My Heart Belongs to You

By Forbidden Lover

A/N: This is my revamped version of MHBY. Please, enjoy.

Disclaimer: The characters of the Harry Potter series belong to J.K. Rowlings. The plot, however, belongs to me.

The one they never thought to get the Dark Mark. The one who always sided and stood up for Harry. The Gryffindor goody-goody. But they had never taken love into consideration.

The summer before sixth year, Hermione Anne Granger came before the Dark Lord to hand herself over. She stood before him, in a damp, dark, desolate room, with only small candles to light it. Now since he had obtained a human body once more, with thanks to Severus Snape, Tom Marvolo Riddle circled Hermione slowly, looking her over, as if she was prey. Hermione stood silent, head bowed, waiting for him to either kill her or take her in. Only one death eater, Lucius Malfoy, had accompanied her to Voldemort chambers. Lucius acknowledged Hermione much higher now that she was going to the dark side, instead of always causing a ruckus with Potter.

Voldemort stopped before her.

"You are a very powerful witch, Miss Granger. A smart girl. Why, my dear, did you abandon Mr. Potter?"

Hermione kept her voice low and respectful, gazed trained on the floor. "With all due respect, my lord, I would prefer not to kill Harry, if I didn't have to. I've broken so many rules, why not break the last? I must prove myself good enough…for him." The last sentence was a whisper, but the Dark Lord heard it anyway.

Voldemort placed a cold finger under her chin, making her meet his gaze.

"Who is it, child?"

A flash of uncertainty passed over her eyes before she looked back at him and answered. "Draco, sir."

Voldemort considered this for a moment. "The Malfoy boy, correct?"

"Yes sir."

Voldemort passed a smirk over to Lucius, who nodded. Turning back to the young witch, he smiled a true smile.

"Your wish may very well be granted."

Taking her into a large ball room, he called forth his supporters. Millions of black robed people appeared, bowing. Hermione felt like she was lost in a sea of black.

"This young woman is of now a Death Eater. Any disrespect to her, you will answer to Lucius and I. I will not tolerate disrespect to one of my most powerful witches. Is that understood?"
The robed people nodded and murmured 'yes master'.

Hermione's eyes widened as she met Draco Malfoy's steely gaze. He looked at her curiously for a second, then inclined in head. Hermione took a deep breath, trying to calm her heart, and turned to Voldemort, kneeling before him.

"I am yours, Dark Lord."

Voldemort took her offered wrist and muttered the incantation. A chill raced up her spine and her arm was numb. He held out his hand and helped her to her feet. The Dark Mark shone on her wrist. She belonged to them now.

That had been a few months ago, before the return to school. It was now the second week of December, nearing the holidays.

Every so often, she would receive an owl, informing her of meetings and events that were occurring, being as she was still a student and could not attend all the meetings. Lucius Malfoy usually was the one to send her the letters, as he had a close relationship to the girl, by training her in the Dark Arts. He was finally convinced that not ALL muggle-borns were that bad. Nacrissa had taken to the girl as if she was her own, after all, she had liked Hermione since she saw her at the Quidditch World Cup.

Every time an owl came at breakfast, Hermione would lie and say it was from her parents or muggle friends to keep Harry and Ron from becoming suspicious. They knew she kept in close contact with select people in the muggle world, and accepted this excuse easily.

She became very withdrawn from the Gryffindors and her friends, focusing on her schoolwork and Dark Arts. Everyone assumed she was stressing over tests and was too involved in studying subjects she could pass in a breeze. How very wrong they were.

Sitting in Potions, Hermione contemplated a new way to prove herself. Of course, Draco talked to her occasionally, if he had to, and refrained from calling her a mud blood, but she wanted to be close to him. Hermione was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't hear Professor Snape dismiss the class. She sat there in thought until someone tapped her shoulder.

"Huh? What?" She quickly turned around to see Draco standing there, eyebrow raised.

"Class was dismissed fifteen minutes ago."

"Oh bloody hell!" Hermione picked up her bag and swung it over one shoulder, starting for the door. Draco caught up to her and matched her pace.

"I have a message for you from father. First off, he says it might be better for you to give up on the boy. Don't ask me, I haven't a clue. Second, there's a meeting tonight at the Riddle house. We're to floo there. I'll meet you at the end of dinner to bring you to the dungeons."

They made it to the doors of the Great Hall, where everyone inside was eating and laughing happily.

"Ah, yes. You are also invited to our manor for the holiday."

Hermione let this all sink in for a moment.

"Tell your father I understand, but I cannot give up. Second, I will be there. And I most gratefully accept."

Draco nodded and opened the door for her. Thanking him, she walked quickly to the Gryffindor table, ignoring the curious chatter about the fact that Draco came in right after her. Sitting across from Ron and Harry, she tried to pay attention to their chatter about the Yule ball. The ball…Hermione didn't want to go, having no one to go with, but Ginny had made her promise to show up. If she didn't, Ginny swore to curse her for life. Hermione laughed a bit at remembering, then listened to Harry and Ron carry on.

"I'm taking Lavender this year." Ron commented, spooning mashed potatoes. Harry looked at Ron nervously.

"Do you think I could ask your sister?"

Ron eyed Harry for a moment, considering. "Hmmm…You better do it before Colin Creevey does."

"Is that a yes, then?"

"Of course that's a yes. I know how much you two fancy each other!"

Harry turned red. Ron laughed. "Don't worry mate, I haven't told anyone. I sincerely doubt that they haven't noticed it for themselves. Now, get going and ask her already."

"Right." Harry said, getting up.

Hermione watched as Harry walked over to Ginny and asked to talk to her. Ginny gave him a curious look, but went with him to the side. A huge smile came over Ginny's features and Hermione couldn't help but smile. Harry came back, grinning.

"She said yes." He reported.

"Congrats, mate. And if you do one thing to my sister…"

"Ron, calm down. It's a dance, and you're going to be there as well." Hermione interrupted. Ron scratched his head sheepishly.

"Oh…right. Say, Mione, who are you going with?"

Hermione blinked at the question. She had been avoiding them for weeks now, and they still spoke to her. "Ah…no one. I wasn't planning on going, but Ginny's forcing me to."

Ron gave her a smile that could make any other girl in the Gryffindor or Hufflepuff house melt. "Come on Mione, let loose and have some fun. We'll all be there, you won't be alone. Besides, it's good to get out of studying sometimes."

Hermione smirked at the last comment. "Whatever you say, Mr. Weasely. But thanks. I've got to go get a book before the library closes. I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Bye Mione." Ron said, finishing up his dinner, waiting for dessert.

"Bye." Harry said, still smiling.

Hermione waved and walked out of the Great Hall. Waiting by the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, she prepared herself for the meeting. Draco showed up moments later and they headed to the dungeons, where Severus would be apparating them to the Riddle Manor.

The meeting went on for hours and hours, mostly based on discussions on who would do what job and did anyone have new ideas about how to get revenge on Potter. Even Hermione spoke up with a few low-keyed ideas, but still, the Dark Lord took her information and suggestions to mind, speaking of it with the others. Severus, on the other hand, remained in the rear of the room, keeping silent, watching everyone, especially his two young charges, like a hawk. He was still a spy for the order, and no doubt that Hermione's sudden change of heart would be reported to the headmaster. By the time they returned to the castle, it was early morn. Severus guided both exhausted students to their dorms, giving them passes to miss the first class. Hermione went to her bed and fell asleep almost instantly, not to wake until late the next day.

End Chapter 1