
"It's an emergency."


"Another hit.  Third one this week."

"Hold on.  I'll be there as quick as I can.  Where?"

"… Kouga's house."

"I'm on my way," Kagome said and hung up the phone.  Hurriedly, she pulled on her uniform and snatched up her gun and badge.  Taking a quick glance about her apartment to make sure she forgot nothing, she walked out, locked the door, and ran down the corridor leading outside to her car.  She hopped in hastily turning on her siren and sped off in the direction of her partner's house.

Kouga had worked with Kagome for 6 years as her partner.  They had dated her first couple of years on the force so she knew the way to his house fairly well.  She had been hard put when they broke apart, but she bore the weight; she had no other choice.  Kouga still tried to bring their relationship back together, but she had forced the relationship to go no further than the purely professional.

Recently, her unit had stopped the most powerful druglord in Tokyo, Sunteski Naraku, from exporting drugs out of the country.  Since then, Naraku had started taking out the officers in her unit one by one, but had only gotten two so far; it seemed Kouga had been next on his hit list.

Pulling onto Kouga's street, Kagome saw most of her unit was present.  Police cars lined the road, and she had trouble squeezing her car in among them.  Up at the front of the house, a throng of policemen, detectives, and reporters stood.  She sighed as she approached, searching out other officers she knew.  Spotting a pair of familiar partners, Kagome began making her way to them, apologizing for every inch of ground she gained for jostling others.

"Sango-chan!" she called out, acquiring the attention of one of the officers—a middle aged woman with long dark hair pulled into a high ponytail.

Sango smiled and walked the rest of the way to Kagome.  "I was wondering when you'd show up."

Kagome smiled in turn, but promptly turned serious.  "So, what happened that I had to come over here at three in the morning?"

Sango sighed before she began informing Kagome of the events that had passed.  "Looks like this was Naraku's work.  It seems his people trashed the place, stole some things—TV's, radios, etc.—beat him to a bloody pulp, then started a little bonfire.  The neighbors reported it before it spread or got very high."

Kagome stood too stunned to speak.  Finding her voice, she asked, "I-Is he alright?"

Sango gave her a distressing look.  "I don't like Kouga that much, but I wouldn't wish this upon his head."  She sighed wearily as she went on.  "They broke two of his ribs and cracked another; nearly broke both arms, too.  His face is one big bruise and will stay that way for a month; he'll most likely have a couple of scars.  His right leg is pretty screwed up, and no doubt he'll have crutches for a while.  The fire gave him a few third-degree burns as well."

Kagome was near tears after the information she had heard sunk in.  "I hope the FBI hasn't taken over.  Are we allowed inside?" she inquired in a near whisper.

Sango just looked at her sadly.  "You can go in.  Be careful, though.  Some of the support beams were nearly destroyed." Hesitantly, she lightly patted Kagome on the shoulder.  "I'm sorry, Kag."

She only nodded in response and headed off toward the house.  Glass crunched beneath her shoes from a couple of broken windows.  Stepping past the threshold, Kagome looked around absorbing the chaos room after room until she came to the last one.  It was Kouga's.  Coming in, she took in everything that was him.  She wanted to reach out and touch his bed, his clothes—everything.  Clenching her fists against the urge, she willed herself not to cry.  She was strong; she could handle it.

"Miss your boyfriend?" a sarcastic male voice spoke from behind her.

"He's not my boyfriend, and yes, I miss him.  What's it to you?"  Turning, she faced him as she added, "He's my partner, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha stood propped against the doorframe eyeing the room and her with a distasteful grimace.  "I hope you didn't touch anything, wench.  This stuff is now government property."

She sighed.  "Nice to see you, too," she said as she walked past him out of the room.

He straightened, glaring at her back as she walked away.  "Hey!  I was talking to you!"

Pausing in her strides, Kagome turned and gave him a tired look.  "There's nothing we can do right now.  I'm going home to get more sleep.  Have a nice day, Inu-chan."  With that, she turned back around and resumed her walk to her car.

Inuyasha waited until she was out of hearing distance before whispering, "Sleep well, Kagome."

Hey, dudes and dudettes!  Sorry for the shortness, but it came on inspiration and I thought if I added on it would sound wrong.  Give me your thoughts, views, criticism—only if it's good (^^).

I'm following the yellow brick road and I see the scarecrow.  Guess what he told me?  Well, don't guess, I'll just tell you.  He said, "Review and I'll get my brain!"  So, do as he says.  I really need some one to talk to.