Loyal Readers

Heads up. I thank those who have read and reviewed this fic since its inception and during its loooooong hiatus. I plan to get back into writing. That said, I also plan to complete most of the story before I begin posting updates. Keep an eye out!


Now for some RAGE!!!

I just wanted to share with you the stupidity and baseness of some readers (one in particular).

I must admire how the language choices made in the following review make for a wonderful discussion regarding the discourse of fan-fiction readers. And the spelling and punctuation. Oh dear. Somebody didn't pay attention in the first grade. I almost feel like printing it out and correcting it in red pen! Honestly!

Perhaps this person does not understand the commitments placed upon people who are studying full time at university while also working 30+ hours each week (as I was at the time of writing this fic. Now, I work full time, and am at school from 8:00am until at least 5pm every night. I only get paid for five of those hours per day). I should also point out that when using such language, all it does is make me think something akin to: What an uneducated person - they are not even able to express themselves in Standard English.

There is also such a phenomenon as constructive feedback. I don't believe in the slightest that my fanfic is anything to write home about. However, in order to improve one's writing, it is very helpful if reviewers actually offered feedback of a constructive nature. Instead of saying the chapter was "way too short" with nothing further, this reviewer could have continued with something similar to, "it would help if you fleshed out your character moments more," or perhaps "try describing what's going on, or what people are saying instead of having as much dialogue," or whatever the case may be.

And so, I submit to you that lovely review that sparked my ire (edited, so that it will actually allow me to post it – all words in the original review were in full). I can also say that it has since been deleted. No review that includes language of a profane nature or is entirely unhelpful will be left on my review board.

'Nuff said, don't you think?

ch 12, anon.

You lying fck!! you last chapter sucked d!ck. It was way too short and you dont even bother to up date.

Stupid a$$hole, you mother fcker. you should stop writing if your a lazy as basterd.

In fact, I will correct it. Siengn, the correct way to punctuate and spell your review is as follows. Please note the correct capitalisation and use of apostrophes. . In order to do this, I have had to do a little creative editing, so by placing a 'u' between the 'f' and the 'ck', replacing the ! with 'i', and the $ with 's', you will have the correct spelling.

I pity you, Siengn, that you feel the need to revert to such profanity, because it obviously means that you don't have the intelligence or language skills to express yourself in a more appropriate manner

THE REVIEW (my comments)

You lying fck!!

-- What have I lied about?

Your last chapter sucked d!ck.

-- How did it suck? Why did it suck? What sucked about it?

It was way too short and you don't even bother to update.

-- Again, see the offering above regarding CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK and OTHER COMMITMENTS.

Stupid a$$hole, you motherfcker.

-- This was EXTREMELY helpful. NOT.

You should stop writing if you're a lazy a$$ bastard

-- Reading my fanfic is a privilege, not a right. I do not write for you. I write for my own enjoyment, and by posting allow others to share in my enjoyment and appreciation.