ID Thief: last chapter, here it is.

Don't Throw Your Life Away

By: Identity Thief

Chapter 15: The only time, you will see me cry again

Standing around the casket, it really hit me. Azumi was really dead, and there was nothing I could do. As they lowered her tiny box into the ground I had to leave, my breath caught in my throat as her family sobbed. I guess only my bother, Rei and Tala saw me leave because they followed concerned at my sudden departure and trouble. Rei hugs my shoulders and whispers calming words in my ear and soon I can breath and think clearly. Vincent smiles as I sit on the ground, my head between my knees, face hidden from view. Tala kneels beside me and tells me in Russian

" I know she was a child, a close one you held to you heart, but you must let her go. Azumi wouldn't want you to be like this." I look up and see Tyson walkign over.

" The pastor wants Kai to come and say a few words." I widen my eyes and Rei pulls me to my feet. Making my way to the altar of flowers that swayed gently in the slight breeze. As I stand there, I suddenly get the eerie feeling of someone or something beside me. Glancing that way I see nothing, and then realization hits.

" Azumi was a good person, so full of spark and life. People say the lord gives us only what we can handle, and he gave Azumi more than she could really take on, but I always saw her smiling, and nothing ever got her down. She made the best of her situation and brought her kind nature to everyone's hearts. Azumi wouldn't want us to be sad for her, she would want us to be happy that her pain is finally over, and that she will be happy. Before she died Azumi wrote me a letter containing her last wish. She wished that everyone not cry or mourn but get on and always remember that her spirit is always with you and she will be your guardian angle. She also would like for every one to help find a cure so that children like her will not have to have their lives cut short. That is what I am honoring now, is that last dying wish." I picked up one of the roses I brought to have placed on her casket. A yellow rose with a bright red center.

" This red center and yellow rose represents the spark of life that young girl had, and I give this to her." I throw the rose into the grave and it lands on the casket.

" Azumi, I am honoring your wish and I want you to remember that you are always with me. My friend, my guardian, my angle. Rest in peace and always remember the people you left behind." With that I touch the amulet around my neck and walk down and away from the alter, a feeling of satisfaction. The other's throw their roses in and make their ways back to the cars. I stop as the wind blows and I feel the icy fingers wrap around me and I smell the faint smell of Lilac. I smile, nodding as the wind lets go of me and moves off, leaving the Lilac smell on my clothes.

" Yes Azumi, I will miss you." I whisper and climb into the car, and it drives away.

(My POV)

Kai and the Bladebreakers since then went on to start the Azumi Foundation: Beyblading for a cure. Blader from all over the world at the same time Azumi died Beyblade for one thing, and that is to raise money to find a cure. So far they have raised enough money to get the research rolling. There is still so much left to do, but they are making a dent.

Where they are now

Kai is still the leader of the Bladebreakers and he met up with his father. Although he and his father worked out their problem Kai still refuses to live with him and chooses to stay with his team in Japan.

Voltaire got sentenced to Jail after pictures of his fascination with young boys got exposed to the public.

Vincent is currently working with Bruce Granger to help find more ancient bitbeasts that may have survived. He goes home to visit his family every Christmas, but mainly stays with Kai.

The other teams all participate in the Beyblading for a cure and stay in constant contact.

Azumi watches their progress form high above and smiles down on them, laughs and cry when they do. She often will visit Kai to just let him know she is there and has not forgotten him.


Kai: Thank gods!

ID Thief: I still have Bonds to finish.

Kai: oh man......

ID thief: REVIEW! A thank u list will be up soon! L8terZ!