Warui: ^______^ Thank you for all the nice reviews!! *huggles reviewers and hands them cookies* ^o^ anyways, here's the votes so far!

Touya: T_T I still hate this idea

Jin: -^^- I wanna be part of this thang too!!

Botan: -O.O- sugoi so many

Warui: ^________^

ShiShi- 2

Touya- 4

Kurama- 1

Hiei- 1

Suzaku- 0

Warui: ^__^ looks like our main man's winning!

Touya: T__T ya because it was originally me u.u

Warui: ^___^ and ShiShi-kun is coming up closely!!

ShiShi: ^___^

Warui: U_U I don't own YYH, and Shi Shi would be known as ShiShi o_O;; because his whole name is too long ^^;;


"Botan!" Botan's eyes snapped open as her head shot up. Her eyes widened as she stared at the teacher's hard black eyes, purple clashing with black. "You didn't seem to answer my question Ms. Botan" Botan gulped, her hands began to get sweaty as she nervously played with her jacket sleeve.

"Well?" the teacher asked, her eyes flickering dangerously.

"Wh-what was it again?" she asked quietly afraid to look at her classmate's eyes.

"what chemical is found on Pluto" the teacher asked once more, her voice dripping with venom as she watched the young girl's face suddenly lighten up a bit. ((o_O; don't sue me, I don't know if I got the right answer or not ^^;; ))

"Methane" Botan asked confidentaly as all the kids gasped in surprise. The teacher scowled and nodded returning to her seat and sat down as the kids stared at Botan, their eyes glued to hers.

Kurama grinned and looked at his notes. Hiei watched boredly and stared at the bluenette. ShiShi blinked and chuckled quietly as he went back to working. Suzaku smiled and returned back to working as well. Touya? He just stared at Botan and shrugged closing his eyes as Marista giggled into his ear and joked around with him.

Botan sighed and sunk in her seat and caught the gazes of Yusuke who shook his head and gave her a thumbsup and Keiko motioned a "close one" gesture. Botan nodded and proceeded to write down the lesson, 'THAT was unexpected' she thought to herself and looked down at her notes and continued to write, every now and then she would switch the paper and write a tiny tidbit of a poem she kept stashed away.


Botan sighed, "Yes, a break" she stood up and walked quickly outside, her secret hiding place if you ask. It was a beautiful opening in the school with cherry trees surrounding a small bench next to a pond, she had no idea how she found it but it reminded her of something that came from a storybook that her mother used to read her when she was younger. She sighed and leaned against the tree taking out her sandwhich as she slowly chewed her food taking her time. "I wonder what the agenda is today..." she said in between chews and thought to herself when she heard a twig snap in two. She turned her head rather quickly and glanced around. "Must be a bird or something..." she said quietly, a chill running down her spine as she saw bushes rustle. She "eeped" quietly and put her lunch away and took a nearby branch that had fallen off the tree and slowly advanced towards the bush.

'Shit...' the figure in the bush thought as he saw Botan walk towards him. He clenched his eyes shut as he prepared for the worst, after all, wouldn't a branch to the head hurt? Botan slowly lifted the branch up and forcefully aimed downwards.

"HOLY CRAP!!" the figure yelped and jumped outta the way as Botan's eyes widened.

Botan: O_O

Figure: @___@

"oh m-my, are you ok Touya?" Botan asked, as she dropped the stick and knelt beside him as he slowly rubbed his head. He groaned and sat up as she looked down. "I'm sorry!" she said, her cheeks red, I mean, there she was, in her secret hiding place not to mention beautiful one with her long time crush beside her.

"Ya...just fine..." the pop replied wincing as he turned his gaze towards the not so popular girl. "I was wondering where you were" he said leaning towards her. She "eeped" again and scooted back a bit. He saw this and smirked widely, he leaned closer again loving how it made her feel uncomfortable, his cheeks were red as well.

"Y-you were?" she said quietly, trying to avoid the gaze her had locked onto her.

"Yes..." he said grinning as she gulped. He smirked and leant in closer. "I was just gonna say..."

"Oh hey you guys!" Shishi said walking in, his face holding his goofy smile as he waved. Botan almost fell as Touya's eyes narrowed slightly and turned back into a cool bored look.

"Well hello Shishi" Botan said smiling politely, Shishi grinned and sat beside them.

"So, what's shakin bacon?" he asked sitting back a bit closer to Botan then Touya.


Warui: ^____^ ouuuu can we say jealousy?

Touya: T___T he's stealing my girl!!

Shishi: ^.^

Botan: -o.o-

Warui: as you can see, person with the highest vote gets closer and closer to Botan with the second in following ^_^ -.- oh and I know it's a bit short T_T;; can ya blame me, @_@ highschool entrance exams, last minute tests, Wask (some school judge thingy), graduation @____@ not to mention...HIGHSCHOOL ENTRANC EXAMS AND A TRIP TO SANFRAN!!

YYH: o_o;;

Warui: -_-;; sorry for the outburst, R&R!