Day Ten-Jack

(This part written by FCOL)

I wake with a start. Damn. I can't believe I fell asleep. Opening my eyes I gaze at the sleeping form of my archeologist curled up on my chest. Oh if only Janet's nurses could see him now. I quickly push aside my bemused thoughts as I shake Daniel.

"Daniel, Come on wakey wakey . . ."

At first there's nothing. I begin to worry that maybe something is wrong. Dammit why the hell did I fall asleep? I shift Daniel off of my chest and gently tap the side of his face.

"Rise and shine . . . Daniel!!"

He bats my hand away from his face and I sigh in relief. Thank God. I notice it's still a little chilly, but sharing body heat seems to have kept us warm for the most part. Pulling the blanket around Daniel and I, I lay back down. I have a headache. I glance at my watch and realize that I was only asleep for 20 minutes. I'm relieved that it wasn't longer, seeing as how I could have easily never woken up again, but at the same time wish I had more sleep. I'm exhausted, and so is Daniel obviously.

"Daniel!" I poke him in the ribs, trying to rouse him from his sleep. Don't make me do it, Daniel . . .

"5 more minutes."

"99 bottle of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer..."

"I'm up!" He's sitting up, straightening out his glasses in seconds. He glares at me, then I see the light go off. He remembers why I don't want him sleeping.

"Sorry, Jack."

"It's alright, Danny, just don't go nodding off again. I'd have no one to talk to." I wink at him, ruffling his bed head, messed hair. He gives me a patented Daniel Jackson smile and for the life of me I almost can't remember why I was pissed at him in the first place . . . almost.

"Think Sam and Teal'c are alright?"

I climb over Daniel's body and make my way to the door, wrapping my arms around me as I go.

"Carter! Teal'c!"

"Sir!? Thank god! Are you alright? You didn't answer us when we called."

"We're fine, Major. Any luck getting the door open? Or the temperature controls fixed?"

"Almost got it, Sir. Should be another hour or two max. How are you both holding up? Is Daniel alright?"

"I'm fine, Sam." Daniel answers. He's moved from the bed and is standing beside me, holding out part of the blanket. I step into it reluctantly and we both wrap what little material there is around our smurf like bodies.

"Two hours . . . just peachy."

"Sam is working as fast as she can, Jack."

"I know that Daniel . . . I'm just . . . *sigh*"

"Cold. I know. Me too."

We both stand, staring at the door, willing it to open. Minutes pass, neither of us moving. I feel Daniel shiver beside me and turn to look at him. Damn. His lips are beginning to turn blue. Come on Carter, anytime now.

"Come sit on the bed."

"I'm f-fine."

"Right. Humor me, my legs are starting to hurt."

That gets his attention right away. He turns his big blue eyes towards me, full of concern.

"I'm sorry, Jack, are you alright? Let's sit down."

I try not to grin too much as I manipulate my archeologist into doing exactly what I wanted him to do moments before. We climb onto the bed, sitting side by side, still wrapped in the blanket. I slip an arm around Daniel's shoulder drawing him closer.

"You know, someone could get the wrong idea."

"Daniel . . . shut up. Your lips are blue, you're shivering like crazy. I'm getting colder, if that's possible, just by looking at you. Now stay still, you're wasting body heat moving around."

I smile as Daniel settles, snuggling in a little closer. Damn, his hands are freezing. I wrap the blanket tighter around us and shift slightly so that my ass doesn't fall asleep.

"Tell me a story, Daniel."

"Wha-What?" He's laughing, shaking . . . not sure if that's from the cold or from the laughter.

"I don't want you falling asleep again. I know how you love to talk, so talk. Tell me a story. One of your fairy tales."

"Mythology, Jack."

"Whatever. I know you can talk . . . I have the briefing room chairs imprint on my ass from one of your 'short' mission reports."

"I'm thorough, Jack."

"You like to ramble, Daniel."

"Please, anything over 10 minutes and you think I'm rambling."

"Hey, I'm not a big rock person, sue me."

"Artifacts, Jack."

I'm pissing him off. Not as much as the last 9 days, but at least he's talking, that's all that matters. If I can just keep him talking for another two hours I'm confident Carter will have either gotten the door opened, or the temperature controls fixed. Glancing at my watch I see only 15 minutes have passed. Oy! Please don't let him decide now is a good time to teach me the finer points of archeology.

"So, what story are you going to tell me, Daniel?"

*Chuckle* "Well . . . if you really want me to, I know this great little story about a guy named Jack and this huge beanstalk."

"Don't be cheeky." I give him a slight tap upside the head. That's the trouble with my team. They all seem to think it's perfectly fine to be cheeky to me . . . their CO, ForCryinOutLoud. If I had said something like that to my CO, I would have been busted down to airman so fast my head would still be spinning. Smiling, I can't help but think how lucky I am to have this team.

"So what were you talking about when you mentioned the Swiss?"

"Um . . . It was nothing, just a comment I made in Russia, when we went to help them with their gate."

"Do tell."

"There's nothing to tell really. When Sam, Svetlana and I went through the gate in the sub we had a few . . . um problems . . . "


"Well . . . there was a little fire."

"Russian sub . . ."

"Actually that's what Svetlana thought I meant, she said the sub was Swiss. I might have made a comment about them occasionally catching fire but keeping good time. A little while later pressure started to build on the outside of the sub. She said the gages were malfunctioning."

"But they were Swiss."

"That's what I said. See? Are you or are you not a bad influence?" He raises his eyebrow in a perfect imitation of Teal'c. I have to admit, even if it's just to myself, that I'm kind of proud Daniel's picking up a few of my traits. Granted there are plenty I don't want him to learn, but humor . . . well . . . you can never have enough sarcasm.

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"




"Not times infinity!"

Daniel bursts out laughing. What? What is so funny? He looks at me, tries to form a word and then bursts out laughing again.

"What the hell is so funny?"

"Oh, Jack! You're . . . you're priceless!"

"Of course I am, thank you for noticing. Now wanna tell me what you're laughing at exactly?"

"I'm sorry. I just had another flash back to third grade. Not times infinity . . ." He proceeds to laugh, yet again. I'm not sure if I should be laughing with him, or completely insulted that he compared me to someone in the third grade. In the end I settle for a smirk.

"Well, I'm not."

"I suppose you aren't that bad." He wipes a few stray tears from his eyes. I haven't seen Daniel laugh that hard in a long time. It's amazing how much I miss it. He should be laughing a lot more . . . instead, he gets his teeth handed to him by fate at every corner. A chill runs down my back as my mind flashes to the many times we almost lost Daniel.

"Jack? Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything. For being petty, fighting with you all the time we've been stuck in this tin can."

"I'm sorry too."

"It was my fault, Daniel."

"I'm just as much to blame, Jack."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"Are not.

"Are too."

"Are not."

"God Jack! Stop. We're both to blame ok?"

"Fine. I am sorry though . . . really."

"Me too."

We sit in silence for a while, lost in our own thoughts. It's been a long ten days. Damn. I am so tired. My eyes are burning. I close my eyes for a moment. All too soon I hear Daniel calling my name, and shaking me. Forcing my eyes open I look right into fearful blue ones. Crap.

"Dammit, Jack, what are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?"


"You fell asleep! Aren't you the one that has been harping at me the last what 17 hours NOT to fall asleep?"


"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine Danny, just a little tired."

"Well . . . get up!"


"Get up!"

I wearily stand, having no idea what it is that Daniel has planned. What he does next is . . . shocking to say the least.

"OW! I can't believe you just slapped me! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You're wide awake now aren't you?" He asks sweetly. I'm not sure if I should strangle him or hug him. I chuckle to myself as I imagine patting him on the head 'Good SpaceMonkey'. He's looking at me as if I've lost it. Not quite yet, Dannyboy, but I'm not far away from it.

"Carter! Teal'c! How's it going?"

"Almost there, Sir."

I roll my eyes, didn't she say that like two hours ago? I suddenly realize that I'm standing wrapped in the blanket while Daniel is standing beside me, arms wrapped around himself, doing another spectacular imitation of a smurf.

"Dammit, Daniel, are you trying to give me grey hair?" I ask as I open the blanket for him to step in.

"You've already got grey hair Jack . . . and no, it's not my fault."

Laughing, I pull Daniel into a bear hug, ruffling his hair. Releasing him from the hug, I wrap the blanket around us tighter. Finally we hear the most wonderful sound in the world.



"The temperature control is fixed, Sir. You should start to feel a difference in a couple of minutes. Teal'c and I are still working on the door."

"Thanks Carter! You did good."

"Thank you Sir."

I turn to Daniel smiling. Things were finally starting to look up. Deciding that since Carter had fixed the temperature controls there was no reason we couldn't gt a couple minutes sleep, I lead Daniel to the bed.

"Come on, SpaceMonkey, let's get comfy, it won't be long now."

Daniel is more than in need of sleep, his eyes half closed, shoulders sagging. We lay down, wrapped in the blanket and are asleep in seconds. The next thing I know, I feel like someone is watching me. Opening my eyes, all is see is hair. Daniel's head on my chest again. The man is definitely a snuggler. Lifting my head, I glance over Daniel to see Carter and Teal'c standing in the doorway both trying desperately not to laugh.

Interesting, I've never really seen Teal'c trying not to laugh. Kind of scary actually. I shake Daniel, feeling my face reddening as he mumbles something, while curling his arms tighter around my body. Crap.

"Come on, Daniel. Wake up! We've got an audience." I hiss, shaking him again. I see bleary blue eyes opening slowly.


"Daniel . . ."

He quickly realizes where his hands are and is rolling away from me at lightening speed, unfortunately just a little too fast for me to catch him as he once again rolls onto the floor. This bed was definitely not made for two.

"You alright, Danny?"

"Fine." He climbed to his feet, as I swung mine over the side of the bed.

"How are you both?"

"We're fine, Carter. I see you got the door opened."

"Yes Sir." She's smirking, actually smirking at us. I suddenly feel very naked. I walk out past Teal'c and Carter and reach for my t-shirt, throwing Daniel his.

"So are we good to go?"

"We're just entering our solar system now Sir. The ship still has a few glitches but I think we'll be able to make it to the asteroid in time."

"I'm confident."

"Me too."

"As am I."

We smile at each other and Carter and Teal'c move back to work on the last few glitches. I turn to Daniel, raising an eyebrow, "Feel like a game of Go Fish?"

The End.

But---we will most likely be writing more collaborations in the future. We have an idea for a 'Days Series.' A few story tags to episodes where there were missing days . . .