Pirates Of The Caribbean: Not all treasure is gold and silver

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to The Pirates of the Caribbean however any characters I do create are my own so no stealing!

Rated: R!! (Due to scenes of a sexual nature, violence and language)

Note: This is a continuation of the story about two years after the adventure. I have adjusted the storyline to suit my story but I have tried to stick to the true nature the best I can. I love reviews especially nice ones but don't forget if you flame, I do burn easily!

  In this story Elizabeth has a younger sister who did not come with her and her father to Port Royal but instead stayed in England.

Chapter 1:

   Elizabeth sighed and looked over the edge of the ship down at the deep crystal blue waters that the Commodore's ship, the Enlighten, now gently but swiftly glided through. It had been little over a month ago that her younger sister Alexandra had arrived in Port Royal to visit her and her father. It was also within that month of her arrival that pirates had attacked Port Royal and had taken Alexandra hostage. Of course Commodore Norrington, not wanting to lose the Governors faith in him, had organised a ship to follow after the pirates and bring Alexandra back to safety.

  Elizabeth had persuaded her father and the Commodore that it was necessary for her and Will to join them in the pursuit especially since they would be able to use their position as friends of Captain Jack Sparrow to their advantage. Her father had immediately agreed whereas the Commodore had been more reluctant to allow a Blacksmith to aid him in his rescue mission. A loud cry from one of the crewmembers broke Elizabeth's trail of thought.

"Ship to Port side Commodore. Ship to Port side."

  Elizabeth made her way to the port side along with a few other crewmembers and gazed at the dark speck that was a ship, which was gradually becoming clearer. Will came to stand beside her and placed a light kiss on her cheek, she leant into him gently looking up at him briefly before looking back towards the approaching ship.

"Will you don't think that ship could be the Black Pearl? If it is maybe Jack can help us because the Commodore can hardly keep up with that pirate ship."

"Knowing Jack to turn up when trouble is brewing I can give a good guess that it probably is. But he wont hang about for long so we will have to get onto his ship and loose the Commodore for his sake and your sisters."

  Elizabeth nodded and went quickly to her room packing a small bag with a few of their needed items. Slipping on a pair of Will's trousers beneath her gown just in case, Elizabeth made her way back up on deck placing the bag in one of the smaller rowboats.

  Commodore Norrington stood at the wheel watching both ships carefully. Hopefully the second ship that was approaching would keep its distance once it saw that this ship was one of the British Navy's Royal Fleet. It was then that he saw the shallows of the coral beds with juts of rock peering out above the top of the water, the first pirate ship was leading them onto a coral bed which probably knowing his luck the pirates knew their way through where as the Commodore did not.


The Commodore's voice rang out across the ship causing everyone to jump, there was a mad rush as the crew dropped the anchor and brought the ship to a gradual stop. However this was not enough and there sound of splintering wood as the Enlighten ran along the top on the coral reef caused everyone to fall silent. A crewmember came running up from below deck soon followed by a few others.

"We are taking on water Commodore what should we do?!"

The commodore glanced about and nodded.

"Abandon ship."

  Elizabeth and Will immediately ran to the rowboat that Elizabeth had placed her bag into and began to lower it, clambering in when Will cut the ropes to allow it to drop the rest of the way. Together they began to row slowly away from the now gradually sinking Enlighten, silently hoping that the ship they were heading for was the Black Pearl and not some unknown pirate ship that would make them walk the plank just for the thrill of it all.


  Meanwhile on the Black Pearl a very drunk but cheerful Jack Sparrow stood at the wheel of the boat humming a tune to himself and drinking from one of his numerous rum bottles. It had been a successful week for Jack, as they had pillaged several port towns on their way to Port Royal via Tortuga.

  Mr Gibbs had earlier sighted one of the infamous British Navy Ships and out of curiosity and partial temptation to see if the wonderful Commodore Norrington was aboard, Jack had set a direct course for the ship. Jack had taken a liking to the Commodore after his last two narrow escapes from being hung for his so called terrible deeds. He felt like giving the Commodore another glimpse at what he could never successfully catch, his beautiful baby, the Black Pearl.

"Captain Jack? Mr Gibbs has sighted a small rowing boat heading towards the Black Pearl."

  Anamaria stood by Jack un-phased by the strong smell of rum, he turned to look at her and gave her one of his toothy yet charming smiles.

"Really now? Did he say who was in this boat?"

"Yes Captain. There appears to be a young man and a lady together and nobody else. It also seems that the British ship seems to be sinking."

  Jack nodded and directed Anamaria to take the helm. Slowly Jack made his way towards Mr Gibbs, from the way he walked you couldn't tell if he was actually drunk or was it all put on for affect as his strides though only very slightly swayed were in a straight line.

"Mr Gibbs."

"Captain, what should I do about the rowboat? Do we drop the ladder and allow them to board?"

Jack lifted his telescope and looked toward the small boat approaching and broke out into a grin.

"Of course we must welcome our guests. We can't turn away the Governors' daughter and our good friend Will Turner, can we now Mr Gibbs!"

  Mr Gibbs nodded and smiled heading towards the cabins whispering to a few of the crewmates telling them who was arriving. Jack leant back on the heels of his boots and took a long drink from the bottle. It was clearly in Will's blood that he had the confidence to approach a pirate ship unarmed and unsure of whom it was. But all the same that lad was a pirate at heart and very much like his father.

    Will pulled himself up the rope ladder and over the side of the ship, there in front of him stood Jack Sparrow grinning like a madman and typically grasping a large rum bottle, they shook hands but were interrupted before either of them could speak by Elizabeth yelling from below from the rowboat.

"Will!! Are you alright? Is it okay for me to come up?"

  Before Will had chance to answer Jack has pushed passed him and was leaning over the edge of the Black pearl railing, rather too far for his liking and answering Elizabeth in his slightly drunken pirate drawl.

"Aye! You can come up if you promise not burn all my rum!"

  Elizabeth let out a soft laugh and smiled back up at Jack.

"I promise Jack. No burning any rum of any kind! Now hurry up and move so I can climb up!"


  It was now late evening and Jack, Will and Elizabeth sat in Jack's room around his table. They had all eaten and discussed the situation, of course Jack was consuming, along with the help of Will a rather large bottle of rum. Elizabeth sighed and listened to the pair as they argued the best way to rescue Alexandra. Elizabeth got up from the table and made her way over to the window and looked out.

"Now don't you worry Elizabeth. We will get your precious loving sister safely back from the grasps of those terrible pirates!" Jack had turned to face her and was looking fairly serious though the slight slur of his words lost that seriousness quite quickly. "As Captain of the Black Pearl I promise you that!"

"Its not that I don't trust you Jack, honestly I do you're the most dishonest honest man I have ever met. And as you once said you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. I just, well Alexandra can be a bit of a handful at times and she can sometimes be silly enough to say things and do things that can make matters worse. Also its been somewhat of a thing for her to meet a pirate, so being held ransom by a whole ship load may have made her not realise how much danger she is actually in."

Jack nodded and sighed, getting up he made his way over to Elizabeth and placed his hand over hers.

" You may think I am just some drunken pirate. But when I make a promise Elizabeth I intend to keep it. I'm sure your sister will be fine and now with the Black Pearl chasing that ship you needn't worry at all."

  Elizabeth looked up, tears in her eyes, she nodded and hugged Jack suddenly. She murmured a quiet thank you and left the room Will following her soon after. Jack sat down on the bed and looked at the bottle in his hand, he suddenly felt more sober. Seeing Elizabeth reduced to tears made him realise how much it meant to her that he was helping he just hoped that he could get that Alexandra back. Anyway, if this sister of hers looked anything as beautiful as Elizabeth…well, Jack gave a sly grin, who knew what might happen.


  Well that was it the first chapter of hopefully many. Please please please review and let me know what you think!! THANK YOU!!