MEN ARE IDIOTS or Kagome's Pissed

By Flame Shadow

*normal disclaimers apply.  I don't own them, I make no money off of them, and that really really sucks!   Enjoy the story.  BEWARE OF UP COMING RANT!!!!!!!!!!  NOT MY FAULT!  I WAS REALLY PISSED AT SOMEONE AND THE ANGER IS REFLECTED IN MY STORY!


Kagome's POV:

          I am going to kill him!  No……….I will torture him, then kill him.  When he comes back he better pray that I don't have my arrows with me!  I can't believe that moron actually thought I'd leave him for his brother!  What a jackass………what kind of a girl does he think I am.

            MEN ARE IDIOTS!  The whole lot of them.  They seem smart, but it is just a front.  Their brains are as small as a pebble.  Hah!  That would be giving them too much credit.  They are as small as a molecule.  Probably even smaller.  The damn insecure bastards.  I swear to god that I am going to find a way to make him pay dearly. 

            Still I can see where he is coming from.  I did have feelings for Inuyasha once.  But I am completely over him now.  I love Sesshomaru.  I love him more than I ever thought possible.  Inuyasha and I are just friends.  Nothing more and nothing less.  He is a friend to me just like Miroku is……………well maybe not JUST like Miroku.  He doesn't grope me and force me to beat him into the ground; course there is the whole 'sit' thing, but I don't think that is the same thing.

            I just wish Sesshi would trust me enough.  It is like he thinks that any minute now I am going to jump into his brothers arms and just forget him.  I wouldn't do that.  I couldn't do that.   I will not do that.  Why can't he just see that?


Sesshomaru's  POV:

            I can't believe that I am that stupid.  I just ran out on one of the most beautiful women I have ever met.  Not to mention one of the most powerful.  She probably never wants to see me again.  And why should she?  In less than four days I have insulted her honor, and left her hanging.  I bet I just pushed her into my brothers arms………………………Dammit! There I go again.  Making the assumption that she would leave me. 

            My bother was right!  I am jealous.  I am jealous of my brother.  I hated him because she cared for him.  The whole situation is laughable.  I never thought my life would come to this. 

            Still I know the real reason that I became angry.  There is a part of Kagome's heart that I will never be able to touch.  Some part of her will always be with my brother.  Just like another part of her will stay with the members of the village, the pup, the demon slayer, and the monk.  There are parts of her that I just can't contain.  There are parts of her that are just not mine.  I want to hold her personally.  I want her to be mine and only mine.  But that is impossible.  She has too much responsibility to only mine.   She is needed by so many. 

            That is what I have been missing.  She maybe needed by many, but she chooses to be mine in love.  She has chosen me to be that one she will love forever.  What more could I want or ask from her?  What right do I have to ask anything else of her?  I am getting the best of her.  That should be enough……………NO that is enough.   I have to find her.


Random Bird Demon's POV:

            The day was perfect.  It was warm and I had nothing better to do than sit in my tree.  It was quiet.  Or at least it was quiet until I heard this banging sound.  Looking down from my perch, I saw a young girl beneath me.  She was pretty with long black hair, but I had a feeling that she was in a foul mood.  She was kicking at anything near her.  Stones, branches, bushes, animals, and tree trunks that fell in her unfortunate path were kicked aside like they were the worst of the worst.  So much for my peaceful day.  I would get no rest with this girl around that was certain.  I knew that I must have pissed off Lady Fate.  The only time shit like this happens to me is when I have been bad.  As the girl continued to abuse the forest I ran down my list of late crimes.  Nothing big………….so why did I deserve this.  Finally after much noise she settled down.  In my brief moment of stupidity I thought the worst was over with…………and it was…………………….until the demon lord arrived.

            Just when I thought that things couldn't get any louder they did.  When he showed up her temper went from contained to fuming in less than a second.  Violence not really being my thing, I left in a hurry.  I just hoped they wouldn't follow.


Sesshomaru's POV:
          Right when I spotted her, I knew that this would not be that easy.  Even from a distance I could feel waves of anxiety and anger flowing off her.  Obviously she cared for me much more than I had suspected.  However, just because I realized that she was the love of my life, getting her to realize that was a whole different manner.  Yet for my sake as well as her own, I had to make her see it.  Still, I did not want to appear more vulnerable than I had too.  This task would prove to be the hardest that I have every partaken in. 

            Stepping forward, she spun around to face me.  I had been so momentarily caught up in my own personal thought that I forgot that due to our bond she had the ability to sense me.  Sighing inwardly I found myself having to turn my eyes away from the pain so intensely expressed in hers.  How could one person's stair affect me on such a personal level?  No one had ever been able to produce this effect from me. 

            Fighting back my own fear and inhabitation I marched myself forward to face her.  No matter what I had to regain her confidence again.  I had to undo the mistake that I had so moronically produced.