Thanks to an inspiring review from ssdiablo, I managed to get cracking on this chapter, and it's finished! (Chapter idea from Dha-Gal)

Title: Fool of a Took

Author: Wilwarin

Rating: PG

Warnings: None

Summary: After an accident involving Gandalf's staff and Pippin, the Fellowship has switched bodies.

Author's Note: Unbetaed. It's been 11 months since I last updated this. I am so sorry.


Chapter 6 – Sam's POV

Honesty, I meant no offense to Mister Frodo, but I wanted my own body back.

It was so confusing! With Gimli as Gandalf, and Merry as Boromir, and Strider as Legolas, and Mister Frodo as me, and . . . oh, headache!

I finally understood how my Old Gaffer felt when he woke up the morning after drinking too much ale.

And it had been the previous week before this big mess started that Gandalf had mentioned something that my Gaffer used to say, about walking a mile with another's feet. Although I don't suppose they both meant it literally.

That morning had been pretty usual -- other than the fact we were still switched about in each other's bodies, if you can call that 'usual'. Except that Strider, and by that I mean Strider's body, was walking around rather funny. I asked him if he was all right, but he said something about a strange dream . . . something he could not remember. I do not quite see how that had to do with walking funny, but it must have been very realistic.

Anyway, there we were, sitting about the fire, helping ourselves to our second helping of First Breakfast -- sadly, that was Second Breakfast since the non-Hobbits of the Fellowship decided that we could not stop six times a day to eat (all four of our hearts nearly stopped when they told us; poor Pippin burst out crying and had to be consoled by Merry for nearly an hour) -- when suddenly, Legolas who was watching the fire, went stiff. He stood up and looked east. "Something approaches."

"What is it?" Pippin asked, with a mouthful of sausage.

There was a long pause, then: "Orcs."

It was a mad dash to put out the fire and grab our weapons.

Strider was looking in the same direction and complaining. "Why can't I see them? I'm supposed to see them!" He then spun around to face his own body. "Aragorn, you have horrible far-sight!"

Well, it wasn't too long before all of us could see them -- twenty feet in front of us. There was a lot of them, about a hundred . . . but then again, it is hard to estimate when they are running directly at you.

"What do we do now?" Boromir asked, his voice shaking.

Merry calmly replied, "Simple. We fight them off."

An orc jumped towards Pippin and Merry. Pippin closed his eyes and stuck out his sword. It went though the orcís chest. Another orc lunged at them, and Merry cut off its head. The other orcs drew their weapons and ran towards them.

"For the Shire!" They yelled in unison, and charged at the onslaught.

Pippin plunged his sword into the orc in front of him. When he tried to pull it out, it was stuck. He gave it one large yank, and it came out of the orc only to swing around behind him and become lodged into another orc behind him.

I grabbed the first thing I saw and started swinging. I had taken out nearly 5 or 6 of those monsters before I realized it was my frying pan. As much as I hated seeing the poor thing being used in such a manner, I had no other choice but to keep smashing orcs' faces with it. I really was not getting the hang of it, yet.

I was not able to see much else during the fight, except Boromir. Being Hobbit-sized, his shield did not protect him like it used to. Every time he picked up his shield, it fell on top of him, making him look like a giant turtle. He could not do much else but stab orcs from the waist down.

Unfortunately, during that brief distraction, I was knocked to the ground by a large, and dead, orc. My leg was pinned to the ground, and another live orc was aiming for my head. I was trapped.

I heard a sudden shout and the orc above me was slammed out of the way by Legolas. Unfortunately, he was not as quick as he was in his Elven body and took a rather nasty blow to the side by a head dive by an orc. I think I fainted after that.

When I came to, there was just us ten -- the Fellowship and Bill the pony. All of the orcs were dead, and all of us managed to survive -- but not without injuries.

It was strange to see an Elf with so many bruises. Or even one bruise for that matter. Legolas, himself, however, was a different matter. The orc's head dive had left Aragorn's body with a cracked rib. Still, he seemed in high spirits as he was smiling ear to ear. "I killed twelve, Master Dwarf."

"Humph, only eleven," Gandalf replied, slightly disgruntled. "I swear I will get even with you one day. I will not be outdone by an Elf."

Legolas began gathering his weapons. "We must continue, before we encounter any more."

Silently, we agreed. When I picked up my bag, I noticed that Mister Frodo had a very odd look on his face . . . or is it 'my face'? Either way, I do not know what it was, but I always got a chill up my back when Mister Frodo would start stroking that golden Ring like it was a pet coney.

Very strange . . . and very creepy.


AN -- Due to the new rules of , please do not post story ideas in your review. If you have an idea for a chapter, send it to my e-mail address in my bio.

Since the replies would be longer than the actual story (), I'll just post the answers to the questions some of you asked.

Dragon empress: She probably wouldn't have believed them. Besides, where's the fun in that?

Mists of Myth: Since Sam carried his cooking gear all the way to Mordor and was reluctant to leave them behind, he's obviously very attached to them. I just ran with that idea.

Aragorn's Chick: Sorry, none with Arwen's POV. I couldn't make it work.

Sayanna The Rover: Honestly, I have no idea. I think I was toying with the idea of what would happen if Pippin got a hold of Gandalf's staff and messed around with it. I wish I could remember exactly how this story got started, but apparently, I just can't.

DaakuKitsune: This was Sam's. Next will be either Gimli or Merry.

Deana: I think you've got that one covered already

To all who wanted slash: There was a tie between slashy and not slashy. Sorry, but I'm leaving it the way it is.

Thanks to all of you who review. It really makes my day (and actually does get me off my butt to write)