If the librarian refuses to let you in, then have a look at your parents' library. You'll find that you can learn far more from their books than you would in a classroom. As for Iruka and Mizuki, I will deal with them personally. Go on and return home, Naruto-kun. I do hope you'll come back to visit sometime soon."

Naruto scoffed at this notion before he got up and left the Hokage's office. Once he was gone, Hiruzen scowled and rubbed the bridge of his nose in irritation. Damn that brat. Having to play nice with him after all the shit I've been through pisses me off!

Looking at Mizuki, who was slowly rising to his feet, Hiruzen said, "Don't think I haven't got you figured out, Mizuki. You're lucky I don't just send you to Ibiki to extract all the information you have to offer before having you killed. If you know what's good for you, you'll toe the line and treat that boy with respect. If I hear anything more about you trying to sabotage his education, I'll have you publicly executed. Do you understand me?"

The silver-haired Chunin scowled at this before saying, "You really expect me to treat that thing with respect? Don't you remember what that monster has done?!"

Hiruzen sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "Very well. Anbu! Take this idiot to Ibiki and tell him to have some fun with him."

Mizuki's eyes widened in horror and he screamed in outrage as the Anbu grabbed him and vanished with him. Once he was gone, Hiruzen banged his head on his desk a few times before groaning and muttering, "My job just can't be easy, can it?"

A/N - And that's the chapter! As you can see, Hiruzen's not exactly a good guy in this fic. And Iruka and Mizuki aren't very nice either. Also, just so you guys know, I'm making Muru Muru one of the good guys in this fic as opposed to being the main antagonist like she was in The Future Diary. I'm honestly on the fence about something regarding her.

I'm interested in giving her an adult/teenage body so she can enter a relationship with Naruto. But I'm honestly not sure if that's something you all would be interested in seeing. If not, then I won't do it. Otherwise...maybe? lol. I can't decide. XD

Anyways, I think this chapter turned out fairly well. And for me that's saying something! Because honestly, I never feel like I've done a good enough job on anything I've written before. I always feel like it could be better y'know?

Okay, enough talk. Comment/review if you want and I hope you look forward to more! I'll try to update this and my other fics when I can. Been pretty busy and I've been having an exceptionally hard time writing ANYTHING. Still, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Yay bunnies! lol