This is my first, ever, finished Harry Potter fic. O.O Thank you for making it possible!

Thanks go to my amazing Beta, Polaris the Ice Queen. Thank you Sazie, for helping me with this and making sure it got finished *hugs*

Thank you to all my reviewers. You're all wonderful, and the amount of reviews has been overwhelming.

Thank you to:

Hermione30, AngelBaby122, CindyLea, eva, Chica100123, Millzie, Rachael Justesen, ice princess, Bloody Love, October Potter-Snape, jennifer, eskimopie, gamegirl3, smashing sugar, Exudos, MysticPrincessMoonlight, avri, Melissa, heather, islandgirl4, Softballgurl127, Evelia, Katie, tough_chic, BntZ3lana, cutegiraffe802, Platinum Fan, thalia, painterchica, EmmaLuv, patricia, ~*--*~, Sami Potter, sweet-77-thang, cherokee, HalfSlytherin/HalfAngel, halosangel, dracosgurl10, brookey/blondie, Shadow3989, fluffy-chan4, SycoCallie and Alexiel Elizabeth Granger.

I know that there are lots more of you, but has swallowed 9 of my reviews and I can't see them. You all get a big hug *hugs* and an even bigger one for reviewing all the way through and getting me to finish *even bigger hug*

I am considering a Harry/Cho sequel, so watch this space! ^_^ Thank you all ever so ever so much!