i'm loaded with projects due on Monday so I'll post this before I get to work....


After picking up Ron from the hospital, the gang headed home. when they got there, Ron found the place decorated with balloons and a banner saying 'congrats on getting better ron!!'

"This is how I found out where you were," Marianne told Ron who was standing beside her.

Ron smiled in return.

"PARTY TIME!!" Max announced.

Kai closed his eyes and crossed his arms preparing for the probably noisy night.

"Oy Koji!" Meia yelled. "Where's the food??!!"

Koji and Aki sweat-dropped. "We'll run to the store for a while. By the way, We found that keyboard you wanted."

"Sankchu! now hurry and make us food!" Meia told them as they left the cabin.

Mariah put on some music and everyone begun to unwind.

But in the middle of their celebration, a car stopped in front of the cabin and someone pounded on the door.

Ray opened the door and a dark-haired lady with red-violet eyes entered the room.

Everyone looked at the stranger. There was silence before they heard Marianne shouting 'Mom!'

They eyed the purple-haired girl then she spoke.

"Mom I..."

Her mom didn't wait for her to finish. "So this is where you went...go to car in 5 minutes. We need to go soon." She said before leaving.

Marianne looked down and talked to the group. "Sorry guys..."

"What's going on?" Meia asked her friend.

"The only reason I came late was because my grandma and only guardian back home died . Now I have to go back with my mom to Brazil. I just purposely stopped over to say goodbye but I didn't know when to break the news." she explained teary-eyed as Meia hugged her.

"It's too soon!" Meia wailed.

The car outside honked calling for Marianne.

"I gotta go...I'm sorry if I spoiled your fun. Congrats again guys...and....I'll really miss you." she said softly hugging Meia one last time.

"We'll see each other soon!" she assured. "Thanks for the great time..." she said walking out the door.

Meia went beside Kai and pulled his arm. "Let's bid her goodbye outside..."

"Alright." he agreed knowing it would be rude to act cold when someone's getting emotional.

Ron walked ahead of the others outside and stood by the porch. "Marianne...."

Marianne looked back and couldn't resist the urge. She ran to him and gave him a hug. "Bye Ron-ron." she said before running back to her car this time not turning back.

They car started and everyone made their way outside.

Ron's face was tomato red as he watched the car disappear into the distance.

Meia getting more excited now, grinned at Ron. "Hey Ron-ron...you're not telling us something."

Ron blushed even more. "..."

Everyone made their way back into he house trying to lighten the mood. It wasn't till Meia turned on the music that everyone relaxed again.

Koji and Aki returned home with grocery bags for the party.

"God these things cost a bloody fortune!" Aki said.

The twins were surprised at the atmosphere in the room. Not that everyone was sulking, nut they were less active than they were.

Ray began to explain what had happened.

"Come with me will ya Kai." Meia asked the older boy beside her.

"Where?" Kai asked.

"Outside." Meia replied quietly trying not to attract attention.

Kai raised an eyebrow but agreed anyway.

Meia grabbed a mat and the keyboard then she and Kai snuck out through the back door.

When they got outside. She laid the mat down on the hardest snow she could find and sat down. Kai sat down beside her.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I've been wanting to play this piece for you for the longest time." Meia answered setting the keyboard down. "It's my mom's composition." she added as she begun playing the instrument.

The sound coming from it was beautiful. It was delicate and harmonious and it truly heart-warming.

She ended and looked up at Kai again.

"That's some talent." Kai remarked.

Meia smiled. "It runs in the family. My mom was a world-class pianist."

"So why'd you want me to hear it?" Kai asked not being able to hold back his curiosity.

"My mom said she worked hard to make a piece so nice that anyone who hears it would smile. I've never seen you smile..." Meia said softly.

Kai smiled sincerely. "Her worked paid off then."

Meia grinned and she and Kai spent the night star-gazing while everybody inside just wondered where they went.

Next day...

"I'm done packing!" Meia shouted.

"Finally!" Tyson called leaving his room. "Now that you're done, let's have some breakfast!"

Downstairs, Kai and the rest sat by the fire. Kai and the rest minus Ron. The blond-haired boy was not around.

"What happened to Ron? Is he outside or something? It early morning! it's freezing there!" Meia said.

"He wasn't here when we woke up." Ray said.

"Yeah...all his stuff's gone too." Mariah added.

"Where'd he go then??!!" Tyson asked.

"Use your brain a bit." Kai told him. "Did you see his face when Marianne left last night?"

"You mean..." Meia began.

"He likes Marianne??!!" Everyone shouted.

"Bingo." Kai replied.

"That's soooo cute!" Mariah stated.

Antarctica airport....

Marianne sat by the gate leading to her plane. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

"Tears don't suit you well." a voice came from behind.

She looked behind her only to find Ron. "It's you..."

He continued. "You look much cuter when you're smiling."

Marianne smiled and hugged him. "Why are you here?"

"I know it's only a brief amount of time that we met but...I want...to know you a little bit more..." he said shyly. "I'll follow you to Brazil on a separate plane. My parents own a company there so no worries. Is it okay with you?"

She let go of him and replied, "Nothing would make me happier."

Back to the gang.

"Can we crash at someone's place for a while when we get home?" Aki asked thickly.

Koji elbowed him.

"We're homeless!!" Aki pointed out.

"Everyone's welcome to stay with me!" Tyson said. "Kai's gonna be at my place! BBA orders still haven't changed!"

Kai rolled his eyes and walked away. Meia followed after him and they walked side by side.

"It's been great hasn't it?" Meia said.

"Yeah..." Kai admitted.

"So what are your plans when we get home? We'll be going our separate ways." Kai asked.

"I don't' think so!" Meia said.

Kai looked at her.

"I used to live with Marianne. Now that she's in Brazil, I've no place to go so I think I'll take Tyson's offer and stay with you guys!" she grinned.

"Right..." Kai said looking away.

Meia smiled. 'I can't explain this feeling....' she thought, 'When I'm with him I feel so different...so happy....it's a pleasant sensation that words can't describe...it feels so nice...it feels...just like heaven.'


This fic is complete at last! nyahaha! it took ages to complete but now don't have anything nagging at the back of my head...I kinda rushed everything and I know it's not written well but to tell the truth I'm kinda in a hurry coz it's project time...

anyway I hope you liked the story...and I hope you understood it despite my flaws...

there's a tiny plot I have in mind for a sequel but do you think I should make one? I'll let you guys decide...please review!!