Yay! Chapter three!!! Read and review!


"It's not."

Did he just say that?

Wait...did I think allowed again?

I could have gotten myself killed...

I'm alive though.

Darn him why didn't he kill me?

Why did he stop?

Does he pity me or something??

Why did he spare my life?

I guess I should be happy...


He left Botan, shaking, and wondering what had just happened...

Did he really let her live? But why? But there was something she needed to do..

"Why am I here....Yusuke!"

Botan ran toward a light a few hundred yards away.

"Please be ok Yusuke!" She tripped.

"Oww. Eh?" She looked at the overly large branch lieing on the ground at her feet, and without thinking picked herself and the branch up.

"There's still time I know it." She told herself as she reached the light.

"Yes!" She swung the branch at the demon trying to kill Yusuke.

"Botan?" yusuke gasped, relieved.

"Come on Yusuke!" She yelled grabbing his hand and pulling him.

"Hey, I gotta beat em'."

"Not without your spirit gun. All of your energy is gone!"

"Hehe, Yea, but I coulda taken him." Yusuke said sounding faint.

"I have to get him home." Botan thought to herself.

They ran until they finally reached Yusuke's apartment and rushed inside.

"Yusuke!" Atsuko gasped. "Oh no Yusuke." She ran to her son's side and laid him in bed.

Botan quickly snuck outside to leave the son and mother alone, and to let herself think in peace.

She watched the ground as she walked, kicking the occasional rock, and raising her head to every voice that spoke.

"What did he mean?" She thought. "When he said 'This isn't over?'...

What isn't over?"

It was making her so angry, he was just toying with her. Making her think she had a chance to escape death and then killing her.

That's just like a demon.

"Just like a demon..." She said aloud.

He was so rude too. But why...

Why didn't she feel threatened? Everything he saw was bothering her...But not scaring her.

She felt like no matter what he did, he wouldn't ever kill her, he didn't seem the type.

He was evil, but there was something about him.... He didn't want to kill her, did he?

Botan suddenly found herself back at Yusuke's apartment, and hse guessed it had been a good half-hour so she knocked on the door.

Atsuko answered.

"You're the girl who brought my boy back to me." She said, and for a moment Botan thought she was going to attack her.

Instead she hugged her.

"Thank you." She said. "Thank you for helping my son."

But if only her mother knew, that she hadn't helped him. It was her fault he was hurt, she told him to do all this.

She regretted hurting them, Yusuke and his mother.

But She knew, Yusuke was the only one who could do anything about the demons.

"Thank you." Atsuko's voice rang in her ears.

"I wonder...

If 'he' regrets things?"


Another short chapter...I'm so evil!!!!!!

The Dark One