Note: This will be based of the game with aspects from the Pokemon X Y and Z anime.

Currently it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the town of Royal Woods, a small town located in the state of Michigan that was well known to be a well-diverse and accepting community.

Truly it was a beautiful day as the birds were chirping and the bees were collecting honey while the squirrels were collecting acorns.

Many people who had Saturday off we're enjoying this beautiful day by doing activities like going to the park or playing basketball in many of the public courts. Moms and Dads who had this beautiful day off work enjoying it with their children and love ones as best they could.

Truly everyone who called Royal Woods their home was enjoying this beautiful day...well except for Lincoln Loud of twelve sixteen Franklin avenue.

Currently the only brother/son of a household of Eleven children was sitting on the front porch of his house sulking. Lincoln had an obvious scout on his face as he appeared to be waiting for someone... or a group of someone's.

What was most noticeable about Lincoln was the fact that he was wearing dirty orange pajamas that look like they haven't been washed in a week, and that wasn't too far off.

"Man I hope Lynn wins her stupid game so we can put this whole "Bad Luck" incident to rest already because I'm getting tired of all of this BS."grumbled Lincoln to himself as he started to painfully remembered how all of this nonsense began only a few days ago.

It all started as the breakfast table exactly one week ago when Lincoln head from his sisters to avoid going to one of their events, or all of their events.

Now it wasn't because he was selfish or anything like that it's just that when you have ten sister's, it is easy to assume that your schedule is always filled with going to events. Lori's golf games, Leni's charity fashion shows, Luna's concerts, Luan's gigs, Lynn's games, Lucy's poetry readings, Lana's mud wrestling competitions, Lola's pageants, Lisa's award ceremonies are just a drop in the river of examples of events Lincoln had to go to.

To Lincoln he just needed a break as he hasn't been able to do any of the activities he wanted to do in quite some time.

Now Lincoln tried to avoid his sister is that day the best he could even giving Lily her bottle just to keep her mouth shut. But unfortunately his plan failed miserably as he was making his way to his room he ended up running into Lynn.

It was then and there that Lynn told him that it was time to go to her softball game as he had not been to one of her games all season because he had to go to their other sisters events. Now Lincoln tried to politefully refuse and even in a stern voice said he wouldn't go but after some "persuasion"with a baseball bat it was easy to say that he changed his mind.

A short while later at the game something happened that was completely unexpected,...For the first time in their entire season the Royal wood squirrels ended up losing a game and to say that the crowd was shocked was an understatement.

After the game as everyone was going home Lincoln went over to Lynn to try to make her feel better but she ended up backing away with him with slight fear in her body language. Confused Lincoln asked her what was wrong and she told them straight out to his face to stay away as he was bad luck.

Lincoln tried to defend himself saying that that was pure nonsense but Lynn countered as this was the first time that Lincoln ever went to one of her games all season and all the other games she and her team won, but the one game Lincoln goes to they ended up losing? To the superstitious mind of Lynn Loud Jr that was all the proof she needed.

Lincoln just brushed it off as he thought it was Lynn's usual nonsense until the next day when Leni invited him to her charity fashion show only for Lynn to interject saying that his "Bad Luck"will cause some sort of mishap at the fashion show.

Now Lincoln was about to defend himself again when an idea popped in his head. What if he pretended to be bad luck? If all of his sisters believed that he was bad luck they would no longer invite him to their events and he would finally get some time to himself!

So after some thought Lincoln lied and said he was bad luck, causing Leni to politely not invite him. Soon like Dominos each sister began falling for the lie as one by one they stopped inviting him to their events.

Even Lori fell for it after Lincoln's "Bad Luck" damaged her golf clubs when in reality it was just Lincoln doing it on purpose so he could sell his lie. Soon even the parents of the Loud children, Lynn Sr and Rita Loud began believing their sons lie.

Soon Lincoln was free to do what he want as all the others were at the Loud sisters events and to say that he enjoyed it was an understatement as he was quite happy to finally have some time to himself.

But as later Lincoln would admit he should have known better as knowing his sisters... they would take things way too far.

It all began the day Lincoln found his breakfast in the living room instead of the dining table with everyone else. When Lincoln questioned this he was given a confusing answer.

Soon things escalated quickly as Lincoln was soon excluded from events he wanted to go to like going to the movies.

Then one day Lincoln walked up to the second floor to go to his bedroom to get some sleep when he found his bedroom covered by chains and planks.

Lincoln quickly run over to see what was the big idea when he found a note saying that they couldn't risk having him in the house anymore as his "Bad Luck"was too dangerous, and soon Lincoln found himself sleeping outside.

Even the family dog Charles wanted nothing to do with Lincoln as he didn't even allow him to sleep in his dog house, so that very night Lincoln had to use a pile of leaves as a makeshift blanket to keep himself warm from the cold night.

Days passed and as soon as Saturday came Lincoln decided he had had enough so he decided to come clean with everything. That day using a megaphone he had gotten from the garage Lincoln woke his family to explain to them everything and apologize for lying to them.

But unfortunately mostly due to Lynn they did not believe him and even broke the news to him saying that they would be taking a trip to the beach to celebrate Lynn's championship victory, and they had no plans of taking him with them.

Lincoln was honestly speechless as he saw them leave in Vanzilla to the ballpark.

And flash forward a few hours later Lincoln was back where he was on the porch waiting for them to come home.

Now Lincoln came up with a plan a few hours earlier to go to the game in disguise to prove he was not bad luck, but then he started thinking. What if he goes to the game and by some chance laying in the squirrels end up losing against the Hazeltucky Lions?And what if he was spotted that would surely seal his fate! So after much mental deliberation he decided against it.

"Hopefully Lynn when's her stupid championship game and everyone is so happy that we can forget this whole mess and put everything the rest that way things can go back to normal!"grumbled Lincoln once more.

This softball game means so much to Lynn so if she ends up winning hopefully she will be so happy that the family will be so happy for her that Lincoln can work his magic and hopefully convince them that he had made the whole thing up.

After with an athlete with Lynn's skills winning that championship game should be easy.

[Royal Woods Softball Field]

Unfortunately for Lincoln because he was miles away he had no idea what had actually transpired at the game.

"Well... that was certainly surprising folks as despite the home field advantage the Royal Woods Squirrels ended up losing big time to the Hazeltucky Lions...all I can honestly say is better luck next year Squirrels."said the announcer as many were still shocked about what had just transpired.

Despite having the home field advantage and the support of their fans the Royal Woods Squirrels ended up suffering a humiliating loss.

To say that everyone was shocked wasn't an understatement as everyone was currently speechless and if there was one person who was more shocked by this it would have to be Lynn Loud Jr.

Lynn could not believe that the team she played for, where she was the star player could lose to the Lions of all people.

The audience just looked at her shock face as they knew that the game and more importantly the victory for the squirrels was doomed from the start.

Things didn't look good for the squirrels when one of the players for the squirrels ended up costing the team an important advantage when she ended up getting three strikes and she was out. Then another player for the squirrels ended up falling on her face as she was trying to run to home base because her shoelaces were untied.

Then Margo, Lynn's best friend and fellow teammate almost had her teeth knocked out by a fastball. Before anyone knew what was happening it was already game over and the Hazeltucky Lions ended up winning the game.

Back to Lynn she was currently clenching her baseball back tightly as she stared at the Lions, who are celebrating their victory as they had just won the championship game, bringing pride to Hazeltucky.

Lynn was just staring at them with clear rage in her face and body language as she looked like she was ready to go over there and clobber them with her baseball bat.

Margo knowing that her best friend was steamed decided to slowly approach her to see if she was all right.

"Lynn are you... Okay?"Asked Margo nervously as Lynn turned around to face her with a scowl.

"All right? ALL RIGHT?! DO I LOOK ALRIGHT TO YOU MARGO!"yelled Lynn scaring her best friend, her teammates, and even her coach.

"Lynn I know you're upset but what can we do? They won and we lost that's all there is to it."reasoned Margo.

"No it's not! This was the most important game of the year and we ended up losing badly to them of all people! This was suppose to be our year Margo! The Royal Woods Squirrels we're supposed to win the championship game this year! How on Earth did we ended up losing when we practice so hard and had a person like me on the team!"exclaimed Lynn as her face turned red.

"...I...I...I...I don't know maybe today wasn't our lucky day!"Exclaimed Margo and she backed away a little.

As soon as the word lucky escape Margo's lips Lynn's red face turn to a face of realization. Lucky? Luck! Lincoln!

"Why that no good little...! Lincoln I swear when I get my hands on you you're going to wish you were never born!"Yelled Lynn as she began looking around trying to find her brother who was most likely in disguise.

"Come on out Stinkoln I know you're here!"Yelled Lynn when her attention turned to the Royal Woods Squirrels mascot.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"said the mascot in a female voice. The mascot had no way of knowing that her voice had saved her from a beating.

As soon as the mascot was confirmed not to be Lincoln link continued her search as she looked through the crowd clenching her baseball bat tightly.

As she made her way to the bleachers her teammates and family looked at her with looks of worry and fear.

Meanwhile Lincoln who was literally miles away back at the Loud House was just sitting there on the porch waiting for his family to come home with the softball championship trophy. The middle child of the Loud family had no idea what was in store for him when his family returned from the softball field.

Hey guys FireKing97 here with some news. Just finish the first chapter of my Loud House X Pokemon fanfiction. Now I'm sure you've noticed that this story is quite similar to the fanfiction story by SillverNugget, and you'd be right. I actually got permission from the great fanfiction writer himself to write this story.

Now this story will resolve around the Kalos region as it is one of my favorite regions and I am a huge fan of mega evolution. Now next chapter Lincoln will learn what exactly happened at the softball game and an idea will be given that will forever change his destiny. If you want to know what happens next you will have to read the next chapter to find out.