The Prince Demised


Title: The Prince Demised

Chapters: Eleven

Category: Angst/AU

Rating: PG13 for dark story line, some gruesome imagery, and slight suicidal content.

Summary: There has been a death in the Fellowship. At the end of a war, something goes wrong and a member is lost. The remaining members discover that healing is a slow process, if healing comes at all.

Slash: None! Sorry to all you pervy hobbit fanciers, but this little fic is (at least meant to be) slash-free. Read it in whatever way you wish, but I wrote it with the intention for it to be in character, which means no one is homosexual. Don't like it? Well then don't let the theoretical and ill-tempered door hit you on your way out. Thank you.


Mae Govannen! This is an A/U Angst fic I decided to write one day. If you don't hate me by the end of it, you're my new best friend. I hated me for wanting to write this fic. It made me depressed just to think about.

I got the idea for this story a little less than a year ago and I've been working on it on and off over the past 8 or so months. Part of me is sad to let my baby out into the world on its own, but another part is greatly relieved to have it done. I hope you enjoy reading it, it's been a joy to write and I'm very proud of it. I shall post one chapter every week (most likely on Fridays or Saturdays) until the entire fic is up.

Please feel free to review and/or email me with any comments you may have. I really do want to know your opinion of this. I'd like to take this time now to give a BIG thank you to my wonderful Beta reader, Arenyn Cai. THANK YOU!

WARNING: I made myself cry on numerous occasions during the creation of this. Have a box of tissues at the ready. You have been warned. Now enjoy! ^_^