The Memoirs of Protoform X

Told by Rampage
Scribed by Lady Venom

'That's it. I've had it. I am sick and tired of people pegging me as some lonely, tortured soul. Someone who always falls in love with some whiny creature. I destroyed Omicron and Rugby because I was bored. Not because I wanted payback, or revenge. And no, I didn't spare ol' fishface because
we had been pals; I spared his pathetic life because he intrigued me.

You don't live the life of as a lab rat without learning a few tricks.

'And no, I wasn't some poor shlub they picked up of the streets. I was a Lt. In the Predicon army, a POW. Trigger-happy and power-hungry, I leaped at the idea of a super soldier (better that than being reformatted into a

Let's clear that up right now.

And yes, I do have a larger vocabulary than just growling, laughing, and shouting. But who needs it when anyone you could prove it to ends up being
another mess I clean off my steal foot?

I've never had a friend. Which is probably how I survived this long.

Now on to the female problem. I don't want one. Period. And that's all
the female population is: A problem.

Maybe all you other bots should see what you're doing wrong. I've got
enough fan girls to start an army.

All the stories, in which I'm some disgustingly romantic idiot. I'm telling you to stop. And if you still feel compelled to write these Beast
Wars Harlequins, at least make it somewhat believable.

Now, before I finish, I must make this clear. I did not let go of that energon blade in order to end my suffering. I let go of it because, like the inhabitants of Omicron I became bored of Flounderface. What the idiots at Hasbro neglected to tell you was that I survived that blast. I let go
so that I could allow myself a perfect view of fishys demise.

And it was spectacular.

But now, finally, hopefully, I have set the record straight, and will not
be seeing my name in any mischaracterized beings.

Sincerely, Rampage

The redhead stopped typing and looked at Rampage over the brim of her oval silver glasses.

"Is that all?" She asked sarcastically.

The large robot growled at her, "Miss Venom, I hired you to scribe, not to ask questions."

She frowned, "My apologizes. But I am curious about one thing."

Rampage remained standing and looked out the window at the distant stars.

"What is it?"

Lady Venom cupped her head in her left hand, alternately biting the nail of the closest finger, which at the moment, was the pinky.

"Well, if you're so disinterested with our lives, why start memoirs? Wouldn't it just be simpler to say ta hell with it? Let them think what they want?"

After a moments silence, the immortal looked back at her.

"Everyone, from the sniveling failure, to the greatest mastermind leaves something behind for someone to be remembered by."

The ring finger, "Yes, but would not the Starbase Rugby be your legacy?"

He looked at her as if he had discovered that he was conversing with a child.

"Your Hitler is remembered for his attempt at genocide, correct?" When she nodded, he proceeded, "But this is not common knowledge, you humans, and every other race; machine or otherwise, has the need for things to be taught to them, otherwise history would be lost to them."

She shook her head and looked at him curiously, "Do you think you will be preached about in schools?"

"My reasoning behind this will become clear in due time my dear."

He moved to her side, reading over her shoulder. Satisfied that she had done her job correctly he let her be.

"Maybe when you're done later, we can play." He told her darkly.

Lady Venom shuddered at how such an innocent, child-like phrase could become twisted.

"It looks like I don't have a choice, do I?"

Reaching for her glass of water, the shackle on her wrist stopped her arm just short of it. Growling in aggravation she leaned forward in a desperate attempt. From his perch by the opposite wall, Rampage watched her with humor. Until he deemed her well behaved, he had chained her wrists and ankles to the floor and wall. He laughed when she leaned in her seat and craned her neck to try and reach it with her mouth.


She glared daggers at him, but remained silent.

"Here, let me help you."

Walking over, he picked up the glass, and allowed her the smallest drop. Than promptly set it just out of reach again. Knowing that the taste would make her crave it more then quench her thirst.

Knowing that was all she would be getting Lady Venom positioned herself in front of the computer, as the murderer began his story.

"It began when I was a ground soldier for the Predicons. I was captured and imprisoned by the Maximals..."