What am I? Chapter 26: You remind me of Someone

AN: Hey there, sorry its been awhile updating the latest chapter; My life have been very busy, having two babies close to each other in age and work, took most of my time. Hopefully I can still have this story going again, when both kids are at school...

For weeks Yugi and Yana were working at Kaiba Crop mailroom, putting the mail in baskets and taking them to each floor. While Yugi was at school, Yana was in mailroom putting Kaiba's mail together quickly before he show up his office. But she was running alittle late today.

"Shit this is not good." Yana just gotten off elevator and Kaiba's floor manager wasn't happy.

"Your late Motou-san, Kaiba-san just gotten in the building"

"Sorry sir, mail truck was late."

Floor manager rolled his eyes. "Just quickly drop of his mail and get back to work."

"Yes sir." She quickly went to Kaiba's office to drop off, but before Yana lefted she check to see if the bug she planted under Kaiba's computer weeks ago was still there, she checked it was there, then put the computer down and started to walk out of the room.

"Uh!" Yana ran into someone and fell to the floor, she looked up to see who it was and it was Kaiba. Yana felt scared seeing him so tell like.

"Kaiba-san are you alright." Asked floor manager and noticing Yana down on the floor. "Sorry sir, the mail girl was running late with your mail."

"That's ok." Then Kaiba looked at Yana. "Let me help you up Ms." offering his hand to her.

Yana didn't want to touch him, she wanted to kill him, but she knew this wouldn't help Yami until he can located his puzzle. "Thank sir and sorry for ranning into you." Then she took his hand and got up.

Kaiba looked at Yana's face. "Yugi?" He whisper to himself.

"Don't just stand there Motou-san, the mail can't move by it's self" Floor manager whispered to her. Yana quickly leave to the elevator. "Kaiba-san is evering alright?"

"Yes, she just reminded me of someone I use to know, please leave me be." Floor manager letfed quickly, Kaiba went to his deck and pull out a picture frame with old photo of Yugi, looking at her face hard. "Could that girl be Yugi's daugther?" Then he looked out his window. "If so, is our son here too?"