A/N:Lets just get straight to the story

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

One upon a time, in a far away land lived a King Yusuke and his Queen Keiko the first. One day the queen died while giving birth to a baby girl. The girl was named Snow White, but every one called her Botan for some starnge unknown reason. Go figure. So anyway the King married a God awful wife, named Keiko the second. No relation to Keiko the first. That was there names. Again go figure. So Keiko the second, who will from now on will be called Keiko, was a very beautiful women. Everyone knew how evil Keiko was. One day King Yusuke 'mysteriously' died. Not saying Kekiko killed him or anything *wink*. Botan grew up into a beautiful girl she had skin white as snow, and hair black as the night, but then she dyed her hair a bright blue.. She would get more and more beautiful each day. Now Keiko being the crazy person she was, talked to her all knowing mirror, cause you know... You can talk to mirrors and all. Ok, Keiko would always ask the mirror

"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all" and the mirro would always reply

"You my queen are the fairest one of all"

"Good" The queen would say and walk away to do God only knows what

Years went by, and Botan turned eight-teen. One day the queen went up to the mirror and said

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the fairest on of all" and the Mirror replied

"You my queen have a beauty quite rare, but Snow white has a beauty ten times more fair"

"WHAT, SNOW WHITE, YOU MEAN BOTAN" Keiko yelled in a state of rage. She came up with a idea. She called for a hunter...

"KUWABARA!" She called

Kuwabara,the hunter, ran up to her room, bowed and said

"Yes my queen"

"I have a plan, now listen, I want you to bring Botan into the wood kill her and bring me her heart... But put it in a plastic bag or something cause I don't want to touch it... You know what just bring me her hand"

Kuwabara looked in fear "Y-y-yes my queen" He said and backed up to the door

"Actually, get her heart she could still be alive if you just get her heart" Keiko said

Kuwabara nodded and ran off...

~~~In the wood~~~

"What are we doing in here, theres no candy" Botan said

"Just a little further" Kuwabara said

They took a few more steps and Kuwabara turned around and faced Botan. He held a dagger high in the air


"What, oh no. I just wanted to cut this apple, but now that I think of it, I was supposed to kill you" Kuwabara said throwing away the apple and pointed the dagger to Botan.

"NO NO PLEASE!" Botan yelled

Kuwabara looked in her eyes and saw and saw the eyes, not of a eight-teen year old girl, but ones of a child.

"Fine, but run, run deep into the forest and never return to you home" He said

Botan ran into the deep forest. It was dark. She couldn't see where she was going and kept running into trees. She eventualy came to a small house and entered. It was really small. She had to bend down to walk around. She heard a knock on the door. She went to the door and opened it. There was a small girl with golden hair.

"Hello" Botan said

"Um.. Hi do the three bears live here?" She asked

"No, sorry wrong story"

"Oh, oops, bye"

"Bye" Botan said and closed the door

Botan looked around, everything was small. Cups, chairs, plates, tables, EVERTHING. She walked up stairs and was a room. It had seven beds. She put three of them together and fell asleep.

~~~Meanwhile with Keiko~~~

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the fairest on of all" and the Mirror replied

"You my queen have a beauty quite rare, but Snow white has a beauty ten times more fair"


"Yes mam'" He said

"You would never lie to me would you?" Keiko asked

"Of course not" He said

"Good, now tell me Botan is dead" She said

"Um... Well she, aaaaa"

"You didn't kill her did you" The queen said angry

"No mam'"

"Fine then... GAURDS HANG HIM!" Keiko yelled

"No wait" Kuwabara said while being dragged out of the room

"Hm, I'll just kill her my-self" Keiko said and ran out of the room, and then came back because she remembered that she had no clue where Botan was...


Botans eyes fluttered open to see seven short men. They all looked the same. All had black spikey hair, with a white starburst in the middle, and all wore black pants and cloaks.

"What are you doing here onna" Asked one

"Well you see...


And thats why I'm here" Botan said

"So your here cause you evil step mother is trying to kill you?" Asked one

"Yes, so can I stay here?" Botan asked

"Fine, only if you do the cleaning and cooking and let us pick on you" One said

"Fine" Botan said

"Whats your name onna" Another asked

"Snow White, but every one calls me Botan" She said

"Why" They asked

"I don't know" She said

"Hn, doesn't matter we'll just call you onna"

"um... ok, whats your names?"

"I'm Evil"

"I'm Selfish"

"I'm Greedy"

"I'm Obnoxious"

"I'm Annoying"

"I'm Aggressive"

"I'm Hiei, the leader"

"Ok" Botan said in a state of fear "So are you guys related?"

"No" said Evil

"In different towns far away, we were all mock because we were all short. We killed all the citizens in our towns. Looking for some place we would be accepted we all found each other and figured we could kill more people if we just band together" Hiei said

"Oh, thats a some what cute story" Botan said

"Hey onna, want to get dinner started" Aggressive said

"Sure" She said and went down stairs to cook dinner

After dinner every one went to sleep. When the dwarfs woke up, the woke up Botan. The jumped on her, and poured cold water on her head. It was fun... for the dwarfs.

"Ok onna, we're going to go kill some people so don't leave or we might mistake you for some villager and kill you, then we wouldn't have and one to pester" Hiei said

"And don't open the door" Selfish said

"Why?" Botan asked

"So if its your evil step mother you won't get killed, baka" Said Annoying

"Ok" Botan said, the dwarfs went off on there killing spree and Botan started to clean, because the dwarfs found it funny to mess up the house so Botan would have to clean all day... It was hilarious. There was a knock on the door. Well now, Botan being the idiot she was opened it. It was an old lady.

"Hello dear, I was just passing by and wanted to see if you wanted this poison free apple" The old lady asked

"No thanks I hate apples" Botan said

"Well then would you like this doghnout instead?" The old lady asked

"A doghnout why didn't you say so give it here" Botan said and shoved the thing ito herr mouth and swallowed it... And dropped dead. The old lady looked in shock.

"OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE" The lady said and ran away hoping no one would notice. Awhile later the Queen came dressed up like a old lady, only the costume was terrible. You culd see her hair hanging out of the wig, and she had smooth skin. That costume sucked. So anyway she walked up to the house and saw Botan there dead

"Hn, job well done, me" Keiko said congradulating her-self for nothing, and walked back to the castle and went to the mirror...

"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall who is the fairest one of all" She asked

"You my queen are the fairest on of all" The mirror said


~~~The dwarfs~~~

"Baka onna" Hiei said

"We warned her" Obnoxious said

"Hey you guys I have an idea, lets put her in a glass coffin, put her on top of that hill out side and see how is desperate enough to kiss her" Said Hiei

They all smirked and put there plan into action. Greedy took watch of Botan. A prince named Koenma came up to her and Greedy.

"Who is this?" Koenma asked

"Botan" Said Greedy

"I heard if you kiss a women, as beautiful as her, she would wake up" Said the prince

"Um... yeah" Greedy said smirking

Koenma kissed her and she woke up, another prince by the name of Kurama walked up to the scene...

"Whats going on?" Kurama asked

"MY HERO" Botan said hugging Kurama

"um..." Kurama studered

Botan kissed him and blah blah blah, they lived happly ever after except for Prince Koenma who is lonely... yeah


V: That was all me, not Kelly ME!

H: Im so proud

V: ^_^

K: *grumble grumble grumble*