

Summary: After the defeat of the Master, Willow was in England, visiting relatives. While there, she finds out some unexpected news. Care to guess what the news was?

Pairing: Oliver/Willow

Spoilers: after season 1, summer of book 2.

Distribution: I know you'll probably hate this. But you can have it. Just email me, I wanna know where to find my fic.

Disclaimer: Nah, don't own 'em, don't own 'em, and my metaphorical love goes out to Jinni for inspiring me with "The Forgotten One". I loved it, Jinni!

Rating: R for safe measure. Don't want you little folk getting any ideas! (Hehehe)

Feedback: Would be most eagerly taken. But if you are planning to flame me, do it gently. Email me at [email protected]. -`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`- `-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-`-


Willow Rosenberg was a mild-mannered, shy girl from Sunnydale, California. Her red hair made her very distinguishable, contrasting visibly with her pale skin. As she looked out the window of the airplane heading to England, Willow thought about one thing: seeing her cousins for the first time in a decade. Her parents had been all too busy to escort their daughter to England, what with all their business trips. And her cousins where poor, and couldn't afford plane tickets for their favorite cousin to travel from California to England. Last time, she didn't even see her cousins that much. She longed to hear Fred and George's jokes again, hear Percy's bossy voice, and see Ginny's smile. Ginny was only one year old when Willow had visited. Now, as Willow passed over the Atlantic Ocean, she smiled. Willow was going to see Ron, at thirteen years old. She was going to see Ginny, at twelve. Willow was going to listen to her twin cousins' changed voices as they told jokes.

Arthur Weasley was Willow's mother's brother. His family was poor, and could not afford tickets to buy Willow ticket to visit England. After saving money in her checking account, over a hundred thousand dollars, she bought tickets to England. This would be a great summer, for the Weasleys said that they would welcome her with open arms.

"Oh yeah," the redhead said with excitement. "Very great."