Scarlet Lady: The Toshin Quest

By Indigo Siren

Disclaimer: Tekken is © to Namco, and that all characters mentioned from under this label are only used in this fan fiction for entertainment purposes only. No money is being made from this story; it is just for fun. I do however own the basic concept and characters of my own creation.

A/N: This story is an alternative universe story, so it basically doesn't follow the Tekken line and runs on a new setting, so things won't follow as they originally would. Some characters will be changed slightly, though their characters are hopefully not too OOC, but saying that, they probably are. To take note, the Tekken tournament doesn't exist and neither does the Cold Sleep experiment. Anna is now born part of the generation of what we class as our young Tekken 3 crew (Like Xiaoyu etc…). Also, no flames. No point to them. If you don't like, just don't review.


Christmas time - 2003

The night air was crisp and cold, just as expected with the winter climate at that time of year. Everyone was willing to run and escape the frozen outside world and return to the peace and warmth of their houses. And for a fact, nobody could blame them. With the time of year, came much work to be done and the heavy rush had got people wanting to escape the bustle and labour that lay out ahead of them. Two whole weeks were left till Christmas, and shopping days were the worst in this period. The shop owners were glad to finally lock the doors in the evening as the streets turned from that of swarmed hives to empty stretches in no time.

Though soon, they were filled with that of milling people whom were just leaving a theatre from seeing a Christmas talent show.

Children were screaming and running around their parents, who were striking up conversations with old faces. Two particular people walked away with no intentions to stop and talk in the cold. A mother and her young eight-year-old daughter were hurrying to get off the streets, and to return to their warm, family home.

The girl sighed, steam tickling at the air. The sad look on her face earned her a gentle hug from her mother as they continued on their way home.

"I'm sorry that you didn't come first, sweetie. I know it was a shame that that little girl won."

The soft ocean blue eyes of the eight-year-old looked up to her mother's. "It was unfair. We were tied in votes and she was only chosen picked because she was younger and cuter then me."

"She was a good little dancer, but I don't think that she should have been picked over my little angel with the powerful singing voice."

The child seemed to glow at that remark. "It doesn't matter. I'll win next year."

Her mother smiled, happy to see her daughter with such a positive attitude. "Yes, I'm sure you will."

By the time they'd left the high street, people had started to disappear behind closed doors and coming onto a long street just off the town centre, it was most plainly obvious that everything was shut up tightly and everyone gone home. It was all very dark and quiet.

The mother hummed jingles bells to herself, prompting her daughter to sing over it. They both ended up chuckling together as they both tried to do different voices to go with the song.

It was a few moments later that the little girl felt a cold chill creep up her back. Firstly, she thought it could be the cool wind up her little fur trimmed jacket, but she felt as if her blood was sparking - even could be said to have ignited with a sense of fear. Something was about to happen…

… And it did.

Something dark rushed in-between her and her mother, sending the young girl crashing down onto the hard pavement, while her mother was grasped by this dark form. This entity that had appeared out of the nothingness - the dark.

"RUN AWAY! HIDE!" Her mother was screaming as she being wrapped up in the dark limbs of this creature that the little girl could barely see. She couldn't believe what was going on, or why she was just suddenly standing there, wanting to help her mother. But those cries were forceful to her and she was running onwards down the empty street, listening in horror to her mother's shrieks. She ignored the sharp aching in her elbows and knees from her hard landing as ran with everything she had.

Turning onto a new street, the girl dove into the cover of a dark porch. She couldn't run on. She couldn't leave her mother to die, but if she went back, she'd surely be hurt too. She slowed her breathing feeling her tears streaming down her face. All she could do was listen and wait, fingers wanting to dig out the bricks on the wall she clenched to.

Her mother's screams had faded into a distant echo. Then, nothing. She held her breath to listen more closely for any sounds.

No, still nothing.

She jumped as she heard the loudest, heart-piercing hiss, cry out into the night as the monster was suddenly in the air close to where she was. She froze up, trying not to breath or even shudder in fear. She realised it wasn't even looking at her, just hovering there, sniffing at the air. This demonic looking creature was like a large dark shadow, shaped with lumps and bulges in all grotesque sizes and cohesion.

There were suddenly very far voices shouting, alarmed by the screams they had heard earlier. The creature heard this and didn't stick around. It spread it's large bat wings and took off into the night, screeching with the most hideous voice that echoed on for miles when it was gone.

The child was shaking, sliding away from the porch, watching the sky, afraid it would come back. When she was sure that she was well and truly alone, she was running again, back the way she'd come.

Back on that street where she'd been with her mother, she searched for any signs of her, calling her name.

She stopped, panting, tears clouding her vision as she came to the spot where she and her mother and been brought apart by the creature. It was then when she looked down that she saw a trail of fresh blood, flowing in a long river down from an alley beside a small supermarket.

She dared walk towards that alley, but it was impulse to see if her mother was okay. When she finally came to stand in that darkened alley, she hardly remembered hearing her own long, shrill scream of horror.


The bloody, torn body of a young mother was pulled from that alley, her body nothing more then a raw hull of cuts and gouges. Police and ambulance crews surrounded the area, lighting up the once dark street with blinking lights of blue and red. That's all the young eight-year-old could remember. The lights and the sorrow, as she stared, face still frozen in that of horror of what she'd seen. They'd try to talk to her, but her lips moved without the speech to follow.

Her father and older sister came; his comfort however was not to the daughter who had been there as a witness of this terror, but his sweet older child, who bawled and wailed over the sounds of murmuring voices between the officers. She was screaming words of anger at her little sister, words that a child couldn't understand - words that tipped the balance between harsh and cruel. But all the child did was stand there and accept it all.

That was the day the life of young Anna Williams changed forever…


How can a world suddenly come to that of demons? Where did it all begin?

Humans were always the most dominating force that enveloped Earth. The first of the revolutionised creations that ruled the lands. They were the claimed high species of power that had earned the right to rule the grounds for their own. They lived knowing only of themselves, believing creatures of the night and aliens to be nothing more then tales told around the campfire. This was until the rising of beings that were far from human, which had lived in silence and fear for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. Their days of hiding in the darkness came to an end.

They were demons, creatures that were never truly what the humans could call 'normal'. Lots of different kinds, all looking for salvation from the darkness.

The humans feared them, cursed them and tried to force them away. For some time it worked, but in the modern day society, the many rules of justice and equality in the abiding law system gave the opportunity for these demons to demand asylum and plead their case to be a part of the culture and everyday running. In the end, they won their case and were allowed to walk amongst the men and women, who loathed sharing a world with such things. This had been going on for many years, though it only came into full acknowledgement in the middle of the last century.

With such discrimination, many hid in the guise of human for understanding, while others lived in the shadows, trying to lead lives honourably without having to cause disruption to others. And so, everything would continue to run as it always would, and as life was supposed to.

With these new beings came the inevitable dividing line of those who were good and those who were evil; and with this came the doubt of what side each of them was truly on. Was this a case of being afraid to trust? Well, humanity decided to do something about it. They wanted to uphold the trust and peace, but yet manage to keep an organised society, though it did seem it was in the midst of a dividing plan.

Not just everyday police dealt with the operations, but special trained forces with highly trained and educated people who could work the field.

With these new beings, new crime hit the streets. Good or bad, the law needed to be upheld, with whatever they bring…

… And one particular woman is ready to stand and fight for this new course of justice…