Red: No, I do not own Dragonball Z…though opportunity would be a fine think *winks*. The characters of Dragonball Z all belong to Akira Toriyama and Funimation™. Though, I'm more for the idea that they belong to Toriyama-sama.


This is yaoi based. You might see your two favourite character's humping like rabbits, or you might not. Let's just say, we'll see where the mood takes me.

…And if this does contain a lemon…

…No one under 18.

Aishiteru Gaka no Ouji Finding a Hobby

He sat leaning against the tree, eyes shut and waiting for the onna to come back to him. One eye peeked open and stole a glance at the Gravity Room where Bulma was, checking to see if she was done yet. But there was no sign of her, so he let his eye slide shut, the frown on his face deepening.

What's taking that onna so long? He wondered. It's not like I destroyed the Gravity Camber again. Vegeta didn't know what really happened. All he knew was that he was training, as usual, when suddenly the gravity went even higher than he could manage. He tried to stop it and return it to the level he previously had it on, but it refused to co-operate. And when something doesn't co-operate with Vegeta, he makes very short work of them. Mustering up enough energy, he blasted the main machine and the gravity returned to normal.

His eyes snapped open as soon as he heard her feet touch the grass. Saiyan senses are extremely powerful, so he could tell certain things about certain people without actually knowing them. Vegeta turned his head towards her, taking note that she had a very pissed off look on her face. But he ignored it and asked his rather abrupt question.

"Well, have you fixed it yet, onna?" Bulma said nothing at first. She seemed to glare at him in a certain way, her mind contemplating on whether to calm down and tell him or to blow her top while telling him.

"No, Ve-jee-tah!" she sneered, emphasizing his name (seems like she went with option two). "I have not fixed your precious Gravity Room!"

"Why the hell not?!"

"Simple, you destroyed it, you Jackass!!" she snapped. "It's complete scrap! There's practically nothing left of it!!"

"Well, it's not my fault!" he retorted.

"No, it never is, is it?" his cheeks turned a light rose.

"All I did was give it a little blast so that the gravity wouldn't compress me into a Saiyan pancake!!" but Bulma ignored him.

"It'll take me weeks to fix it!" she whined. "Maybe even months!" The very idea of waiting two to three months for the Gravity Room to be fixed again appalled the Saiyan no Ouji.

"Nani??!" he wailed. "Then what am I supposed to do for those months?!"

"Well, I normally would've suggested sparring with Goku, but he's got enough troubles of his own." Vegeta mentally rolled his eyes.

Hai, he and that Banshee from Hell are finally getting a divorce. He thought. Somehow, though he didn't know why, that made him somewhat happy.

"So, maybe you should find a hobby." Vegeta quirked his eyebrow.

"Hobby?" he asked, repeating the new term. "What in the hell is a hobby?!" Bulma's eyes widened in surprise that he didn't know what a hobby was.

"Well," she said slowly. "A hobby is like something you like doing. You know, like I do with tinkering with my tools. It basically passes the time."

Hmm…maybe Kakarot could be my hobby. His cheeks instantly flushed after that thought, highly embarrassed at what he could think of. But instead of looking embarrassed, he portrayed it as anger. "NANI?! Are you out of your fucking mind?!" he yelled. "The only 'hobby' I've ever had to pass the time is to train!"

"Well, then you'll have to find another one." She replied coolly. Vegeta narrowed his eyes at her, not believing this was happening.

"Do you realise," he growled, tone low and threatening. "That while I sit on my backside, doing this 'hobby', Kakarot will be able to surpass me faster than ever?!" Bulma sighed.

"Vegeta, that's not my problem! You were the one who destroyed the Gravity Room and you're just going to have to be patient while I fix it!" Vegeta knew he couldn't argue with that, so he just huffed and crossed his arms, turning his head away from her. Bulma sighed. Vegeta often reminded her of a little child, and she thought he was cute like that. Though, living with someone as cute as that did come at a price. Namely, temper tantrums. But she didn't mind. She and Vegeta had divorced long ago as they soon realised they were better off as friends and not as husband and wife. And this arrangement worked out very well, to everyone's surprise.

She placed a hand on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Look, why don't you just go inside and think about it." She told him in a soft voice, as though she were speaking to a child. "Maybe something will come to you." Vegeta just grunted as he shrugged off her hand and stalked back to the house. Bulma smiled. It was funny. For two years of marriage, they did nothing but fight. While together, they were the worst of enemies. But a mere week after their divorce, they became good friends. Bulma just presumed that it was her. She figured that while they were married, she expected him to fulfil all the duties of a loyal husband. She never once stopped and thought that maybe he wasn't cut out to be all the things she wanted in an ideal husband. But after the divorce, she realised all of this at once.

Trunks was still their son, and they both raised him well. It was just that they weren't a 'couple' as such. Trunks didn't mind, as long as his mother didn't threaten to destroy his precious Gravity Room and his father didn't threaten to blast her into the next dimension. She smiled as she turned back to her laboratory.

Yes, things have definitely turned out for the better after we got separated. Her smiled faded as she thought of another separation that was happening. I can only hope the same for Goku.