by bitmaxmouse

Disclaimers: Pirates of the Caribbean does not belong to me.


He was absolutely, totally, completely pissed. This was worse than when Barbossa stranded him on that island. He didn't have run this time and he could be floating forever, dying within days due to thirst.

That bitch.


At first the men had looked horrified at Alex's suggestion when they told them how she was getting revenge on Jack.

But eventually, just like Jack, they gave in.


About an hour after Jack woke up he finally stopped crying (not that he'd admit it) and brooding he realized that the Black Pearl was still pretty close by.

Jack's eyes suddenly widened as he cleared his head and gathered his bearings. He looked down at the small raft only to realize that it was … moving. He leaned forward cautiously and then looked up at the Black Pearl.

And there, Alex sat on the boom, swishing her legs side to side like a child who had gotten a treat .In her hand was a rope that she flicked back and forth like the tale of a cat. The other end of the loop led into the water. If she hadn't been wearing her disguise, he could have sworn she would be grinning like a loon.

Jack gaped, indignant that she had pulled such an impressive prank on him… and managed to have him sobbing like a pansy for half an hour. Jack stood up precariously on his small raft, arms akimbo, "All right you win!" He yelled as loud as he could.

Alex hopped off of the boom and signaled for the crew to come over and pull the raft in.

Once Jack had gotten back into the captain's cabin, he finally let out a shuddering sigh of relief that he had been holding in. Then he rushed over and leaped into his bed, as he closed his eyes and shook his head.

He vaguely wondered whether he should start tying himself to his bed from now on… just in case Alex felt sadistic again.

His last thoughts as he drifted off into his nap were, "I still can't figure out how she moved me without waking me up."


A week after the incident, Jack finally stopped walking on eggshells and stopped being so bitter towards the crew after he found out at they all had a hand in this. He managed to avoid Alex for most of the week, only coming across her at night when she went to sleep in the hammock at the other end of the captain's quarters.

Finally, one night after his evening watch, he found her sleeping face down in his bed without her disguise on. Jack sighed and sat down next to her.

"Luv, you do know you're in the wrong bed right?"

Alex let out a soft whine, muffled by the pillow, "Hammock hurts…"

"Sore back?"

Alex nodded and clutched the pillow tightly.

Jack quirked his lips to the side, feeling sorry for the girl, everyone else had a sort of bunk bed in the lower areas. And all the beds were filled up, so there was only an old hammock left for her. He unconsciously started to rub her back. Alex let out a happy sigh of gratitude.

Alex turned her head to the side, no longer sleeping with her face pressing into the pillow, "I don't understand. How did Brutus sleep? If you don' have any other beds on the ship."

Jack frowned, "Actually every night he just got drunk and passed out on the floor."

Alex grumbled, "Figures…"

Jack pressed down a bit on her lower back. Alex let out a soft moan, which actually sounded like a mewing cat. The word 'cute' flitted across Jack's mind, but he held his tongue. He wasn't THAT dumb.

"Harder." Alex whispered.

Jack swallowed a whimper, because Alex taking in that tone of voice just sort of dripped the promise of sex that was better than looting a ship and having sex at the same time.

Jack cautiously moved around and sat on Alex's back thighs, making sure not to sit on her very nice tush.

'Shut up!' Jack's mind screamed as his dirty mind mentally scrambled to the back corners of his mind, 'but my brain was so happy in the gutter…'

Alex didn't move to hit him and she didn't tense, which was a very good thing. Because it meant that she wouldn't kill him… at the moment.

Jack took several of the rings on his fingers and shoved them into his pockets. Jack closed his eyes for a few minutes, trying his best to calm down and remain neutral. Jack looked down at Alex's thin shirt that covered her back.

'I can do this… really…' Jack thought, although he really didn't sound convinced.

He started out slow with circle motions on the lower back, near the kidneys and then would move up to the area under the triangles of Alex's shoulder blades. Eventually he moved up through the channel between her shoulder blades and rubbed her shoulders gently, alternating between kneading them and circling them.

Eventually Alex drifted to sleep and Jack stopped his ministrations. He arched his head a little to make sure that she was sleeping before he left. Jack reached over and tucked her soft ebony hair behind her ear and got off of her.

'I guess I'll be sleeping on the hammock tonight.'

However, that wasn't to be so, as Jack tried to walk towards the hammock, he met a bit of resistance, Alex had managed to grip tightly onto his sash while he was rubbing her back. Jack frowned, well, he could take off his sash, but then nothing would hold his pants up…

Jack walked back and sat on the bed. "Luv, can you let go of my sash?"

No answer. Jack's shoulders flopped down, "Just great. I can't even sleep on the floor either, not unless I want to be planted with my face against the bottom drawers under the bed."

Finally Jack conceded and shifted Alex over, "Move over a bit luv, I hope you don't kill me in the morning for this."


Jack guessed that if he and Alex had managed to stay on opposite sides of the bed, he would less likely die today. But no, his subconscious was as sick evil bastard that just…

'Well, the best I can hope for is that she'd be so embarrassed that she'd rush out of the captain's quarters.'

Jack gulped; he was really quite in a predicament. Perhaps a perfect exampled to describe that situation would be if her were a mouse and found himself sleeping under a lioness's paw and now he'd have to find a way to escape without waking her.

Alex whispered something incomprehensible and let out a soft moan as she nuzzled Jack's neck.

'Screwed… so screwed!' Jack mentally screamed.

He really should have expected the worst when he decided to sleep next to Alex the previous night. However, even 'the worst' couldn't match up this situation. His and Alex's legs were completely entwined, their lower halves completely pressed against each other. Alex had one arm folded in front of her, resting on his chest, the only thing keeping them from being wholly pressed against one another. But one thing that was worse… Alex's other hand… was cupped… on his ass.

Jack started to hyperventilate as he started to think of a list of things he'd leave to his crewmates after he died.

Suddenly Alex's eyes fluttered open and looked up at Jack. She quickly sat up, leaning on her right hand; however her left hand was still resting on his…

Jack watched her, wide eyed, expecting a punch or a maiming…or …

Then in the next instance, Alex snorted and burst out laughing. "ahahhaa… oh my god! You should see the look on your face! Priceless, totally priceless!"

Jack deadpanned and let out a weak laugh.

Finally, Alex calmed down to an occasional giggle. And finally she removed her… 'Wandering hand' from his behind.

Alex looked at her hand, amused and then wiped it on Jack's shirt, as if she was drying her hand on a towel. Then she untangled her legs from his, scooted over and hopped off the bed.

Alex sashayed over to the table and started to put her disguise on, "Thank you Jack, I slept very well last night." Alex's voice screamed of amusement.

Jack gulped. "I-I don't know if that's such a good idea."

"Your little friend disagrees with you."

"My little friend?"

"You know, the one that's taking the blood away from your brain."

"Wh…" Jack started but he sudden stopped and squawked as he reached for his trihat and covered his lower torso.

Alex hummed and headed out of the room.

A few seconds later she popped her head back in, "Should I tell Duncan to bring up a tub of cold water?"

Suddenly Jack let out a loud, pissed growl as he sent a large pillow flying towards the door. To his dismay, Alex managed to close the door just in time.



note: I know.. I know… pg 13 skirting on R due to innuendo. But then the R rated ones in practically should be nc17 sometimes… so … I'm just going by standards…