Doctor versus Detective (Epilogue)

By Ms. Neptune Holmes

Hello again everyone! Here's the final chapter of "Doctor versus Detective" I know, it took me FOREVER to get up, but life kinda caught up with me, ya know? I also apologize for the shortness, but I wanted to finish it quickly. I do hope that the content makes up for the length. So, with out further delay, here's the epilogue!


Sherlock Holmes as I have often written, is a singular man. This too can be said for his regard of his own health. No sooner than the second day of his recovery, than my friend was up and and about. One morning I awoke to find Sherlock Holmes at the sitting room table. When I questioned and cautioned him of his returning health, Holmes just smiled and reminded me that "I am a brain, Watson; the rest of me is a mere appendix."

However, he suffered a relapse in his condition, leaving my friend in a delirious state for several days. Sherlock Holmes, in his delirious state shouted about past criminals he had perused in his practice or placed in the dock. Mainly, he spoke of Professor. Moriarty. At last, on the third night of his delirium, his high temperature reached its peak, then dissipated.

Holmes' recovery was slow and painful for all those involved. Along with Mrs. Hudson and me, Sherlock Holmes' brother Mycroft also took part in his recovery, cajoling him into staying in bed and resting. The elder Holmes brother often promised his younger sibling that he'd do everything in his power to send him cases of the strangest and most peculiar kind when he was well again. Holmes' extraordinary will and constitution had worked wonders; Sherlock Holmes had completely recovered from his ailment in a full week.

His equally formidable character can only match Holmes' remarkable constitution. It was truly a case where a determined doctor versus an equally difficult detective.


The End.