Disclaimer: I own nuttin.

A/N: Before anything I'd like to say that I'm Canadian and the poke at the gray gloomy soggy weather was just me being depressed over having to yet again deal with snow in March. Can't blame me now can you? I didn't mean to offend anyone…which would have to include myself if I did…so you can be sure I didn't….mean to I mean………..yeah, anyway…Harry's on his first day of classes at Hogwarts and well before you read this I just like to say that I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST PLATINUM BLONDS! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't get offended if you are one. I mean Pam Anderson used to be a hoooottie n that was her colour…..anyway……ummm ENJOY!






"Potter!" McGonagall cried out in rage before using her wand to extinguish the fire burning Hermione Granger's robes, "What in the—"

"It was an accident," Harry protested with an innocent frown identical to one McGonagall remembered on James' face many years ago, "I was aiming for her crickets. She seemed to be having a bit of trouble—"

"I was NOT! If anything you are the one who can't—" Hermione shot back but was interrupted by McGonagall who cleared her throat loudly. One look at her thinning lips sent Hermione's head down and her cheeks reddening, Harry however seemed to be hiding a smile. Getting on teachers nerves was almost like a hobby for him.

"That's enough out of both of you. If you are unable to perform a certain task (Hermione looked like she was about to say something, but another look at McGonagall's face convinced her to keep quiet) then you should be asking me for help and if I am not available ask the person beside you. There is no need to contact your friends on the other side of the room. If I catch anyone else cast a spell across the room you will be sure to lose your house a great number of points, that and a nice week of detentions. I assure you detentions served at Hogwarts are not as pleasant as what you might be used to. And Potter, if I see you cast another spell I have not yet taught in this class then you can bet on 3 weeks of detentions. Carry on!" McGonagall now proceeded toward a chubby housemate of Harry's called Neville who had his hand up before McGonagall's little speech. Now he looked at her with a nervous expression as though expecting her to start screaming at him.

"That was BRILLIANT!" Ron whispered in his ear, "Think the fire burned off some of her ego?"

"Wouldn't bet on it," Harry said throwing an enraged Hermione an innocent smile just as the bell rang, "what do we have next?"

"Potions…oh no!"


"Snape. My brothers all told me he is the foulest teacher in the school…"

"Great. That just means more fun," Harry grinned at Ron, who shook his head his eyes wide.

"You don't understand! Even the twins can't deal with him…and you've seen the way they are…" at this Ron looked a little jealous and proceeded to look down as they walked down the stairs and to the dungeons.

"Don't worry Weasley. I've already met him. He seemed like a tame ol'lion. Sure looks a little scary…but I mean he isn't as bad as some of the folks you see on the streets. Man half the time you can't even tell if—"

"Harry Potter?" asked a snotty voice behind Harry, who turned around to see a platinum blond with a peculiar look on his face as though he was sniffing him and Ron.

"Who wants to know?"

"I am Draco Malfoy, and I've heard—"

"Malfoy, you gotta lay off the bleach man. It's like looking at a close up of the sun or something…"

Both Malfoy, Ron, the two boys behind Malfoy, and all the other 1st years that were there stared at Harry blankly. Malfoy exchanged a look with his two 'friends' and shrugging he turned back to Harry.

"I meant to say, if you are the legendary Harry Potter than why the hell are you dressed like a…a MUGGLE," Malfoy's face was covered with disgust.

"Funny, specially when you look like a bleach head little pansy boy," Harry shot back angrily thinking back to Niki and Holly and all his friends back home. Though it was obvious Ron didn't know what that meant he still let out a snort of laughter, though that might have been because of the confused look on Malfoy's face.

"You can call me all you want Potter, but I heard that you aren't even a pure-blood. They say that your mother was a muggle-born. I don't blame you for being so bitter; life isn't always fair now is it? It just happens that some are born superior to others—"

"Yeah, who knows? Maybe you're more intelligent and attractive than a couple of slugs out there. Keep looking man, I'm sure you'll find 'em," Harry now turned away from Draco whose pale face was reddening.

"You don't wanna make enemies with me Potter. I can make your life pretty miserable—"

"You already have…having to look at your hair is torture enough. It's hurting my eyes. Think I have to get my eyes re-magiced again thanks to you," Harry then walk up to their classrooms' closed door and whispered in Ron's ear, "think we just met someone fouler than Snape. His hair alone does the trick. What do you say we give him a new color?"

Harry then wrapped his fingers around his wand and pulled it out of his pocket. With a graceful flick or his wrist he sent an almost invisible flash of light that headed straight for Malfoy's platinum mane.