"Brother of Mine"
Diagnosis Murder

Summary: takes place directly after my story Twists and Turns and full of all that Jesse/Steve (and Mark) angst everyone seems to love.hope it doesn't disappoint!! While recovering from his near fatal car accident Jesse receives devastating news that leads to new dangers, can the Sloan's give Jesse what he needs before he is lost to them..permanently!! (also a x- over..shouldn't be hard to figure out!!!)

A/N: this has been through the spell check a few times, but not beta'd..I know my typing sucks...if you want to read the story then Live With It !!!!!!!



Cascade Washington

Doctor's Clinic

"You shouldn't have come here, it's to dangerous." The man said fearfully, practically running over to pull the woman into the room and close the office door.

"You sounded so worried over the phone, then when you didn't show up at the seminar this afternoon..I had to do something..what's going on?" the woman asked.

"I found something..something I shouldn't have..here, at the clinic..I'm afraid they've found out I know..in case something happens..I sent copies to your hotel."

"Sent copies to the hotel? Copies of what..what is going on Earl?" the woman said worriedly. "What did you find?"

"Carson and Bradley.."

"Your partners at the clinic?" The woman interrupted in confusion.

"I found some files..files of payments made..payments made some very wealthy people..very sick, wealthy people.."

"Payments? What for Earl?"


"Organs?" the woman parroted in surprise.

"All of the patients listed *were* on the national donor list and, quite frankly, none had a good chance of getting one before..well..now, everyone one of them has been removed..and all within six months of large amount of money being deposited in the account" the man explained.

"God, are you sure! But where were they getting them?"

"I don't know..I'm almost afraid to find out." The man replied.

"The police. You need to go the police with this." The woman urged.

"But these files..they implicate the clinic..which means they might try to implicate me in this mess!" The man said in a panic.

"Not if you go to the police now, before things get worse..tell them your suspicions.." the woman said urgently.

Shaking his head the man finally agreed and began stuffing some files in a briefcase. "My cars outback..lets go.

Neither noticed the van that pulled out of the parking lot across from the office.


Community General Hospital

"Ready to go son?" Mark asked, pushing a wheel chair into the room.

"More than ready..ah, dad, I don't need that thing." Steve groused.

"Hospital policy." Mark reminded.

"Hey, I won't complain.." Jesse quipped. "Let me go home now and *I'll* ride in the wheel chair."

"Day after tomorrow..*if* you behave." Mark said with a chuckle and a shake of his finger.

"But I'm bored, and now Steve's leaving..I'll be by myself." Jesse pouted.

Mark and Steve exchanged looks that didn't go unnoticed by the young doctor. "I saw that, what are you two up too?"

"Oh, nothing." Steve said with a smile as he plopped into the wheelchair with a self- satisfied smirk towards his friend.

"What?" Jesse demanded with a suspicious scowl.

"You won't be separated from your playmate for long.." Mark explained with a chuckle as he patted Steve on the shoulder.

"What's that supposed to mean..he gets to leave and I'm stuck here?" Jesse complained petulantly.

"Because you'll be coming home with us when you are released day after tomorrow..that way I can keep an eye on *both* of you.." Mark explained.

"Mark, that's not necessary.." Jesse started to say.

"Jess, you can't set up for more than twenty minutes at a time without getting dizzy..how are you going to take care of yourself alone at your apartment?" Steve asked.

"I'll manage..I'll be fine.." Jesse pressed.

"You're right, you will be fine, *because* you'll be at the beach house with us young man." Mark said definitively, adding as an afterthought. "Well, Jess, I guess you *would* be okay to release to go home.."

"Dad!" Steve interrupted in surprise, while Jesse directed a smug--- 'I told you so' grin at Steve.

Mark simply held up a staying hand and continued, "Of course first you'll have to stay on an extra week here in the hospital to make sure you're going to do okay."

"A week!" Jesse exclaimed, horrified at the thought of spending another week in the hospital. Scowling he said, "You play dirty!"

Mark just smiled at the pouting young intern before looking down at his amused son. "Now for you..home to bed."

"Bed? But I've been in bed for two days dad..I need to get back to work." Steve exclaimed.

"Work? I don't think so, not for at least another two or three days, then it will be restricted duty for the rest of the month, give that wound a chance to heal." Mark explained.

"Desk duty! Oh, dad!" Steve complained.

Mark turned to the now chuckling intern laying in the adjoining bed, adding, "I wouldn't laugh to loud there Doctor Travis..you'll be on bed rest twice as long and then there will be a pile of charts with your name on them for the next month after that."

"What, oh no, Mark no..oh, not chart duty..I'm an ER doctor not a secretary.come on Mark, I'll work shorter shifts, I promise.." Jesse pleaded.

As both young men shot him scowling looks, Mark just chuckled and shook his head, happy that his 'boys' were well on the road to recovery.


"You look like the cat that ate the canary." The nurse commented when she came into Jesse's room.

"I get released today." He said happily.

As if on cue the door swung open and Dr. Mitchell and Doctor Sloan came into the room.

"I'm ready and waiting." Jesse said happily.

"For what?" Doctor Mitchell asked innocently, giving Mark a sideways look.

"For what? It's Friday, you said I could be released on Friday." Jesse said throwing off his blankets and slowly swinging his feet over the side of the bed. "So where are those discharge papers?"

"Are you sure the patient is ready Dr. Mitchell?" Mark said in mock seriousness.

"I don't know Dr. Sloan. I did say the patient was to be released on Friday..I just didn't say *which* Friday it would be." Dr. Mitchell said.

"Huh, what..hey, what's going on..you promised." Jesse exclaimed, looking back and forth between the two men.

Not able to continue the charade any longer Mark chuckled as he handed Jesse a clipboard. "Here, Jess, these are your discharge papers. Sign them and we can be on our way."

"Home at last." He sighed happily as he scribbled his name on the forms.

"Yep, long enough for you to check your mail and pack." Mark said.

"Pack?" Jesse questioned innocently.

"Did you forget, your coming to the beach house for the week." Mark reminded.

"Mark, really, its *not* necessary.. " Jesse started to protest.

"Jesse." Mark warned.

"Mark, I really appreciate the offer, but I am capable of taking care of myself." Jesse again protested as he began to get out of bed.

"Look at you, you can't even stand by yourself." Mark said as he held out a hand to steady the swaying young man.

"Just a little dizzy spell, it will pass." Jesse said as he stepped out of Mark's support and slowly reached for his suitcase.

"Jess, we had a deal---a week, at least, at the beach house *or* another week in the hospital." Mark said in exasperation at the young man's stubbornness.

"Deal? It was an ultimatum!" Jesse grumbled, only to receive that fatherly 'don't argue with me' look from Mark.

"Your choice?" Mark asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Beach house it is." Jesse added quickly.


Steve was watching TV when Mark and Jesse came through the front door.

"Hey Steve." Jesse called to his friend, giving a slight wave.

"Hey, Jess..see you finally got sprung. How ya feeling?" Steve asked.

"Hundred percent better just getting away from the hospital." Jesse said.

"Time to get you settled in bed." Mark said.

"Bed! But Mark...I just got out of bed." Jesse whined.

Mark rolled his eyes and looked over at his snickering son. "Where have I heard that before? I think someone is a bad influence on my doctor's."

Steve just shrugged his shoulders, an innocent---'who me', look on his face.

"Can I at least sit on the couch for awhile..please?" Jesse pleaded.

"I'll keep an eye on him dad..make sure he doesn't get into trouble." Steve said with a grin, patting the couch.

"Very funny." Jesse shot back.

"Boys, play nice." Mark warned good-naturedly, adding. "Fine, Jess, you can sit up for awhile while I whip us up something for lunch...after you eat then you can take a nap."

"Take a nap? Take a nap!" Jesse exclaimed, while Steve just laughed.

"What part of rest and recuperate do you not understand *Doctor*?" Mark said in exasperation, turning then to Steve. "And you, keep laughing like that and I'll put you down for a nap too, just like when you were a toddler."

"Yes sir." The boys said together.

Mark just shook his head and rolled his eyes before he headed for the kitchen. "If you need anything Jess just give a holler, and I better not see you off that couch without the cane Steve, it's not going to get better the way you walk on it."

"And I thought the nurses were bad..Mark has turned into Attila the Doctor." Jesse grumbled.

"I think he's enjoying this way to much. Knowing exactly where we are at all times." Steve agreed. "He threatened to superglue the cane into my hand yesterday. Now that you're here I can *finally* share the wealth."

"Gee, thanks so much. Least you get to go back to work on Monday." Jesse grumbled.

"Yeah, the joys of desk duty.." Steve groused.

"Which is probably as much fun as chart review." Jesse commiserated.


True to his word, right after lunch, Mark insisted that Jesse take his pain medications and lay down.

"Okay, okay..I'm going---geesh, you'd think I was a kid or something." Jesse grumbled as Mark guided him to the spare bedroom and helped him into bed.

As Mark adjusted the blankets he noticed a wistful look pass across Jesse's face. "You all right, Jess?"

"Oh, fine. It's just a little weird, being tucked in and all..I'm thirty years old..even as a kid..." Jesse trailed off.

"Steve's older than you and he's been getting tucked into bed lately..and I may have to use restraints to get him to stay off that leg." Mark said with a chuckle. "Even as a kid he'd grumble about his old dad hovering around.guess it goes with the territory, especially when your dad's a doctor. I'm sure your mom was just as bad."

"Yeah sure." Jesse said absently then gave a small smile. "So he's always been a *cooperative* patient, huh?"

"Yeah, just like some *doctors* I know." Mark said lightly, adding. "It doesn't matter whether your child is three or thirty they're never to old to be taken care of. It's just something parents do." Mark explained with a smile. "Now you get some rest and later on I'll make Steve share the remote."

Mark stopped in the hallway, a frown creasing his face, as he heard Jesse intone quietly, "Not all parents."

"Get Jesse all tucked in?" Steve asked with a grin as he looked up from the TV to see his father still wearing the frown.

"Is something wrong?" Steve asked in concern. "Is Jesse all right?"

"He's fine..he just said something that bothers me a little..." Mark trailed off deep in thought.

"Dad, you know you can't take his petulance seriously; he's just out of sorts. He'll be good as new after he has a chance to recuperate." Steve offered.

"No, that's not it." Mark said absently, suddenly looking at his son and asking. "I was a good father wasn't I..I was there for you and Carol?"

"What? Why in the world would you ask something like that?" Steve said in surprise. "Where is this coming from?"

"Jesse's been around for what, almost two years now, you and he even own a business together..I work with him nearly everyday; but what do we really know about him, his past..his family?"

"Dad, what is going on with you..what in the world did Jesse say to you to get you all crazy like this all of a sudden?" Steve asked in concern.

"Did you ever wonder why Jesse protested so hard against coming to the beach house..against us...helping him out and taking care of him?" Mark asked. "And if the situation were reversed do you think he would hesitate in the slightest to do any less for us---or *anyone* who needed his help, for that matter?"

Steve shrugged his shoulders. "He doesn't like being fussed over, I think I can relate to the sentiment..and in case you haven't noticed he's a very independent little guy..that's just how he is."

"Doesn't like it or doesn't understand it?" Mark mused aloud.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know neither of you like being laid up like this and you both put on quite a show grumbling around about it but was there ever a time, ever a doubt in your mind, that I would be there for you?" Mark asked.

"No dad, all grumbling aside, I know you are always there when I need you." Steve said with a sigh, wondering where his father was going with this.

"Jesse gives so freely of himself when he's needed, both as a doctor and as an individual, but when *he's* in need he withdraws and practically runs in the other direction, I think there's more to it than just a stubborn, independent streak." Mark said knowingly. "I don't think he knows *how* to ask for help..has ever had anyone to really rely on...not even his parents."

"Then I guess we show him how it's done." Steve said with a smile.


Sunday Evening Beach House

"I can't believe you're really going to abandon me..your friend...just throw me to the wolves.." Jesse pouted.

"Jess, I'm just going back to work, I'm not leaving the country." Steve said in amusement. "And I hardly think dad qualifies as a threat to life and limb.."

"But you're leaving me..I'll be alone with Attila the Doctor!" Jesse exclaimed. "If he tries to make me take one more nap..or feed me my soup..do you realize he stayed in the bathroom with me last night when I took a shower!"

"Jess, you can't even stand up straight..just walking to the kitchen makes you dizzy..he could have run a bath and let you play with the rubber ducky instead." Steve said in amusement adding with some seriousness. "You don't want to take a header in the shower and end up back at the hospital? You all ready scared ten years off our lives just with the accident."

"Well, fine..but I can feed myself ya' know." Jesse continued to grumble.

"What's wrong, didn't you like playing airplane.." Steve laughed. "Next time follow the doctor's orders and eat *all* your soup. You noticed I cleaned my plate last night."

The ringing telephone stopped the bantering, and a moment later Mark came out from the kitchen handing the portable phone to Jesse. "Jesse, it's for you. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." Mark added turning back to the kitchen.

"Thanks Mark." Jesse said. "Hello. Yes, this is Jesse Travis."

Several moments later Steve looked up from the TV in surprise when he heard Jesse gasp loudly, further startled when Jesse collapsed limply back into his chair, his breath coming in quick gasps as beads of sweat formed on his pale face.

Steve jumped up and reached for his friend just as the phone dropped from Jesse's limp hold, yelling into the kitchen. "Dad, come quick, something's wrong with Jesse."

Mark rushed from the kitchen and was kneeling in front of Jesse, quickly assessing the situation, as Steve scooped up the phone, determined to discover who and what had caused his friend such distress.

"It's shock, Steve. What happened?"

"This is Lt. Steve Sloan, LAPD, who the hell is this?" Steve ground out angrily, as he held up a staying hand to his father to hold off further questions while he listened intently to the person on the other end of the line.

Mark tended to Jesse, covering him and putting his feet up, while Steve finished the phone conversation. Mark's concern grew to a controlled panic seeing the lost look on his son's face as Steve hung up the phone.

"Steve? Steve, *who* was that? What did they say to Jesse?" Mark demanded, a hand resting protectively on the young man's shoulder.

"That was the...uhm... the Cascade PD in Washington. .its about Jesse's mother...she's..." Steve could hardly believe what he was saying. "She's dead."

"Dead? Dear god, how?" Mark gasped out in shock.

Steve shook his head at the irony of the situation. "She was in Cascade, Washington for a medical seminar..the preliminary report suggests she died of injuries sustained in a...car accident."

Sighing deeply and rubbing a hand over his face Mark looked down at the now unconscious Jesse. "I can't believe it. After everything he's just been through, and now this.."

"Is he going to be all right?" Steve asked worriedly. "Do we need to take him back the hospital?"

"No, we can take care of him here. Waking up in the hospital again would only agitate him." Mark said, going to the desk and getting his medical bag. "Did they give you any details about the accident?"

"Some, they're going to fax me a report in the morning." Steve answered grimly. "Are you sure he's going to be all right."

"Right now what he needs most is some uninterrupted rest." Mark said, as he gave Jesse an injection and then ran his hand over the young mans brow. "It will be hard, but we'll be here every step of the way to help him through this."


Jesse woke several hours later, his head heavy and his thoughts sluggish from the sedative Mark had given him. When he could finally focus on his surroundings he realized he was lying in the bed in the guest room at the beach house.

As his thoughts cleared the phone conversation from earlier came crashing through his mind causing him to choke back a sob and rub the heel of his hands roughly into his eyes.trying to force back the tears. "Mom." He whispered quietly.

Walking back to his bedroom Mark heard the quiet, hitched sobs coming from Jesse's room and hesitated for just a moment, wondering whether to leave him to his grief or go to him and offer support. The father and friend won out and he quietly tapped on the young man's door.

"Jesse? Jesse, can I come in?" Mark asked as he opened the door.

Mark stepped into the room and noticed Jesse quickly trying to rub the tears from his eyes and lever himself up into a sitting position. "Oh, hey, Mark.."

"Jess, lay down.." Mark said as he came and sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Stiff. Sore. My head feels really fuzzy.." Jesse said.

"Do you want to talk?" Mark asked quietly.

Jesse just shrugged and turned away from Mark, his voice quiet and plaintive. "It wasn't just a bad dream... was it? She's...my mom is....she's dead...right?"

"I am *so* sorry Jesse." Mark said, laying a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Steve's going to have the police report faxed to him in the morning...we will find out what happened."

"I need to go up there...need to...need to bring my mom...home. There's so much to do...god, Mark, I don't know how to plan a...a funeral." Jesse said, a sob catching in his throat. "My mom..."

Mark pulled Jesse to him; holding him as the reality hit and uncontrollable sobs began to wrack Jesse's all ready battered body.

Stroking his hair like one would to comfort a distraught child Mark whispered. "It's all right Jesse. Let it out...it's all right. We'll be here, Steve and I...we'll be here for you, anything you need, we'll be here for you. You won't go through this alone, I promise you."

Mark didn't know how long he sat there holding his distraught young friend before the sobs lessened to hitched breaths and sniffles and Jesse wiggled away. "I'm sorry Mark, I...."

"Don't you dare! You have nothing to be sorry for...you've just received a terrible shock Jesse...you need to work through your feelings...all of them, so that you can move forward. Never be ashamed of mourning someone....*never*." Mark scolded him lightly.

"I...I just...I don't know what to do." Jesse said.

"You just don't worry Jesse....I meant it when I said Steve and I would be here for you." Mark said catching the young mans chin in his hand to look into his eyes. "Please don't pull away from us...we want to help you."

"Thanks Mark." Jesse said shyly, looking away. "That really means a lot to me."

"Jesse, you mean a lot to us....we're your friends, and we're here to help you through this. And the first order of business is to get some food into you. You haven't eaten in over eight hours and you're well over due for your medications."

Unknown to either man a shadow had been standing outside the room listening to the comforting words given to his best friend and trying hard to shove back the memories of when those words were said to him.

Jesse gave a weak smile. "Thanks Mark, but I'm really not that hungry..just tired."

"I know you don't think your hungry but you need to eat to keep up your strength..just something simple for now.like some soup and juice maybe...then you can rest." Mark said.

As Mark stood up from the bed and adjusted the blankets, a shadow in the hall way caught his peripheral sight. "I'll bring it up when it's done."

"Yes, doctor." Jesse said with exaggerated petulance, a slight smile playing over his face.

"Children!" Mark said with equal exaggeration and a wave of his hands.

As Mark came into the kitchen he noticed a dark shape standing on the patio. Opening the door he called out quietly. "Steve? I thought you had gone to bed?"

"And if I had, you just opened your door to a complete stranger in the middle of the night." Steve said dryly as he stared out across the water.

"Don't think a thief would stop to admire the moon light on the water." Mark defended.

Staring out into the shadows of the beach and pounding surf, Steve intoned quietly. "I hate to see him like this....it hurts so much..."

"Hurts him....or you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Steve snapped out as he turned to his father.

"You see yourself in Jesse don't you...when your mother died...it's understandable that...." Mark started to explain, only to be interrupted.

"This isn't about me, dad." Steve snapped.

"You're right... it isn't. But no one can blame you for the painful memories this might be bringing up for you too." Mark consoled. "And maybe that's what Jesse needs right now."

"What, for me to become a basket case." Steve shot back sarcastically.

"Someone who understands." Mark gave his son's shoulders a comforting squeeze before turning back to the kitchen. "And what he needs right now is some soup and his medication."

"He's still awake? Is he all right?" Steve questioned, following his father into the kitchen.

"He's exhausted, emotionally as well as physically...he's lost and confused...that's why he needs something quick to eat; to keep up his strength." Mark said taking a can of soup out of the cupboard. "Why don't you go keep him company until the soup is done."

"Maybe I should just let him rest." Steve said, suddenly hesitant to go see his friend.

"And maybe you need to go see your friend." Mark ordered. "I'll be up in a few minutes, then its off to bed with you too if you plan on going back to work tomorrow."

Jesse was dozing when he heard the door open. "Mark?"

"It's me Jess." Steve said stepping just inside the room.

"It's late....shouldn't you be in bed?" Jesse said with a yawn.

"Could say the same for you." Steve said with a small smile.

"Ah, but I'm all ready in bed." Jesse shot back.

"Dad's making soup, he'll be up in a minute." Steve said.

Jesse frowned at Steve's nervousness. "Steve, is there something wrong?"

"Wrong? No....I mean yes...I mean....hell, I don't know what I mean." Steve stuttered tiredly. "Listen, I better get to bed, I'm going into the station early to...to...well, goodnight Jess."

With that Steve fled the room leaving a confused Jesse staring after him.

Jesse was still sitting there pondering over Steve's strange behavior when Mark came into the room carrying the tray of food.

"Here you go Jess...good old fashion chicken noodle soup and some apple juice...just what the doctor ordered." Mark said as he laid the tray across Jesse's lap.

"Hey...this doctor ordered lobster and a fine wine..." Jesse joked lamely.

"That's why this old doctor is in charge." Mark said pulling a chair up beside the bed. "Need some help?"

"Mark, I've been feeding myself since I was two...I think I can manage." Jesse said with a smile, taking a small taste of his soup. "Not bad, guess I was hungry."

"I'm glad to see your appetite returning." Mark said with a smile as his patient steadily began to eat; looking around the room he asked. "Where's Steve, thought he was coming up here?"

"Oh, he did...for a minute...he, uh, he had to get to bed...early day tomorrow you know." Jesse stuttered, suddenly very interested in the contents of his soup bowl.

"Jess?" Mark's tone left no room for doubt that he wanted an explanation.

Jesse shrugged. "I don't know Mark, he came up here and was all...well, nervous. He wouldn't look me in the eye or really say anything to me....I'm sorry to be so much trouble."

"Jesse, it's not you...." Mark didn't know what to say, he didn't want Jesse thinking of himself as a burden but he didn't want to add to Jesse's pain with the guilt of bringing up Steve's past demons.

"Then why won't he look at me?" Jesse asked.

With a sigh Mark explained. "You know, when Steve's mom died, it hit him pretty hard..."

Emotions all ready at the surface Jesse exclaimed near tears. "Mark, I'm so sorry...I don't want to hurt Steve or you...remembering when his mom died...."

"What, Jesse, no...Steve remembers the pain yes, and what's hurting him so much is to see someone he cares for in the same pain....Jesse, no one is blaming you, son." Mark said quickly, pulling Jesse to him again.

Mark coaxed Jesse into finishing his soup and sat with him until he fell asleep before quietly leaving the room to take the tray back to the kitchen....mildly disappointed that Steve had actually retired for the evening, knowing he and his son had to talk....that they would have to dredge up painful memories themselves and get past them in order to help their friend.


Monday Morning

Steve came up to the kitchen to find his father all ready awake and cooking breakfast.

"Up kinda early?" Steve commented as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Couldn't send you back to work without a good breakfast." Mark said, sliding some eggs onto a plate. "And not before we had a talk."

"Talk? About what?" Steve said innocently. "Listen I want to get to work early...check out that fax from Cascade."

"Jesse is in bad enough shape without you making him feel like he's done something wrong." Mark said pointedly.

"Done something wrong? Why would Jess feel like that?" Steve asked in genuine surprise.

"Maybe because his best friend can't look him in the eye...can't even talk to him." Mark said, his tone holding one of mild accusation. "Do you realize he was ready to leave here last night when he realized he was bringing up memories of your mother..in all that young man's pain and the first person he thought of was his friends."

Steve looked away, ashamed at how he had treated Jesse the night before. "Dad, God dad, I'm sorry...I just didn't know what to say to him...it was just as painful last night as it was all those years ago."

"I know son." Mark said gently, laying a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Don't be ashamed of your hurt and don't try to hide it from him....use it to give him strength...help him through this terrible ordeal."

"I'll talk to him this evening...I really need to get to work."


"I promise dad, this evening..." Steve answered quickly, leaving the house.


Steve made a beeline for the fax machine, shuffling through the faxes until he found the one addressed to him.

"Hey, Steve, good to see you back." Cheryl Banks called as Steve approached their desks. "How are you feeling?"

"Hm..oh, hi, Cheryl....uh, I'm fine..." Steve answered absently, not looking up from his fax as he sat heavily in his chair.

"What has you so fascinated on your first day back...did we get a new case?"

Steve finally looked up an acknowledged is partner, his voice grim as he explained. "This is an accident report from Cascade Washington...Jesse's mom was killed over the weekend."

"That's awful...is he even out of the hospital yet?"

"Released Friday..he's at our place...I can't imagine what might have happened to him if he would have been alone at his apartment when the call came." Steve informed his partner.


"You have no idea..he's still in such bad shape...for gods sake, he can barely walk across the room without help and now something like this has to happen to him.." Steve raged quietly.

"He's a strong young man Steve...don't sell him short."

"He shouldn't *have* to be this strong." Steve said with a tired sigh.

"How can I help?"

"There's not much to do...I'm going to go over the report, see if I can piece together what happened...make arrangements for the release of the body..." Steve said.

"Just remember, I'm here for you and Jesse."

"Thanks Cheryl."


"Sorry I'm late..I had to make a stop on the way home." Steve apologized as he came into the kitchen.

"It's okay...dinner won't be ready for another forty minutes and right now Jesse in sleeping." Mark said stirring the contents of a pot. "How about you? How was your first day back to work?"

"Oh, the joys of desk duty and doing everyone else's paperwork.." Steve groused good- naturedly. "How about Jess? How has he been today?"

"As well as can be expected. He's been rather quiet...he's a little lost right now." Mark said with a worried frown. "What about you...what did you find out about the accident?"

"Not much really....the report I got was just a preliminary one..the car went over a ravine sometime Friday night and found Saturday..nothing in this report to indicate why...when I called to get more details they told me the detective on the case was out."

"If it was just an accident why was it assigned to a detective and not just patrol..is there something more to the accident?" Mark asked.

"I'll find out when I talk to the detective in charge."

"Well you have a little time to rest or clean up before dinner..Jess has been asleep for a few hours so we'll wake him for dinner." Mark said.

"I'll grab a quick shower and go wake up sleeping beauty..I think I'm ready to talk to him now." Steve said.

"I think I'll run to the hospital then, check on some patients...give you two a chance to talk."

As Mark set the table Steve went to wake Jesse for dinner only to find his friend all ready awake and sitting up in bed, a notepad and pencil in his lap, the phone sitting by his leg.

"Hey Jess...what're you up too?" Steve asked.

"Oh, hey Steve...how was your first day back to work?"

"You first." Steve said indicating the phone and notepad.

"Oh....I was just, uhm...making some phone calls...working out some details..." Jesse hedged.

Frowning Steve picked up the phone and put it back on the nightstand and then sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the notepad. On it were the names of several funeral homes and the number of the Cascade police department, plus some other numbers he didn't readily recognize.

"Jess...what are you doing? You're in no shape to be taking care of these details...dad can help with this....and I told you I was going to get the report from the CPD today."

"I can do it...I need to do this....I just called up there to see when they could release my mom's...my mom...only no one had a straight answer to give me." Jesse defended, snatching the notepad out of Steve's hand.

Steve just frowned and shook his head. "Don't you trust me to do this for you...I can take care of the release...of bringing your mom to LA."

"Trust you? I don't understand?" Jesse asked in confusion, adding, "I'm just trying to take care of..."

"That's just it...*you're* trying to take care of *everything*. Jess your still weak...still recuperating..do you know how close you came to dieing in that accident, of how close we came to almost losing you...don't push yourself like this...let me help you, let me take care of the details I can help you with...you don't have to pretend to be strong here.I *know* how much it hurts...how angry and confused you feel..." Steve had gotten up and began to pace in nervous agitation.

Jesse listened to Steve's heartfelt tirade, watching his agitated pacing in startled surprise, quietly interjecting. "I'm sorry."

Jesse's quiet apology stopped Steve in his tracks and he sat down next to his friend, being sure to catch his eye. "No...no...no...you don't have anything to be sorry for....well, except for maybe being incredibly stubborn...I just want you to let go...let me and dad help you...like we know you'd be there for us if we ever needed it. You do understand that you're not alone in this don't you?"

"Uhm...I'm beginning too." Jesse said slowly before giving a shrug and trying to explain. "Look Steve...I've just always, well, done for myself and all...dad being gone and mom....mom was always at the office....I just don't really give it much thought...when something needs done I just do it."

"Well that stops now, my friend." Steve said with a smile, adding. "We had better get downstairs before dad sends out a search party...dinner's ready."

"I put my foot down at playing airplane and wearing a bib." Jesse said pointedly.

Giving a laugh as he helped Jesse stand he said. "I think we can give you that."

As Steve helps Jesse from the room his sheepish voice can be heard in the hallway. "Guess this wouldn't be a good time to mention I booked an afternoon flight to Cascade..."

"Ah...Jess..." Steve's voice groans before changing to one of orneriness. "I'm telling..."


Tuesday Cascade Police Department

Against heated protests from Mark and Steve both that night at dinner and all the next morning Jesse insisted on going to Cascade; thus Jesse found himself being accompanied to the Cascade PD by the Sloan's to make the identification of his mother's body. The desk sergeant directed them to the seventh floor to speak with the detective in charge.

"Are you sure you're up to this Jesse?" Mark asked with concern looking at the young man's pale features, taking further notice how heavily he relied on his cane to maintain his balance; it seemed the young doctor would collapse any minute from the stress. "I can make the identification for you. Steve can talk to the detective in charge."

"No, thanks Mark. I can do this..I have to do this." Jesse said with determination.

Steve rested a hand on Jesse's shoulder. "We're right here with you Jess, we're not going anywhere."

Jesse looked at his friend gratefully and gave a nod. "Lets get it over with."

The three men stepped off the elevator into the organized chaos of the PD's Major Crimes unit.

"Gee, just like home." Steve said with a grin, getting a distant smile from his friend.

Concerned for Jesse's well being Steve decided to cut right to the heart of the matter and get this over with as fast as he could and get Jesse back to the hotel to lie down. He pulled his badge and stopped the first person he saw. "Lt. Steve Sloan, LAPD, I need to see a detective Jim Ellison."

The officer peered at the badge and gave a nod before turning to point into the bullpen. "Third desk on the right...good luck."

"Good luck? I wonder what he meant by that?" Mark mused aloud.

The trio approached the desk to see a large, well built man shooting a deadly scowl at his computer terminal.

"Damn it...print all ready." The man growled at the monitor, banging it with his hand a few times for good measure.

As the trio approached Jim looked up, the scowl never leaving his face. "Can I help you?"

"Detective Ellison?"

At Jim's nod Steve continued, "I'm Steve Sloan, LAPD, I'm here with Jesse Travis," stealing a glance at Jesse, who seemed in a daze, he continued grimly, "to make an identification of the body of Sharon Travis."

Jim rose up from his chair and held out a hand. "Detective Sloan."

"This is my father, Dr. Mark Sloan and this is Dr. Travis." Steve finished the introductions as he shook hands with the other detective.

"Here let me pull up some chairs." Jim offered. Getting a good look at the pale, distant look of the younger man he asked with concern, "Are you sure you're up for this, Dr. Travis?"

Jesse didn't appear to hear the question as Mark helped him into the offered chair. "Jess?"

"Huh? Oh, Mark...yeah, I'm fine." Jesse said distractedly.

Jim looked over at Steve who took a few steps back and nodded for Jim to join him. "Jesse was in a very serious car accident less than ten days...left him in a coma for over twenty-four hours...he was *just* out of the hospital when we got this call."

"What? First the son...then the mother?" Jim stated.

"I doubt there's a connection. Jesse's in the shape he's in because the brother of one of his patients blamed Jesse for his twins death...shot the tires out of the truck he was driving; tried to kill him." Steve explained grimly.

"The suspect was caught?" Jim asked.

"He's dead." Steve said grimly. "He came after Jesse again..."

When Steve trailed off, Jim didn't push...he had a pretty good idea how the suspect had met his end. "We should cover all bases on this one...rule out revenge as a motive."

Steve thought a moment before nodding. "I'll have a report faxed down this afternoon."

Looking back over to Jesse and Mark, Jim said. "If Travis isn't up to this we can do this tomorrow...but I do need to ask him some questions about his mother's business in Cascade and what her ties were to a Doctor Earl Roberts and his clinic over on East street." Jim said.

"He was the other victim in the car? Do you think it might have something to do with the clinic?" Steve asked.

"No proof yet that it has anything to do with the clinic, but someone wanted Robert's dead... the car was definitely tampered with and Robert's house was tossed." Jim said.

"The car was tampered with?" Steve asked with a frown. "So were looking at murder then?"

"Looks like the brake line was cut on Roberts car." Jim said, adding grimly. "*And* the final autopsy report suggests that Sharon Travis *didn't* die of the injuries she sustained in the accident."

"What? What exactly did you find?"

"According to the M.E.'s report, Sharon Travis had injuries inconsistent with a car accident. There was bruising around her neck...she had been strangled." Jim said.

Steve just shook his head in disbelief, a tired sigh escaping him as he looked over at his friend. "Before or after the accident?

"After." Jim said.

"If she was killed after the car went over the cliff then that means someone was following the car....to make sure the accident was fatal." Steve mused aloud.

"Looks that way....I'm betting they weren't expecting there to be anyone else in the car except Roberts." Jim surmised.

"Or maybe they were looking for something." Steve put forth.

"The car was clean, and we didn't get any fingerprints except for the two victims."

Steve gave a small sigh of frustration as he again looked over at Jesse; Jim too looked over at the pale young man, his mind going to his own partner's brushes with danger. "Why don't we do this in a day or so...we still have some leads to investigate.."

"Steve?" Jesse called plaintively.

"Jess." Steve acknowledged, going quickly to his friend.

"Is this the detective investigating....what happened to....to my....mom?" Jess asked looking up at Jim.

Jim held out a hand. "I'm detective Ellison."

Jesse just looked at Jim's out stretched hand then up at the detective. "My mom, what happened to my mom?"

Jim looked over at Steve who gave a quiet sigh and a slight nod.

Jim sat at his desk and picked up the file. "Your mother was the passenger in a car driven by a Doctor Earl Roberts, he owns a clinic here in Cascade. Has your mother ever spoken of him?"

Jesse shook his head. "Was it an accident?"

Looking over at a grim faced Steve, Jim hedged; "We're still investigating."

"It wasn't was it...*that's* why you're investigating..." Jesse accused quietly. "I know how things work....Steve is a detective."

With a slight shake of his head Jim answered the young man. "No, Doctor Travis, we don't believe it was; there is evidence that the brakes on the car were tampered with."

"On Dr. Roberts car?" Jesse clarified.

"The car *was* registered to Dr. Roberts." Jim confirmed.

"Why? Why did someone want Roberts dead..." Looking at Steve with stricken face he gasped out, "Why did they have to kill my mom?"

"I'm sorry Dr. Travis." Jim said quietly.

While Steve put a comforting hand on Jesse's shoulder, Mark again knelt down in front of the distraught young man, grasping his arms gently to keep him from falling out of the chair as he began to rock back and forth...oblivious to his surroundings.

"Mark, I don't feel so good." Jesse said before his eyes suddenly rolled up in his head and he feel forward.

Both Jim and Steve jumped forward to help an unbalanced Mark lever Jesse to the floor.

"Rafe, call 911." Jim called over to the first detective he saw.

"He's passed out." Mark reported succinctly as he tended to Jesse. "All this...his accident, and now in his weakened state having to hear his mother was murdered...Steve, Jesse just can't take anymore shocks like this to his system...it's just to much for him."

Seeing the sudden commotion in the bullpen, Simon came from his office. "Jim?"

"The Roberts case, sir; this is Sharon Travis's son....he's not well and all this just was to much for him." Jim explained as Rafe called over, "Paramedics are on the way."

"Can he be moved? We can put him on the couch in my office until the EMT's arrive." Simon ordered.

As Simon watched Steve gently gathered Jesse in his arms, Jim and Mark on either side helping him stand, he was reminded how much the two men's relationship seemed to mirror that of Jim and Blair.

Once Jesse was settled on the couch, Jim made introductions while Mark tended to Jesse, "Captain Simon Banks, this is Lt. Steve Sloan, LAPD homicide...and that's his father, Doctor Mark Sloan. The young man is Dr. Jesse Travis, the victims son."

Shaking hands Simon said. "Sorry to be meeting under these circumstances Lt."

"Thanks sir. I don't know how long we're going to be here..but..." Steve said, getting right to the point.

"But you want to help with the investigation." Simon finished for him. "You're out of your jurisdiction here."

"I *need* to do something, sir. That's my best friend laying there, and if I can't help him any other way I want to find the person who killed his mother." Steve ground out.

Simon gave a sad smile and a sideways glance to his detective. "Sounds familiar?"

"I understand how he feels sir...you know I would want the same if something happened to Sandburg." Jim said with an embarrassed shrug. "Any help Sloan can give me on this I'll take."

"All right, Lt., I'll call your captain and see what we can work out." Simon agreed, adding pointedly. "This goes by the book, Lt...step out of line even once during this investigation and I'll have your butt in sling."

"Understood sir." Steve said with a nod.

A groan from the couch got their attention as Jesse slowly woke up. "Mark? Steve? What happened, where are we?"

"We're in Cascade Jesse...at the police station...remember?" Mark said gently.

"Cascade...the wreck...mom!" Jesse gasped out, looking around frantically until he saw Steve. "Someone killed my mom...Steve, someone killed my mom...."

"I know Jess, and I'm going to do everything I can to find who did it." Steve said, kneeling down beside his friend. Mark noticed a look of understanding that seemed to pass between the two Cascade police officers.

Rhonda gave a quick knock on the door before popping her head in. "Captain, the paramedics are here."

"Thanks Rhonda." Simon acknowledged.

After a quick check by the paramedics and some pitiful pleading on the part of Jesse, Mark, reluctantly, agreed to forgo a trip to the hospital. Watching the gentle argument between the two men Simon gave Jim a sideways look and knowing glance that asked---'and who does that remind you of?'

Jim just shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.

"Straight back to the hotel and to bed." Mark ordered, receiving a quiet nod from Jesse.

"Dad, I think I'll stay here, get started on the case." Steve said.

"See you back at the room later."

As Simon opened his office door he spotted Sandburg getting off the elevator. "Just in time Sandburg..help Dr. Sloan get Dr. Travis to their car."

"Sure thing Simon." Blair said, dumping his book bag by Jim's desk and coming up to the other side of Jesse. "Hey, names Blair. Can I give you some help?

"Thanks Chief." Jim said.

Steve watched with amusement as the young men deftly helped his father and Jesse to the elevator, keeping up a friendly monologue as they went. "Is *that* one of your detectives?"

"No!" Simon answered forcefully, adding with a snort. "He's a consultant to the department."

"A consultant...on what...the sixties?" Steve said with a chuckle.

Deciding to nip in the bud any problem this detective might have with Blair, Jim said lightly. "Hope your not making fun of my partner their Sloan."

"*He's* you're partner? He's a cop? I thought you said he was a consultant?" Steve said in surprise.

"Sandburg's not a cop, but if he chose to be he'd be a damn good one...that little guy has an IQ over one hundred and fifty...gotten himself out of a lot of scrapes with nothing more than his quick wit!" Jim defended his partner.

Holding his hands in front of him in a sign of surrender Steve answered. "Sounds a little too familiar...my father is a police consultant and works with me on cases. Anything...or anyone that can help me find who killed Jesse's mother is more than welcome on this case."

Giving a satisfied nod Jim said. "Lets get started then. First we'll get that report faxed."


After Blair helped Mark situate Jesse in the car he followed the older man to the driver's side door. "You sure he's okay? He really looks like he needs a doctor."

"He's got one." Mark said with a smile holding out his hand. "Doctor Mark Sloan and that's Jesse Travis, also a doctor."

"Oh, hey man, sorry..." Blair said shaking the older man's hand. "Just he doesn't look so good."

"Thanks for the concern...and you're right, Jesse's not all right; at least not right now." Mark said with a worried frown.

"Hey, does this have something to do with Jim's...detective Ellison's new case; the two doctors that were killed?"

With a grim nod Mark answered. "The woman killed was Jesse's mother."

"Gods, that's awful...I'm really sorry; but you can be sure Jim and I will do everything we can to find out who did it." Blair said with determination.

"You and Jim...you work here, with detective Ellison?" Mark asked. "You wouldn't happen to be the Sandburg I heard mentioned, now would you?"

"Yeah, that's me, Blair Sandburg." Blair introduced himself, adding. "I work with Jim on cases and kind of give advice, kinda like an unofficial consultant.I'm actually a grad student over at Rainer University.I'm working on my doctorate in anthropology."

"A doctorate.that's impressive.you hardly look old enough to even have a degree."

"Been working on it since I was sixteen." Blair said with a shrug. "Well, I better get back upstairs."

"Yes, I better get Jesse back to the room and lay him down....thanks for your help Mr. Sandburg." Mark said as he got into the car.

"Just Blair." Blair said as he closed the car door. "And don't worry, we'll do everything we can."

Mark gave a nod and a wave and drove out of the garage.


"Hey Jim, I'm back...Dr. Sloan and Dr. Travis are on there way back to the hotel." Blair said as he came into the interrogation room where Jim and Steve were working.

"Thanks for the help." Steve said.

"Chief, this is Lt. Steve Sloan, LAPD Homicide...he's a friend of Dr. Travis, going to be helping on the case; Sloan this is my partner...Blair Sandburg." Jim said as way of introductions.

"Mr. Sandburg." Steve said holding out a hand.

"Just Blair." Blair said returning the handshake. "Sloan? Are you related to Dr. Sloan?"

"My dad. And just call me Steve." He said with a grin. "I hear you and my dad have something in common...he's a consultant to the LAPD."

"Hey that's so cool...you and your dad work together....on cases!" Blair said.

"He's been known to put his two cents in." Steve said in amusement, adding more seriously. "He'd be here now if..if Jesse didn't need...anyway, what have you got so far."

Jim tossed Steve the forensics report of the accident scene, which proved to hold few clues.

The rest of the afternoon was spent going back over the forensic reports for the accident scene, Robert's house and the victim's autopsy reports, as well as the statements given by the employees at the clinic.

Giving a sigh and dropping his notepad back on the table in frustration he asked. "So far all this leads us nowhere...no witnesses, no prints...nothing in the car to indicate why the killer did it."

"I think the killer was after something that Roberts had." Blair said. "Why else would his house have been tossed and the computer erased."

"Was anything taken from Robert's house?" Steve asked.

"The housekeeper didn't find anything missing...it was mostly the bedroom and his office." Jim reported.

"You said the computer was erased...were there any disks?" Steve asked.

"None were found... and the housekeeper didn't know anything about the doctor's computer or what disks he may have kept at home." Jim answered.

"So then were still at a dead end...was it someone after Roberts for personal reasons or professional one?" Steve ground out. "What about Carson and Bradley, the other two doctors at the clinic, what did they have to say about Earl Roberts death?"

"Not much...the usual surprise you'd expect...they certainly didn't seem to broken up over it.they claim to not socialize much outside of work. They are getting a list together of any patients that might have had a reason to dislike the doctor." Jim said. "Right now we have exactly nothing...if it does turn out to have anything to do with the clinic we are going to need a whole lot more than this to even get a warrant."

"So we dig deeper." Steve said succinctly.

A knock on the door was followed by Rafe stepping in, holding out several sheaf's of paper "The report you were waiting for from LA is here."

"Thanks Brian." Jim acknowledged taking the pages, immediately beginning to scan them.


Wednesday Afternoon

The morning yielded no further clues as Jim and Blair took Steve to review the accident site then to doctor Robert's house. Trying to re-question Dr. Robert's business partners proved pointless as both doctor's were in surgery for the day.

"We may not be able to question them but I can get on the net...research the clinic and see what I can find out about Dr. Carson and Dr. Bradley." Blair said.

Jim dropped Blair off at the University before heading back to the station.

"Hey dad, Jess, what are you doing down here?" Steve asked as he and Jim got off the elevator.

"Trying to talk some sense into Jesse." Mark said in frustration.

"Jess, why are you here." Steve asked.

"The coroner called, said that they were ready to...to release...that I could have mom released to the funeral home today..." Jesse said.

"Jess, didn't we all ready go over this." Steve said in frustration. "I'm here...I can do it for you..just tell me which funeral home."

"No, Steve...I know you want to help, and you are...you're investigating...but....but, I need to do this...I need to see her...I need to make this real." Jesse said with determination. Looking his friend in the eye he pleaded. "Please, understand, I need to do this."

With a tired sigh, Steve placed a comforting hand on Jesse's shoulder. "I do understand, as long as you understand I'm not letting you go through this alone."

Jesse gave a tired smile. "Thanks Steve."

The pathologist, Dan Wolfe, met them inside the identification room. "The body is ready to be released...if you will just make a final identification and sign the forms."

"Thanks Dan." Jim said.

Steve and Mark stood on either side of their young friend, quietly offering both their emotional as well as physical support.

"Jess, are you sure about this?" Mark asked worriedly.

Jesse nodded and the pathologist opened the door the next room, going to the drawer and pulling it out.

Mark put a comforting arm around the young mans shoulder, as Dan gave another look to the assembled group before slowly raising the sheet.

"Oh, God, mom." Jesse gasped out, his knees giving way.

Mark managed to keep Jesse balanced enough for Steve to catch his friend and lower him gently to the floor.

"Jesse, I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." Steve said over and over, holding Jesse as he cried openly into his friend's broad chest.

Jim nodded to Dan, who closed the drawer with a quiet sigh...he really hated this part of his work.


Wednesday Evening

Another sedative and a four-hour nap did little to improve Jesse's listless mood.

Steve found Jesse sitting in the hotel suite, aimlessly shuffling through some of the papers that had been collected and sent to him from his mother's hotel room. "Jess?"

Tossing the papers down on the couch Jesse said quietly, his voice flat and emotionless. "I'm really alone now...I can't believe she's really gone...and so far, of course, no word from Dane..."

"You have us, dad and I...and Amanda..." Steve said firmly. "We're here for you Jess, for as long as you need us."

"I know, and it helps to have you here but..." Jesse said, bowing his head in his hands and giving a deep sigh.

"But what? We're not family." Steve said as he sat down next to his friend. "I want to tell you something Jess...when you had the accident, when...when I saw you in that bed and doc Mitchell said you were in a coma...it terrified me... like I haven't felt since..."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to worry everybody..I didn't mean to make you think about your.." Jesse interrupted, looking up at Steve with something akin to panic on his face.

"No, hear me out...the last time I felt that helpless...was that afraid of losing someone...it *was* when my mom was ill." Steve said quietly, looking Jesse in the eyes he continued earnestly. "Don't you see Jess, we are family...I didn't feel like I might be losing a friend...it felt like I might be losing--- a brother!"

Jesse just looked at Steve in stunned surprise, saved from having to formulate a response by hands coming over the back of the couch to rest on his shoulders. Jesse turned to look up into Mark's face. "And like I might be losing a son..Jesse, son, you mean the world to us.."

Jesse just stared at the two men in stunned disbelief for a moment before hopping up from the chair, his voice shaky. "I need some air."

"Jess?" Steve asked in concern, having followed his friend to the balcony.

Jesse kept his face turned away from his friends, his voice shaking with emotion as he finally quietly answered. "I always wanted..growing up the other kids---their moms and dads were around---to go to ballgames, PTA, even to be called in to dinner. By the time I was eight, Dane was never around and mom..well, she was always working late..she was never much into that PTA scene or baking cookies or anything anyway. Anyway, I remember this one time... some of us guys had tried to rig up an obstacle course on our street for our bikes...we had out ramps and cones..we'll, needless to say when some of the fathers found out we'd raided their garages...I remember feeling so left out because everyone had a parent come and cart them off...yelling at them for the crazy stunt we'd pulled..everyone, except me. Even though we were all in trouble..I was so...jealous; because they all had someone around..."

"People are only jealous of what they *don't* have Jess...and *you* have us...we *are* your family in every sense of the word." Mark said to the young man, turning him around to look into his tear stained face. "And I would be proud to have a son like you."

"Thanks Mark." Jesse said quietly, giving a sniffle he added jokingly. "Guess thirty is to old to be adopted, huh?"

"You really want to give him *more* of an excuse to be hovering than he all ready has?" Steve joked lamely.

"Speaking of hovering, it's about time for someone's meds, and when was the last time you have something decent to eat." Mark began only to laugh when Jesse rolled his eyes.

Mark directed Jesse to the couch. "We'll order in tonight...it's been a trying day for everyone..you *both* need to rest.how's your leg Steve? I know you were out with Detective Ellison today."

"Dad!" Steve said.

"Sit, or I'll order liver and onions for dinner." Mark threatened.

"Steve." Jesse whined, "sit down.I hate liver and onions."

"I'm sitting.I'm sitting." Steve grumbled as he moved some papers out of the way so he could sit on the couch. "So what is this stuff?"

"Don't know...they sent this over with..with mom's stuff... I had just started going through it." Jesse said, picking up a large manila envelope and turning it over and over in his hand. "Hmm...no return address...it was just mailed a week ago...from Cascade?"

"Why would someone all ready in Cascade mail a package to your mother's hotel room?" Steve remarked, holding out his hand for the package. "It was mailed the day before the accident."

Steve opened the envelope and pulled out a stack of papers, giving them a cursory look before handing them back to Jesse. "Looks something like medical records...and it looks like photo copied pages from an account ledger..."

Jesse studied the first few pages, his brow creasing into a frown. "Looks like a patient record for an organ transplant.this looks like the H and P... and the surgical notes."

"Let me see those." Mark said coming around the couch to sit in an adjacent chair.

Mark skimmed through the stack of papers, looking up after almost ten minutes. "I think we've found our motive for murder."

"An organ transplant?" Steve questioned.

"There are four different patient records here...and each ledger copy has a quarter of a million dollar deposit within ten days of the surgical dates listed..." Mark said with a knowing look.

"Black market organs?" Jesse ventured.

"We need to check to see if any of these patients were on the national registry..." Mark said.

"Are you saying these patients *bought* their organs?" Steve asked. "Where would they get them...I mean, if they couldn't get then from the national registry..."

"It's complicated...there are a lot of factors to consider when deciding who gets the few available organs." Jesse explained. "The patients current health...their place on the registry list...if the donated organ is even a physiological match..."

"So maybe Roberts found out...thought his life was in danger.....sent copies to your mom to make sure someone had the proof..." Steve theorized.

"It's probably happening right at that clinic." Mark said.

"So how do we find out...it's not like they can advertise or anything?" Jesse asked tiredly.

"We need to get a good look around...talk to the doctors down there..." Mark began only to be stopped by Steve.

"Dad...I recognize that look...this isn't LA..." Steve warned. "I don't think Captain Bank's would appreciate a civilian poking around."

"Oh, Steve, why would they mind...they all ready work with a civilian consultant..." Mark defended lightly. "I bet they might even be looking for a doctor to buy Earl Roberts part of the practice."

"Dad!" Steve warning fell on deaf ears as Mark continued to formulate a plan.

"Maybe I can convince them I have a client in need of a transplant..."

"Dad, stop all ready." Steve exclaimed.

"Steve we're going to get to the bottom of this one way or another..and this is the best way to really get a look inside that clinic and maybe talk to some of the patients." Mark defended absently.

Steve just folded his arms and watched his father pace as he worked out the details of a plan in his head. "I bet Captain Banks will have something to say about this." He grumbled to himself.


A/N: End of part one....I posted before it's finished because I need a little help with part two...the actual investigation part.....so *anyone* with any ideas, dialogue or even a whole scene !!!!! ----feel free to SHARE !!!!! My idea so far is to put Mark in as the new doctor at the clinic and somehow have Blair be the person they are going to steal an organ from (I'm thinking the doc's at the clinic lie to their patients and tell them they have diseased organs that need to be removed and use those to sell to the highest bidder????)....I want Steve and Jim to have to work together to rescue Blair and Jesse!!