Well, that's the end of my tale. I'd like to say that we lived happily ever after, and never had any troubles ever again. But I would be lying. The point is that we lived happily. "Cinderella" was found unconscious in the garden, just where we left her. Imagine her surprise to wake up in the prince's arms. Nevertheless, they were married the next day and had plenty of marital disputes of their own. Poor Nina, Anna and Madame were cast as the evil stepmother and sisters, while Ella was the sweet daughter turned servant that everyone now knows. I laugh sadly when I hear these tales, but it really doesn't matter. What happened, happened.

What about Ethan and me you ask? Well, we're currently taking it slowly, getting to know each other before we decide on marriage. It's very peaceful here (for our safety, I can't tell you where we ran off to), so life is nice. Ella's knife left a small scar on my neck, but Ethan still says I am beautiful. I guess that's all that really matters then; we love each other. Cinderella be damned; we have our own fairy tale come true!


Yay! First fic done! Thanks to all my reviewers, you stuck with me through my writer's block and bad writing. No I don't think I will write a sequel, but you never know. Tabitha comes back? Mwahaha....