My Heart Belongs to You

Chapter 10

By Serene Riddle

A/N: Standard disclaimer applies. This is the final chapter of MHBY. Thank you for reading! hugs all

"Hermione! Hermione, wake up!"

Foggy voices penetrated Hermione's mind. A sharp pain in her head made her groan. Blinking, fuzzy shapes came into focus. Harry, Ron and Dumbledore kneeled over her, concern written all over their faces. Harry and Ron broke out in grins.

"Hermione! You're okay!"

Hermione winced. "Don't shout." She said hoarsely. The two boys went quiet immediately.

Dumbledore placed a hand on her forehead. "Relax, Miss Granger, you'll be fine."
Hermione scanned the room from her low position. "Where's Draco? Lucius? Nacrissa?"

She noticed Harry grimace, but ignored it. Dumbledore looked at her sadly.

"They are being held by the Aurours, waiting for the Dementors."

Hermione sat up abruptly, ignoring the stabbing pains throughout her body. "What?! You can't do that!" She got up, half-running, half-limping into the pallor and up to Tonks.

"Tonks! You can't do this!"

Tonks looked at the younger girl, confused. "What do you mean? They're criminals, Hermione."

"They're innocent! Voldemort has brainwashed us all!"

"Hermione, what are you talking about? What do you mean by 'us'?" Tonks questioned.

Draco looked at her, worried, yet hopeful. Nacrissa was crying silently as Lucius stood solemnly. Hermione stood straighter, looking Tonks and the Aurours in the eye, especially Mad-Eye Moody.

"If you're taking them in, then you'll just have to take me in as well. I submitted to Voldemort. I went to him." Hermione stated. Harry and Ron entered the room at hearing her say this.

"Why did you betray me Hermione?" Harry asked, confused and hurt. Hermione looked at him.

"You still don't understand, do you? I did it to prove myself."

"Prove yourself for what?" Ron asked.

Hermione glanced at Draco, who was looking at her in confusion also. "For him." She answered.

Draco blinked in amazement. "Hermione, you were just fine before. You didn't have to prove yourself."

Hermione smiled. "Ah, but then would you have noticed me? Sometimes, we just have to go with our gut instincts."
Harry and Ron rolled their eyes.

The news was out in the world a few hours later. The Malloy family was free to go, but under careful watch. Hermione was taken back to Dumbledore's office to straighten a few things out. Voldemort had been defeated, but there was no doubt that his followers would not try to do something. When they did, it would just cause a whole bunch of trouble for everyone else.

For the next few days of school, Hermione and Draco were placed in a separate part of the castle and privately tutored until Dumbledore felt it was safe for them to return to classes. Of course, the word had gotten out and everyone had his or her own thoughts on the matter.

After the injuries they had suffered, the two kept to mostly sleeping and doing catch-up work, nothing too tedious. From an examine done by Mme. Pomfrey, it was found Hermione had suffered a mild concussion from her fall to the floor, but otherwise from that, was not hurt. Draco had various bruises and sprained bones, not to mention the aftershock of the Crucio spell on him, which caused him to vary between jumpy and sleepy.

On the day of their release back into the school, Draco and Hermione went together, holding hands. They had decided not to hide it any longer. What had happened with Voldemort had made the bond between them even stronger. Harry, Ron, and Draco had called a truce, for Hermione's sake.

Together, the couple walked down the hallways, ignoring the glances and envious stares they were getting from the other students.

"Do you think it'll be okay? I mean, coming back to school after missing so much?" Hermione worried.

"Hermione, really. We have been tutored, so we are up to date. There's no need to worry. The only question remaining is at what table do we sit at?"

"Hmm…" Hermione looked thoughtful, "You want to sit at the Gryffindor table?"

"As long as I don't get in a fight with the other Gryffindors."

Hermione laughed lightly and took him over to the table. They received some glares, but they brushed it off. People would just have to get used to it. Harry and Ron came over to them and took a seat, beginning to chat with them. The other Gryffindors relaxed, seeing Harry accepted Draco. Hermione smiled as she watched her closest friends and boyfriend. Maybe things would end up okay….

2 Years Later

Hermione and Draco sat at Flortescue's Ice Cream Palor, enjoying their sundaes. The Malfoy family was free to be, and there wasn't an uproar since that final battle. Both Hermione and Draco had graduated at the top of their class, as Head Boy and Head Girl. Harry, Ron and Draco had become good friends, to the point that they were invited to the manor for the holidays. Hermione currently lived in a room at the Leaky Cauldron, so she was still in the wizarding world, yet not that far from home. Not that she couldn't apperate at any time she felt like. She still wore the promise ring Draco had given to her, rarely, if ever, taking it off. It meant everything to her, and she only hoped he would come through with his promise.

Hermione noticed Draco staring at her and she put down her spoon.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"
Draco shook his head, smiling a bit. "Hermione, you know I love you, right?"

Hermione blinked in confusion. "Yes, of course."
Draco took out a small black box and slowly opened it, kneeling down before her. Inside lay a silver band with a single diamond.

"Hermione Anne Granger, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
Hermione gasped. She leapt out of her chair and hugged him tightly. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She exclaimed.


My heart belongs to you'