Disclaimer: Naruto copywrite Masashi Kishimoto, I'm making no money from this

Warnings: Underage, Yaoi, ANGST ANGST ANGST

Kakashi panted quietly as he gently slipped off Naruto's briefs and replaced them with small pink panties. It always started like this. Kakashi coming in when he was sure the teen was asleep, first just staring, then moving on to the bed to touch and kiss him sometimes even venturing lower to rub softly against Naruto's thighs and hips. Tomight he had felt particularly kinky, and wanted to try something he had read in Icha Icha paradise years ago. He knew he could usually go to Iruka for a bit of kinky fun, but he wanted to do it to the person he loved. Naruto...

It was insane. He wasn't even sure when he had first fallen in love with the boy. He hadn't felt this way at first. He hadn't found himself getting lost in those beautiful sapphire blue eyes. Hadn't found himself wanting to touch Naruto more than he should, sometimes waking up from intense dreams with sticky sheets and sweaty limbs. He knew it was wrong. He was nearly thirty and Naruto was only fifteen. But he couldn't resist any more. He loved Naruto, needed Naruto. And that's how he found himself sneaking into the boys bed room at night.

Tonight was different though. He was doing more than he should. Slowly, oh so slowly, he felt his hand begining to go farther up Naruto's thigh. So close. Kakashi gulped as he softly brushed his fingers against Naruto's sex. He looked up at Naruto's sleeping face. He always was too heavy a sleeper. Smoothly bringing his face up to Naruto's he was just about to ghost his lips against the soft peach ones below him when the boys blue eyes flew open. Kakashi froze, his hand still against Naruto's sensitive area.

But Naruto didn't seem to see him. It was as if he was staring right through Kakashi.

"Sasuke..." Naruto moaned.

Kakashi jerked. 'What did he just.......? Sasuke? No.....' He felt tears pricking his eyes. 'No...Not Sasuke....'

Quickly scurrying up Kakashi backed out of Naruto's room, barely rembering to close Naruto's door. He shook as he made his way back to his own room. ' Sasuke...Why Sasuke?'