Chapter 9- The Yule Ball

Christmas was finally here, and Lily and James were decorating the great hall for the occasion. The hall looked grand, with floating candles and 6 giant Christmas trees, each sparkling with the ornate ornaments that adorned their branches. Outside, the forbidden forest was frosted like a cake, and the grounds were blanketed in snow.

Lily stopped after adding the last ornament. " Its so beautiful." She sighed, gazing at the sky.

After the decorating was finished, Lily hurried back to her dormitory to get ready. She had beautiful white shimmering dress robes. Carefully, she French braided her long red gold hair. Her lips were a frosty pink, and her emerald eyes sparkled like two gems. She was stunning.

* * *

The entire student body was assembled in the hall, and James and Lily were outside, waiting for the song they were to dance to. Lily was becoming increasingly nervous.

"James, what if I mess up? What if I trip and fall?"

"Don't worry, you aren't that clumsy."

"I shouldn't dance. I'll ruin everything." She bit her lip.

"Lily, you have to dance. Is it really so horrible to dance with me?"

"James, its not you! Its not you at all! Its me. I can't dance! I don't want to dance."

"Oh come on!"


James smiled at her, and raised an eyebrow. "You do know that Lilies aren't wallflowers?"

"Oh, James! You're so corny. But all right, I'll dance."

Inside the hall, a slow tune had been struck up.

"Come on! That's our cue." James took her hand and led her into the hall.

* * *

James led her, and he looked straight into her eyes. Like two sparkling emeralds. She was smiling, enjoying herself. He looked down at her again, and she gave him a shy smile. At long last, the song ended, and another faster song began.

"Come here. I want to show you something." Said James, leading her away.

They walked out the door, hand in hand, they had eyes only for each other. They soon found themselves in a small clearing, where a little bench stood. The snow swirled around, landing in Lily's hair, and making it sparkle. She shivered, her wet hair was dripping on her shoulders.

"I know you're cold but I just wanted to be alone."

"Its fine. I'm not cold." She said defiantly.

He sat down next to her, and put his arm around her shoulders. They looked out at the swirling expanse. He put his hand over her's and grinned. As long as he had Lily, he'd be just fine…

* * *

They came inside once again, and James pointed out Edmund. Diana was hanging on to his arm, and he looked utterly repulsed by her swooning, as if he was trying to shake a bug off. His face was hardened into a sneer, and he kept shooting venomous glares at James and Lily off to the side. Lily clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughs, and James grinned as he watched the redhead fight to control her giggles.

A/N: Hmmmmmmm….Sorry bout the shortness, I am kind of pressed for time! But despite its length, I think its sweet! There will be more chapters, but it may take a while, cause I'm not exactly sure whats going to happen next. Speaking of which, if you have any suggestions for the plot, please tell me in your reviews!!! Thank you!!!