This chapter is tres special, because it was written during a blackout on paper. Probably why it's tres long. Enjoy!


"I am not trying that on, Drake."

"Yes you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

Draco folded his arms. "I am not, end of story."

"But, you are, and that's the real end of our little fairy tale here." Drake smiled.

They were in a small little robes shop, in Hogsmeade (it was the summer, so students, with parents permission, were allowed into Hogsmeade). They were there for nearly an hour before all hell broke loose and Drake started to make Draco try things on. "That's it, I'm going back to the school. You go and have loads of fun with my mother's money."

"Well, we don't have to stay here…. You know," said Drake, "we could go across the way, there's some sort of Muggle clothes store. It looks like it was just put there and —"

"No! No! For the love of Merlin we are not going to the ball in muggle clothing! Stop this right now!" But it was too late, Drake already dropped all his things, grabbed Draco by the arm, and right now, was rushing him out of the store.

They entered the Muggle clothing store, New Navy (what that meant, Draco didn't know). Smells like Muggles, Draco thought. Although, he knew it would've been impossible for a Muggle to set foot in Hogsmeade, the smell was still just a tad unnerving.

"I don't know where to start!" Drake gushed with excitement. Draco wanted to run out of the store — backwards — in fact, he was planning to. But just then, Drake grabbed him by the wrist and ushered him in front of a mannequin (which was moving and posing at the very few people in the store who walked by).

The mannequin was wearing a bright pink shirt, with a green jacket over it. The pants alone were an absolute horror show, in Draco's opinion, they were knee-length, and were ripped to shreds.

"I want you to try those on."


"Oh, come on, Draco, you're no fun."

"I. Said. No. Drake."

Drake merely smiled. "You're just afraid to try some Muggle outfit on. Too scared that you might catch some Muggle disease. That it? I understand."

He was wrong; Draco wasn't afraid to try anything on. He just didn't like muggles or anything to do with them. "No, that's not it."

"Then what it is, huh? Is this not your style of Muggle clothing? Too pink for you? I'm shocked." He grinned. "Perhaps you might prefer something more" — he searched for the word — "badass?"

Draco was losing all his patience and temper. "I told you that I'm not trying anything on," he said through clenched teeth.

Drake grinned and cocked a brow. "You could try on those leather pants over there." He was leaning on a sales rack and pointing across the room, where there was, indeed, an entire section devoted to leather slacks.

Draco looked to where Drake was pointed and immediately turned to Drake. "No, I'm going back to school now." He made his way to the exit.

"Oh, no you don't." Drake ran and blocked Draco's path to the door. His dumb, and cheery smile not changing one bit. If anything, Draco would have sworn Drake's smile might have grown a bit wider. "Try one thing on," Drake said, "just one, and you can go."

"Forget about it." Draco tried to leave yet again. Drake wouldn't let him. "I said forget about it."

Drake gave Draco a pleading smile. "Just one thing."



"And then you'll let me go?"

"Scout's honour."

Draco had no idea what 'Scout's honour' meant, but the way Drake excitedly rose his fingers in the air, it seemed like it was some sort of swear.

"Fine," Draco said, finally.

"You won't regret it!" Drake exclaimed as he dragged Draco deep into the store. When Drake stopped dragging Draco around, he pointed to an outfit in front of him.


"Don't you like it?"

"No." This was only a half-lie; the outfit on the mannequin in front of him had it's good points, and it's bad points. What were it's bad points? It was Muggle clothing. That was it. The shirt wasn't bad, it was black with Green dragons all over. The pants, were just a regular set of jeans. Draco never wore jeans himself. The belt was a little large, in Draco's opinion. It was Muggle clothing, so that out-weighed any good.

"Come on!"


Drake was already grabbed two shirts, two pairs of jeans, and two belts that matched the mannequin's. "Oh well, let's go," he said as he rushed Draco over to the dressing room.

Draco, regretfully put on the clothes. He walked out of the stall and looked at the mirror. "I look like a Muggle," he whispered out loud. I still look good, though, he thought.

"Lookin' gooood!" came Drake's voice from behind him. Before Draco was able to turn around, Drake stood right next to Draco in front of the mirror. "Though, I look better." He smirked.

Draco stared blankly at Drake. "We look exactly the same," he said disbelievingly.

Drake giggled. "Oh no we don't! Not exactly, at least. How much food do you eat?" He smacked Draco's bum. Drake, was very amused.

Draco wasn't amused at all. "I beg your pardon?"

Drake laughed and shook his head. "I'm just pulling your leg."

Draco gave himself one last look in the mirror and folded his arms. "I hate you."


Thus ending Chapter 4. Reviews are nice. If you need to know I got the outfit ideas from Carson Kressly because I am a hopeless Queer Eye fan.

Link to final outfit:

Okay, now really,
