Broken Idols

Broken Idols

A Digimon story
Written by Trey Tackett
[email protected]
Special thanks to Steven Savage, Alicia Ashby, and everyone else who
freely contributed assistance in the making of this story. You all
helped me with descriptions, plot points, and the over all theme of this.
Without your assistance, none of this would have been possible. Thank you.
All characters are property of their creators and no copyright infringement
is intended. Please don't sue.

Through out the history of the Digiworld, there have been many stories
and myths. However, one story stands out more than all others, the Prophecy
of the Digidestined. The actual origins are shrouded, but what is known is
that in the time of the early Digimon, a lone Angemon appeared and told
the prophecy to all those who listened. His words are as follows:

"A time of blood shed and pain will fall upon both the Digital World and the
other realm. The time will be signified by the appearance of black gears that
turn those with good hearts to those with hearts of evil. Darkness will
cloud the mind of all those who the black gears touch. However, during this
time a group of seven beings from the other realm will appear."

"They will have the power to make the weak strong, to cause Digivolution.
They will rise up against the black gears and the Devil that controls them.
Together they shall fight, but it is the smallest that will deal the final
blow and destroy the demon."

"But peace will not last long. An even greater evil shall rear it's face
and the seven shall become eight. Even then, things will look bleak for
the destined. Losses will be heavy, but they will still fight. The monster
will reveal it's true form during the hour of the beast, and the final battle
will begin. Only when the Light of Hope, and Courage of Friendship unite will
their be a chance for victory, and a single arrow shall guide the way."

After saying this, the Angemon vanished. There has not been a sighting since
then until this day.

Over the years the prophecy has been passed from generation to generation.
It has become an integrate part of the Digimon society, and could be
considered their form of religion. That is why recent events have had such
an effect on the Digiworld.

Seven children from Earth were transported to the Digiworld. Tiachi "Tai"
Kamiya the Child of Courage, Sora Takenouchi the Child of Love, Joe Kido the
Child of Reliability, Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi the Child of Knowledge, Mimi
Tachikawa the Child of Sincerity, Yamato "Matt" Ishida the Child of
Friendship, and his younger brother Takeru "TK" Takashi the Child of Hope,
these seven are the prophecized Digidestined. Together with the aid of
seven Digimon they have defeated the evil Devimon and his Black Gears.

But now they face a greater threat. Myotismon is trying to take over both
the Digiworld and the Earth. Even with the addition of the eighth child,
Tai's little sister, Hikari "Kari" Yagami the Child of Light, they still
struggle to defeat Myotismon and save both their world and the Digimons'.

The prophecy is coming true, and the fate of both worlds rest in the hands
of the eight destined children.

The sounds of battle echoed and cries of pain fill the city sky. A battle
of titans was at hand, but the city inhabitants didn't know who was fighting
for, or against them. All they could do is sit, watch, and hope that they
would still be alive when it was over.

The battle with Myotismon was fierce. With the exception of Angemon, all
of the Digidestined's Digimon had changed into their ultimate forms. Even
then though, Myotismon was proving to be to powerful. The battle was thought
to be over when all the attacks were combined into one burst of energy fired
by Angewomon, but Myotismon had dodged it by mere inches. Since then, the
fight had escalated, and was now forcing it's way through the city. One
by one they fell till only two remained.

Matt rushed over as WereGarurumon reverted back to Gabumon form. He picked up
his wounded friend and stared at the sky. They were losing, but Angemon
was still in it. There was still a chance, Angemon could achieve ultimate
form, and maybe then it would be over. Matt looked back toward TK to make
sure he was safe. He looked back to the battle at hand. This would be it,
one way or the other.

Myotismon chuckled and looked at the fallen Digimon, and then to Angemon.
"Your friends are weak, I'm surprised they lasted even this long. Well then,
I guess it's just you and me."

Angemon remained silent and ready to fight. He knew Myotismon was stronger,
but he had to try. He had to protect the Digidestined.

Myotismon frowned, "Give up, Angemon. You don't have any chance of defeating
me. Besides, I'd be more concerned about your precious child of hope."

Angemon looked down at TK as he heard the young child yell in surprise.
Demi-Devimon had latched onto TK and was holding a knife to his throat.

"HA HA! Now if any of you kids think you might wanna play hero, let me just
say that if I see ANYONE move I'll slit his throat!" Demi-Devimon cackled.

Angemon looked back at Myotismon, who merely smirked.

"What's it going to be? Me or the boy?" Myotismon asked.

Angemon hesitated, but then lowered his staff in defeat. "Alright, just let
him go."

"Why certainly!" Demi-Devimon shouted. He released his grip on TK only to
spin the boy around and slash him deeply across the chest. TK cried out
in pain and fell to the ground, bleeding.

"TK! NO!!" Matt shouted. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" he yelled at Demi-Devimon.

"Shut up, Brat!" Demi-Devimon replied, throwing the knife toward Matt.

Angemon could only watch in shock as the knife embedded itself into Matt's
leg, sending him sprawling to the ground. Angemon turned to face Myotismon,
rage filling his mind. He charged forward, raising his staff to attack.

"Pathetic," Myotismon stated as he unleashed his Crimson Lightning attack.

The Digidestined stared in horror at the sight in the sky. Angemon hovered
in place, dropping his staff as his arms went limp.

Myotismon smiled, withdrawing the red ribbon of energy from Angemon's
body. He watched as the titan fell and crashed to the ground far below.

"Oh god," Sora said softly as she stared at Angemon's motionless form.

Joe panicked. "WE'RE DOOMED!" he shouted frantically.

Myotismon looked down at the group. "And now to rid myself of..." He stopped
as everyone except TK and Angemon disappeared in a flash of light. "What in
the world?"

I... won't allow you... to hurt them..." Angemon said, his pain apparent in
his voice.

"Teleporting them away was a waste of energy," Myotismon said. "It won't
stop me from tracking them down and then destroying them. Now that you're
out of the picture, that task should be rather simple." With that, he and
Demi-Devimon disappeared, transporting back to their lair.

TK slowly staggered toward Angemon, the blood loss making him weaker by the
second. "A.... Ang.... Angemon...." He stumbled and collapsed next to his
Digimon friend. "Don't die... please.... don't die..."

Angemon turned his head to look at TK. He placed a hand on the child's
head. "The Child of Hope... he is the one who holds the true power in his

TK watched as his friend began to glow, as did his Crest and Tag. Angemon's
body broke up into spheres of energy, and were then absorbed into the
talismans. TK felt a wave of energy wash over him as his body began to glow
as well. Then there was a blinding flash of light.

"Tai? Tai, wake up!"

Tao slowly began to regain consciousness. He opened his eyes to see Agumon.
"Ugh.... what happened? Where are we?"

"Angemon teleported us back to the Digiworld," Agumon replied.

"Ah, I see you've finally woken up," Gennai stated as he walked into the
room. "You've been out since I found you and the others a few days ago."

"Oh man, where is everyone? Are they OK?" Tai asked, worried.

"They're in the other room," Gennai replied. "Matt and Gabumon are on
the shore."

"TK.... is he alright?" Tai asked.

Agumon and Gennai remained silent. They both bowed their heads.

"Oh no, poor Matt...." Tai stated.

Matt looked out over the waters as he tightened the bandage around his leg.
Since they had left to go back to their world to fight Myotismon, the
Digiworld had gotten worse. The sky was darker, the trees were dying, and
there was a general eerie feeling to the whole place now. That didn't matter
to Matt right now though. His mind was elsewhere.

TK was gone. He had watched his own little brother die, and he couldn't stop
it. Matt looked at the darkened sky as tears began to fill his eyes. "I'm
sorry, TK..... I... I failed you..." he whispered.

Gabumon walked up to him. "Matt, you can't blame yourself over this."

"If I had stayed by him, I would have been able to protect him. But I didn't,
I failed. I let him down...." Matt replied.

Gabumon frowned and sat down next to his friend. "I know you feel horrible
about this, Matt, but you shouldn't let TK's sacrifice be in vain."

"SACRIFICE?! WHAT SACRIFICE?!" Matt demanded. "TK was killed because of
Myotismon, not his own choice!" Matt pulled the tag and crest of his neck.

"Matt?" Gabumon asked.

"I'm tired of fighting," Matt said. He threw the tag onto the ground. "All
its caused is pain...." He looked at Gabumon. "I'm sorry, I just can't do
this anymore...."

Gabumon picked up the tag and shook his head. "Don't be. You're only mortal
like the rest of us."

Matt gave him a confused look. "What do you mean by that?"

"I was expecting to much from the prophecy. We all were for that matter,"
Gabumon stated. "No one ever thought you'd be children like us."

"You're a child?" Matt asked.

Gabumon nodded, "Yeah, Agumon, Biyoman, all of us are about the age of you
and your friends." He smirked. "You guys never knew, but many Digimon see
you all as deities, sent here to lead us into the future."

Matt remained silent, taking it all in. He finally spoke up, "Deities?"

Gabumon looked at Matt. "I know that their belief isn't correct, but I do
know one thing."

"What's that?" Matt asked.

"You're still the same person I became friends with," Gabumon replied. He
handed the tag back to Matt.

Matt watched as Gabumon walked off. He looked down at the tag, thinking.

"I'm tired of waiting around here," Tai said, annoyed. "We need to get back
to our world and beat Myotismon!"

"Splendid idea," Joe said sarcastically. "And do you plan to lose like last
time as well?"

Tai glared at Joe, but then sighed.

"A single defeat does not mean you have to give up," Gennai stated.

Joe shook his head. "What's the use? There's no way to even get BACK to our

"Well, how'd you get back the first time?" Kari asked.

"We used the gateway at the tower, but we had Gennai's cards to open the
doorway then," Sora stated. "But we could only use them once."

Gennai shook his head, "The cards are a one way trip, but they can be used
as many times as they are needed."

"And since we already the know the correct combination of cards is required,
we should have very little trouble in opening the gateway," Izzy stated.

"But do we want to go back?" Mimi asked. "We got beaten pretty badly, after

"Theoretically the odds are stacked against us heavily," Izzy
replied. "Our chances of success are significantly lower than before."

"See?" Joe asked. "We don't stand a chance. Even in their ultimate forms our
Digimon weren't strong enough to handle the job."

"Wait a sec, you guys are just going to give up?" Tai asked. "You've gotta
be kidding me!"

"This isn't a game, Tai!" Joe exclaimed. "This is serious! We've already
lost TK and Patamon, there's no point in losing anyone else!"

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Tai shouted back. "This is a life or
death situation!"

"Then tell me why," Joe interrupted. "Why does it have to be us? Because of
some prophecy?! Why do we have to fight?!"

"Because there's no else who can...." Matt spoke up.

Everyone looked toward Matt.

Matt looked up at the others. "We're the only ones with the power to fight
Myotismon and his forces." He winced in pain as he stood up. "We were chosen
to save both the Digiworld and our own. TK and Patamon died trying to do just
that, and I don't plan on letting that sacrifice have been made in vain."
Matt looked at Gabumon and smiled. "I realize now that its the one thing I
can still do for them. You guys can make your own choice, but I'm going
back." He started walking toward the door, a noticeable limp in his wounded
leg. Gabumon got up and followed close behind.

"Hey, Matt!" Tai said. "Wait up, we're coming too." He and Agumon followed
Matt, as did Kari and Gatomon.

Sora looked at the others and then went after Tai and Matt, Biyomon right
behind her. "We're coming as well."

Izzy stood up. "I suspect that if we work together, there's still a chance
we can win."

"Precisely what I was thinking," Tentomon replied as he and Izzy went after
the others.

"Well, might as well give it a shot!" Mimi said as she and Palmon walked
toward the group.

Everyone looked toward Joe. Gomamon looked up at his friend.

"Well, Joe?" Gomamon asked.

Joe thought for a moment. "If you all think we stand a chance, then I'm
coming too." He picked up Gomamon and walked toward the others. "We all
started this together, we'll end it that way as well."

"Alright!" Tai exclaimed. "Then let's get going!"

Myotismon smiled as he watched the city at night. The barrier between the
Digiworld and Earth was beginning to fall. Soon the two would be joined,
and he would reign over them both. Chaos would insue as inhabitants of
the two worlds struggled to get a grip on things, and then he would be
unstoppable! With Angemon and the Child of Hope dead, the other Digidestined
would soon follow.

He smirked to himself. He had beaten the prophecy. He had destroyed that
which Digimon held dear, their faith in an age old prophecy that they
foolishly worshipped.

Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He turned to
look, but whatever it had been was now gone.

The shadowed figure watched Myotismon from afar. It then spread it's wings
and flew off into the night.

Joe opened his eyes as the blinding light faded away. He looked around to
make sure everyone had made the teleportation safely.

"Ugh, you'd think that trip wouldn't wrinkle my clothes so badly," Mimi
complained she dusted herself off.

Gatomon looked around. "Is it just me or does the place look different?"

The others looked around. Gatomon was right, things did look somewhat
different. It was though someone had taken parts of the Digiworld and fused
them with the city.

"Myotismon has begun to merge our worlds," Gomamon stated.

Izzy nodded. "We may not have much time before they are fully fused."

"Would it really be that bad if our worlds merged?" Palmon asked.

"I would love to agree with you, but I doubt anyone else would like it very
much," Sora said sadly. "I mean, you saw how people reacted to just seeing
you. There are others who'd probably try to kill all of you."

"Yeah, you Digimon have only seen parts of Japan. There's allot more out there
you don't know about," Tai stated. "But let's get to the business at hand.
First we gotta free our families, and then we go after Myotismon."

"We're splitting up again, aren't we?" Joe asked. "I hate it when we split
up, something bad always happens."

Tai shook his head. "We're not dividing up individually this time." He
looked towards Mimi and Sora, "You two, Kari, and myself will go back to
the convention center to free our folks. Matt, Joe, Izzy, you three go and
make sure your families are alright. Let's get moving, people. Like Izzy
said, we don't have much time."

"OK, I can see some of the people through a small window," Tai said as he
looked through his telescope. "Huh... they're all laying side by side on
the ground."

"Huh?" Sora asked. "Let me see that." Tai handed her the telescope and she
took a look for herself. Tai was right, they were all laying on the floor.
She refoccused the lens and got a closer view. "They look like they've all
been put to sleep." She handed the telescope back to Tai.

"So what do we do now?" Mimi asked.

"We go in and res...." Tai started, but was interrupted as the ground started
to shake. "What the?!"

"TAI! LOOK!!" Agumon shouted.

Tai looked toward where Agumon was pointing. "This is not good...."

"It's a SkullGreymon," Biyomon said, worried.

"Well, there goes that plan," Gatomon stated

Tai slammed his fist on the ground and stared angrily at the Skeletal
Digimon. "Alright, that does it." He looked toward Agumon. "You ready
for some action, Agumon?"

Agumon nodded. "I'm ready and waiting."

"Tai, you're not gonna try and fight him are you?" Kari asked.

"That's my plan exactly, Kari," Tai said as he looked at his sister. He
then looked toward the others. "You all go and get our families out of
there. Agumon and I will hold off SkullGreymon." He held out his Digivice
as it began to glow. "Let's do it, Agumon! Digivolve!"

In a flash of energy and light, Agumon transformed into Greymon. Then the
crest of Courage unleashed it's energy, further transforming him into the
more powerful MetalGreymon.

MetalGreymon roared and charged toward the Convention Center. Tai ran after
him, trying to keep up with the powerful Digimon.

"Be careful, Tai!" Sora shouted as she, Mimi, Kari, and their Digimon made
a run toward the Center's entrance.

MetalGreymon leaped and tackled SkullGreymon to the ground. The two behemoths
then went at it tooth and claw. SkullGreymon got back to his feet, but
was knocked backwards by a powerful slash from Metal's metallic claw.

Inside the Center, the girls began searching for their respective families.

"They look sorta.... dead..." Mimi said bluntly.

Sora bent down and checked the pulse on of the adults. "Well, they're still
alive, that's for sure."

"So the question is, how do we wake them up?" Gatomon asked.

"My guess is that they'll wake up when whoever did this to them is
defeated," Sora replied.

Biyomon flapped her wings and fluttered above the group, looking around at
all the adults. "Someone obviously took the time to painstakingly line them
all up for some reason, though."

"From the looks of it, it seems like someone lined them up much like I do
the batteries in my portable hairdryer," Mimi stated.

Sora looked around, "Hey, you're right, Mimi. It does kinda look like they
were lined up like that."

"Maybe whoever did this plans to use them for energy or something," Palmon
spoke up.

Sora was about to reply when the building began to shake. She looked toward
Kari and Gatomon to see the wall behind them begin to crumble.

"Hang in there!" Tai shouted as the fight continued. This wasn't looking to
good. Tentomon was right when he said that SkullGreymon was powerful. In
fact, he was proving to be almost invincible! No matter what MetalGreymon
hit him with, SkullGreymon came right back fighting.

"GIGA BLASTER!" MetalGreymon shouted as his chest ports opened up and two
missiles launched out at his opponent.

SkullGreymon took the missile attack head on, getting knocked back by the
resulting explosion. He remained unhurt though. He roared and launched a
missile like projectile of his own from his back.

"NO!" Tai shouted. "LOOK OUT, METALGREYMON!" he still remembered the damage
SkullGreymon caused during the time they were fighting Etemon.

Metal leaped out of the way to dodge the projectile, but it suddenly changed
course to intercept his leap. He roared in pain as the explosion sent him
sprawling backwards into the convention center. He slammed into the
exterior walls, causing one to cave in.

"KARI!" Sora shouted as she watched the wall begin to collapse. "GET OUT

Kari and Gatomon looked up to see the incoming danger. "Gatomon!" Kari
shouted as she knocked the feline Digimon out of the way, seconds before
the debri slammed down on top of her.

Sora, Mimi, and their Digimon ran toward Kari, and began clearing away rubble
immediately. Gatomon staggered back to her feet and stared in shock
at what she saw. A massive slab of the wall had fallen onto Kari, and was
crushing her from the chest down.

"KARI!" she shouted as she ran toward the group. She frantically tried
to get Kari to regain consciousness.

Through the now massive hole in the wall, everyone could see as MetalGreymon
glowed and reverted back to Agumon stage. Agumon fell face first onto the

Tai ran as fast as he could toward the building. He began to help clear
the rubble away. "KARI! KARI ANSWER ME!"

Gatomon could see the Crest of Light, as well as Kari's now shattered
Digivice laying close by, but that didn't matter to her now. She hugged
Kari as tightly as her small arms would let her. "No, Kari, don't die,
please don't die!" she began to cry.

Tai stumbled backwards, the shock beginning to set in. His little sister
was being crushed to death... there HAD to be something that could be
done. He ran over to Agumon and lifted him up.

"I'm sorry, Tai...." Agumon stated. "He's just to strong...."

Tai turned back toward SkullGreymon, who stood smiling at the scene. Tai
could feel something building up inside of him, but he didn't know what it
was, or cared for that matter. Tears began to fill his eyes as he clenched
his fist. "You've hurt my sister," Tai said, the anger building up. "I'M

There was a blinding flash of light and a pillar of energy erupted from
the ground, engulfing Tai and Agumon. Neither of them knew where the words
came from, but they both said them simultaneously. "War Digivolve!"

Waves of energy surged through both Tai and Agumon as the transformation
began. As Agumon rapidly shifted to Greymon and then MetalGreymon forms, his
body began to join with Tai's. They felt their minds become one, their
thoughts working in complete synchronization with one another. Finally,
both of them fully combined to create a whole new being. One
unlike ever seen before.

A deep voice echoed across the area as the creature shouted, "WARGREYMON!!

The creature stood upright like a human, his body a mix of cybernetics
and scales and at a height of around eight feet tall. The Crest of
Courage's symbol was etched into his metal back. Outside, it was definitely
a member of the Agumon Digivolution line, but inside it was something
completely different.

It felt as though someone had taken their minds and meshed them together.
Tai could sense Agumon's thoughts, and Agumon could since his. It was a
pretty odd experience. Their minds seemed to be working together as one,
their thoughts in near complete synchronization. They could still distinguish
each other's thoughts from their own, but they could sense that for the
time being at least, they were one being.

Gatomon remained oblivious to everything around her as she frantically
tried to lift the concrete slab off of Kari.

"Palmon! We could use some strength here!" Mimi shouted to her friend.

"Gotcha, Mimi!" Palmon replied. In a flash of energy she transformed into
Togemon. She grabbed hold of the concrete slab and lifted it off Kari.

Gatomon instantly latched onto her friend, the fur around her eyes soaked
with tears. Beside them, the Crest of Light began to glow.

WarGreymon stared up at his gigantic opponent and growled. He extended his
wings and flew into the air, heading straight for SkullGreymon, his claws
extended forward. He dodged SkullGreymon's swipes at him, and flew up
toward the beast's head.

SkullGreymon roared in pain as WarGreymon drove his claws straight into
his skull. He frantically tried to knock then smaller Digimon loose, but
WarGreymon continued his assault. He struck rapidly at SkullGreymon's
head with precision and speed. He never slowed down, as rage continued to
fuel his spirit.

"I don't think she's going to make it," Sora said sadly. She frowned, they
couldn't lose another.. they just couldn't. "There HAS to be something we
can do!"

Kari slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly at Gatomon. "You're safe,"
she said, her voice raspy and pained.

Suddenly, the Crest of Light began to float into the air. It rose above
the group, and began to illuminate Kari and Gatomon. Sora, Mimi, and their
Digimon shielded their eyes from the blinding light.

Gatomon closed her eyes as she felt a wave of energy rush through her.
Then it was if someone had opened her mind to Kari's, and Kari's mind to
her. She could hear Kari's thoughts, and Kari could hear hers.

'Kari... Oh Kari, please Hang on! Please, just hang on!'

'Gatomon, I'm sorry..... I don't think I'm going to make it...'

'NO! Don't say that! You're gonna make it! Hang on! You have to!'

'Please take care of our family, Gatomon.... I'm sorry....'

'Kari, don't leave me! I lost Wizardmon, I can't lose you too! PLEASE!
Don't leave me..... Don't leave me.....'

'I love you, Gatomon'

'Kari! KARI!!!'

SkullGreymon let out a final bellow of pain and collapsed, shaking the
ground upon impact. It's skull was smashed in, broken, and shattered in
many places. WarGreymon floated down to the ground and stared at the fallen
beast. His mind had been clouded by rage, but now was beginning to clear up.
He looked toward the convention center to see a bright light fading out of
existence. He began running toward it.

Mimi looked at the new creature before her and Sora. The creature resembled
Gatomon in virtually every way, save for two important features: the eyes
were wide, the irises round, with a warmth to them that was wholly different
from the animal-like glint of Digimon's eye.

The other feature was far more immediately noticeable, however... its limbs
were elongated and seemed almost frail, as did the torso. It was a
willowy, wispy anatomy that would have been far more acceptable to a
young human girl than any Digimon. Mimi also noticed that the creature
had Kari's pink sash around it's neck as well, and it seemed to have
hair of sorts. Mimi had always thought Kari could use some help with her
hair style, and for some reason this creature had decided to have its
hair styled the same way. Mimi watched as the creature tucked it's knees
in close, wrapping its arms around them, and began crying.

"She's gone...." Gatomon sobbed, her voice a blend of her own and Kari's.
"I lost her..... I lost the only other person in this world who cared about

Mimi looked up as WarGreymon climbed in through the fallen wall. "Tai?
Agumon? Is that you?"

WarGreymon nodded, "Yeah, I.... WE'RE OK. I think we somehow got fused
together during that Digivolve."

"My gosh, are you two OK?" Sora asked.

WarGreymon looked at her. "Pretty much, though our minds are kinda working
together as if they were the same one. It's kinda weird. What happened
to Kari?" he asked, concerned.

Sora motioned toward Gatomon "She and Gatomon seemed to have fused together
as well, but I don't think it worked in time..."

WarGreymon walked over and knelt down in front of Gatomon. She looked up
at him, still sobbing. 'She has Kari's eyes, that's for sure.'

Gatomon turned away. "No, stay away from me...."

WarGreymon looked hurt by the action. "Kari, it's me. It's Tai!"

"I'm not Kari!" Gatomon exclaimed, her eyes still wet with tears.

"What do you mean?" WarGreymon asked. "You two merged like Agumon and I did,

Gatomon put her head in her gloved hands. "She was to far gone.... She
passed on before it could complete.... She's gone...."

WarGreymon shook his head. "I don't believe that. I refuse to believe that
she's gone."

"Her memories, her feelings, I have all of them in my head, but not
her.... not Kari herself..." Gatomon replied. "First Wizardmon, and now
Kari... Everyone I cared about.... everyone who's ever cared about me
is dead...." She began crying once more. She looked up as WarGreymon placed
a hand on her shoulder.

"Not everyone," WarGreymon said softly. He hugged her close, trying to
comfort her as best he could.

The group remained silent, the only sound being that of Gatomon crying
into WarGreymon's shoulder.