
Demented Love


Disclaimer: I do not own anything that has anything to do with Harry Potter.

A/N: This is probably the shortest fic in creation. It's pretty demented, hence the title: Demented Love. Here we go.


Two people stood huddled inside a clearing in the Forbidden Forest.

Harry: Why'd you bring me here Hagrid? It's so dark, and cold.

Hagrid: Are ya now? Let meh help you.

Hagrid puts his arm around Harry.

Harry: What are you doing Hagrid?

Hagrid *dumbfounded*: Tryin' ter warm ya up Harry.

Harry: Why did you bring me here?


Harry *insistant*: Why in bloody hell did you bring me here Hagrid?!

Hagrid *hesitant*: Cuz...cuz....I've got a confessiong ter make to yer.


Harry: And that is....

Hagrid: I love yer Harry. I am in love witchu.

Harry *dumbfounded*: I-I'm sorry Hagrid. I'm in love with someone else.


Hagrid: But will yeh love me Harry? Will yeh make love ter me in me cabin, while I scream yeh name Harry? Until I

come all over yeh face Harry?

Harry: Don't make me do this.

Hagrid: Please....

Harry: I'm sorry...I'm in love with Dumbledore.

~^~ The End ~^~


A/N: Yeah...I have to admit, that was the stupidest fic I have ever written...took me 4 minutes... Review and tell me

how dumb and pointless it was.