Second Choice

Second Choice

By Tarlia

All characters from the game Final Fantasy VIII are © Square. This work of fan fiction and all original characters are © the author. Please do not distribute or use without permission.

Chapter I:

Momma had told her it was over now. That everything would be fine, that there would finally be peace. But she could not understand. The word 'peace' held no meaning to the girl. Born into a colonized town, living all of her four years during war and being raised in the streets, she was not able to comprehend the meaning of 'fine', either. Momma had said things would be fine many times, and momma had always lied.

There was a change, though - even her young mind discovered this. No Galbadian soldiers. After the hassle with the former president's visit where he had almost been murdered, the soldiers had been terrorising the citizens more than ever, but at some point they had calmed down, then simply vanished. The child did not know what was going on, but momma had said that was why they were here today. To find out what was going on. Almost the entire town was there, gathered everywhere around the huge outside screen on the wall of the Timber TV Station. They stood there, flocked together like sheep, so tightly there was hardly room to breathe. Through dozens and dozens of pairs of legs, the girl couldn't see anything at all, and blindly relied on her mother to guide her through the mass of people.

Finally, the woman bent down to pick up her daughter, long locks of pale, white hair dangling around her face, matching the girl's own hair. Smiling faintly, the mother then lifted her child into her arms, as high up as she could so both of them could see the screen. "Come, Yvivina," she spoke. She sighed as the girl didn't reply. The large, blue eyes that should be filled with innocence were instead dull and plain.

Lal Gar'ena had never wanted her daughter to grow up like this. Nor had she ever wanted to have a child. But the Galbadian soldier had been drunk that night and he had been looking for a quick source of pleasure. Lal had been it. And then it was done, and there was no way the woman who couldn't even pay for a house to live in could ever afford an abortion. So it had been hard, but she had always lived a hard life and was used to it. She felt remorse for inflicting this life upon her daughter – as Lal loved Yvivina, and she could only try to get by the best she could. For her daughter's sake. The other people in the town helped her when they were able to, and especially the woman known as leader of the Forest Foxes – another one of those countless resistance groups – had provided them with shelter and food occasionally. Yet there were simply too many people living in the streets to help, in black allies where the Galbadian soldiers usually couldn't see them.

Now there were no soldiers there anymore, and the death of Vinzer Deling had been announced. Just earlier that day, several important looking cars had come to Timber, driving straight up to the TV Station. There was going to be another announcement, that much was obvious. But what about, Lal could only guess. Freedom for Timber? Another war? A new president?

The screen crackled and fuzzed, and the murmur among the crowd rose momentarily before dying down to nothing. Everyone's attention was fixed on the large outdoor TV as the picture became clear, and Lal watched intently and curiously.

The image of a tall, handsome man appeared. He was dressed in a plain grey suit, a white shirt beneath his jacket, and his short, golden hair was combed back nicely. Lal guessed he was somewhere in his mid-thirties, too young to be a politician in her opinion – not that her opinion had ever mattered. But despite how formal he looked, the top of his shirt was unbuttoned and he wasn't wearing any tie like people of his kind usually did. Several of the TV crew were walking back and forth behind him, but eventually the ruckus came to an end and the man cleared his voice, before speaking.

"Greetings, citizens of Galbadia," he begun, in the typical, smooth and deep voice of a commander, a sly smirk resting on his lips. Hard, cool green eyes looked into the camera, as if staring directly at everyone who was watching him. Lal immediately developed a dislike for him.

"I could speak of all the usual trite and formal things, but I suspect none of you want to hear it, so I'll get straight to business. Weeks have went by. Vinzer Deling is dead, sorceress Edea has been defeated, and many areas have been left in shambles by the war. What now, you ask? When will we get a new president? Who will take responsibility for all of this? What happens now? Will things get better? Well, ask no longer, dear citizens. I have the answers to all of your questions." Running a hand through his hair, he paused for emphasis, then continued.

"My name is Zolqer Temeka, and I was one of president Deling's most trusted officers. Seeing as nothing seems to be done about Galbadia's current situation, I have decided to take action. Now, I know there are a few of you out there who will be surprised by this. You've heard that Deling's number one general, Philip Caraway, has decided to run for election as the new president. That is correct." Suddenly, Zolqer's smile faded and his cold gaze turned into a glare, "But I intend to give Caraway competition. For generations, the Deling family was been running Galbadia through dictatorship, but Vinzer was the last one of his line. I want to give democracy a chance. Votes will go to either me or Caraway, people, it is your decision."

"You all wonder why you should vote for me. See, I know what Caraway's intentions are. He wants to rebuild, settle peace and leave everything at that. Nice change from all the years of war, isn't it? Ah. But who says there will be peace even if we want it to be so?"

Another low murmur was heard through the group of viewers. Lal glanced at her daughter – but Yvivina was giving Zolqer Temeka her full attention. No expression on the four year old's face. She was just staring.

"After 17 years of silence, Esthar has 'reappeared', and it has been discovered that their technology by far surpasses ours. Caraway suggests to just leave them alone and let them go about with their own business. But what if Esthar isn't willing to forgive and forget? What if they attack and we are left unarmed and unprepared? People, we can not let that happen. We all hold the dreams and hopes of Galbadia being the strongest nation of the world. Before Esthar came back into the play, our dream was a reality. Now it is shattered. If I am chosen as president, though, I will make the Galbadian empire rise once again. We will not only rebuild our cities and towns, but also our army. We will reclaim what is rightfully ours. Those of you who still hold onto your dreams, vote for Zolqer Temeka!"

Lal shook her head, her eyes going slightly wide with disbelief. This man wanted to start the war all over again? More innocent lives being sacrificed, more horror, pain, uncertainty… No one could possibly want to vote for this guy? But she saw his charisma, his well developed ways of speech. Whether you were the wealthiest of men, or a street girl such as herself, Temeka was a man to be feared. And one who insisted to get his opinions through.

And, as on cue to her trail of thoughts, the blonde man leaned closer to the camera, a grin forming on his face, "Only I can make our dreams come true. Remember that."

Chapter II:

Even as the bright sunlight broke through the pale curtains of the room, they remained in bed, simply lying there side by side. Two lovers, boy and girl, man and woman, sorceress and knight. Her arms were carefully folded around his neck, cheek resting on his bare shoulder, while his arms were wrapped around her waist. It seemed like they had been lying that way all night. They probably had. However, while she had been sleeping peacefully in the warmth and comfort of his body close to hers, he had been unable to rest.

The closeness still felt awkward to him. How long had they been together now? A month? It all happened so fast. One day he had been introverted and lonely, and the next she had burst into his life like an unexpected whirlwind. Captured him the moment she gave him that look and pointed up at that shooting star, he realized. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy having her there – Oh, far from it. Rinoa Heartilly had quickly become the thing that mattered the most to the young commander. Once, aboard the Ragnarok, she had told him he had missed out on so much because he had never let anyone get close to him. And he understood now that she was right.

The only problem was, after so many years of being alone, little gestures and touches of love didn't come naturally to Squall Leonhart. More often than not, it seemed a little forced, and he hated that. He knew Rinoa noticed this too, but she had an angel's patience. Everything about her was just too perfect. Her beauty, her warmth, her joyful personality. Well, 'perfect' was a lie. She had her faults like everyone else, some which would really annoy him at times. Her childish stubbornness, the temper, the naiveté… Still, it was all part of what made her Rinoa, and he didn't want to change a thing.

A month it had been, and it had been a good month. Slowly, slowly, bit by bit, she was patching him back together, breaking his shell, teaching him how to live, how to give of himself. How to open up, at least a little, at least for her. Often he felt like he wasn't able to give anything back, that he wasn't good enough for her.

Oh, if only he knew how much he meant to Rinoa. While he had changed from lone wolf to mighty lion, she had changed from spoiled princess to angelic sorceress. Spunky nature had died down somewhat, and the girl had been forced to grow up. Not long ago she had been resistance group leader, fighting for an abused and humiliated town and for her friends there. Now she was here, in Balamb Garden, in the commander's bed - they just lying there holding each other without doing anything else, and he was everything she lived for. Or so it felt. She had abandoned Zone, Watts and the rest of the Timber Owls to stay with Squall. Guilt nagged at the back of her mind, but she didn't dare leave.

Everything was still uncertain. Galbadia was a mess and no one really knew what would happen to Timber next. Esthar was still repairing damages done and chasing out monsters left after the Lunar Cry, and Balamb Garden was helping Trabia Garden with the rebuilding. Galbadia Garden seemed to have disappeared. Her father? She hadn't seen him since the sorceress assassination attempt in Deling City, nor did she feel any particular need to see the man who had been partly responsible for Timber's misfortune in the first place. Not to mention she had no idea how the world would react to her now. She was a sorceress, for goodness sake. Rinoa was a sorceress, and she was only barely beginning to understand her own power.

Here in Garden everyone had accepted her. They knew her as a person, not a threat, and during everyday life no one really commented on who – what she was. Edea, being a former sorceress herself, had helped out the best she could. But still, Rinoa was frightened of herself, frightened of what she might be capable of doing. She had seen Ultimecia's handiwork. Did that mean she would possess those same powers?

The only steady thing she had to hold onto in her life was Squall. And she held onto him hard. Deep down inside, she was becoming just as scared of losing him as he had been – and still was - of losing her. And no one but Rinoa herself knew this.

Both were ripped out of their thoughts as the SeeD begun to stir, his muscles sore from lying in the same position nearly all night without even sleeping. Rinoa pulled away to give him room as he sat up, rubbing his eyes with his hands and yawning.

"What time is it?"

"Seven past eight." Rinoa inched towards him, soft lips pressing against his neck, working their way to his lips. He returned the kiss, closing his eyes and devouring the moment. Not many words were ever spoken between them, especially on his part. They didn't seem necessary. However, Rinoa had been wanting something for a while now, and she intended to show him what it was. She was a woman in love, a woman with needs, and even if she knew he needed time to understand all of this, she couldn't help it right then, but to increase the subtle hints to something… less subtle.

Her kisses became more intense and passionate, and eventually Squall stopped to blink at her, a strange, uncomfortable feeling starting to bother him. He pulled away, just slightly. "Rinoa?"

"Mmm?" She snuggled against his chest, smiling up at him sweetly.

"What are you doing?"

A giggle. One of those girlish, childish ones that he found both charming and irritating at the same time. She gently poked his nose with one finger, "I'm seducing you, silly. Come on, we don't have to get up just yet. It's still early." She said it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, before proceeding with the kisses. Squall stared at her for a moment, then wriggled free from her grasp, sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but his underwear. Sighing, Rinoa realized she had moved too fast.

"Sorry," Squall said, his voice monotone. Old habits don't die easily. "I just can't…"

She reached over to gently stroke her fingers through his dark brown locks of hair, "It's okay, it's all right. That was my fault, not yours."

(Look at you, coward. Are you scared of the woman you love?)

… Shiva, I'm not interested in a conversation with you right now. Go away.

(I could go back to sleep, but you're making too much noise. Stop brooding.)

I could have sworn I unjunctioned you last night…

(Love makes you forget things, boy.)

Annoyed at the Guardian Force which currently occupied his mind, Squall stood up and walked over to the closet in the corner his dorm room to get dressed. Rinoa just watched him curiously, still wrapped in the bed sheets.

"We're meeting the others for breakfast. Better not be late." He informed her, not even having to look at her to see the question forming on her lips. It was funny – usually she was the one who remembered things like that, and he was the one who forgot. But lately, it seemed to be the other way around.

Rinoa was disappointed, but she noticed that Angelo was awake too and was eagerly scraping at the door with a paw, waiting for someone to take her out on her morning walk. Nodding mutely, the raven haired girl slinked out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Squall just watched her.

(Now you wish you had stayed, huh?)

Oh, shut up.

Shutting his steel blue eyes, Squall concentrated for a second, and then Shiva roamed among the others of her kind, free to do so until being called upon again.

Chapter III:

Quistis Trepe sat in one of the chairs around the cafeteria table, eyeing her companions with a mild, yet cool expression. No one seemed to pay attention to her, though. Irvine was feeding Selphie strawberry yoghurt off a spoon, both of them seeming to be in an extraordinary good mood. She was giggling and he was constantly smiling that boyish smirk of his, charming the poor sunny girl out of her wits, Quistis could imagine.

On the other side of the table, Zell was busy stuffing his face with hotdogs. The former instructor wrinkled her nose in disgust at the spiky haired boy's eating manners, but as usual, she didn't even bother to comment. Not anymore. It wasn't like he would improve any, anyway. At least not for her sake.

She noticed the young SeeD almost choke on his food yet again as a certain someone made her way towards the table. He quickly grabbed a napkin and tried to remove the worst of the mess, straightening himself up and running a hand through his hair briefly. Zell had probably wanted to finish his breakfast before her arrival, but the girl – known mostly as the 'library girl' among the little group of friends – had a habit of always being early.

Ever since the incident a month earlier, the 'Sorceress Team' had been sticking together, and one of their daily rituals was eating breakfast together. They usually consisted of Quistis, Squall, Rinoa, Irvine, Zell and Selphie, but lately Zell's girlfriend (even though he denied the fact she was that) had started to join them, and occasionally Xu, Nida, or even Cid and Edea would eat by the large table in the corner that they considered 'theirs'.

Things really had been quiet since then. Everybody had been busy repairing and reinforcing their homes and cities after the second Sorceress War. Garden had, however, received a nice pay from Esthar in return for their favours, enough to pay for Cid and Edea's new project, fiercely encouraged by Selphie: Rebuilding Trabia Garden. This had left the four SeeDs, one sharpshooter and a sorceress with pretty much nothing to do. Selphie had for the longest time been trying to talk Cid into letting her - and Irvine - go to Trabia and help out. Strangely enough, the headmaster seemed reluctant about it, and Quistis couldn't quite understand why. It wasn't like they were doing anything in Balamb, but the headmaster wouldn't give them any clear answer.

"Hey guys," the 'library girl' greeted as she reached the group of five, offering them all a smile. Her name was actually Jadina Letris, or Jade as Zell liked to call her, and she was a rather pretty, if simple girl, Quistis had to admit. Dressed in her blue SeeD cadet uniform, her mouse brown hair was pulled back in a set of pigtails, matching her equally brown eyes. She pulled out a chair and sat next to Zell, who proceeded to blush furiously at her presence, as always.

"Mornin'," Irvine replied with a grin and a tilt of his hat, followed by 'hellos' of different grades of enthusiasm from Selphie and Quistis. Zell eventually gave a shy, "Hi," while trying to hide the remains of his hotdog breakfast with his napkin.

Jadina leaned her elbows on the table, giggling slightly at Zell's efforts before asking, "So, where's Rinoa and Squall?"

"Late again," Quistis answered icily, "Seems like it gets worse every day." And I have a faint clue as to why…

Irvine's grin grew wider and he reached over to elbow Quistis lightly, "Aw, come on Quisty, can't blame them little lovebirds, can you?" He winked. Selphie shot him a glare and he immediately returned his attention to her. Quistis groaned.

Trust Irvine to bring up the obvious.

Zell seemed to turn an even darker shade of red, but he grinned sheepishly. Was it just Quistis' imagination, or was the blonde boy more nervous than usual today? Jadina simply smiled, "Let's order our breakfast then. I'm sure they won't mind."

"Whatever you say, Jade," Zell rubbed the back of his head with one hand, "Um, Jade, listen…"

The Garden intercom suddenly hissed and came to life, and everyone looked up from whatever they were doing to listen. Zell inwardly cursed to himself as he had to put on hold what he was going to say.

"This is Headmaster Cid. Will Squall, Rinoa and the rest of the Sorceress Team please report to my office? Thank you. Cid out."

Quistis frowned and folded her arms, "So we're just 'The rest of the Sorceress Team' now?"

Irvine shrugged, "Hey, relax, Quistis. It's a bit of an effort to list all our names every time, you know?"

Selphie bounded out of her chair, "I wonder what the headmaster wants! Maybe he'll finally let us go to Trabia. You think so, Irvy?"

"Sure, hon," the cowboy said somewhat half-heartedly as he allowed the sunny girl to drag him along, closely followed by Zell and Jadina, the latter only walking with them to the hall to possibly find some of her other friends to eat with. Quistis was, surprisingly, the last one to follow. Something was nagging at the back of her mind. Squall and Rinoa. Their late arrivals in the mornings, their more frequent absence when the group spent time together, just the way they looked at each other… In fact, the couple's relationship even came to the point of irritating her sometimes, and that was one part she couldn't quite – or didn't want to – explain. Because she was glad for their happiness.


Both of them had changed. But perhaps the change in Rinoa was more apparent than the one in Squall. The boy was more open in general, granted, but he was still the same, taciturn Squall Leonhart the former instructor had always known. Rinoa, however, was a much more recent acquaintance, and Quistis clearly saw how the raven haired sorceress developed from a somewhat childish, overly positive girl to a more quiet woman. And she wasn't sure whether this was because she spent so much time with Squall, or because she had inherited Edea's powers.

This was what bothered Quistis. That was the only reasonable explanation. There couldn't be anything else, couldn't be… those old feelings she had abandoned as those of a big sister. No, she wouldn't allow herself to even think like that. If anything, it was the fact everyone but her seemed to have a relationship, and not just Rinoa and Squall specifically that annoyed her. Trepie groupies aside, there was no man in Quistis' life.

Stop it, Quistis. You're not alone, you have friends. Who all were younger than her, more in behaviour than age. All except… No. Stop thinking about it. Stop it!

"Quistis?" It was Jadina's voice. The golden haired SeeD blinked her ice blue eyes, just now realizing she had stopped by the cafeteria's entrance. Looking at the expectant and puzzled cadet, Quistis quickly shook her head.

"You coming?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. I just…" Not able to come up with an excuse, Quistis shook her head again and brushed past Jadina into the hallway, "I'm coming."

Bewildered, Jadina just stared after the departing woman, then shrugged to herself and went to find her friends from the library. Heroes or not, Zell's friends sure were strange sometimes.