Sorry about the wait! I just didn't feel like sitting down and writing this one, but after that, I'm ready to get this thing finished. There's two more chapters after this one (I think), and it shouldn't be too long until they're finished. Yeah, I know I say it every time. Hopefully this time I mean it:P

A big thanks to Mei Leng for the script. That was a big help. It probably would've taken me longer to finish this if I didn't have it. And again, remember to review. It really makes me happy :) Oh and I wrote a little one shot about Bill and Jack set before the story that you might want to check out. Cute, I hope.

And again I wanna say how much the reviews mean to me. They just make you want to keep writing. I can't believe it's been months since the last update.. Bad me. Well here you are. After this chapter things start to get interesting *evil grin* This chapter is just something that has to be there to progress the story *shrug*.

Oh and I'm going to do some advertising. I've been writing some Lord of the Rings stories, just short one shots that I'm kinda proud of. So if you like LotR, check them out.

So again, bear with me. It'll get exciting soon. I promise. Heh. And with this chapter I'm hitting the 10,000 word mark. That was my goal, by the way. I can't believe the amount of reviews. And one more thing: I printed out my story to edit, and I sorta... enhanced everything. To tell you the truth I was too lazy to actually type it up, so when I do, if you have time, go back and reread it. It'll be better.

Chapter 7: Moving Forward

I knew from the minute I met him that there was something about him I recognized. When I looked at him I had to blink a few times because there before me was a young Bill, staring at me with the same conviction he always had in his eyes. Then, during our duel, he showed particular skill with a sword, almost rivaling my own. Not since Bill, who I trained myself, have I seen such promise in a man. But of course no lad can just appear out of nowhere and beat Jack Sparrow. I showed him the pirates' way to fight.

My thoughts were justified though, earlier this morning when he stormed into the jail demanding that I help him find the Pearl and free his little lass. I have to admit that when I saw him, his hair disheveled and covered with sweat, my heart exploded with want. He had to be an exact replica of the man I love. But there was no way I was going to go on a false mission with this man taunting me, making me wish the past was different. I needed more to make my decision, more to trust him.

"What's your name?"

"Will Turner."

Ha, I knew it. So this is Bill's beloved son. Only someone blood related could look as good as Bill. So now I know that I need to trust this kid, even if he doesn't trust me, because it's what Bill would want me to do. I really should make sure...

"That will be short for William, I imagine. Good, strong name. No doubt, named for your father, aye?"


"Aha. Well Mr. Turner," Ah the memories that are stirred saying that name. "I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?"

From there everything seems to blend together. I got to use my compass for the first time in forever. I got to commandeer a speedy little ship and sail to Tortuga. I know that with each step I am getting closer and closer to revenge, closer to Barbossa and closer to the end of my plan. And in the back of my heart I hope that I am getting closer to Bill.

I can really feel my old self shining through, taking over and I just let myself go. I feel again, and I know this is how life should be. It's great to know that I'll get my revenge. The pistol at my side reminds me every second at how real this is. Over this past year or so I seem to have forgotten the joys of life. It's about time that I remember.

But of course everything cannot be without pain. Every time I look at Will, my heart stirs. He is the spitting image of Bill, and this vision is like a taste of the wine I can't have. The faster I get out of here, the better. It only causes my motivation to grow.

The one thing about Will that bothers me is how easily fooled he is. Although of course as Jack Sparrow my plans are amazing and intelligent, he doesn't seem to suspect a thing. Bill would've figured me out in a second. I could never keep anything from him. I just have to wonder about this boy. He always has his head in the clouds. A bit like me when you think about it...


Darkness. Swirled mist surrounding a surreal existence. Limps flapping, dead muscles brought to life. Struggling. I must not stop. I will never stop. The surface is coming closer. Although I wont be able to feel its warmth, it will be nice to see the sun again. To see the greens of the world, the browns of wood. Anything but blue and grey and black. Those colors haunt my mind. Always. I doubt I will ever be rid of this.

My mind spins, everything is blurry. Exhaustion. I don't know if I can get exhausted in my state, but it sure feels like it. But I can't feel it. I feel nothing, except the aching of my heart. Jack. Jack. The more I move, the further up I go, the more I doubt that he loves me. Jack doesn't get attached to anyone. Why would it be different for me? It doesn't make sense, and I need to justify it. I need to see him oh always I need to see him. My mind is flooded with images. Him sailing, him swimming, him sitting in the dark, the light, everywhere. My heart lurches. I swim on.


Days have passed. I got my new crew, so I don't have to be alone with Will anymore. That child constantly tests my nerves. His accusations, his questions, tormenting poor Jack. Poor, poor Jack. Poor excited Jack. We're so close now. The Pearl is docked here, at the Isle De Muerto. We pull up near, and the excitement is in the air for me and for Will. Poor lad, agonizing over a girl that might not even love him. At least I know my Bill loves me back.

Will and I leave the ship, taking a boat. I try not to act too excited. He can't know that I might betray him. We creep into the cave to the ceremony. A new thought crosses my mind. Finalizing this ceremony means that the curse is undone. If it is, and Will's trapped underground... I can't about that. I feel you aren't free yet, although you have the capability to get out of your prison. I can stop this though, with the lad. I can stop anything.

As we sneak inside, making as much noise as cats, I give words of advice to Will.

"Just don't do anything... stupid."

He nods, obviously annoying. Bill used to use that nod. Will, who I will save. I will stop his death. My pirate blood swirls inside my veins, awaking ancient confidence. We will have a happy ending. The last thing that registers in my mind is a sharp pain in the back of my head, and a weakness in my legs. My mind fades to black, and the ground spins. I fall forward, and I loose consciousness before I hit the ground.

Swirling. I am surrounded by dark grey water. I feel myself struggling upwards, going towards the light of the surface. My limbs are tired, but I keep going. Some intense emotion drives me forward, an emotion I recognize, but at the time I can't think. Everything fades but the light, and it becomes my existence. I swim. Pushing, pushing, up further and further. Nothing can stop me.

The surface focuses. I can almost reach out and touch it. The struggle will be over. It seems as though I've been trapped for my whole life, but no longer. I kick, and my head breaks the surface with a power unlike any other. The light overwhelms me, and one thought rushes through my mind, encompassing all.



Okay that was really really short, but an update's an update. I'm splitting this chapter in two, and you'll understand why. It does have to be this way. Well here you go, sry for the wait, yeah. I will update, I will update, I will update..... *chants to self* Anyway, for the millionth time, it will get more interesting. Today's the last day of winter break by the way. Man I can't wait until school starts again! Yay, exams! My favorite time of year... -_-

But yay! 10,000 words! Now that wasn't so bad now, was it? *mutters* :P