Standard disclaimer applies.

As much as I would love to update this, certain priorities cannot be left unattended. Thank you so much for the reviews.

With adept hands, he undid her buttons and without breaking the passionate kiss they shared kicked open the door to the bedroom.

He ran his hands through her blond hair and started kissing her throat.

"Please. I cannot take it any longer. Take me." she whispered huskily.

And they made love the entire night.....

"Miss Seras? Miss Seras?"

At the break of dawn, she flipped him over and wantonly took the reins from that point onwards...


Seras looked up from the book she was reading.

"Oops, sorry Walter. I was sort of preoccupied with what I'm reading." she grinned sheepishly.

Walter merely raised an eyebrow at the book she was holding up and resisted the urge to grimace.

"A romance novel, Miss Seras?"

"Hur hur, yeah. Fabio looks mighty hot on the cover. I was able to buy it for about 10 pence at this bookstore at Oxford Street. Good deal, eh?"

Walter closed his eyes momentarily.

"When the sun sets, you march out with the troops to go on patrol duty."

"Mkay. Wanna come with, Walter?" Seras grinned at him.

"Miss Seras, someone has to make sure that the household is running smoothly. I just thought it'd be best to remind you. Now, I'll let you go back to reading that Fabio book of yours." Walter said.

Alucard was gently nibbling on Integra's lower lip and could feel her hands getting tangled in his hair.

"Alucard..." she whispered.


"I enjoy kissing you." she said shyly.

"Why thank you, Ma'am." he said cheekily as he pulled her in his arms. Trying to catch their breathing they lay quietly on the couch.

"Integra? Would you like to go out for dinner?" he asked her before kissing the top of her head.

"You mean right now?" Integra asked him back.

"I'm the one who's asking questions here. Shooting back with another question doesn't answer it, and I am not pleased." Alucard said, narrowing his eyes at Integra while tracing her jawline with the crook of his index finger.

Integra smiled softly up at him. "Alright. Let me just get dressed."

"Take your time. I'll wait for you at the lobby." Alucard said before shutting the door softly.

In an attempt to gather her wits, Integra immediately fired up a cigarette. She took a deep drag, holding the smoke in her lungs for a few precious moments and puffed. A string of cuss words followed.

"Just what the FUCK was that about, Integra?! Bleeding Christ, have you lost your mind woman?!" she muttered berating herself.

She flung open her closet door, still muttering more curses under her breath.

Integra chose a black cocktail dress which slightly bares her back, and a pair of red snakeskin stilettos.

"Too slutty for a first date." she said to herself.

"Holy shit. What do I do now?!" she said exasperatedly.

Reaching for her mobile, she rang up Seras.

"S-Sir Helsing?" Victoria stammered into her phone.

"Seras. Goddamit. Help me. I'm stuck in a very unpleasant situation." Integra barked into the phone.

Back in London, Seras stared incredelously at her phone. This is Integra Helsing. Asking for her help.

"How can I be of service, Sir?"

"Alucard and I are going out for dinner. I have nothing to wear. Well...I actually have things to wear, I went shopping today. But I have no idea whatsoever what to wear." Integra rapidly fired off to Seras.

"Oooh first date jitters eh?" Seras said giddily. "So what exactly are the options we are talking about here?" she asked Integra.

"Well there is this black dress which shows a bit of my back....I thought of pairing it with a pair of red shoes. But then again it might be a tad too whorish for a first date. And then there's another one in brown. But, you see Seras I am not really sure about this one either." Integra sighed.

"Why is that so, Sir?"

"It is quite revealing up front." Integra whispered.

"Brown seems to be a matronly color to wear on a first date. No offense, Sir Helsing." Seras said sagely.

"Hold on, there is this red dress that the sales lady recommended to me at Comme des Garçons in Ginza. She said the halter top – style would be making a huge come back this season or something." Integra said dubiously.

Seras could not believe what is happening right now. Here she is, talking on the phone with Integra Helsing about FASHION of all things.

"That sounds like a good idea. But don't wear the red shoes with that number. That's going overboard. By some chance do you have any strappy sandals there in a metallic color or something?" Seras asked.

"What are strappy sandals, Seras? This isn't a good time for a joke." Integra hissed.

What is it with people thinking that I am the butt of jokes?! Seras thought to herself.

"Strappy sandals are shoes that are not closed-toe. They usually have a clasp to secure them around your ankles." Seras explained.

"Oh those. Yes, I have a pair here." sounds of rummaging can be heard on the other end.

"Sir Integra, I hope you don't mind if I offer some unsolicited advice. But, try to relax. Have fun. You deserve to have a great time." Seras said.

"Thank you Seras." with that Integra clicked the phone off.

Grabbing a snakeskin clutch bag, she stashed her cigarette case, lipstick, credit card and hotel room key. Having second thoughts about stepping out of her room baring so much skin, she put on her coat. Feeling more secure, she headed for the elevator that would take her to the lobby where Alucard is waiting.

Resisting the urge to light up in the lift, Integra merely focused on the floor numbers. She had never gone out on a date in her entire life. Being the sole heir to the Helsing name does that to you. During the time when girls her age were going out to soirees with boys, she was learning how to shoot ghouls. Growing up really didn't give her the luxury to enjoy the frivolity that came with being a girl.

The pinging sound of the elevator broke Integra from her internal reverie. This is it, she thought to herself.

Integra stepped out and craned her neck to look for Alucard in the massive lobby of the hotel.

Alucard had been watching her from the reception desk where he had a limousine rented for their use for the evening. All that glorious blonde hair was tied primly into a ponytail. She ditched the glasses too. Nice, he thought.

He came forward to meet her, guiding her elbow.

"Going for a new look, Integra?" he whispered in her ear.

"I broke my glasses. Have to make do with these contact lenses until my new ones are available for pick up." she said.

A limousine was waiting out front for them, the uniformed chauffeur opened the door for them. As Integra slid into the vehicle, Alucard could not help but notice the flash of red hem, of course her legs did not escape his attention.

They had dinner at the Aragawa, which is the most expensive restaurant in Ginza. Integra enjoyed her meal of super premium Kobe beef. And since Alucard was not really eating his meal, he was having a blast ever since Integra handed her coat to the attendant who ushered them inside the red and gold interiors of the formal restaurant.

Damn, if only those old fogeys in London saw her right now. They'd be tripping over their feet to get to her. He thought. Too bad for them, she's with me tonight.

"Such a shame they really don't serve wine here, don't they?" Integra commented.

"I know a place where they have good wine." Alucard offered.

Drinks at the bar of the Imperial Hotel soon followed. After which they rode the elevator all the way up in Tokyo Tower.

"It's a very beautiful place, isn't it?" Integra said to Alucard.

Alucard loosened the top buttons of the white shirt he wore under his suit.

"It is." he said, looking at her face.

"Pity I can't really smoke here, can I?" Integra said, laughing softly. The alcohol was already starting to take effect.

"Integra. I-- I am not kidding with what I said earlier. I am very much willing to father Helsing's heir." Alucard said.

Integra kept quiet.

Did I run away from England because of what the Queen had ordered me to do? Going to a sperm bank could be easy, but discretion can also be bought for a price. And could be easily used for blackmail. This will be a very big leap of faith for me. She thought.


"Yes, Integra?"

She grabbed the back of his head and fiercely kissed him. "I accept your offer."

And leap she did.

Integra didn't know how they managed to go down from the viewing deck of Tokyo Tower to the back of the limousine and here she is now, in Alucard's suite.

Alucard gathered her in his arms and carried her to the bed, his lips never leaving hers the entire time. His heady kisses made her head spin with delight and as soon as she felt his hand fumbling with the knot that secured her dress at the back of her neck, she froze.

"You know I will never do anything to hurt you, Integra." he said, looking into her eyes.

"Promise me?" she asked.

"I promise. Because that's how much I love you."

Alucard had to exercise all self-restraint from sinking his teeth into Integra's neck at that moment. As soon as he was able to get her dress out of the way, he took a moment to admire the view of Integra lying naked in his bed with her hair fanned out behind her, with only her hands covering her ample breasts in a last attempt of modesty.

He slowly took his clothing off.

"Alucard, it—it—it's---how--" Integra stammered.

Alucard kissed her "Just relax. I will never hurt you." he said against her lips.

He gently pinned her hands above her head and gently sucked on each breast. Integra was thrashing her head about in pleasure and was moaning his name. Biding his time, he explored each and every inch of Integra's body that bought her to varying levels of intense pleasure.

By the time he thinks her body is ready, he slowly inched his way inside her. Integra's eyes watered and her nails raked his back. Her voice choked in pain.

"It will pass, love. I won't rush things." he assured her as he started kissing her softly.

Integra had never felt such pain in her entire life. After what seemed like long hours, the pain was replaced by pleasure. Alucard felt so full inside her and she starts grinding her hips. Once more raking her nails on his back, she could not resist but bite his shoulder because of the intense pleasure she was feeling.

With their toes curling, they both reached their peak.

Integra sank back in the cushions and was flushing in embarrassment. Alucard was grinning down at her, as he gently eased out of her.

"Did I disappoint you?" he asked.

"You were never a disappointment, Alucard." Integra said, her eyes fluttering from the exhaustion.

Alucard laid down beside her, pulling Integra onto his chest and for the first time felt at peace before sleeping.

January 13, 2009

3:49 am