Ok, I own no one in this chapter except my character, but I don't have a name for her yet. Any suggestions? This occurs after everyone finds out about the X-men, but before Jean and Scott graduate. And I made up the stuff about Jamie's past, so if you have proof that it's wrong, go ahead and tell me.

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*Run. Had to keep running. Mustn't let them find me. Won't let them find me. Keep running. Lights ahead! Must stay away from lights, they could see me in the light. Keep running. No thinking, just running.*

Beeeeeeeeepppppp! Kitty Pride groaned and turned over. She stuck her hand through the offending alarm clock, short-circuiting it. She sat up sleepily, and was suddenly attacked by a blue hairy monster in a puff of smoke. "Kurt!!!!!" she screamed. "Get off me! I like, just took a shower last night! I'm not going to school covered in blue fur!" Kurt grinned sheepishly "Sorry Kitty, the professor told me to make sure everyone was up." With another puff of smoke, he was gone, leaving Kitty coughing.

Down the hall, things were not going smoothly. Jean Grey was having troubles with a certain someone, a someone named Scott. "Scott, they're my friends. I know you don't like them, but I can still hang out with them can't I?" Scott, frowned. "Jean, you know how they treated you after they found out we were mutants. Why would they suddenly come back to you? The whole situation seems sketchy. I'm just looking out for you." Jean smiled. "Scott it's sweet that you care, but I will be fine. Now let's get ready for school. Don't want to be late." With that she headed down stairs, Scott following.

Down stairs, everyone was getting breakfast ready. Jean scanned the room as she came down. Everyone was there, everyone except Jamie, which was odd, considering there were usually multiples of him all over. She went up to his room, only to find that he wasn't there. She shrugged- probably in the bathroom- and went down to eat breakfast.

Jamie wasn't in the bathroom either, he was already on his way to school. He had gotten up early just to avoid the others, because they were bound to notice something was wrong. Jamie just didn't want to talk about it with anyone.

*City, should avoid city. Wait, there will be many people here. They can't find me as easily. Must go to city, must find answers.*

Today was Jamie's half-birthday. His parent's always gave him something funny, like half of a dollar bill, or half of stuffed animal when he was little. But not anymore. This day also marked the day that Jamie's mother had been killed. No more presents came after that, Jamie's father just didn't want to deal with anything else. The police said it had been suicide, but neither Jamie or his father could shake off the feeling that someone else had been involved. So wrapped up in his thoughts, his vision clouded by tears, Jamie didn't see the car coming.

*What is that noise? A terrible shrieking. Will go find out. WHAT IS THAT KID DOING?! He's going to get killed by that.. that thing! No one around, so I'm safe.*

Jamie heard the squeal of brakes almost as if he were in a dream. Turning his tear-stained face, he saw the truck barreling it's way down to him, unable to stop in time. Jamie couldn't move, could only watch in horror as the vehicle came closer and closer. Suddenly he was thrown violently onto the sidewalk, someone on top of him. He watched numbly as the truck hit the stop sign, right where he had just been. He looked up to thank his saver, and was met with a surprise.

She looked much more surprised than he did. Looking over, Jamie realized that when he had hit the ground he had just sprouted four clones. Grinning sheepishly, he brought them back, so that there was only him left. The girl just kept staring at him. She had the strangest eyes he had ever seen. They looked almost like cat eyes, but there was something different about them. Like lizard eyes more, greenish-yellow. "Umm. thanks for saving me" he said politely. The girl was still staring at him. "It's OK, I'm a mutant, like you" Jamie said. He'd never seen her in town before, maybe she was trying to get to the Institute. The girl just looked like she had been slapped in the face. Jamie noticed that all she was wearing was what looked like a burlap sack. "Do you need money? Here." He said, tossing her five dollars. "The Institute is just over there." The girl took the five dollars, then turned and ran, leaving Jamie in a confused heap.

*There are others like me?! What does this mean? Were they wrong? Must find answers. Need to find answers.*