Hermione's POV

The matured figure of Hermione Granger stood on the platform of Platform 9 ¾. Hermione smiled faintly as she turned to see Ron and Harry fall through the barrier. She watched as Mr. And Mrs. Weasley and Ginny followed suit.

Mrs. Weasley pulled the four into a bear hug. "Have a good term! I'm sure you three will have a rather interesting year," Mrs. Weasley said, letting them go. Hermione, Harry, and Ron exchanged brief glances. The last time Mrs. Weasley had told them that they had experienced the TriWizard Tournament, which didn't turn out so well.

The whistle blew, and they all jumped. Hermione grabbed her trunk and heaved it onto the train, followed by her friends. She stopped at the first compartment and turned to explain to the others.

"I have to give the prefects their information," she explained quickly.

Ron nodded. "I'll take your trunk back," he offered and grabbed the trunk's handle.

Hermione hesitated before speaking. "Err. I have to stay in this compartment," she stated and flushed. She noticed the look of Ron's disappointment as she slid open the compartment door. She bent over to pick up her trunk when she heard a drawling voice.


She froze and closed her eyes. Hermione looked up, her brown eyes locking with the stony gray eyes, which belonged to none other than Draco Malfoy.

She glared at him before speaking. "Tell me you're not the Head Boy!" she exclaimed, not being able to hide her exasperation.

Malfoy simply smirked and said, "If I did I'd be lying." Malfoy was leaning against the window, his forearms resting on his knees, which he had lazily pulled up close to his body.

Hermione whipped around as eight fifth years shuffled into the compartment. Hermione didn't even know their names. She had been absent during the sorting when she was in her third year, four years ago. She had been with Harry and Ron in the Hospital Wing, after Harry's experience with the dementor.

They all sat down whenever Draco stood to make room. Hermione cleared her throat, noticing the Slytherin prefects rolling their eyes. "You will have to patrol the aisle every few minutes to make sure that there is no havoc or magic taking place," she lectured. Malfoy remained silent as Hermione continued with her instructions.

Hermione watched as the prefects left. Remembering that she still hadn't put away her luggage, she glanced at the storage rack seeing as her trunk had already been put away. She turned to look at Malfoy quizzically though he showed no signs of moving. He had gone back to his lazy position on the seat to her left.

Hermione sighed and plopped down on the seat opposite his. She frowned and curled up into a ball. She stared at the floor, avoiding Malfoy's intent gaze. She looked up as Ginny entered carrying an orange ball of fur. Ginny smiled but frowned at Malfoy. "Crookshanks was terrorizing Pig so I thought that I should bring him back to you," she explained. The cat looked up and jumped onto the space beside Hermione.

Hermione smiled and patted Crookshanks. Malfoy snorted and sneered. "Pig? What kind of a name is Pig?" Malfoy chortled. Ginny simply rolled her eyes and left, sliding the door shut.

Crookshanks purred happily, jumping onto Malfoy's lap and rubbing up against his chest.

Draco's POV

"Looks like your cat has a thing for me Granger," he said, smirking to himself. He watched as surprise dawned on Granger's face. 'Heh. I've got her startled.' He thought to himself. Hermione seemed to have noticed her mistake and quickly rolled her eyes.

"Do I have to spend the whole bloody journey with you?" she asked, a hint of irritation in her voice.

He pulled a note from his pocket and unfolded it. "According to this. yes, you do. Though I hate to be in the presence of a filthy mudblood," he drawled, though he ended up regretting the last part. He watched as Hermione's face flushed in anger.

Hermione stood and glared at him. "I can't believe you! What is it with you and blood? You're such a stupid git!" She yelled.

Draco frowned and looked down. "Sorry Hermione," he apologized in a low whisper.