Author: Cutexlilxkitty02\

Disclaimer: I don't own Outlaw Star and I never will. So don't sue me I can't afford it.

Continued from before:

"So what class do you have first?" Gene asked looking up and down the halls for any sign of the McDougall brothers.

"I have Chemistry." Melfina answered shyly.

"Same here."


"Yea it's with Mr. Utaka right. He's really stern."

"Oh. I'm sure he's a nice person."

"Yeah right and I'm an angel."

"I'm sure you could be if you wanted to be."

"See you're too optimistic."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

They stopped in front of Chemistry and entered together. Gene took a seat and Melfina shyly talked to the teacher. She ended up sitting next to a Gene and was happy. The day went on just about the same way until her last period came up. She walked slowly down the hall towards English and was stopped by Harry.

"So how do you know Gene?" Harry asked blocking off her escape.

"I met him today." She said looking for a way out.

"Well you know his a problem child and he always gets in fights. I'd stay away from him if I were you."

"Thank god she's not you." A teacher said walking up. She had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail.

"Ms. Suzuka I didn't see you sneak up." Harry said bitterly.

"You never do." She said turning to Melfina.

"So you're a new student." She said looking at Melfina. Melfina nodded wide eyed.

"We'll I'm Mrs. Suzuka I teach English and I believe your in my class." She said indicating the sheet that Melfina held. Melfina handed her classes list. Suzuka looked it over and returned it to her.

"Unfortunately I won't be here to teach your class today and you have a sub." She said smiling and leaving the two. Melfina wished she hadn't of left. Harry turned his attention back to Melfina.

"Anyways we're having a party today after school if you'd like to come." He said handing her an invitation. She smiled sheepishly and caught sight off Gene.

"Aisha! Give me back my book!" He yelled chasing after a tan girl with pale blonde hair. She ran past them and Gene skidded to a halt. He panted and looked up at Melfina.

"Didn't think I'd see you here." He said as the corners of his lips curled up into a smile. A tall young man with shoulder length black hair and blue eyes walked out the door. He cleared his throat.

"What is it Fred?" Gene asked. Fred opened his mouth but stopped when he saw Melfina. He nudged Gene.

"Oh yes, Melfina this is Fred Lou." (is that how you spell it?) Gene informed her. Fred took her hand and kissed it. Harry glared at Fred and bumped him to the side.

"Any ways, Melfina I hope you'll come to my party." He said grinning. He stepped over Fred as he entered the classroom.

"The nerve of some people." Fred said standing and straightening his shirt.

"We better get inside." Gene said rolling his eyes at Fred. The teacher that stood at the front of the class looked agitated.

"You have all missed fifteen minutes of my class and you shall all stay fifteen minutes after class to clean the boards. Now take your seats." The substitute demanded. Melfina sighed and took a seat. Gene sat behind her and Harry in front leaving Fred next to her. She looked out the window and class went by steadily. The bell rang bringing her out of her dream state. She looked at the front of the class to see Harry talking to the teacher. Gene leaned forward.

"How much you wanna he gets out of helping us using some lame excuse." He whispered to her and Fred. Fred nodded in agreement and Melfina just watched.

"Okay Mr. McDougall I understand. You may leave." The substitute said. Harry winked at Melfina and blew her a kiss.

"See you after detention!" He said tauntingly to Fred and Gene.

Mwahahaha! Cliff hanger..Well not really, but who really cares right? Anyway review and tell me what you think. Sorry if it's too short, I've got writers block. Also sorry it took me so long to update.