Disclaimer: I don't own a lot here. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.

A/N: This story is a sequel to The New Adventure. This story can be read on its own; however there would be some key points that you wouldn't understand. I am not going to explain everything all over again. With that said, I suggest you to read The New Adventure first. I believe it's a very entertaining read. (Please permit some self-advertising here. =D) I would like to thank everyone who reviewed my last story. You guys are wonderful! You helped me through all this. And especial thanks to The Fist of Dark, who proved to be a most loyal critic and friend. Thank you! You made me confident about the fact that I am not wasting my time! (Maybe I am, depending on who is speaking! =D) Now on with the story.

P.S: Just why the hell won't ff.net let me post this thing in Harry Potter section as well? Geez.

It was a rather grey morning, with soft, silk like clouds and a shifting haze of fog. The yellow sun looked watery and pale, and there was a slight breeze. It was yet another heavy and bored summer day. When 16-year-old Harry Potter walked into the kitchen, he saw his uncle turn to him with a snarling look on his face.

"You have got a call, boy." He said to Harry, twisting his face to the extend it allows. He stretched out his hand and passed the receiver to the boy, though he looked like he preferred to strangle the one before him.

Harry smirked and answered coolly, "Thanks."

He couldn't help feeling satisfied and grateful. Ever since some members of the Order talked to his uncle, his life had become much easier in Privet Drive.

He took the receiver and said, "Hello, this is Harry Potter, who is speaking?"

From the other end of the phone a familiar voice answered him, "Harry, it's me, Hermione."

"Hermione? Why are you calling me?" Harry asked, suddenly focused and wary, "Why didn't you send an owl? Is there anything wrong?"

The reply came in an exasperated voice, "Oh god, Harry! Maybe because a phone is much faster?"

"Erm, okay." Harry said, feeling a little lame, "It's just you never called before."

"My parents said it would be better." There was a touch of impatience in her tone, "Anyway, I called to ask if you want go camping this weekend."

Harry said with surprise, "Camping? Why though?"

Hermione laughed on the other end, "Because it's summer vacation and we are suppose to enjoy it! I already invited Ron and his family."

"So you have invited them all?" Harry asked with more enthusiasm, "That would be good."

"Fred and George can't make it, saying they have to work." The girl snorted at the comment, "Now that's a change for those two. So will you come then?"

Harry answered after a moment of silence, "Geez, Hermione. First you send me books saying I need to make up for my studies, now you are inviting me to go to camping. You made it seem if it is just any normal summer vacation."

Hermione sighed, "We can at least try to make this a happy summer. There is a need to keep life normal, you know, even in extraordinary times."

Harry found himself nodding. The prospect of enjoying a weekend with his friends seemed good to him. At least it would be better than staying in Privet Drive worrying over things.

"I will go, wouldn't miss it for anything." He answered.

"Great!" Hermione said in a much brighter voice, "We will pick you up seven clock Friday morning then. Tell your uncle not to worry. We will come in a car that doesn't fly, and we will ring the door bell."

Harry answered, "Okay. See you then."

He put the receiver back, now light hearted and with a slight smile on his face. His uncle was staring at him with a suspicious look.

"So, what is that all about, boy?" Uncle Vernon asked testily.

Harry shrugged, "It's just my friend inviting me to go camping this weekend."

Then, ignoring the suspicious and unbelieving stares, he went to the breakfast.

When Friday morning came, a grey van pulled up before the door at exactly seven o'clock. His friends were all there. Mr. Weasley was in the driver's seat, looking excited beyond words, and Mrs. Weasley sat beside him in the front row. Ron and Hermione were sitting in the middle row; there was an empty seat beside them, obviously saved for him. Ginny sat in the back row, squeezed between many bags and packs. Uncle Vernon stared at the plain looking van with disbelief. He simply couldn't accept that anything connected with his freak nephew could be so, well, normal. Harry ignored his uncle and jumped on to the van. The engine rumbled as the vehicle pulled out of the curb and took off down the road.

"Hello, Harry dear." Mr. Weasley said in an eager voice, "Aren't you excited about this trip? We will do everything like muggles. Just imagine the fun!"

Ron and Ginny groaned at the same time. They did not share their father's love for anything connected with muggles, that's for certain. Hermione sniggered quietly, which earned her glares from the Weasley children.

Oblivious to everything, Mr. Weasley rumbled on, "It's very nice of Mr and Mrs. Granger to lend us this van. You must thank them again for me, Hermione. Now is this an extraordinary car. It's much better than the old Ford we had. Just take at look at all the wonderful things on the car!"

The journey wore on. Slowly, the city was dropped behind them and more and more trees grew beside the road. After hours of journeying, the vehicle finally stopped as they pulled into a small parking lot in the midst of dense wood. There was a weather beaten wooden sign that reads: Welcome to Greenwood Park.

They got off the van and stood there stretching their legs. It was a very beautiful park. The sky seemed bluer than in the city, and the clouds seemed even silkier. The sunlight was golden, and there were trees and flowers of every kind.

"This place isn't all that bad." Said Ron, nodding his head.

Hermione said with disdain, "Of course, I spent hours looking up the perfect place. This park has very good campsites, also good water sources for fishing. The best thing is this park is not well known, and people almost never visit it. So no prying muggles."

They chose a place beside a crystalline stream to be their campground. They unloaded everything and moved them there. Then Ginny and Hermione and Mrs. Weasley went into the woods to fetch firewood and pick some wild fruit. Harry, Ron and Mr. Weasley were left to set up the tents. It proved no easy task. The tents Hermione brought were pure muggle styled, large and complicated. They struggled in vain with the many sticks and material.

Ron sank to the forest floor and grumbled after the fifth unsuccessful attempt, "Why can't we just use some spell to set this up."

"No magic, Ron." Mr. Weasley said firmly, "There might be muggles about. And I can't think of a spell that can set a muggle tent up anyway, so we will have to do this. Harry, can't you do something?"

Harry was still fumbling with the material. At Mr. Weasley's words he raised his head.

"I think I am getting something here." He mumbled, "This piece should go here, I think."

Before he even finished his sentence, the part of tent he set up collapsed again. He flushed and looked a little embarrassed. Suddenly from behind him came a clear laugh. He turned quickly. Standing there was a girl of sixteen of seventeen with long black hair and sweet amber eyes. She was looking at them with an amused expression.

"Want some help with the tents, me fellow campers?" She asked in a melodious voice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The evening was cool and refreshing. A sliver of silver moon hung low in the velvet like night sky, and stars twinkled. In the midst of the trees, there was a small clearing carpeted with tender grass and lined with a leaping stream, and there many people could be seen. Harry sat on the grassy forest floor, talking and laughing with his friends. Ron and Hermione sat beside him, while Ginny sat with her parents a little further away. There were also the new acquaintances they have just met, who also happened to be camping in this particular park. There were six of them, five boys and one girl. Harry couldn't remember who invited who in the first place, but it doesn't really matter now, because they were all sitting together around a bright flame, roasting marshmallows over the fire.

Harry observed his fellow campers carefully. The girl was no other than the one who helped them setting up the tents in the afternoon. She seemed lovely and sweet to him, the typical nice girl. What was her name again? Oh yes, Shea. The blond boy beside her was called Max. He was tall and scrawny, with a perky attitude, almost like Ron. Then there was Tyson, who looked plain but somehow manage to attract attention almost immediately. There must be some magnetism in his personality. Beside him was a small boy named Kenny, though his friends all call him Chief. He had huge glasses, much more nerdy looking than Harry's own. He was clutching a small laptop computer in his hands. The other two boys sitting at the edge of the group were much quieter than their friends, and they were taller and seemed older too. The one with blue hair and dressed in attires that could be labelled as "strange" even in muggle terms was named Kai. He was usually silent, but when he does spoke there was a dark, almost brooding tone to his voice. He had a heavy Easter European accent. Probably Hungarian, or maybe Russian, Harry thought to himself. The other one dressed in white was obviously Asian. His hair was raven black and kept very long, though his eyes were much lighter than the normal Asian features. They were gold, like those of a cat. His name escaped Harry at that moment. Ra? Ren or Ray, or something like that. Harry watched them, and a strange feeling grew in the pit of his stomach. He was sure he had seen them somewhere before. But for the life of him he couldn't remember where.

He heard Mrs. Weasley asking, " You children are not from around here, are you? I mean, you don't look very English to me."

Shea laughed and answered, "No, we are just here for vacation."

"Where are you all from then?" Hermione asked with great curiosity. Harry had a shrewd feeling that Hermione also recognized those people.

"This is difficult to say for sure." The small boy named Kenny replied with a smile, "We are all from different countries. Max is from America, Kai is Russian, and Ray here"---So his name was Ray, Harry thought- --"Is Chinese. We all live in Japan for the past year though, and we have been in Canada last month."

The Weasleys all laughed, but Hermione clapped her hands together and exclaimed, there was an excited light in her eyes.

"I know you guys!" She cried, "You guys are the Blade Breakers!"

At her words Harry remembered as well. He had seen those children on TV sometimes. It is a new favourite of Dudley's. Of course, he never paid much attention to it back then.

"What? Blade Breakers? What does that mean?" Ron asked in a puzzled voice.

Hermione explained in a hurried voice, "They are a beyblade team."

Shea looked at her with interests and asked, "So you have heard? Do you like beyblade then?"

Hermione flushed, "Well, not really. But my father is a huge fan, he would be so excited if he could have met you guys."

Ron tugged Hermione impatiently, "That doesn't explain a lot, Hermione. What is beyblade?"

The boy named Tyson stared at Ron incredulously, "You don't know what beyblade is? How is that even possible?"

Max laughed at his friend, "Oh come on Tyson. You can't ask everyone to love beyblade as much as you do!"

"But he doesn't even know about beyblade!" Tyson said, "Have you ever heard of someone who doesn't know what basketball is, or what foot ball is?"

"Will you just answer my question?" Ron grumbled, losing his patience a little.

Shea explained to Ron with a smile, "Beyblade is a sport. It is really fun, you should try it sometimes."

Ron lowered his voice and muttered, "No thanks, give me Quidditch any time."

Ron's voice was very quiet, even Harry barely caught it. But Chinese boy Ray seemed to have heard him nonetheless. He raised his head and looked at them, his golden eyes sparkling with interest.

"Quidditch? What is that?" He asked softly.

Ron flushed, knowing he said something he shouldn't. Harry cursed silently, people now a day seem to have very good hearings.

"Um, it's just a," Harry tried desperately to make up a story. But the need was suddenly cut short.

With a sudden cry, Max leaped up from where he was sitting and stared at the surrounding trees. Everyone looked at him with surprise, and their attentions were directed away from Quidditch then.

"What is it, Max?" Ray asked.

Max stared at the unmoving trees, and then robbed his eyes. He said quizzically, "Maybe it's just me, but I could have sworn I saw some people walking in the forest."

They watched and listened, but nothing could be observed. Finally Max turned back, laughing at himself, "It's probably just me."

It was then when Harry heard a clear voice shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

A/N: How is that for a start? Please review! I want to hear from you all!