Chapter 1 My Opinion On You

Author's note: I know, I know, this is such a typical story, but I wanted to try something simple. And this was written in longhand when I was bored after studying... without realizing it, the whole story was done, rather roughly. And to me it's such a shame to let something slip, so here it is. It's just for fun, but read it if you have the time!


"I hate this subject," Zell Dincht slumped over the five-inch thick volume of College Physics, face pulled into a goldfish pout. "Remind me again why I'm slaving away during a perfectly good afternoon in the school library?"

"Because you flunked your last exam, and if you don't pass this time your mother's gonna kick your ass to the moon, not to mention getting kicked out from school," Rinoa Heartily told him matter-of-factly, herself poring over a book on macroeconomics. "Oh phoey!" She burst out suddenly, frowning hard. "Do I have only three days to read the whole thing?!"

"If you didn't keep sneaking out of class to snog Squall in the janitor's cupboard, you would've had the whole year, doll," Irvine Kinneas guffawed, earning him a sharp slap on the shoulder. Rinoa made a face and tossed her raven hair over shoulder. Squall had commented it looked rather plain, and being an established cheerleader (A cheerleader can't be plain!) she had streaked it with blonde highlights. Although Squall hadn't commented on it yet, she was sure she looked hot. Speaking of which... "Where is Squall anyway?"

"Unlike the rest of us, he doesn't need to bury himself in books to get to the dean's list," Selphie Tilmitt blithely reminded Rinoa. Rinoa sighed and propped her chin on her hands. "Some people are just born to be a genius... like Ice Queen over there." She nodded to a figure moving about the bookshelves.

Quistis Trepe bit her lip as she returned several books and pulled several more out of their tight wedge. In her mind she ticked off the list of topics she hadn't covered - until a prickling sensation on her neck told her someone was watching her. Not that it was anything unusual; she was used to being stared at. Or sneered, or humiliated, or made fun of... she's seen them all. She even knew what people called her; the Ice Queen. Personally she wasn't offended, no matter what people say. After all, she's sitting at the top, isn't she?

"That's not real genius," Irvine said thoughtfully. "You've just transferred here Rinoa, so you don't know. She's been that way ever since I can remember... it's like the library is her second home or something."

"Where's she staying? I've never seen her around the Warp or any other hangout."

"I don't know," Irvine shrugged. 'She maybe a hot one, but she's cold as an iceberg. I never saw her mix around... I don't think she has a clique."

"That's for sure," Rinoa yawned, concealing it behind polished fingernails. "Or else I'd know. But look at her clothes. They're so... plain."

"I can't imagine her coming to school in that scrap you call a skirt, Rinny," Zell teased, chuckling. "She's fine the way she is."

Just then she passed by their table and Rinoa didn't bother to conceal her curious look. Irvine quickly made her turn her head. "If she catches you staring at her she can make you feel like you've been dunked in ice water with one look." He hissed in a low voice and Rinoa pouted. 'Doesn't she have a life?"


Squall took off the earphone and watched admiringly as a pair of girls passed him. He knew who they were; Danae and Flora from the third homeroom. He once went out with them a few months back - that is, before he met Rinoa. Ever since then, other girls seem pale in comparison.

He tore his eyes off them and saw another pair walking towards him with hungry looks. Nice figure, nice face, nice hair, nice legs, he grinned inwardly as they waved at him. Being the most sought after guy does have its benefits... you can afford to be choosy.

He followed them with his eyes until they turned a corner - and bumped into somebody. He raised an eyebrow as Beauty number One clutched her arm. "Watch it, klutz!"

The golden-haired girl who bumped into them totally ignored them as she bent down to recover her fallen books. Squall's heart stopped. Uh-oh. Did they just bump into who he thought it was?!

The girl straightened up and the two beauties took half a step back, face suddenly apprehensive. "Well... don't do it again!" Before taking off quickly. The girl stared at their retreating shadows with distaste before pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose - and stared straight at Squall.

He felt like he had been showered in ice. But the egoist in him refused to look away, and he gave her a 'what?' look. She regarded him imperiously and then walked away without another word.

That, he thought, is an example of looks can kill. Despite being in the same school with her for over three years, she was one girl he didn't dare mess around with. He did try, God knows he tried once, but the memory was so humiliating he preferred not to think of it. He wondered if she remembered. Shrugging it off, he headed to the library where the others were waiting.

"Where were you?" Rinoa gave her most charming pout as Squall slid into the chair next to her and casually threw an arm over her shoulder. "What, missed me already?"

"If she had access to the PA System I'm sure you would've heard your name announced," Irvine said with a straight face and Selphie giggled.

"Squally, I can't get this into my head," Rinoa slapped the book she had been reading. "Can I come over and study with you tonight?" She added rather slyly and elicited a guffaw from Zell. "That's Rinoa; never one for subtlety,"

Squall pushed his auburn fringe off his forehead, a gesture which normally had the girls swooning. But Selphie was immune to it, having once in their childhood days taken a pair of kitchen scissors and sniffed a good portion off. "I thought you were grounded the last time you came around to my place, Rinny? Isn't your father going to skin me alive this time?"

Rinoa merely rolled her eyes. "You know Daddy, he's like that, but he cools down pretty fast. Besides, he's going to be in Deling for a conference and I have the house to myself."

"With the butler, the driver and seventeen parlor maids," Selphie said wisely and laughed again. "Seriously Rinoa, you're never alone."

"It doesn't matter. The moment I threaten to run away he'll forgive anything I do," Rinoa declared and made the others sigh. She could be a bit spoilt, but it does have an advantage of being the only child. And she used it to GREAT advantage. General Caraway didn't approve of Squall because he said squall was just an 'average' guy. Even his high IQ didn't put him in good favour.

"It's nearly, people." Selphie sighed and cleared her books. "I can't hit the streets tonight - got several more volumes to plough through before I can let myself off the hook."

'Amen that' Irvine too got up and slung his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm off. See you tomorrow, babe." He kissed Selphie and parted ways.

Rinoa sighed and snuggled into Squall's shoulder. "I'd be glad when the exams are over. Then things will be back to normal, right Squall?"


One o'clock was dead time for some areas in Balamb; and in Hasberry Avenue it wasn't any different. A solitary light could be seen in the rows of darkness, and Quistis Trepe sighed as she pulled away from the window. She knew it was late, and tomorrow was another day, but she simply couldn't leave her work undone. She sat back at her desk and stared at the notes she had been revising. Three more days to go, she thought. Three more days which can determine the outcome of her future...

The beep of her cell phone made her jump. A glance at the caller ID made her smile. "Hello mom,"

"Quistis darling, did I wake you up?"

"No, I'm still awake. There's an exam coming up soon."

"I see. Study hard dear, you'll make us so proud. Seifer sends his love; he's in the shower. We're having a wonderful time here!"

"Alright, glad to hear that. Are you coming back soon?"

"We'll be back in a few weeks time - don't forget to study dear; it would make me so proud to have two children in Garden. Imagine that!"

Qusitis bit her lip. "Don't worry mom... I'll make it."

"Good, I knew you would. Your father's snoring in his sleep again, oh dear. Well, take care, and study hard. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you - Seifer came out top in the whole batch, isn't that wonderful?"

"...great mom. Send him my love, won't you?" She managed to say, suddenly feeling a bad migraine coming at full force. "Bye."

She hung up and flopped back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Seifer's the best student in his batch... there's another goal she has to match - another strain on her... but is there any other choice?

She got up and pulled open her desk drawer. A bottle of pills rolled towards her but another object caught her attention. A photo...

A strawberry blonde was smiling at her with a dark-haired man. She had Quistis' eyes, and the man had her smile... "Will you be proud of me now, Mother? Father?"

A flashback of a raven-haired lady holding her close. How long has it been since she hugged someone?

You're going to be happy, Quistis... these people are very nice, and they have a boy for you to play with...

Quistis squeezed her eyes shut and willed those memories away. Mom had allowed her to keep her original family name, and somehow it was useful... she could hide behind fading voices and memories. As much as she loved her foster family, she had always felt out of place. But Mom loved her intelligence, and if that's what it takes to be accepted, then she would do it...

Something else surfaced in her memory - the boy she saw today. What was his name... Squall. Yes, she remembered him. In her early days he had tried to hit on her - and she had unceremoniously dunked a cup of orange juice on his head. Since then he had kept his distance, but so had every other boy... why was she suddenly thinking of him? She wondered and her eyes drifted to a list on her wall. Yes, this was the reason. In the last exam she had noticed he was making a steady climb up the list, and was now at the number ten spot. She recognized a threat when she saw one, and she was sure he would try to usurp her if she laid down her guard...

Her phone beeped again and she looked at it. A message from Seifer.

Hey kid, get some sleep. Knowing you, you won't sleep when there's an exam right?

"You know me," She said aloud. True, she hadn't slept for over four days, but it's nothing bad, apart from a throbbing headache. She could hold on for longer periods... couldn't she?

"No sleep," She muttered and swallowed several pills. "Gotta keep up... sorry Seifer."

A/N: Anything to say? Please do.