Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped with Aspergers, Dyslexia, OCD, ADHD and a whole lot more so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.

Also when I come up with a story idea I can't stop myself from writing it down and posting it. I literally can't sleep to I have written it down. So that is why there are so many stories.

Warning: A Lot of Titles.

A few OC's

And a Medium to Large Harem.

Happy 28th Birthday too me! Also Happy 54th Birthday to my Dad.

And like I do every year for my stories here is an update for you!



Percy is betrayed by Annabeth, the new kid and some others. He goes to Olympus and asks for help. He is surprised by how much he is given. Lots of domains, a throne on the Council, a Castle and the ability to create a Harem! What will happen with those who turned on him?

Chapter .1.

Percy had been gone from Camp for two months he had been doing the 12 labours of Hercules for Athena to prove his love for Annabeth to get Athena's approval to marry Annabeth. He had finally completed them and had been given a ring by Athena.

Now he made his way through Camp he saw people giving him dirty looks and people had started whispering too each other. Percy heard some of the whispers that were going around.

"There is the cheater"

"The so-called hero return"

"He is not great like Stephen"
"He is not as good looking as Stephen. Annabeth is lucky to have him"

Percy was confused who was Stephen? And why was Annabeth lucky to have him?

Percy sees Travis and Conner rushing towards him.

"Where is Annabeth guys?" Percy asks them

"She is at the beach but…"

Percy doesn't stop to hear them as he rushes in the direction of the beach with Travis and Conner trying to stop him. He vaguely hears Nico, Clarisse, Piper, Katie joining them trying to stop him.

He stops suddenly as he takes in the scene at the beach. There was his girlfriend making out with a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"When are you going to dump that lying loser?" the guy asks

"As soon as he gets back. The cheating bastard won't know what hit him. He is a weakling", Annabeth replies between kisses, "I love you"

Percy felt numb. The so called love of his life was cheating on him. And loved someone else.

"Come on Perce", Nico says softly and gently leads Percy away

Percy numbly lets Nico lead him away. He soon found himself in his Cabin. With Clarisse, Piper, Kayla, Katie, Travis, Conner, Malcolm, and Lou.

"Who is he?" Percy asks

"Stephen Spencer son of Zeus", Piper growls

"He took out one hellhound and now thinks he owns the place", Clarisse growls

"We don't know how but he has made everyone believe you haven't done half the things you have done", Travis tells him

"Annabeth starting hanging out with him straight away", Conner adds

"I asked her what she was doing with Stephen after seeing her kiss him and she kept calling you a cheater. It is like my sister is a whole different person. I am actually ashamed to call her my sister now", Malcolm tells Percy

"It isn't your fault", Percy says softly
"We are with you Percy", Lou says

"Whatever you won't to do we will help you with", Kayla says gently

"Thank you all", Percy tells them, "Your true friends"

"Alice, Julia, Holly, Laurel, Nyssa, Valentina, Lacy from this Camp stand with you", Katie tells him
"So you know Reyna, Hazel, Leila, Gwen, Ida, Dakota, Michael and a few other Romans stand with you", Piper tells him

"Hazel and not Frank?" Percy asks confused

"Not Frank. It is causing a rift between them", Piper confirms

"She shouldn't stick up for me. She should be happy with Frank", Percy tells them

They all looked at Percy shocked by what he said. He was truly selfless.

"It is her choice much like mine", Piper says firmly

"You and Jason?" Percy asks

"We broke up when he believed the lies about you", Piper tells him

"You shouldn't…", Percy starts

"We would never have worked out. As the start of our relationship was based on lies. It. Is. Not. Your. Fault. None of this is", Piper tells him firmly

"Thalia is furious at him and Annabeth. She is with you all the way cousin. She told me to tell you you're her brother more then cousin. And she would always stand by you", Nico tells him, "And so would I. Your like my brother too"

"Your my Baby Brother Death Breath", Percy says with a weak smile

Nico pouted, "I am now a baby"

"Little Brother then", Percy amends making a small smile.

"I am not Little either", Nico pouts

Everyone laughs at them.

"Don't worry Percy we will work something out", Kayla says kindly

"Thank you. I would like to be alone now", Percy tells his friends

"Not do anything stupid Prissy", Clarisse tells him

"I'll try not too", Percy tells them

For some reason the group felt they needed to leave him and that he would be alright. They all promised to drop by later and they left.

Percy sighs and pulls out the ring he was going to give Annabeth. He growls and puts it on the floor before drawing Riptide and smashing it down on the ring smashing it too pieces.

"I need to get out off here", Percy mutters

He had been having dreams when he had been doing the 12 labours about the Fates telling him his reward and rightful position was waiting for him. And that his destiny was waiting on Olympus. So that was where he was going to head. He knew the Fates could be messing with him but he really didn't have anything to lose.

So he packed his stuff and wrote a note to Chiron and one too his friends. He didn't tell them where he was going. He felt that he shouldn't tell them. And his gut was never wrong so he would follow it.

He slipped out the back of his Cabin and through the trees being careful so nobody would notice him. He reached Thalia's Pine and looked back at the Camp which had been his home for nearly 5 years. He didn't know if he would be back but he did believe he would be.

Before he could move anymore he was interrupted.

'Yo Boss where are you going?' Blackjack asks him

"I need to get away from here. Could you give me a lift to Olympus?" Percy asks

'Sure thing Boss. Got any sugar cubes?' Blackjack asks

"You can have three when we reach Olympus", Percy tells him

'Six', Blackjack states

"Four", Percy counters

'Deal", Blackjack neighs happily

Percy lets out a quiet laugh and climbs on his friends back and they take off. Leaving Camp Half-Blood in the dust. Percy looks out over the City. He had to remember to visit his Mum and Paul soon. He was sure his Mum would kill him if he didn't do so soon.

It doesn't take long for them to reach Olympus. Percy was still amazed at what Olympus looked like. Even through it hurt that Annabeth designed most of the new look after the Second Titan War.

He thanks Blackjack with his promised sugar cubes and leaves him with a promise that he would see him soon. Percy walks through Olympus slowly. He really hadn't explored Olympus much. It is not like he had time to before between the Second Titan War and the Giant War. He would have to see to that.

He reaches the Throne Room and hesitant walks in. He sees only Hermes.

"What are you going here Perseus?" Hermes asks curiously, "Shouldn't you be at Camp?"
"Lord Hermes can you please call a Council?" Percy asks politely

Hermes raises an eyebrow but does what he is asked. Soon 13 flashes appear around the room. Hestia and Hades had been given Thrones after the Giant War.

"Son! What are you doing here?" Poseidon asks with concern in his voice

"Shouldn't you be with Annabeth?" Athena asks with a glare

Percy winces at the mention of Annabeth. Aphrodite looks at Percy with compassion. She had felt his heartbreak and saw what happened. But now she might have a chance with the hero.
"Why have you called this meeting Perseus?" Zeus asks
"My Lords and Lady's I would like to ask if the offer to become a God or Immortal was still on the table?" Percy asks to the shock off everyone

"Your leaving my daughter!" Athena shouts

Artemis looked at Percy and she was shocked to see heartbreak in his eyes. It was the same look many of her Hunters had. But she had heard Thalia ranting a couple of times lately about Annabeth and Stephen. Artemis could guess what had happened. And she didn't like it one bit. Percy was the one decent male in the world.

"She left me Lady Athena", Percy replies
"Explain Perseus", Hestia says gently

"I have spent the last two months doing the 12 labours of Hercules to win Annabeth's hand in marriage…", Percy starts to explain

There were murmurs off congratulations from the assembled Gods.

"When I return not long ago the Campers were acting strangely about the new son of Zeus and Annabeth. Some of my true friends tried to stop me from going to the beach to find Annabeth but I didn't listen. I should have as on the beach was Annabeth kissing the son of Zeus and calling me a cheater, weakling and that she didn't love me", Percy tells everyone

Everyone gasps and whispers begin between the Gods.
"You lie! My daughter would never do such an unwise move", Athena growls

"I swear on the River Styx what I have said is the truth and that I have never, never ever cheated on Annabeth", Percy says to everyone

Thunder booms signalling his oath and he still stood proving he was telling the truth.

Poseidon jumps off his Throne and goes and pulls his son into a bear hug.
"I am so sorry son", Poseidon says hugging his son

"Thanks Dad", Percy says liking the fact he was getting a comforting hug from his father.

Poseidon pulls away and Hestia comes forward and pulls him into a warm embrace.
"It WILL be ok Percy. We are all here for you after what you have done for us", Hestia tells him pulling away

"She is right Bro we will help you through this. I know a few clubs you can go to with Me and Herm…", Apollo starts

Artemis whacks his head.

"Owww Little Sis. Arty what was that for?" Apollo complains
"First off I am OLDER then you. Second off don't call me Arty and third off I think clubbing with you and Hermes is the last thing on his mind", Artemis says to her twin

Percy had to smile at their antics. He looks around the Council and sees many giving him sympathetic looks. But he saw Athena's was still a bit hostile.

Zeus clears his throat to stop the Twin Archers from bickering.

"Well Perseus I will admit I am sorry for what my son has done. And that you do have a right to receive Godhood…", Zeus starts

A flash of light and the three Fates appear.

"Perseus Jackson WILL be receiving Godhood and his rewards for his services to Olympus. Perseus your ascension to Godhood would always have happened even if the circumstances would be different", one of the Fates tell him

"Now step forward Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, Killed and Forever Enemy of the Minotaur, Killer of Medusa, Facer of the Echidna and Chimera, Defeater of Lord Ares, Retriever of the Lightning Bolt and Helm of Darkness, Navigating and Surviving the Sea of Monsters, The Retriever of the Golden Fleece, Bearer of the Sky and Titans Curse, Explorer of the Labyrinth, Leader of the Battle of Manhattan and Olympus, Bane of the Hyperion, Bane and Slayer of Kronos, Defeater of the Gorgons, One of the Rescuers of Lord Thanatos, Retriever of the Missing Eagle Standard of the 5th Cohort, Defeater of Polybotoes, Neptune's Bane, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata by rights of the Legions Unanimous Decision, Survivor of Tartarus, Bane of Gaea, Leader of the Giant War, Champion of Olympus and Saviour of Olympus. Come forward and let us too Lady Chaos's will!" the Fates say

All the Gods finally realised just how much Percy had done for them. They wouldn't be standing here without him.

Percy steps forward a bit embarrassed by his achievements being listed. Suddenly he felt a rush off power and felt his blood boil as it changed into ichor. He was glowing a very, very, VERY bright gold. The Gods themselves even had to slightly turn away

When they looked back they saw Percy had changed he had grown to 6'5. His hair was more slick and his eyes were still Sea-Green with Gold, Pink and Teal flecks. Most of the Goddess where drooling at his new appearance. Especially Aphrodite. Artemis, Hestia, Athena were all blushing.

But the biggest change was the big 12 feet long wings on his back. They were Black, Gold, Pink and Teal. They looked so majestic.

His aura appeared more confident and happy.

"All Hail Lord Perseus God of Loyalty, Leadership, Comradeship, Duty, Dedication, Time, Fate, Treaties, Duels, Battles, Protection, Tides, Waves, Beaches, Pearls, Coral, Reefs, Currents, Grottoes, Shipwrecks, Hot Springs, Lagoons, Waterfalls, Twilight, Loyal Love, Sex, Pleasure, Orgasms, Arousal, Euphoria, Bliss, Desire, Lust, Passion, Release, Climax, Craving, Ecstasy, Seduction, Sexual Arts, Harems, Endurance, Authority, Dominance, Difficulty, Discipline, Justice, Judgement, Laws, Fairness, Council, Order, Weapons, Combat, Marksmanship, Swordsmanship, Knowing, Warfare, Islands, Unpredictability, Oaths, Balance, Quests, Heros;

Minor God of Creation, Water, Family, Horizons, Shadows, Equals, Rights;

Member of the Olympian Council, Prince of the Seas, Second-In-Line to the Throne of Atlantis! His symbol of power is his sword Riptide! His symbols are the Justice and Balance scale", the Fates declare

There was shocked silence. Nobody had heard of anyone having so many domains and such power.

And Black, Blue, Teal, Gold Throne with flecks of Pink appears near the head. It had the symbol of a justice scale on it and a black Pegasus flying.

"Well that was unexpected", Zeus mutters

Poseidon grins widely and once again hugs his son.

"I always knew you would do me proud", Poseidon exclaims

Percy grins, "Thanks Dad"

"Zeus the curse you have had about Justice and so on has been lifted with Perseus taking on the titles of Justice and Fairness. The Council can finally be righted and bought into the light", the Fates tells them

Everyone was shocked when Zeus actually smiled.

"Thank Chaos. I hated that curse", Zeus says smiling

"What curse Father?" Athena asks

"When I cut up my Father he cursed me. I would become paranoid and act the way I have done since I took the Throne. I would fight it and at times I succeeded in fighting the curse. But I couldn't do it all the time. Especially with my brothers children. I apologies Poseidon, Hades for what that curse has cost us", Zeus says to his brother

Apollo and Hermes jaws drop at Zeus's apology.

Hestia was smiling proudly. This was a long time coming. Their family could be complete again!

Hera and Demeter were shocked at there Husband/Brother.

Hades and Poseidon were stunned that their PROUD brother just apologised to them! Them!

"Perseus I would like you too pick new Members for this Council. Hearing your domains I am sure you will choice the right Gods", Zeus tells him

"Of course Lord Zeus", Percy says

"It is Zeus or Uncle, Nephew", Zeus replies

"Ok Uncle", Percy replies with a smile

"Perseus with your domain of Harems you will be obliged to make a harem. Girls would feel if they belong in a Harem if your around them for long enough or if they have strong bonds with you. Or you can take them by force. They will receive your mark on their shoulder and a gold collar. After you have sexual intercourse with them. They would also likely call your Master or My Lord at certain times. They will also gain immortality if they haven't already", the Fates tell him

"Then Perseus you should present these girls to the Council as well as his selection of new Council members and a recommendation of those who should gain immortality or Godhood too the Council in one months time. Who agrees?" Zeus tells everyone

There were voices of agreement. Dionysus and Ares grumbled but agreed.

"Hephaestus your in charge off making Percy weapons. As he is the God of Weapons he should be good with just about all off them", Poseidon tells his nephew

"He will also need a Temple here on Olympus. Athena you will work on that with Perseus", Zeus orders

"Yes Father", Athena says with a sigh

"Now we need to talk to Perseus alone and take him to his home away from Olympus", the Fates tell everyone

"Of course. You have done well and truly deserve this position Nephew", Zeus tells Percy

"Thank you Uncle", Percy replies

Zeus and Hera flash out. So does Dionysus and Demeter.

"We will have a rematch Punk. Very soon", Ares tells Percy

"I agree Cousin", Percy agrees knowing he really couldn't get out off it

Ares nods and flashes away.

Hephaestus comes forward.

"I will have your weapons ready soon for your Temple and Home Armoury. And if your girls want any weapons I would be willing to make them as payment for bringing our family together. Also I will provide items for your dungeons", Hephaestus tells him

"Dungeons?" Percy asks

"Yes one on Olympus in your Temple and the other where the Fates made your home", Hephaestus replies

"Thank you Cousin", Percy replies already thinking about why he would need dungeons

Hephaestus nods and flashes away.

Aphrodite comes forward smirking. And hands her hand down his body. Percy stops her he might be the God of Sex but he really didn't want Aphrodite like that. Yet.

"Remember Perseus I am available any. ANY time you require. As Sex Gods will be great together", Aphrodite says seductively

"We will see. But not now", Percy tells her having seen the look Artemis was giving Aphrodite

Aphrodite humph and flashes away in a huff.

Apollo and Hermes come over smirking.
"We are going to take you bar hopping soon Cousin", Hermes states

"We will show you how Olympians do it", Apollo replies smirking

"You pigs", Artemis mutters glaring at her Twin

"We will see. If I get time from learning my duties. As I already have assignments from Zeus", Percy compromises

"Don't leave it too long", Apollo replies winking before he and Hermes flash away.

"You did well Perse…Boy we will see if you stay the same as you adjust to your position", Artemis tells him flashing away

Percy felt that Artemis was attracted too him. His gifts were telling him she would eventually be part of his Harem. He hoped she wouldn't kill him for that.

"You have done well Lord Perseus and you have bought out the best in our family", Hestia tells him blushing

"Thank you Lady Hestia and it is just Perseus or Percy", Percy replies

"It is just Hestia. And I hope we can get to know each other more", Hestia replies blushing

"I am sure we will", Percy replies having sensed she too would join him in time.

Hestia smiles prettily and flashes away.

"Well Perseus be at my Temple tomorrow so we can start on your Temple", Athena tells him stiffly before flashing away.

Percy frowns his instincts didn't like the way she was treating him. His dominance side was wanting to make Athena bend to his will.

"Congratulations Nephew. And thank you for getting our overdramatic brother too apologies", Hades says smiling slightly at his nephew

"I didn't really do much", Percy replies

"But you did. You have my favour Nephew", Hades says flashing away.

"Your lucky son. Hades never gives his favour", Poseidon tells his son

"I figured", Percy replies smiling

"You are going to do great things son. Don't let what happened with Annabeth and Zeus's brat put you down. You are going to be a great asset to this Council", Poseidon tells him

"I thank you for believing in me Dad", Percy replies warmly

"I always have son. Make sure you stop by Atlantis some times. Atlantis is also your home", Poseidon reminds him

"I will Dad. Say high to Tyson for me", Percy replies

"I will. Enjoy your home Perseus", Poseidon replies flashing out

"How would he know about my home?" Percy mutters

"Come with us Perseus", the Fates says

Percy felt warm as the Fates flash him away. Soon he was on golden white beaches. He saw a palace in the distance.

"This is your home away from Olympus. You can name it whatever you wish", the Fates say

"How could this already be ready?" Percy asks

"As we said before your ascension you were always destined for Godhood", one of the Fates say

"Why are you three still here?" Percy asks

"Because of a few last minute details. Hephaestus mentioned to you a dungeon. You have six prisoners in your dungeons at this time", one of the Fates say

"Who?" Percy asks frowning

"Medusa who is free from her curse, Circe, Otrera, Khione, Keto and Medea. They can't leave your Island or Temple on Olympus without your permission. You will always be able to summon them back and find they if they try to run. They are slaves and will have to obey you. But if they disobey you are free to punish them. Your domains will guide you on what you need to do", one of the Fates say

"We will advice you at certain times", another Fate says

"Here you will find Naiads and Nymphs that will serve you. 10 Naiads, 10 Nymphs, 12 Oceanids and 8 Dryads. Also in the Mansion are three old friends that have been given a chance to join your Harem", another fate says

"Who?" Percy asks

"They will explain. Good Luck Perseus and trust your instincts", the Fates say before flashing away

Percy looks around he couldn't believe what had happened in the last few hours. Now he was an Olympian and one of the most powerful gods. With the ability to make anyone join his Harem.

He makes his way up to the Mansion the Island was very tropical.

He gets to the door and opens it too find three very, VERY familiar faces.
"Zoe? Bianca? Silena? What are you three doing here?"

Camp Half-Blood…

Nico decided to go check on his cousin. He had given Percy a few hours to himself to let what they told him sink in. Now hopefully Percy would be ready to maybe get back at Annabeth and the bastard Stephen. And prove that what everyone was hearing were lies.

He knocks on the door to the Cabin but doesn't get an answer. He frowns he doesn't like the feeling he was getting.

"Percy?" Nico calls opening the door carefully

Nico looks around and his eyes widen. Not only was Percy not here but all of Percy's stuff was gone. And two letters were in clear view.

"Shit", Nico curses seeing Chiron's name on one and his and a few others on the other.

Nico picked up the letters and rushed to find Chiron. He finds him in the Big House with Grover.
"Chiron! Percy is gone!" Nico rushes out

"Are you sure?" Chiron asks alarmed

"Yes all his things are gone and he left you a note", Nico tells him handing him the note.

He didn't mention his and the others letter. That was his and Percy's friends business. Chiron takes the note and reads it his face going grave.


I am sorry I didn't tell you that I left but I needed too. As there is too much pain in me staying here. Nearly everyone has turned against me with the words and names I heard people calling me when I returned. And the fact Annabeth has cheated on me with Stephen.

I can't stay here and watch them.

I hope you understand.

Know these last few years have been the best of my life. And know you are like a second Father to me.

I hope we meet again one day.

-Perseus Jackson

PS: Watch out for Stephen as my gut is telling me you need to watch he carefully.

Chiron sighs he should have expected this. After all he had heard what the Campers had been saying for weeks.

Chiron sees Nico watching him and waiting.
"Do you know where Percy went?" Chiron asks Nico

"No Sir. His disappearance is a shock to me too", Nico replies

Chiron sighs again, "You may go Nico. If you hear from Percy please let me know"

"I will Sir", Nico lies

Nico leaves and gathers the friends that were still loyal to Percy. Those being…

From Cabin 4: Demeter: Katie Gardner.

From Cabin 5: Ares: Clarisse La Rue and Ellis Wakefield.

From Cabin 6: Athena: Malcolm Pace, Bea Wise and Dalia Jones.

From Cabin 7: Apollo: Kayla Knowles, Lewis Turner, Demi Muse.

From Cabin 9: Hephaestus: Nyssa Barrera and Harley Dense.

From Cabin 10: Aphrodite: Piper McLean, Valentina Diaz and Lacy Piece

From Cabin 11: Hermes: Conner and Travis Stroll, Alice Miyazawa, Julia Feingold, Cecil Markowitz.

From Cabin 13: Hades: Nico di Angelo

From Cabin 16: Nemesis: Damien White

From Cabin 17: Nike: Holly and Laurel Victor.

From Cabin 18: Hebe: Paolo Montes.

From Cabin 19: Tyche: Chiara Benvenuti.

From Cabin 20: Hecate: Lou Ellen Blackstone.

"What is going on Nico?" Katie asks

"Percy has disappeared", Nico blurts out

Everyone bursts into shouting.

"QUIET!" Clarisse yells

Everyone quickly goes quiet.

"Now explain Corpse", Clarisse says to Nico

"I went to see if Percy was alright to find all his stuff gone and two notes left behind. One was for Chiron and the other was for us", Nico replies

"What does the note say?" Conner asks

"I haven't read it yet. I thought we should hear it together", Nico replies

"Then read it", Kayla states

Nico opens the note and begins to read out load.

Nico, Clarisse, Travis, Conner, Katie, Kayla, Lou, Malcolm, Piper and others who stick by me,

You would know by now I have left Camp. I am sorry I didn't tell you but I couldn't stick around and watch Annabeth with Stephen.

And I couldn't stick around with people saying snide things behind my back. And with what you told me about people turning on me. I couldn't stay and probably wouldn't be welcome anyway.

I hope you understand that I just HAD to go. It was time.

You are all great friends and I am truly thankful for each and every one of you. You are all the best friends and comrades a person could ask for.

Clarisse I know we started off on a bad foot. But after finding the Golden Fleece we developed a friendship that only improved in time. I am proud to call you one of my best friends. I hope you can knock Stephen down a few pegs for me.

Travis and Conner I truly appreciate what you two have done to help me. Thank you for sticking by me. Look after your siblings even the ones that are talking bad about me. It is not their fault. I loved pulling pranks and creating mayhem with both off you. Make sure you keep up the chaos and maybe humiliate Stephen and Chase too. Maybe take photos so I can see and have a laugh.

Malcolm I don't blame you for your Sisters actions. You will always be considered a friend to me. Look after yourself. And I should say the Head Councillor position should go too you. As you're the more grounded off your siblings. Be safe.

Kayla again I don't blame your for what your siblings are saying. You're a great and compassionate person. So don't let others get you done. I am glad to have a friend like you.

Katie like Kayla I don't blame you for what your siblings are saying and your just as compassionate as Kayla. Look after those plants off yours especially the Moonlace. If I find any other rare plants I will make sure to send some too you.

Piper I am going to miss you a lot. You are a great friend. Don't worry about Jason he doesn't deserve you. Don't let others predigest about your Mother get in the way off your training. You are great. Much like your Sister Silena. I promise we will see each other soon. And if Jason starts to hassle you let Thalia know and she will knock her brother down a peg or two. I will too when I get back all you need to do is say the word. Be safe.

Nico my Cousin, your more like a Little Brother for me. And I know you will be kicking my ass when I reappear again. But this was something I had to do. Don't worry I will look after myself. But I need to get away. I am sorry I didn't say goodbye to you or Thalia but this was just a split second decision. I hope to see you soon Corpse Breath.

Let my Roman friends know I appreciate their support. And I promise to see them soon. And to remain safe. I hope my situation doesn't cause trouble in the Legion. I am truly sorry if it does. Be well my friends.

To all others who support me. Don't let my situation tear you apart from your siblings I am not worth that.

You all are great friends and anyone would be lucky to be your friends.

I hope you all stay safe. I truly believe we will see each other again.

Be well everyone.

-Perseus Jackson

PS: Nico good luck telling Thalia what is going on. Let her know I am sorry and I know I am in for an ass kicking when she next sees me.

Some of the girls have tears in their eyes after the letter was finished. Oh how they were going to murder Stephen and Annabeth.
"Lets make the Bastard Duo lives hell", Conner says firmly

Everyone agrees a look of determination in their eyes.

"They won't know what hit them. So I am in", Malcolm says, "Even thought it is against my own sister"

Everyone also voiced their help. They wanted in on the pranks and everything else too.

Suddenly Nico realises a important part of Percy's letter and groans. Everyone looks at him in confusion.

"What is it Nico?" Piper asks

"How much can I pay one off you to tell Thalia what is going on?" Nico asks everyone

Everyone freezes then…

"Hell no!" everyone exclaims

"Come on", Nico whines

Everyone laughs at Nico. They knew Thalia was going to be furious and just maybe she will murder Stephen and Annabeth.

"Not a chance you walking corpse", Clarisse tells him

Nico groans, "Well you better plan a funeral. Either for myself or the bastards who ran Percy away and maybe Percy himself"

Everyone snickers and wishes Nico luck as they are going to start planning revenge for those who hurt Percy.

Nico sighs he is going to need ear plugs for when Thalia starts yelling.

At least he wasn't going to be telling Thalia in person. He might not survive her wrath if he did. So he would take the cowards way and Iris message her.

Yes that would be the safe bet.

He wondered how long the betrayers would last when Thalia came back to Camp.

One things was for certain he would want front row seats too what Thalia would do to the betrayers when she came. It was sure going to be spectacular.

But first he needed to survive the Iris message.

He made a rainbow and chucked in a drachma.

"Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Thalia Grace in the Hunters Camp!"

Nico braces himself this was going to be fun. Not…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)