Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the panties I'm wearing right now, (just kidding, the panties are mine I swear, ).

Chapter 14

Surprise! Surprise!

She was crying, her head on Colin's shoulder, like a child.

Why does he have to leave?

Colin stroked her hair, "I'm sorry Gin Gin, but I have to go home. Mum misses me something fierce." He lifted her head so she was now facing him, "Hey stop crying like an idiot I'll see you soon at school alright." He then leaned towards her left ear to whisper to her, "So cheer up and enjoy the rest of your time with Malfoy." He then smiled and winked at her.

Ginny blushed and then smacked his arm, "You're dirty Colin, you know that?"

Colin laughed.

A few feet away Draco was leaning/brooding on a pillar.

That git Creevey, acting all cutesy with Ginny.

Blaise snuck up behind his friend, "You know mate if I was you I wouldn't worry so much."

Draco turned to him and just rolled his eyes, "What the hell are you on about now?"

Blaise smirked, "I wouldn't be getting jealous over little Creevey there. He only likes Virginia as a mate, nothing more." He laughed watching the other two talking when he saw Ginny blush and then looked back at Draco, who was now scowling, "He's just trying to egg you on Draco, don't fall for it."

Draco crossed his arms.

Blaise laughed and shook his head, "I'm going to go say good-bye to little Ginny-poo and then be on my way. Till later mate, seriously though, don't worry about Creevey, besides," he smirked, "the boy is mine and you know I'm an absolute brat when it comes to my boy." He then slapped his, wide-eyed, and very surprised, best mate on the back and walked over to Ginny and Colin suppressing a laugh.

"Um, Blaise, what's wrong with Draco?" She pointed towards Draco.

Blaise shook his head, "No worries Ginny, now then, little Colin and I must be boarding so thanks for everything."

Ginny raised her brow, "Me? I didn't do anything, besides, the place belongs to Draco."

Blaise then looked as her and smiled, "That is true, but because of your presences it was a lot more fun, not just for me, but for that git over there."

Ginny giggled and slapped him playfully on the arm, "Stop it, how would I affect Draco? Other than drive him nuts."

Colin then spoke up, "If by 'drive him nuts' you mean snog him senseless, then yes, I would agree with you."

"Colin! Whose side are you on?"

"Speaking of snogging," Blaise interrupted, "little Colin and I have a plane to catch." He threw his arm around Colin's shoulders and started to walk away. Colin followed, but quickly remembered something, "Oh Blaise, wait one moment I forgot something." He then turned around and ran up to Draco, "Malfoy you better treat Ginny well in my absence, if you don't I'll kill you!" Colin then smiled, "That was a message from Ron I was suppose to give you, anyway, thanks for everything." He extended his hand to Draco.

Draco eyed him suspiciously for a moment, "You are welcome…I suppose." He shook Colin's hand when he felt something solid hit it.

What the…

He pulled his hand away quickly holding the object.

Colin smirked, "It may be useful to you. Besides, Blaise and I have a bet going, so don't disappoint me." He winked and ran back over to Ginny and Blaise, gave Ginny one more good-bye kiss, and then boarded the plane with Blaise.

Draco watched Colin run off before looking down at his closed hand.

Please don't be what I think it is.

He slowly opened his palm and what he saw surprised him.

A note?

He quickly unfolded it and read, "Ginny's birthday is in two days. Just thought you'd like to know. – Colin"

"What do you have there Draco?"

Draco crumpled up the paper really fast and tossed it in a near by trashcan, "Don't worry about it, come on." He quickly grabbed Ginny's hand and headed towards the exit.

Next Day

It was noon and he was woken up once again by the un-Merliny sound that was Ginny singing.

You know you like it, give it up. She has a nice voice.

Oh shut it.

Not to mention a nice body.

Um… Ok I agree with you there.

Draco shook his head, "I really need to stop talking to myself so much." He got up slowly searching around the room for some shorts, "Where are my pants?" He kept searching till something dawned on him.


Walking out onto the landing, he saw the full show in front of him.

Ginny didn't notice Draco staring at her as she danced around making an omelet for lunch.

At least she is using headphones this time. Draco thought.

Ginny was in the kitchen listening to "Beautiful February" by Ritter and jumping up and down with periods of two-stepping in between (for those who have no idea what I'm talking about think about how kids dance around at punk, ska, and hardcore shoes). Unbeknownst to her Draco was making his way down the steps on a search for pants (trousers).

Not expecting the tap she got on the shoulder, Ginny jumped around and almost collided with a half naked Draco, she looked at him a bit confused when his lips were moving, but no sound was coming out.

Judging by Ginny's confused looked Draco figured that her music was too loud and raised his hands and took off her headphones, "Weaslette, what have you done with my pants? Not sniffing them hoping to put my smell to memory I hope." He smirked.

Ginny rolled her eyes, "A) That is one disturbed thought, not to mention very very disgusting and B) Last time I checked Malfoy I was hired as your maid and a part of being a maid is to clean your clothes, which usually includes pants." She then smiled with mock sweetness.

Draco laughed slightly at this and walked closer, "Is that so? Hmmm, what else must you do for me since you are my maid?" Draco looked at Ginny with a mischievous look in his eyes.

Ginny had nowhere to go now; Draco had backed her up against the edge of the kitchen sink. She looked up at him, willing herself not to fall for his charms for the umpteenth time. "That's a stupid question Malfoy, I do chores, I clean, I cook, have you never had a maid before, I mean a pompous little git like you must be used to…" the rest was muffled when Draco lips came down and covered Ginny's.

It took Ginny a moment to recover, but when she did she pushed him away slightly, "Draco, stop…" she whispered out.

He was expecting her to yell at him, or to respond to his kiss. Anything, but not this timid attitude, "Weaslette is something wrong?" He sounded sort of serious.

Ginny looked up at him for a moment and then just shook her head, "Forget it Malfoy, lunch is ready so sit down before it gets cold." She quickly smiled and slipped out of his grasp to get the table ready.

Things were pretty quiet for the rest of the afternoon. Ginny went to the market and when she asked Draco if he wanted to join her he just shrugged and said he felt like spending the day on the beach.

Did I do something to upset him?

Ginny thought to herself as she picked through the fresh veggies trying to think of something good to make for dinner just incase Draco was mad at her and hoping the meal would make him happy.

Oh for Merlin's sake, I sound domesticated…ewwwwwwwww…

She quickly put the veggies back and decided on take out.

He sat on the beach staring at the sunset over the ocean.

What am I going to do, her birthday is tomorrow and I have nothing for her.

What are you saying, she doesn't deserve anything, stupid little weasel…

Oh give it up already; you are at the least attracted to her.

Whatever this isn't helping.

He shook his head trying to clear it, "I must stop talking to myself, or I might really go crazy."

He grabbed his board and headed back inside. Since no one was around he stripped off his wetsuit figuring there was no point in getting the rest of the house wet.

It would be fun to make the little weasel suffer though.

He laughed, "That would teach her."

"Teach who what?" Ginny asked from the doorway, bags in hands and looking a bit peeved off.

Draco turned towards her, not one to be caught off guard he said, "Who else would I be talking about, I meant you of course Weaslette." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen dropping the take out on the table, "There's dinner, I didn't feel like making anything so dig in." She then walked over to her room, "Also I'm taking tomorrow off, and I don't care what you do or say I'm taking it off, good night Malfoy." The last thing Draco heard was the sound of her door slamming.

Next Day (Ginny's Birthday)

Ginny woke up to an odd smell.

What is that? It kinda smells like…burning..

She shot up out of bed.


She ran out of her room "Call the firefighters! Call the medi-wizards! Call the…" She stopped short when she got to the kitchen and saw what had taken place.

There was a moment of silence…

Then Ginny fell to the ground laughing her arse off.

There he stood, Draco, defiant as ever, in the middle of the kitchen covered in flour, batter, and grease. The sausage was burning on the stove and there was smoke coming out of the oven, "It's all a part of my plan…really…"

Ginny stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes, "I'm sure Malfoy, now turn everything off before you start a fire. I'll go grab my wand so we can clean this up."

"Weaslette I don't need your help, just leave me alone." He looked at her for a moment and then left to go get his wand. "I especially not from a Weasley…" He winced inwardly knowing instantly that that was the wrong thing to say, but when a Malfoy's pride is hurt things go awry.

Ginny was now fuming, "Fine then! Fuck you too Draco Malfoy!" She ran back into her room and slammed the door once more. If it wasn't for the fact it was her birthday, this probably wouldn't have bothered her as much, but it was her birthday.

Happy bloody birthday to me…

She sighed and stared at the picture she was now holding in her hands.

I wish I was home… Stupid Malfoy, ruining my one happy day…

Nice one Draco, you tired making her breakfast and you manage to piss her off in the worst of ways.

I have to agree, you totally screwed that up.

He screamed, "Ah! What the hell do I do now?" He was trying to think of a plan when he heard music coming for downstairs, to be more precise, Ginny's room. She had played this song once before, she called is her 'really sad song'. Now he really felt like an ass.

I need to make this up to her.

She was planning on having a great birthday, when she woke up and found Draco in the kitchen she thought that he was trying to make them breakfast.

Boy was I totally wrong, besides why would he make me anything, he defiantly hates me!

She turned her stereo on and played the song she only played when she was really sad. "Play Crack the Sky" by Brand New. She blasted it trying to go off in her own world and she cried silently.

He was standing in front of her door trying to figure out what to say to her.

Don't screw up this time Draco! This plan has to work!

He knocked as hard as he could and she still didn't answer. He then started yelling her name, still no answer.

Fuck this.

He pulled out his wand and used the unlocking charm on the door before pushing it open violently.

"GET OUT!" Ginny screamed at Draco, with tears in her eyes.

"NO! I have something to say." Draco stared her down.

Ginny stood up and walked over to him, her hand balled up into a fist ready to hit him, "I hate you get out of my room right now Draco or I swear I'll punch you!" She went to swing, but he caught her fist.

"…I did it for you, ok!"

Ginny blinked a few times, "What the hell are you talking about!"

"I was trying to make you breakfast, and I suck at cooking! You laughed at me so I got pissed, ok? You happy now! You got a Malfoy to apologize; of course that probably means nothing to a Weasley… Forget it, happy bloody birthday…" He slowly let go of her hand and walked out of her room, unbeknownst to Ginny, with a smirk on his face.

Ginny stood stunned, "… You were making me… My birthday… for me?" Draco didn't respond, he just kept walking outside. "Draco wait, please." She ran after him and stopped on the deck taking in what was going on.

There was a huge bonfire on the beach, with a nice sized blanket in front of it. On top of that was an ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses next to it.

Ginny was in such shock that she didn't hear Draco coming to stand by her, "I can't cook, and I'm sorry…" He looked down at her trying to gauge her reaction.

Ginny looked up and him and smiled slightly, "I'm still pissed at you…but thank you." She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Draco smirked, "I tried to cook for you and then do this and all I get is a bloody peck? I mean Weaslette I know what I said before was wrong, but to only get a peck. Malfoy's don't do 'pecks' on the cheeks."

Ginny smirked back, "What are you going to do about it, hmm?" She laughed.

With the speed of a cat Draco wrapped his arms around Ginny, pulling her close to him and leaning his forehead against hers, "Take matters into my own hands." He then closed the gap between them and kissed her gently on the lips.

On the inside Ginny was smiling, but on the outside her mouth was busy with other things. She opened her mouth to Draco's when he tongue asked entrance to deepen the kiss.

Before things went any farther Draco surprised Ginny by sweeping her off her feet and carrying her over to the bonfire, "Happy Birthday Ginny". Ginny smiled and hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much Draco." Once he placed her down on the blanket he continued to kiss her deeply.

Draco's hand slowly worked its way under Ginny's shirt when he felt something pinch his arm hard, "Ouch! Bloody hell Ginny, a simple 'stop' would have sufficed."

"It wasn't me Draco, it was that owl," she pointed to the owl now standing on the blanket holding out its leg to Draco. "Who the hell would owl me now?" He grabbed the note and the owl flew away. Draco sat up and opened the note, "Who's it from Draco?" Ginny asked.

Draco scanned the note before answering. Ginny noticed that as he seemed be become more and more frustrated as he read it. Ginny reached her hand out to touch him, but he pulled away. He then threw the note on the ground and looked at Ginny, "Those gits we call friends really know how to piss me off you know that? They are disgraces to the wizarding world… Even more than mudbloods…"

Ginny glared at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Sorry, it slipped."

Ginny looked away from Draco and picked up the note. Now if an outsider was watching this they would have thought that Ginny was reading a totally different letter gauged on her reaction.

She tried to hold it in, but couldn't, "Dra..Dra…Drakey-poo… He calls you Drakey-poo!" She fell over onto her side unable to hold in the fit of laughter anymore."

"It's not funny!" Draco yelled at her.

Ginny wiped away the tears of laughter before responding, "Whatever you say Drakey-poo." She said, in an all too cutesy manner.

He growled, "Stop that I say!"

She looked at him, right in the eyes, "What if I don't want to Drakey-poo? It's my birthday I can do what I want."

He glared at her, "Oh, is that what you think? Well, you are still my maid and I say no using that ridiculous nickname in my presence, understood?"

Ginny nodded and almost began to giggle again, "Yes Master Drakey-poo."

"That's it!" And like a bat out of hell Draco had tackled Ginny and proceeded to tickle her till she surrendered.

"Draco…no…hahahahaha…stop…hahahaha..I'm sorry… I give up I promise…"

Draco stopped his assault, but didn't get up, "You really promise?" Ginny nodded and he nodded in return, "Good, now then how about a toast to the birthday girl?" He then proceeded to pour to glasses of champagne and hand her one, "Happy 17th birthday Weaslette." He held his glass up to hers and 'tinged' their glass together before they both took sips.

GInyn then put her glass down and smiled, "Thank you for this…" she paused and smirked, "Drakey-poo."

Draco opened his mouth to yell at her, but was cut off when her lips touched his. It didn't take very long for Draco to respond to her kiss. He closed his eyes and brought his hands up to run them through her surprisingly soft red hair.

Once Ginny knew that her kiss was accepted she relaxed and brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, her fingers playing with the baby hairs on it.

When he felt her hands on his neck he pulled his lips away from hers slowly and leaned his head against her, "I wouldn't do that…" He said trying to control his voice.

Now Ginny looked confused, "Why?"

"Why? Are you serious?" He sighed for a minute, but then got an idea, "Ginny tell me how this makes you feel." Knowing that most girls had the same 'weak spots' he figured so did Ginny.

He brought his head down to her neck and kissed/licked the juncture just between the back of the ear and the neck.

Ginny let out a little moan, then turned beet red before pulling away.

Draco just smirked, "Yah, that's how I felt when you were touching my neck, so if you continued then Blaise and Colin would have won their little bet too soon." He then smiled letting her know he was joking.

Ginny just stared at him for a few more moments, before remembering what she read in the letter, "…would it be that bad… I mean to lose the bet?" She said in almost a whisper, feeling embarrassed.

Draco's eyes went wide. Is she saying that…wait, so it's ok to… No this isn't right to do yet…

Draco smirked, "I hate losing bets." He was joking around now, trying to relax the mood, "and besides, you know you aren't ready for that yet, hell, a few hours ago you were ready to kill me. Am I right?"

Ginny smiled and laughed a little. She was afraid at first that he was saying no because he didn't want her, but know she understood that he just didn't want to hurt her.

Draco's being nice…It's creepy

Ginny looked at Draco once more, "Can we still snog atleast?"

Draco laughed a little and then nodded, "Anything for the birthday girl."

Draco then leaned into Ginny and laid her down, with himself on top, and they proceeded to snog until the fire was nothing more than burnt out ash.

I'm sorry, that's all I can say. This took me so long because A) I was lazy ALL summer, B) Once school started I had lots of class work and an internship to go to 3 days a week, C) When I didn't have class or work I was lazy again and didn't do anything, D) Lastly, last minute I changed the ending because originally it ended on a kinda sad note, but then I decided that sucked, so I changed it so that took a little bit.

I'm not promising another update anytime soon, but I will try. First, I have to think up a plot for the next chapter and then I'll work from there. The story will be ending in a few more chapters so yah. As always please leave reviews, criticism is welcomed, but "that sucked" is not criticism, that's just rude and I won't tolerate it. You CAN yell at me for taking so long because I deserve that, hehe

Peace out, till next time!