ok I know ya'll want to read this long awaited chapter and I have to tell you that it is the last chapter of the story, so I hope you enjoy it.

Only 2 people got really close as to why the hate potion didn't work, here ya go malfory-obsessions and Hollyshort29406, enjoy.

ps- the thing with a * by it will be explained at the end, if you do not know what it is.


"Your not?" said Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and Pansy at once.

"Nope, I don't feel any hate towards Harry. Infact I feel closer to him." Ginny said.

"Hermione, do you know why the potions not working?" asked Ron.

Hermione went silent for a moment recalling the information that she had read about the hate potion, "The hate potion will not take effect on the drinker if the drinker and the one the drinker loves are soul mates," said Hermione sounding like a usual textbook. (A/N: did that sound textbookish? I dunno, please tell me if that sounded textbookish or not. I'm really curious.)

"So this mean that me and Ginny are soul mates," said Harry.

"Yes," said Hermione.

"Wow," said Ginny looking at Harry, "I really never believed in soul mates."

"Me neither," said Harry.

"Hem hem," said Dumbledore up at the head table doing a remarkable expression of Umbridge, "I would like to see Mr. Potter, Ms. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Parkinson, Ms. Dunn, Ms. Chang, and Professers Snape, McGonagall and Flitwick up in my office immedently please, the rest of you carry on with your meal," he said before getting up and heading out the doors with the three professors following closely behind him. (A/N: Flitwick is the Head of House for Ravenclaw right?? well if not he is in this fic.)

"Guess we better get going, anyone know where Dumbledores office is?" asked Pansy in a quiet voice.

"I do," said Harry just as quietly.

They all got up and silently following Harry out of the great hall with all the eyes of students following them. Out of the corner of her eye Hermione saw Cho and Veronica get up and follow them out staying a reasonable distance behind them with there heads bent low. Pretty soon she crashed into the person in front of her.

"Sorry Draco," she said.

"That's ok," said Draco.

Hermione wondered if Draco was her soul mate, and if not, where was her soul mate, "Why did we stop?" she asked after Draco helped her up.

He pointed over to Harry who was yelling out various names that could be passwords.

"...Sugar quills, Acid pops, M&Ms, Skittles, Butterbeer, *dnL-" but Harry needed not to go any farther, since *dnL was what the password was.

"What's *dnL?" asked Ron, "it sounds like a muggle drug."

"Ron its not a muggle drug, its-oh I'll tell you later, we really need to get to Dumbledores office," said Hermione before starting up the stairs.

Before they could knock on the door a voice called from inside, "Come in."

"You wanted to see us Professor Dumbledore?" said Harry.

"Yes, yes, please, all of you, come in and sit down," Dumbledore said. "Now that your all here I would like to know what that scene was about in the great hall, Ms. Granger would you please explain," asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, sir," said Hermione before she launched into her story of what she heard earlier in the day to the event in the great hall, "...and that's when you told all of us to come and meet you here sir," finished Hermione.

"Very well, do you two have anything to say?" asked Dumbledore addressing Veronica and Cho.

"Sir, we did not slip a hate potion into Weasleys drink, we were trying to slip a hiccuping potion in her goblet for a joke, that's all sir, we promise, right Cho?" Veronica said.

"Ye-yeah that's right, j-just an innocent hiccuping potion, th-thats all sir," Cho managed to get out weakly while she looked like she was on the virge of tears.

'Not again' thought Harry watching Cho was doing a really bad job of lying.

That confirmed it for the all the teachers in the room, they now new for a positive that Veronica and Cho tried to get Ginny Weasley to fall out of love with Harry Potter.

Ms. Dunn and Ms. Chang do you know that it is illegal for anyone to brew a hate potion here at Hogwarts?" asked Dumbledore with no twinkle in his eyes and no smile on his face. Both shook there heads.

"Expulsion. Professor Snape will help you pack Ms. Dunn and Professor Flitwick will help you pack Ms. Chang. You may go now."

Veronica and Cho stood up and walked out of the headmasters office with Snape and Flitwick following closely behind.

"Minvera, will you please write their familles and tell them what happened?" asked Dumbledore

"Yes, Albus," she replied before walking out of the office.

"Now I'm sure you all have some questions for me?" asked Dumbledore with some of the twinkle coming back to his eyes.

"Sir, is it true that Harry and I are soul mates?" asked Ginny.

"Yes, you are," Dumbledore replied.

"Is there any other ways to determine if you and someone else are soul mates?" asked Hermione. Draco looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. She blushed.

"Yes, there is, but those ways cannot be found in a book," Ron snorted at the look on Hermiones face but a look from Draco shut him up fast. "They are found out when they are needed to, however I advise you not to go try a hate potion on yourself because if your not soul mates then you'll end up hating each other for all eternity."

"Oh," said Hermione.

Dumbledore waited a couple more seconds before asking, "Is there anymore questions?" when nobody asked any he said, "I'm sure you do not want to go back to dinner so you may go back to your respected dormitories"

"Thank you sir," said Draco.

Everyone got up and walked out of the office, once they were in the entrance hall they heard a voice shout from behind them, "You wait Potter! I'll get you back for this! All of you will PAY!" Shouted Veronica before she left Hogwarts with all her stuff. Cho followed closely behind, tears streaming down her face.

"Do you really think she'll follow up on that threat?" asked Pansy.

"I don't know," said Ron.

"I hope not," said Ginny.

"We'll just have to wait and see," said Harry.

After that they all went to there houses and went to bed without another word to each other, they had to much on there minds. Right before Harry drifted off to sleep he wondered what else could happen this year as it wasn't even Halloween yet.


THE END OF THE FIC (or is it?)


ok dnL (the thing with the * by it) is one of the best drinks ever. Its upside down 7up (dnL, 7up see) with a fruit blast. At school in the morning I go and buy a mocha latte (my HS has coffee I love it sooooo much) then at lunch I'll go buy a dnL. Or sometimes I'll do the opposite. (i am so happy, HS has coffee and pop! they didn't have that in Middle School)

The ending of this story turned out a lot more serious than I planed, I hoped ya'll liked it.

Yes, this story is over, a sequel? hmmm, I do not know, it depends on what all of you decide and if I have enough time with school and all.

Thanks: I want to thank everybody that reviewed (and will be reviewing in the future I hope) and gave me positive comments, I also would like to thank:







sirius gyal

Cassie D 1








thank you all for putting me on your fav. authors list and thank you to anyone else who hopefully puts me on there fav. authors list.

I would also like to thank anyone that put me on there fav. stories list.

If i decide to do a sequel it might take a while since I'm already working on a story that has nothing to do with Harry Potter and i am writing (or formulating in my head) 3 other stories that have to do with Harry Potter, but i don't know when I'm gonna post those (or even type them out)

Also no matter when your reading this, the day after I post it to years after I posted it please review, flames welcome, this is/was my first story I ever finished so I really like to know how you like it b/c in my opinion I think it sucks.

Remember to Review, no matter when the date is.
