Disclaimer: Nope, I do not own any of the character from Inuyasha. tear

A/N: It's new! It's improved! It's drumroll the Return Of Punk Mikos and Demonic Preps!

Of Punk Mikos And Demonic Preps

Chapter One

A Chance Meeting

"Beep, beep, beep!!" screamed Kagome's alarm clock. SMACK. A hand slithered out and hit the alarm clock with enough force to shake her bed. Kagome snuggled back under the covers.

Several minutes later, the offending alarm clock found itself flying through her open window. The aforementioned girl sighed. No use in trying to go back to sleep now. Higurashi Kagome flung the covers off and lurched out of bed.

After a shower and a good breakfast, Kagome said goodbye to her mother and mounted her motorcycle. It wasn't new, a Honda Shadow, but Kagome had worked on it all summer. The new paint job sparkled in the early morning light, and the chrome gleamed. Kagome patted the bike lovingly and pulled on her helmet.

When she arrived at her new school, she grinned under her helmet at the looks she got from lingering students. She pulled off her helmet and swung her hair around, like the girls in Bond movies. She chuckled to herself when a couple boys actually started to drool. She dismounted and swung her backpack over her shoulder.

Suddenly, some one bumped into her. She turned, rather annoyed.

"Watch where you're going!

"Sorry, 'bout that!" The person who had bumped into was a harried looking boy about her own age. He barely spared her glance before rushing off.

Kagome raised an eyebrow at the rudeness, and walked into the school. She walked to the office to grab her schedule. The girl at the front desk was young, maybe seventeen. Kagome waved a hand in front of her face.

"Hi. I need my schedule.

"What have you done to your uniform?!

"What? It's still intact." And it was, in the loosest term. Kagome had shredded the cuffs of her navy jacket and the hem of the similarly colored skirt. She had safety pins going up her arms and a few making crosses on her skirt. Her white button up shirt had an anarchy pin on the lapel, and another on the pocket that said "Just Screw It" in black lettering. Instead of the usual loafers and white socks, she wore black boots and purple knee high stockings.

"Can I just have my schedule? Higurashi Kagome.

The girl nodded and printed it out.

"Gratzi." The girl looked at her oddly. "Thanks, in Italian." Kagome sauntered out, chomping on her gum.

She found her class with minimum difficulty and walked in, looking for all the world like she owned the place. The teacher welcomed her (earning himself a "Feh") and gave her a seat.

It was right next to a youkai. There was a niggling in the back of her mind and she recognized him as the boy who had bumped her earlier. Kagome had never actually met a youkai before. She sneaked a glance at him, noticing his long silver hair. No guy should ever have hair that gorgeous. It just wasn't fair. She thought he was a full blood youkai until she caught sight of his ears. A hanyou, then.

He glanced at her and caught her staring. He blushed. Kagome merely turned away, sorta embarrassed that she had been caught. The teacher had started speaking.

"Inuyasha," he was saying, "would you please be Higurashi-san's escort for the day?"

Lots of sniggers.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He said uneasily. A boy wearing a purple t-shirt and black jeans sent Inuyasha a sympathetic look. That rubbed Kagome the wrong way. The last thing she needed was a bunch of sympathizers for this guy who had the back luck of showing her around. She hated those narrow minded little drones who's entire world was upset if anyone was different.

"Feh! I don't need you!" She hissed, "So go back and hang with your little groupies! I can find my own way around." The boy looked angry, but before he could say a thing, class started.

Inuyasha glared at the snarly girl. She was so rude! He had gotten a good look at her when she had barked at him and realized that she looked a lot like Kikyou. Not exactly, but enough resemblance to make him dislike her on that alone. He scowled and returned his attention to the class.