
Summary: After Manticore is destroyed, Max discovers that Manticore wasn't all about the battlefield... wackiness ensues.

Disclaimer: Me, own Dark Angel? Pffft. What've you been smoking?

A/N: ...I'm insane. Most definitely.

Max and Logan moved toward each other, both taking deep breathes in preparation for the moment that had been building since they had met. Closer and closer they moved toward each other, until their lips were thisclose, and then...

there was a knock on the door. They both swore and moved away from each other, choosing to ignore the moment... as they always seemed to do.

"I'll get it." Logan grumbled and walked to the door, the exo gently humming as he went.

He threw the door open in a fury, ready to tell whatever visitor it was to go straight to -- but he stopped. His face scrunched up in puzzlement as he stared down at the face of... Max.

"Are you Logan?" She asked.

Max appeared at Logan's side and looked up at him curiously. "Who is it?"

"It's, uh... you."

Max, just as puzzled as he was, turned to look at who was standing in the doorway. He was half right. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Another clone?"

"Hi." The clone greeted cheerily.

It was then both Max and Logan took note of the clone's clothes. She was dressed in a fifties style dress, like Max had seen on TVLand reruns, and oddly enough, she was wearing an apron.

"What the hell?" Was all Max could muster.

"I'm sorry." The clone said and stuck out a hand. "I've been terribly rude and that's not how I was trained. I apologize for my lack of introductions. I am Maxine."

Both Max and Logan stared, neither knowing what to say. Maxine noted the staring as rude, but she was in another's home and would just remember it as a first impression. Logan then shook his head and apprehensively took the hand Maxine offered and shook it.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to come in and maybe explain my visit."

Max and Logan both nodded and moved away from the door, allowing Maxine to enter the penthouse. They shared a look then followed her to the living room. She smiled pleasantly at them and gestured toward the couch, and the pair bumped into each other roughly as they tried to make their way to the couch, never taking their eyes off the curious Maxine.

"Well," She began. "First I'd like to congratulate you on getting rid of that unpleasant little virus! Kudos!"

Off their blank stares, she continued.

"Anyway, after Max liberated all the transgenics from Manticore, well, my unit was one of the last to leave the area. We weren't exactly taught how to survive and all that, and Manticore was really the only kitchen we ever knew, so we hung around a bit in the ruins. Oh it was filthy!"

"I'm sorry, the only *kitchen* you ever knew?" Max asked.

"Well, yes." Maxine chirped. "You see, my unit wasn't made to be soldiers. We were the domestic branch of things. We were a prototype, you see. While you all were off at the battlefield, we were in the kitchen learning the culinary arts."

Max playfully slapped Logan's arm and turned to him. "Looks like you and Manticore have something in common after all."

Logan just smirked and the two turned their attention back to Maxine.

"We were an experimental thing. They wanted to see if they could make loyal soldiers if they could make loyal domesticates. An added bonus was that, since we didn't have the soldier instinct, we could be dropped into any situation and blend in and collect information without anyone having any idea." Maxine told them. "But then they decided that the soldiers were doing fine in that department, so we were pretty much just sent to the kitchens and did cleaning and things of that nature."

"Not to sound rude or anything, but why come to me?" Max asked.

"Well, we knew that you had brought down Manticore and everything and we heard that you were well adjusted and all that, and we hoped that maybe you could... help us become adjusted to the outside." Maxine said and smiled sheepishly.

"And how did you find out about me? Where I live?" Logan asked.

"We've been following Max." Maxine admitted. "Like I said, we have the ability to blend in. No one would really ever notice us, not even another transgenic."

"How many of you -"

"Domestics." Maxine added helpfully.

"...Domestics are there anyway?" Max asked.

"There's only ten of us." Maxine told her. "But you would only have to teach me about the real world and I could take everything back to my siblings."

"Would you mind if Logan and I checked some things out before I helped you?" Max asked.

"Oh, of course not." Maxine replied. "I know you have to be careful and all. But, Logan, if you don't mind me calling you that -"

"No, not at all."

"Okay, Logan, would you mind if I... baked while you two checked up on me?"

"Uh... baked?"

"You see, I haven't been in a kitchen for weeks and I'm just itching to make a good batch of muffins!"

"Uh... go... right ahead." Logan told her.

Maxine smiled and thanked him, then rushed into the kitchen. Logan and Max looked at each other and wondered... well, about a lot of things.