August 15th, 2006

"Stop scowling Sev," Professor Harry Potter told his husband. "It's just a staff meeting".

"Exactly! Which means holiday is over and I must face another year of idiot children," snarled Severus Snape, Potions Master of Hogwarts.

Harry just smirked and finished getting dressed, letting his husband of nearly a year, rant. They went through this every year and Harry knew to just let him blow off steam. Soon he grew tired of it and stopped Severus mid-rant by kissing him thoroughly. As is nearly always the case it quickly got out of hand and Harry found himself back on their bed with Snape's familiar weight pressing him into the mattress.

Summoning all his willpower, Harry broke away and panted, "Nice try luv, we still have to go." He looked at his watch. "The meeting starts in 5 minutes".


Shoving Severus off of him, Harry jumped off the bed. Reaching the bedroom door, Harry called over this shoulder, "The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get back here finish what we started!" .

Sev, grumbling under his breath, "or we could finish it now...", joined Harry and together the unlikely couple made their way to the Headmaster's office.

July 30th, 1981

James Potter gave the signal and Auror team moved into the ruins of the once magnificent castle. They were looking into the anonymous tip that gave the castle as a location for a DeathEater hideout.

Within the hour, they were back in the courtyard. "Damn!" Sirius Black exclaimed. "We missed them again!"

"Calm down Siri", James told his second in command. "The informant was wrong. There is no sign anyone's been here in decades."

"If not centuries." muttered a member of the team.

Suddenly a whistle trilled through the air. James and Sirius immediately headed back into the ruins.

"I found something!" It was one of the new recruits calling from what looked like was once a storage room.

"It's just an old mirror", spat one of the men.

"No look at the markings on the frame!" Questioning looks were directed at the young team member. "It's Gaelic. Roughly translated, it means Chaos of Time.

"WHAT?!" Frank Longbottom. "That mirror was lost in the time of Merlin."

James stepped forward, before things got out of control. "We are running out of time. We'll take it with us for the Department of Mysteries to examine." As he stepped up to the mirror to help apparate it to the Ministry, he saw a most disturbing thing, causing him to jump back and stare in astonishment.
Within the confines of the mirror, a man who could have been James'
twin with unruly black hair and glasses was walking out of a room.
A room that looked suspiciously like the dungeons in Hogwarts. As
James stared, his look-alike called over his shoulder laughing at
whomever he had just walked away from. Within moments, a man with
dark hair and clothes joined the James' look-a-like at the door.

"James? You going to help us with this or are you going to stand there all day?" Sirius prodded his friend.

James shrugged off the vision, and said only half-joking, "No, I need to get home. It's Harry's first birthday tomorrow and Lily will have my arse if I mess up her plans!" Sirius laughed, knowing Lily Potter had a rather infamous temper, the Marauders having had many run-ins with it. Lily had been planning her son's party for weeks now and woe to anyone who dared to tamper with those plans.

July 31st, 1981

Godric's Hollow had never been so full of people. Even with the ongoing threat of Voldemort, the friends and family of James and Lily were determined to give young Harry the best birthday ever. Sirius, Remus, Peter, as well as others from their school days gathered around the table to see Harry open his gifts.

The toddler looked perplexed at the mountain of gifts in front of him. He looked up at his Da and held up his hands. James laughed and reached down to pick Harry up. He then sat down again with Harry in his lap. "Need help, little Prongs?" Harry laughed and grinned widely, showing off his three teeth in delight at hearing his nickname.

"Don't call him that," Lily said exasperated. "He'll start thinking that's his name." She leaned over James shoulder to kiss her son. Harry grabbed her hair and wouldn't let go until his mum laughed and sat next to him. Feeling secure with his Mum and Da surrounding him, Harry reached for the first brightly wrapped gift.

After cake and presents, Harry, exhausted by the excitement had fallen asleep with this head on his Mum's shoulder. Clutched in his hands, was a tiny toy Snitch that his Uncle Padfoot had gotten him. James ruffled his son's hair gently. "Didn't want to let that one go huh?"

Lily smiled and said, "Just like his Da."

Soon only Dumbledore, the Potters, and the rest of the Marauders were left. "Sir, what's going to happen to the mirror?" Sirius asked, unable to dampen his curiosity.

"That is still to be decided. However, eventually it will need to be tested. They will more than likely send a team through the mirror to see what can be discovered. But that is up to the Ministry."

"But when will we know?" James asked.

"A meeting has been scheduled in 10 days time at Hogwarts to hopefully reveal that very fact. James, Lily and Sirius, your presence has been requested."

"We'll be there sir. Remus, Peter would you watch Harry for us?"

"I unfortunately can't then. I am meeting a representative from the French Ministry that day." Peter explained. He worked in the International Relations department of the Ministry. Of course no one knew that he was meeting that rep on behalf of Lord Voldemort and not the ministry. The rep had much needed information on the French Wizarding government.

Remus grinned. "I'd be more than happy to. It'll give me a chance to have him without Padfoot and Prongs hogging him."

Lily smiled at her closest friend. "Thanks Remy. I can always count on you."

August 10th, 1981

The office of Albus Dumbledore was full of people. In addition to James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, and Minerva McGonagal, there was the Minister of Magic as well as two representatives of the Department of Mysteries.

"Now as you all know, James' and Sirius' team recovered a mirror they believed to be the so-called Chaos Mirror. Which, if you remember your history, was believed lost during the upheaval following Arthur Pendragons death. Soon the mirror became pure myth, as no record survived the passage of time. Now, the Department of Mysteries has tested it and is here to report what they found.

"We have discovered that it will send a person 10 years into the futureOnce that person has stepped through, the spells change to allow that person to return to the exact time that they left. So you would lose no time in your true place in time. . Or at least that is what the diagnostic spells revealed. We won't know for sure until the Auror team completes its mission into the mirror." At this James and Sirius looked to interupt. "But before we get to that, let me finish explaining what we found regarding the charms surrounding the mirror.

The rep then went on to the technical aspects of the spells, which Sirius and James had no patience for and so tuned out. Lily, charms being her best subject listened avidly as the mysteries rep droned on.

James tuned abruptly back in when Dumbledore broke into the conversation. "We will be sending a team of two into the mirror. Lily, James, as our top Aurors, it has been decided that you are best qualified to put it to its final test. See how far it goes into the future and what can be learned."

"It's too risky. I won't put Lily in that kind of danger and uncertainty" James stated.

"Nonsense!" Lily interrupted. "Research has shown that the physical risks of using the mirror are minimal. This is the opportunity of a lifetime!"

"Its not the mirror I am worried about! We don't know what we might be encountering in the future! And what about Harry? He is only a year old!"

Lily waved his concerns aside. "Sirius and Remus would love to have him for a few days! Harry is very used to us being sent off on missions and knows we love him best regardless!

Sirius started laughing. "I don't know why everyone thinks you are the sane one of our group! You're as nuts as the rest of us! If not worse!"

Lily sniffed. "I prefer to think of it as being adventurous!"

Albus' eyes twinkled. "Well that's settled. Plan on meeting back here in 5 days time to see the future!"

1981- August 15th

"Ready?" Dumbledore asked. "Remember no looking yourselves up. Knowing too much about your personal future could be disastrous."

James rolled his eyes. "yes Albus we know. One week only" .

"Lily you remember the incantation to return to the point of origin?"

"Yes Albus"

"All right then. Good luck and be safe!"

With that , Lily spoke the incantation and then followed James through the suddenly glowing mirror.