Before we start the story: a note from the author

Okay, now I am pretty sure that for you guys that had put me on Author/Story alert, you were expecting or reacting somewhat like "It's about damn time she update the story!"

Well…I'm glad that you're happy if you are. -holds a shield in front of her-

The main reason that I hadn't updated the story in …nearly 2 years was because I kind of lost interest in finishing the story for a while, along with my InuYasha fanfic (it's a Koga/Kagome one). Every time I would say "I'm going to finally update the story!"…..I'd forget to do so later on. Plus, I had a lot of family problems, so that wasn't on my "To-Do" list.

But I would always amaze me that after 2 years I would get a few reviews of the story every once in a while. And I think one of them some-what threaten me to finish (in a good way ha-ha ;) I feel really bad about leaving some of you guys wanting to know what else happens between Haku being in high school with Chihiro, so I will update the story as best as I can without making it seem like I lost the flow of the story (much --;)

So….without making you guys wait any longer…here is Chapter 03 (even though it may be shorter than the first two…it has been two years…) of School Days!

Chapter 3

"Haku, I really can't believe that you told them that…"

Chihiro said to Haku while sipping from a can of grape soda. Right now, it was lunch, two periods after P.E. and the both of them were sitting across from each other at a table in the cafeteria. Haku looked at Chihiro and replied with a slight shrug.

"To be honest, I really couldn't think of anything else to say… Would you want me to tell them that it was because I'm really a River Dragon Spirit?"

" No, I guess not… but you could of at least made up something more better than telling them it was after eating 10 bags of French fries."

With that response, the 17-year old girl gave a sigh. She looks at the guy in front of her and noticed that his eyes were somewhere else - behind her to be more exact. Without looking to see what he was staring at, she asked Haku.

"What are you looking it?"

All Haku did was point his finger to a table about seven feet away from them. Chihiro looked where he was pointing at and got wide eyed. A group of about 10 girls were sitting at the table, looking at Haku with love-sick eyes and sighing dreamily. Two of them were holding up, "We Love Haku!" signs. Chihiro glanced at Haku, who was somewhat in shock.

"Haku…You've become popular pretty fast. You even have your own fan club."

"Yeah, I've noticed….and I've only been here for a few days..."

Haku looked down some and scratched behind his head. While his head was down, Chihiro looked over it and saw that a few tables away was a group of boys giving Haku evil, cold stares. They were even holding "We Hate Haku!" and "You Big Show-off! "signs, a few of them were having what appears to be a "Head-less Haku" chibi drawing. Chihiro spoke to him when he lifted his head back up.

"Along with a fan club, you've also gotten a hate club…"

Haku looks behind him and sees the group, which is now giving Haku the middle finger and pulling down their eyelids at him. The dragon boy raised an eyebrow and did something that (for Chihiro at least) would be unexpected of him --Haku gave his "anti-fans" the middle finger as well…but with both hands. The boys just gasp and paused for a few minutes, getting mad at his "comeback". Chihiro stares at Haku with a bit of a shock/surprised look.

"…I never would have thought that you would do something like that, Haku…"

"To be honest, I really didn't think I'd do something like that as well. Kind of surprised the both of us, I guess…"

With a small smile on his face, Haku got up from his chair and glances at the young teenager.

"Let's go, Chihiro…"

Chihiro slowly nodded and got up out of her chair as well. Just as they were heading outside…

"Excuse me…can I speak to you, Haku?"

Both of them turned around and saw that it was the principal of the school, a young lady named Ms. Kimori, who stopped them. While Haku gazes at Ms. Kimori with a calm expression on his face, Chihiro was somewhat in a panic, hoping that she didn't happen to see Haku give the "double finger" to the anti-fans. This wasn't looking good -- the guy has only been in school for two days and was already getting into trouble. Haku replied to the principal, still being calm.


"Haku, when you signed up for school yesterday, somehow I forgot to tell you something. About your hair, the school board doesn't allow guys to have long hair, at least not as long as yours…"

"I see…"

Haku glances behind his back, seeing that his hair was a few centimeters above his waist. Ms. Kimori pushes back her glasses some closer to her face.

"Yes, so hopefully it would be possible for you to cut your hair, at least to shoulder-length."

Haku looks back at the principal.

"No problem."

Ms. Kimori smiled at him warmly as she began to walk off. Chihiro gave a small sigh of relief and began talking to Haku.

"That's good. At least she didn't know about th-"

"Oh yeah, and one more thing, Haku… I'll let you off this time, but please don't flick off the other students, even if they started it."

With that, the principal walked off. Haku rested his eyes at Chihiro, who had a bit of worry on her face.

"What were you worried about… me getting into trouble?"

"Yes, I was. I mean, you've only been to my school for a few days, and I didn't want you to get into trouble so fa-"

Before Chihiro could finish, she felt a soft hand on the side of her cheek. Haku's hand. He stares down into her eyes and smiling softly at her, chuckling a bit.

"Please, Chihiro…don't worry about me. I'll be fine…"

He leaned to her, still having his hand on her cheek, and kisses her on the lips for a brief second, causing Chihiro to blush. Kiss # 2...and it was on the lips. Even though it was short, Chihiro could care less. She smiles back at him, a bit of red on her cheeks.

"Alright, I won't…at least not a lot."

Due to the fact that the both of them were still in the cafeteria, everyone who was inside happened to see it. The Haku-Lovers Guild looked them with a dreamily sigh (since it was so romantic), and a few of them were really showing their jealousy. However, the Anti-Haku Association growled and glares at him, giving them another reason to despise him. Haku glances outside and then back at Chihiro, blushing a tiny bit as well.

"Now, shall we go outside?"

Chihiro nods as a reply, and with a huge smile on her face, walks out of the cafeteria with Haku.


There we go…end of Chapter 03, though it is short. -- I didn't want to try to make it too long, and so I can get back into the story again. I have been neglecting updating it for two years. So, if it's not as good at the first two, forgive me. -bows to the ground and whimpers- and I'm really sorry for it taking this long to update the story. -covers herself with a shield- and hopefully, I fixed a lot of the grammar problems (unless I still missed some). So, until the next chapter, everyone -- See ya!
